Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Ulran Releth is a male Dunmer member of house Releth; a well-respected Redoran family in charge of a region around Balmora. He can be found during the quest Of Faith and Family in Kudanat Mine. He was killed, alongside the Ashlanders of Kudanat, which he befriended. He is a son of Councilor Eris and Tavya Releth, and has a sister, Veya Releth.


Of Faith and Family[]



"You have to understand. I don't share my House's hatred and distrust of Ashlanders. So, during my normal patrol, when I heard that Ashlanders had come to Balmora and were causing trouble, I was dubious to say the least."

<Listen to Ulran's message.> "I arrived to find one of my soldiers arguing with the Ashlanders. He spat at them. Called them savages. When one of the Ashlanders objected, my soldier drew his sword. Before I could intervene, my soldier's blade struck him down."
<Continue to listen to Ulran's message.> "I ordered the soldier to stand down, but he ignored me and stepped toward the second Ashlander. I killed my own soldier. I had to. Before I knew it, I was dragged before the Redoran Council and exiled. I never even got to say farewell to my sister."
<Continue to listen to Ulran's message.> "I believe I was set up for this fall, but I don't know by who. I came to this camp for shelter, but House Redoran's reach grows ever longer. Now Captain Brivan's here. I'm going to talk to them. Just in case, I made this stone for my sister, Veya."
<The message ends here.>


Veya Releth: "Brother … is that you?" Ulran Releth: "Everything that happened was a deliberate act to discredit me. I need to report the events so my sister can learn the truth about her brother."


  • "If you're listening to my voice, know that my time is short, and what I have to say is important."



  • Ulran Releth and Captain Brivan were good friends, even after arguments about Ashlanders, politics and Redoran loyalty. In the end, Captain Brivan was one of the men to answer for his unjust trial, and his eventual murder.
  • Ulran Releth was exiled by his father, Eris Releth, for killing one of his own soldiers during a test of loyalty, which may or may not have been a fraud, or a set-up, for his trial and murder.
  • Ulran Releth can only be heard through a Speaking Stone he left for Veya Releth, his sister, to find in the case of his death.
  • He is the author of the book Ashlander Tribes and Customs.

