Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Warclaw Ferhara is a Khajiit residing in Vvardenfell. She is the founder and the leader of the Ferhara's Warclaws mercenary band.


Of Faith and Family[]


Family Reunion[]



"Ferhara enjoys a friendly rivalry as much as the next mercenary, but the Releth kitten belongs to the Warclaws, yes? Let's not get our tails tangled over this, dull claw."

I thought Councilor Eris forbade the use of other outsiders in this matter. "Forbade is such a complicated concept. It assumes that the rules are applied equally to everyone, and we both know the foolishness of that assumption. The Warclaws have a long-standing contract that pre-dates any proclamations by the councilor."
Did you work with Captain Ulran? "Captain Brivan's predecessor? Forgive Ferhara, this one can barely remember the names of those who lack claws and fur. But yes, we worked with Ulran, though Brivan appreciates our techniques so much more than he ever did."
Your techniques? "Trade secrets, you understand. Ferhara can tell you the Warclaws do whatever it takes to accomplish the job. This assignment is perfect for us, since we specialize in missing persons. We find them. We make them disappear. Whatever the client needs."


Of Faith and Family

Captain Brivan: "And you're sure it's Veya? House Redoran isn't emptying its coffers so you can chase your own tails out here." Warclaw Ferhara: "You pay the Warclaws well because the Warclaws are the best there is. We have the kitten's scent. It's just a matter of time before my warriors catch her." Captain Brivan: "Of course, Ferhara. Just make sure she doesn't get out of the swamp." Captain Brivan: "I'll take my soldiers and guard the eastern paths, in case she eludes your warriors again."

After talking to the captain:

Warclaw Ferhara: "Ferhara assumes the councilor's minions will not present a problem for the Warclaws, yes, Captain?" Captain Brivan: "The Outlanders have been warned, Ferhara. I leave everything else to your discretion."


Family Reunion
  • "Captain Brivan is on his way! Soon we'll have a permanent job in House Redoran, yes?"
  • "Kill the intruders! They have interfered for the last time!"

