Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Mr. hayward Mr. hayward 21 days ago

encouraging gamers to play

so, if you are feeling down, or just have rage quit a game because it is too hard, here is some advice I want to share with you:

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Sllocsredle Sllocsredle 5 May

Snowstone Rest

Snowstone Rest

Snowstone Rest is a tavern if you did not know, this is just little info on the beginning locale info in place at least what I would like to consider part of Elder Scrolls VI, I do not like outside words replacing where a designated place is supposed to be or a place confused with a different series. The tavern looks like the local tavern you would have thought was in Skyrim, such a beautiful transformation coming into the next chapter such as you will hear both outside and inside of the game leaving you breathless and wanting to stick around Snowstone Rest for awhile through your adventures

The place does not have much to offer just yet, some little outside places spruce up the tavern, there are no animals outside the place, …

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The Rim of the Sky The Rim of the Sky 1 March

Kurt Kuhlmann, Will Shen, and many other developers let go from Bethesda amid production of The Elder Scrolls VI

Amid a series of lay-offs by Microsoft, many long-time developers at Bethesda have been laid off by the company. Kurt Kuhlmann, who has been with the company since 1996 and was a key designer on many titles such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, has been unexpectedly let go from the company. Many who worked with Kurt spoke highly of him, calling him the "torchbearer of keeping Tamriel’s more unique qualities and ideas alive", with Skyrim writer Shane Liesegang stating that the "bible" of The Elder Scrolls is "Kurt's brain".

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GreyFox06 GreyFox06 26 April 2023

Interactive Maps: Procedures and Best Practice

Interactive maps are a relatively new Fandom feature that allows editors to create customised maps with markers using custom icons that can show images, link to pages and provide additional context. Given both the prevalence and importance of world maps in media, it is important that the wiki be able to communicate locations visually in an effective medium, and not just in prose. This, however, has been historically difficult due to a lack of any standardised means or methodology of creating a map that accurately reflects the media it represents, can be frictionlessly integrated into articles and avoids editorial bias. Interactive maps provide editors the means to create a well-formatted and well-presented map that can be easily added to …

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Mr. hayward Mr. hayward 25 February 2023

Skyrim: moonpath to elswyr: waiting for a star to fall

this is the video about my recording of the thalmor dancing corpse glitch I have found in the game Skyrim in the mod moonpath to elswyr. and I have made a music video using waiting for a star to fall by boy meets girl.

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Awibus Awibus 11 January 2023

My fave one is elder scrolls. I’ve almost completely finished the game

I’ve almost finished the game!!! I’ve died way to much

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HardLightArt HardLightArt 19 July 2022

such a pathetic thing to do

When a person has an unconfirmed possibility in a trivia section of a page already up and permitted, to remove a second piece of trivia that is similar in unconfirmed supposition for "speculation" reasons is a weak as shit reason for any mods on this site. I even put in the reasons that as the other one is similarly unconfirmed there should be no problem.

But apparently you need to be a certain type of person to be permitted to put speculation up on a site while leaving nothing there that is confirmed. it's weak as shit sauce and you know it.

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The Rim of the Sky The Rim of the Sky 16 June 2022

Voice Actor Billy Kametz, Age 35, Passes Away from colon cancer

Billy Kametz passed away on June 9, 2022 after a battle with colon cancer. He lent his voice to many characters in The Elder Scrolls Online, including the High Isle chapter.

Kametz was known for many voice dubbing roles such as Josuke Higashikata in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, Naofumi Iwatani in The Rising of the Shield Hero, Ferdinand von Aegir in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Niccolo in Attack on Titan, Colt in Brawl Stars, and Takuto Maruki in Persona 5 Royal.

The game's twitter account stated "We are deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Billy Kametz. Billy was a talented voice actor and singer who voiced several NPCs for ESO, including some found in the High Isle Chapter. Our sympathies and condolences are with his f…

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Windblast Windblast 2 June 2022

The Stormcloaks are the good guys

When arguing about the skyrim civil war people seem to look at it through a consequentialist lens where an action is only wrong if the outcome is bad, They completely ignore the action in of itself and will justify the murder of innocents if they believe it leads to the "Greater good" This is exactly how Imperial arguments go

They will say that if the stormcloaks win the thalmor will have no problem taking down humanity so it becomes acceptable to join the legion and kill the stormcloaks, But the stormcloaks are simply people who have had their religion outlawed and their family members dragged off to their execution and torture chambers by inquisitors that the empire unleashed on skyrim, Stormcloaks are not being unethical when they fight …

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Nehpys Nehpys 30 April 2022

Setting Up - The Older Scrolls II: Daggerfall

This instructional guide is the second in a four-part series on how to install the older "" games (referred to as "The Older Scrolls"), , , , and .

This article focuses on , the 1996 action-adventure role-playing fantasy game created by Bethesda Softworks. For its prequel, see Setting Up - The Older Scrolls I: Arena. For its sequel, see Setting Up - The Older Scrolls: Adventures - Redguard.

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Lord Valatar Lord Valatar 6 February 2022

Tribute to Adam Adamowicz

On the 9th of February, 2012, almost a year after Skyrim was originally released, The primary concept artist of The Elder Scrolls V, died of Lung cancer.

As is probably the case with any here, we all love Skyrim, as why else would we have come together as a great big fandom of Elder Scrolls fanatics? Therefor I would like to take 10 minutes of my time to write a little message dedicated to the man who created some of Skyrim's most incredible Structures and locations.

Adam designed the mysterious Dwemer ruins, whose inner workings are debated very much to this day, Responsible for the design of Nordic ruins, Draugr and Dragon priests. I want to say Thank you Adam, for helping visualise the game that many of us still adore 11 years since it wa…

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Northwestkiwi Northwestkiwi 13 January 2022

Liberation of Skyrim glitch on Switch

I'm on the Nintendo Switch and experiencing the glitch with Ulfric failing to offer quest dialogue to continue the Liberation of Skyrim. I'm REALLY hoping someone here can help me resolve it, because of course my last full save is from a long time ago, and I've leveled up significantly and completed a bunch of quests in the interim!

I've completed the Dragonslayer questline, and killed Alduin. The Battle of Whiterun is finished (but the battle music still plays intermittently). Balgruuf is still on the throne though, and I don't have fast travel icons for Whiterun or the Stables.

I've tried:

  • Walking into Windhelm from outside the city (not fast traveling to the city or the Palace)
  • Attacking Ulfric and letting the guards kill me
  • Attacking Ulfric…
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Poisoned apples Poisoned apples 21 August 2021

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 10th Anniversary Edition Revealed

No, you're not seeing things, Todd's gone and done it again; another edition of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been revealed! It was announced this week that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition will be dropping on November 11, 2021, in time for the 10th anniversary of the original release of Skyrim.

The Anniversary Edition includes The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition as well as 74 creations from the Creation Club. Altogether, this is around 500 individual elements (quests, items, armor, houses, etc).

If you already own Special Edition or you are an Xbox Game Pass subscriber, you will have the option to purchase an upgrade to the Anniversary Edition for your Special Edition. Otherwise, you will receive access to Fishing, Survival Mode, …

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Atvelonis Atvelonis 30 July 2021

How to Use the Fandom API to Moderate Your Wiki's Discussions

This blog contains information about the Fandom Discussions API. I update it periodically from a transcluded document in my userspace called User:Atvelonis/Bot/Discussions API, where I keep my bot files. If you have questions or clarifications about this documentation, please leave me a message on my talk page or reach out to me on Discord (Atvelonis#9495).

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 17 July 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 33

Table of Contents

30th of Frostfall

The first snows had come early but only as a harbinger of what was to follow later.  The temperature, however, required anyone but the hardiest Nords to don their hats and gloves and furs and heavy cloaks earlier than was usual.

I returned to my cottage long enough to reacquaint myself with it, unpack my belongings, and to fill the remainder of my book shelves and commission new ones to hold the many volumes I brought back from Cyrodiil.

"You have free rein, Nabil." I said.  "I will stay with my sister in Whiterun for several days.  You need not worry about disturbing me with your work."

"This one is happy to see Noxaura return." The Khajiit said.  "But Nabil's heart is heavy to see Noxaura so abused."

“It is n…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 17 July 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 32

Table of Contents

28th of Hearthfire

I returned to the land of the living with no memory of where I was or how I came to be there.  My eyes were bandaged, as was one of my hands, but my ears continued to function and the sound of a man and a woman praying quietly were quite clear.  The motion of my hand as it explored the bandage on my face interrupted the prayers in mid-sentence.

“Do not stir, sister.” Giselle’s voice said.  “All is well; or, at least, as well as can be expected.  Above all, do not touch your face, or your neck or your head.  And avoid using your left hand and arm.”

“That is a rather extensive list.” I said as I removed my undamaged hand from my eyes and concentrated on simply breathing in and out.  My mouth and throat were qu…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 16 July 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 31

Table of Contents

There was traffic, but luckily no one who recognized Kurst; at least no one who Kurst recognized.  It had not occurred to me that there was a danger of him being recognized this close to his home.  He had concealed his armor under his borrowed cloak, and rudimentary fur chaps concealed his legs, but he could not change his face or the way he sat a horse or comported himself.  My own cloak was pulled close around me to conceal my own unique armor, but my hood remained lowered so that all could see my darker appearance.

“I do not believe a bonnet suits me in any way.” He said as he adjusted his borrowed headgear again.

“I like it.” I said with a smile.  “It gives you a dashing quality.”

“It cannot begin to compare to your marve…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 10 July 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 30

Table of Contents

24th of Hearthfire

Aric had given Jordis leave to arrive separately at the stables.  It would take a short time to load our remaining baggage into the wagon, and for the eight members of our party to arrive from the temple, and there was no point in robbing Jordis and Rafel of their last few hours together.

The stable master had taken the mock warning he received to heart and had employed four of the city guard to watch our wagon and belongings.  Our draft horse, which had done little more than walk the nearby pasture in the recent weeks, was equally excited and reluctant to be roused out of his warm stable so early.  Eventually Kolmas and his charges and Jordis arrived, and the stable area was abuzz with activity and convers…

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Fundom user Fundom user 6 July 2021

The relation between Time and the Aurbis

In this Blog I will provide my understanding of information from various texts that revolves around the Aurbis.

I'd like to note that the claims on this blog contain only my interpretation of in-game texts, not anything that should be treated as absolute facts.

In order to better understand the information and explanations that will be discussed in this blog it is important to understand that Alduin is the Aurbis- the Elder Scrolls' universe. I have explained this claim in my previous blog post; Alduin and his nature. I recommend checking it out in order to properly understand the claims that will be mentioned in this blog.

In short, the Yokudan and Argonian creation myths depict Alduin as a fusion of Anu and Padomay, and as such, they also d…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 4 July 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 29

Table of Contents

23rd of Hearthfire

“It will take a good portion of the day, but it will correct a serious error on my part.” Aric said.  “I should have delayed our departure when last we were here until my work was truly completed.”

“I have not your skill in enchanting, but I will assist you in any way possible.” I said.

It was mid-morning when Aric and I emerged from our room for our late breakfast, a breakfast that was nearly concluded when Runa joined us for an even later meal.

“What is the matter with your neck?” she asked me as she sat down.

“My neck?” I asked as my fingers searched for the source of her concern.

“You have been bitten by something while you slept.” She said.

My fingers identified the suspect area.

“You are only partially cor…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 4 July 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 28

Table of Contents

22nd of Hearthfire

“Remember; do not wait until the roads are impassable.” I said to my mother.

“I have been known to take journeys and arrive successfully without your advice, dear.” my mother said in reply as she reached up and brushed the stray hairs away from my face.

“Never fear, lady.” Rafel said.  “I will ensure that we make an early start, and arrive in Whiterun well before the snows set in.  Your mother will be safe with me.”

“You are certain I do not ask too much of you?” I asked the battle mage.

“I had it in my mind already to visit Skyrim in the near future.” Rafel said as his eyes went to Jordis.  “I am happy to have a traveling companion along the way.”

My mother and I embraced one last time before I climbed up int…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 4 July 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 27

Table of Contents

19th of Hearthfire

“We knew he would not let us leave without taking his revenge.” I said.

“Yes.” Aric said.  “But I underestimated the number of men he had at his disposal.”

“He was referred to as a Hedge Lord, beloved.” I said.  “Surely that argued a certain number of men.”

“I take your point.” Aric said.  “But the term is more loosely used in Skyrim.  This man was a hedge lord indeed.”

We were required to wait until the morning to make a full count.  And it took some time for my three attendants in dark blue to find the body of the man that was the objective of their search.

“That’s Zedrick, your Grace.” Kolmas said, pointing to a man a bit older than Aric who was wearing what under other circumstances would be considered out…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 26 June 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 26

Table of Contents

18th of Hearthfire

“Sisters, I have never seen your armor shine so brightly.” I said to the two housecarls.

“We applied extra effort in our polishing.” Jordis said.  “It is not every day one is in the presence of the Emperor.”

“Not every day for most.” Rigel said with a smile.  “Some of us meet him regularly.”

“You have met him only once before.” Joris said.  “How often must you bring this up?”

“As often as you bring up Silent Moons battlefield.” Rigel replied.

“Do you two truly still argue over this?” Lucia asked.  She had returned quite late after escorting Rene back to the Mage’s guild hall; quite late, but also quite happy.

“Sisters, you are radiant.” I said as I looked at her and Runa.

“You are also, sister” Lucia replied, “T…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 26 June 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 25

Table of Contents

17th of Hearthfire

“This one’s heart was broken when she heard of Noxaura’s ordeal.” The Khajiit said as we sat in the private dining room over the remains of our breakfast.  “Nahana thanks the Gods to see Noxaura looking well.”

“I thank you, my friend.” I replied.  “I am much recovered.  A host of friends aid me in my recovery.”

It was indeed a group effort that I had to thank for my recovery, aided by my own healing spell and one of Aric’s small potions, both of which were administered as I retired on my own rented bed with Aric a warm and familiar comfort by my side.

“We removed her bandages this morning.” Aric said to the Khajiit and Elven pair that was visiting us to share their news.  “She and my daughter Lucia resemble …

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 26 June 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 24

Table of Contents

16th of Hearthfire

“You are a mirror image of what I must have resembled as I lay in bed after my own battle.” Lucia said from where she sat at the edge of my borrowed mattress, her smile and her laugh both lifting my spirits.

“That is true, though I lack the bandages on my torso that you required.” I said as I glanced under the covers at my naked form.

“Gods,” I said, “It was not Rafel that removed my bloody clothing, was it?”

Lucia’s smile and laughter increased.

“No.” she answered. “Rafel carried you up to this room, placed you on this bed, and then barred the door with a ward and allowed no one entry, fearing other members of his guild might also be cultists.  He sent a servant to the arboretum to fetch reinforcements, but …

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 12 June 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 21

Table of Contents

Our party of five walked northeast towards the city jails while my purchases, with the aid of two youths who were employed by the Merchant’s Inn, traveled southwest to our lodgings.

“Our efforts are probably for naught.” I said.  “But I confess that I took pleasure in the charade.”

“As did I.” Aric said.  “You have a devious mind, madam.  But do not underestimate our chances.”

“Would Rene have offered her assistance if they had seen through my deception?” I asked.

“The look she gave both me and the Thane was the genuine article.” Ensim said.

“I would watch your back, milord.” Toinen said, “And stay out of dark alleys.”

“It is sound advice for all of us.” Aric said.  “But the Reverend Mother sets her own trap, so we are not the o…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 12 June 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 22

Table of Contents

15th of Hearthfire

Our collection of wounds from the night before were varied but none of them were serious, requiring only ointment, bandages, and a small amount of healing potion.  Healing potion washed down with ale or wine, depending upon preference, as well as a late night supper of bread and cheese and a vow of silence from the night attendant, who had heard from his daytime counterpart the tales of the Prefect and her clandestine missions in defense of the Empire; a vow of silence strengthened by gold.

Sulla was in residence in the city jail, but not before being informed that any expectation of assistance from within the city guard would be unfulfilled.

“He recognized none of you.” I said to Ensim, Toinen and Kolmas.


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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 12 June 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 23

Table of Contents

“Forgive me for my lateness, sir.” I said to Jofarr at the entrance to the mage’s guild hall.  “It took longer to slip away than I had expected.”

“You are here now madam, which is all that matters.” Joraff said before addressing Rigel.  “I will see her safely returned to you, warrior.  Never fear for her safety while she is in my care.”

The Divines detest a liar. I thought, but your sins are much greater than that.

“Do not stay too long, sister.” Rigel said to me.  “We depart early, and you need your rest, and I can only divert the Thane for so long.”

“You depart tomorrow, madam?” Jofarr asked after Rigel had departed.

“Sadly, yes.” I said.  “The Thane’s business is concluded, and he believes we are under some vague threat. …

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DrowzeeeIF DrowzeeeIF 11 June 2021

Idk what badges do but I want them anyway so this is a blog

I'm pretty sure that today is June 10th, 2021.

My brain can only comprehend Skyrim and ESO but ESO has cringe microtransactions and it takes up 100 gb. I've tried Oblivion but now I'm stuck on the main quest and I move too slow to prompt exploration. Tis' the way of the heavy armor class I guess. Ok byeeeee

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 2 June 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 20

Table of Contents

14th of Hearthfire

“Who are the two women who sit there, across the room from us?” I asked the morning attendant as he collected the remainder of our breakfast.

The two women, who were slightly younger that I was, had already glanced at us several times, and I was convinced that their smiles, giggles, and whispered conversation must certainly be about me and Aric.

“They arrived yesterday afternoon, Prefect.” The man answered.  “While you were meeting with the Emperor.” He said in a louder voice meant to be heard by the entire common room.  “They have the room next to yours.”

Gods. I thought.  Last night.  They heard us.

“It is not the first time that others have heard you pray to the Gods in both that manner and at that volume.” …

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 2 June 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 19

Table of Contents

The room we entered was smaller but still large, as was the number of people within it.  But for every eye present, there was only one point of focus; the elderly, bearded, stately figure dressed in somewhat subdued clothing who sat at the far end of the room, speaking to a man a woman and a teenaged girl.

“Please wait here.” The man who escorted us in said as he pointed to an area to stand.

“Kurst was correct.” I said.  “This room was certainly used to store food at some point.  It is positively cold.”

“We are surrounded by a great deal of stone.” Aric said.  “And the castle is built on an excellent foundation of rock.”

“There are no chairs but for the one on which the Emperor sits.” I said to Aric as the man walked up to an …

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 24 May 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 18

Table of Contents

12th of Hearthfire

“You will return them to me immediately or the Magistrate in Chorrol will hear of this.” The Prioress Selvia Varo said in increasing volume and pitch.

“Madam, you are mad.” Kurst said from his saddle.

“We have neither seen them, nor do we know when they have gone.” I said to the highly agitated woman.

We had departed early, our route following the main road southeast to the Imperial City.  The sun, therefore, was still early in its own journey through the morning sky when we again passed by the Priory.  Unlike our last passage the Prioress virtually pounced upon is as we arrived.

“Two girls, traveling on foot with few provisions, cannot have gotten far without assistance.” Aric said.  “They said nothing to yo…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 24 May 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 17

Table of Contents

11th of Hearthfire

“It is clear that we must not engage these cultists without assistance.” Aric said.  “The only reason that Noxaura and I fared as well as we did was because of Lucia’s assistance.”

“Lacking an army of powerful mages, summonings are our best source of reinforcements.” I said.  “I have a passing knowledge of summonings, as does the Archmage.  With his assistance, I will modify the spells on both my rings to trigger something other than bound weapons.”

“It is an excellent idea.” Rafel Drunel said.  “If you daughters had been so equipped, they would have fared better.”

“That is True.” Aric said.

“It significantly reduces the time to summon aid.” I said, “though it is the nature of these devices and the enchantmen…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 24 May 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 16

Table of Contents

Oh, Divine Force,

Spirit of All Creation,

Highest Personality,

Divine Presence, manifest in every living being.

Supreme Soul manifested as the Divine Mother and as the Divine Father

I bow in deepest reverence.

“You will know it by heart soon enough.” I said to Anja.  “It is the first Divine Utterance all Novices learn.”

Divine Mother I know refers to Mother Cybele.” Anja said.  “But who is Divine Father?”

Suretta smiled, as did I.

“Sister, has there yet been a Novice that has not asked that question?” I asked Suretta.  “I recall clearly when I asked it of Mother Pevel.”

“I asked it of Mother Oranius.” Suretta said.

“It is the first Divine Utterance to be learned because it is one of the oldest.” I said.  “The identity of Divine Father ha…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 13 May 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 15

Table of Contents

10th of Hearthfire

Both the injured women slept peacefully during the night and continued to do so this morning.  Rigel and Jordis sat watch and watch, not allowing the women to be alone.  Jordis left her post finally, bound for her own bed, when Giselle arrived to relieve the housecarl and assume her duty.

Aric and I had each risen from our bed during the night to check on his daughters’ condition.  Each of us observed two women, heavily bandaged, but breathing deeply and easily, still under the effect of Aric’s healing potion, and my healing spell.

“You are forbidden from stirring for yet another hour.” I said to him as I slipped out of bed and began to dress in the morning.  “The Countess rises much later than Archmage or …

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 6 May 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 14

Table of Contents

9th of Hearthfire

“Your village should be safe, at least from these forces.” Aric said to those villagers who chose to assemble so early to bid us farewell.  Owing to Rigel’s practice of beginning weapons practice before her watch had reached its end, and the resulting noise, it was a fair sized group.

“You must decide for yourselves where your futures lie.” Aric said to the two youths we have rescued so many months ago.  “I was not much older than either of you when I decided that the small community that was my home was no longer large enough to hold either my imagination of my ambition.  I will ensure that both of you have resources in Chorrol on which you may draw whatever you may decide.”

“Thank you, milord, for rescuing…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 6 May 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 13

Table of Contents

“Captain Kurst will have Kolmas under his command during the second watch.” Aric said to Ellne’s father.  “He will require someone from your village to complete his number.”

“I can take on that task.” The man said.

“It should be someone who can defend himself, if required.” Aric said.

“Give me a stout club, milord, and I will do my duty.” The man replied.

“Very well.” Aric said.  “It only remains to fill the third watch, which I will command.”

The hour was later and growing later.  Ellne was returned to her family, and the comfort of her own bed.  Lucien and Adrian’s return was somewhat delayed as they assisted in the protection of their village, their serious faces, those portions that could be seen past their helms, and their…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 6 May 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 12

Table of Contents

8th of Hearthfire

The sun had begun to climb the morning sky, a sky totally devoid of clouds, bringing the promise of a hot day, and a level of discomfort for those of us who chose to wear armor.  Rigel continued her practice of waking our five soldiers in training in the middle of her watch, which was still the last watch of the night.

“It has the additional benefit of insuring that there are no late risers in our party.” Aric said.

“I cannot tell you how much I yearn for a late rise in a feather bed.  Or an afternoon nap in my shady hammock, the sound of the waterfalls lulling me to sleep.” I said.

“You will soon be too busy running an ever expanding temple complex for late rises.” Aric said.  “But you will, at least, still …

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 6 May 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 11

Table of Contents

“By my count, this is the third time you have simply walked up to an enemy force and engaged them in conversation.” Runa said.

I was about to reply but took a moment to consider.

“Do you include the watchtower?” I asked.

“Four times.” She replied.

“It does appear to be a pattern.” Aric said.

“It is my idiom, sir.” I said.  “A saber cat cannot change the color of her fur.”

“I am a great admirer of the fur found on this particular saber cat.” Aric said.

“For the love of the Gods, let us agree between which hours of the day that flirting is allowed, and which it is not.” Runa said.

“In addition, a show of strength invites challenge, and an equal strength in opposition.” I said.  “I prefer to seek, at least at the start, a softer appr…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 28 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 8

Table of Contents

They all needed treating in some form or another, but the man named Dirge was struck a harsh blow in the head and was almost certainly concussed.

“Now sir.” I said to the shorter man, whose name was Gorag, “You must tell me everything, holding nothing back.  That you did not take up arms against us in the dungeon below is in your favor.  That you did not threaten to hurt the children on the road also speaks in your favor.  “But for your part in the rest, there must be justice before there can be the possibility of forgiveness.”

“You mention your family.” Lucia said.  She had removed her helm, revealing her golden hair, and her beauty had its usual effect.  It took, by my count, five seconds before one of the men found his vo…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 28 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 10

Table of Contents

7th of Hearthfire

“They fled in such haste that they left a lantern and a helm behind.” Aric said after he had returned from investigating the site from which we were observed, with the two objects in hand.

“They had sufficient cause.” Jordis said.  “It is not right that we were not woken.  Archmage and Archpriestess alike, you should know better.”

“I apologize, sister.” I said.  “By the time I had become myself, they had fled.”

“It was my place to wake you.” Aric said.  “I chose otherwise.  We know now that we are under observation.  Both of you will ride to the fore, and you must be sharp lookouts.  For that, you must rest when it is your turn, and not assume more than your share of burden.”

“You could not identify them, or a…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 28 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 9

Table of Contents

6th of Hearthfire

“We will exhaust your small blue healing potion at this rate.” I said to Aric as we resumed our journey early, having said our farewells to Gaius, Pilus, and their village.

“I can brew more.” Aric said with a small smile.  “I have the ingredients at hand.”

“They all seemed better this morning.”  I said.  “Ennis as well.  He seemed easier in his mind.”

“That was almost certainly a result of his speaking with you, and from you hearing his confession.” Aric said.  “They all benefited most from that unburdening.”

“I do not know with any certainty whether the Divines give a priest or priestess any special privilege in such things, but for those people who believe so, it eases their burden.”

“And surely it is the con…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 28 April 2021

The Guardian Defender oc Cyrodiil - Chapter 8

Table of Contents

They all needed treating in some form or another, but the man named Dirge was struck a harsh blow in the head and was almost certainly concussed.

“Now sir.” I said to the shorter man, whose name was Gorag, “You must tell me everything, holding nothing back.  That you did not take up arms against us in the dungeon below is in your favor.  That you did not threaten to hurt the children on the road also speaks in your favor.  “But for your part in the rest, there must be justice before there can be the possibility of forgiveness.”

“You mention your family.” Lucia said.  She had removed her helm, revealing her golden hair, and her beauty had its usual effect.  It took, by my count, five seconds before one of the men found his vo…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 28 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 7

Table of Contents

“He is either stronger than he looks, or his comrades carried him.” Captain Kurst said as we stared at the dead brigand laying by the road.  “Does he look familiar, your Grace?”

“He looks all too familiar, Captain.” I said.  “He resembles all of the men who recently sought my life, and who killed my father.  Past that, I cannot say.  He may have been on the road when we came upon the captive children, but I cannot be certain.”

“What will we find when we finally meet them?” Lucia asked.  “A small group, or a large force.”

“A large force would have returned and razed the village for this.” Aric said as he nodded at the dead brigand.  “Whatever force we find, they were not anxious to return to that village.”

“But their friends wi…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 24 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 6

Table of Contents

5th of Hearthfire

“One hour of training each morning, another hour each evening.” Aric reminded the two youths.  “Any member of our party who bears arms will tell you how important it is to train properly under the supervision of a proper instructor.”

“Yes, milord.” Lucien and Adrian said in unison.

The sun had just recently risen, and it was technically still Rigel’s watch, when the sound of sword play again filled our camp.  Aric and Captain Kurst had a brief word before both joined the line of students as the two housecarls called out the sequence.

I assumed that when it came time for mock battles that I would again face Runa, but it was Captain Kurst whose face opposed mine.  He held a sword worthy of any noble, a sword th…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 24 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 5

Table of Contents

“I cannot make up my mind whether the lack of an ambush is a good sign or a bad one.” I said after we had resumed our journey west, Aric and I now at the front of the column with Kurst.

“We are a well-armed force.” Kurst said.  “They could never have assembled a force large enough to challenge us in so short a time and move them swiftly enough to arrive ahead of us.”

“It might have been possible for them to move archers into positions in the hills above us as we passed through the dell just before we cleared the wood.” Aric said, “But it would be a difficult attempt, and they would be exposed to retaliation.”

“The only assassins who have knowledge of what Noxaura is capable of are in custody.” Lucia said.  “Anyone following u…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 24 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 4

Table of Contents

4th of Hearthfire

“She inquired, several years ago, no longer satisfied with the simple explanation.” Aric said, as we waited for Runa and her kinsman to return from his family home.  “And so, I inquired as well.  The head of the orphanage wrote in reply, sending a letter addressed to Runa, containing what was known of her parents.  She nearly wore the letter out from reading and rereading.”

“Such a blessing from the Divines, then, for her to meet a kinsman with whom she shares blood.” I said.

It was necessary to make such a show of packing and loading that any observers that were without question monitoring activities around the Mother House would see that their prey was about to become mobile, and therefore more exposed.  I…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 19 April 2021

The Book of Noxaura - Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil

  • 1 The Book of Noxaura - Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil
    • 1.1 Prologue
    • 1.2 Preface
    • 1.3 Acknowledgements
    • 1.4 Part 1
    • 1.5 Part 2
    • 1.6 Part 3
    • 1.7 Part 4

Copyright © 2021

Noxaura, High Priestess and Custos Urbi of Skyrim and Heimdall Aric Belrud Aamutähti, Dragon Born, Archmage, Companion, and Thane travel to Cyrodiil to return two teen boys who were kidnapped by bandits, and to attend Noxaura’s investiture as High Priestess of the Maetreum of Cybele.

But a great evil preys upon the villages of Cyrodiil, an evil that will tolerate no interference, especially when that interference comes courtesy of two visitors from across the border. Nox and Aric soon learn the price for their meddling and must draw upon all their skill and cunning if they are to defeat this evil that…

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 19 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 3

Table of Contents

3rd of Hearthfire

“Children, you all look wonderful.” I said to the eight children that were finishing their breakfast amidst an overabundance of noise.  “Take care not to spill food on your new clothes.”

“Yes, your Grace.” Could be heard in various forms from various voices.

“It is the benefit of youth that they can recover from such an ordeal so quickly.” Said the priestess who was in charge of their well-being.

“They were fortunate.” I said.  “The two young men in our company suffered the same fate.  They were abused by their captors for four months before they were rescued.  It will have been over nine months that they will have been away from their families when we finally return them.”

“It was not fortune that guided you …

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BrenPaidhi BrenPaidhi 19 April 2021

The Guardian Defender of Cyrodiil - Chapter 2

Table of Contents

2nd of Hearthfire

The Mother House continued to be a beehive of activity as each of the children were identified by name, age, and village of residence; and as visitors continued to arrive through the large front doors.

“Countess, what a rare blessing.” Mother Oranius said to the woman that was surely too young to be the reigning authority for Bruma.  “It has been too long since you graced our home with your presences.”

“Do not chide me too sharply, your Grace.” The Countess replied.  “You know that there is not one minute of my day that is not allocated.  It appears that the same can now be said for my nights.  I received a very late report of a band of warriors conducting a wagon load of children and a prisoner through the …

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