Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls


This template displays two formulas derived from the datamined gold reward values for The Elder Scrolls Online quests based on the quest difficulty. It was not provided by ZeniMax Online Studios, but was instead found by plotting the known gold values and analyzing the results, which were two linear progressions intercepting between the levels 15 and 16.

From there, the slopes and Y-intercepts of the two lines were calculated. The CON_APPROPRIATE or "Standard" difficulty is the baseline for all the other gold values; additional known multipliers based on those values were then applied to those results. These are defined numbers based on the difficulty of the quest in the eyes of ZeniMax Online Studios.

See this discussion for more information.


Note that some gold values were rounded by default. For example, the gold reward for completing a quest with the difficulty CON_TRIVIAL at level 3 is 18 gold (compared to 73 gold at level 3 for CON_APPROPRIATE), even though 73×0.25 is actually 18.25, not 18.0. As a result of such discrepancies, the slopes calculated from those values are not precisely 8/1 or 4/1, as the template displays, but they are close enough that the intended slopes are still clear. The calculated slopes were approximately 7.916/1 and 3.912/1, respectively.

Some values calculated with the formulas will not line up precisely with known gold values due to these rounding errors. For example, the calculated value for level 4 at CON_TRIVIAL is 20.25 gold, compared to the known value of 21 gold. Naturally, this effect is exacerbated with higher multipliers.


In the following list, the capitalized names were taken from in-game Globals (archive). The parenthesized names were taken from a list provided by ZeniMax Online Studios employee Jessica Folsom on the ESO Forums. While the numbers given in her forum post are XP values which differ slightly from the gold rewards, the gold multipliers are clearly evident from the list of known gold rewards. They are as follows:

  • CON_TRIVIAL (Very Easy) = ×0.25
  • CON_EASY (Easy) = ×0.5
  • CON_APPROPRIATE (Standard) = ×1
  • CON_DIFFICULT (Hard) = ×1.25
  • CON_IMPOSSIBLE (Very Hard) = ×2

To use the template properly, place one of the following in the "gold reward" variable of {{OnlineQuests}}:


"Trivial" makes:

Lvl 3–15: ((PC×8)+49)×0.25
Lvl 16+: ((PC×4)+105)×0.25


"Easy" makes:

Lvl 3–15: ((PC×8)+49)×0.5
Lvl 16+: ((PC×4)+105)×0.5


"Appropriate" makes:

Lvl 3–15: ((PC×8)+49)×1.0
Lvl 16+: ((PC×4)+105)×1.0


"Difficult" makes:

Lvl 3–15: ((PC×8)+49)×1.25
Lvl 16+: ((PC×4)+105)×1.25


"Impossible" makes:

Lvl 3–15: ((PC×8)+49)×2.0
Lvl 16+: ((PC×4)+105)×2.0

If an incorrect variable is entered (or if none is entered at all), the template will display an error message linking to the documentation page:

Error: no multiplier variable given (help).

Gold values[]

Full credit to the UESP for datamining these values through the uespLog add-on. Users who have purchased ESO Plus should multiply the values in this table ×1.1 for accurate data.

Level Very Easy Easy Standard Hard Very Hard
3 18 36 73 91 146
4 21 42 85 106 170
5 23 46 93 116 186
6 24 49 98 122 196
7 26 53 106 132 212
8 28 57 114 142 228
9 30 61 122 152 244
10 32 65 130 162 260
11 34 69 138 172 276
12 36 73 146 182 292
13 38 76 153 191 306
14 40 80 160 200 320
15 42 84 168 210 336
16 42 84 169 211 338
17 43 86 173 216 346
18 44 88 177 221 354
19 45 90 181 226 362
20 46 92 185 231 370
21 47 94 189 236 378
22 48 96 193 241 386
23 49 98 196 245 392
24 50 100 200 250 400
25 51 102 204 255 408
26 52 104 208 260 416
27 53 106 212 265 424
28 54 108 216 270 432
29 54 109 219 273 438
30 55 111 223 278 446
31 56 113 227 283 454
32 57 115 231 288 462
33 58 117 235 293 470
34 59 119 239 298 478
35 60 121 243 303 486
36 61 123 247 308 494
37 62 125 251 313 502
38 63 127 255 318 510
39 64 129 259 323 518
40 65 131 263 328 526
41 66 133 266 332 532
42 67 135 270 337 540
43 68 137 274 342 548
44 69 139 278 347 556
45 70 141 282 352 564
46 71 143 286 357 572
47 72 145 290 362 580
48 73 147 294 367 588
49 74 149 298 372 596
50 75 151 302 377 604

Levels 1–2 are not included in this list because no quests can normally be completed at those levels; by the time the game's tutorial has been completed, one's player character should have already reached level 3.

See also[]
