Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

High Councilor Meriath is a House Redoran councilor encountered in the Redoran Garrison during the quest Family Reunion. She walks in on the Vestige, Naryu Virian and the seemingly dead Veya Releth. She gives you an opportunity to leave and make up a story for the dead soldiers and the murdered Councilor Eris.


Family Reunion[]

After Veya is incapacitated, High Councilor Meriath makes a deal with both the Vestige and Naryu, to keep this secret for both of their sakes. After the deal is made, Meriath goes and concludes business with the Redoran Council.


After Veya Releth is defeated:

"The Morag Tong agent … she cares deeply for Veya, doesn't she? It takes great courage to go against your heart and do what you know is best. You both did that by protecting the council. For that, you have my thanks."

"What did you mean when you said we could help each other?" "A series of regrettable decisions have led to this family tragedy, and most of them were made by Eris Releth. I knew of Ulran's compassion concerning the Ashlanders. It was unorthodox, but not worthy of the punishment meted out. Eris was wrong."
"I thought the entire council was involved." "Eris convinced Brivan to test Ulran. Then the two of them decided to slaughter the Ashlanders. Oh, the council allowed itself to convinced that exile was an appropriate punishment, but we were wrong to let it go as far as it did."
"House Redoran doesn't want the Ashlander territory?" "I didn't say that. But we're not butchers. We do not hire mercenary thugs to wipe out an entire people. This gathering was to deal with that. Eris planned to step down and we were going to demote Brivan for the part he played."
"So what happens next?" "House Redoran behaved poorly. Morag Tong rules were violated. I suggest we make sure these details never see the light of day. Leave the bodies where they are. We will say that Veya died protecting her father and the council from the Warclaws."
"And what do we have to do in exchange?" "Cooperate with House Redoran and hold your tongues. It's as simple as that. I shall return to the council meeting and conclude out business. When we're finished, I expect you and Naryu to both be gone. That is all, Outlander."


High Councilor Meriath: "Everyone calm down! Councilor Eris will deal with this. We're safe in here. There's no need to panic." Councilor Dalarn: "No need to panic? She's cut down every mercenary in her way! Her father won't be able to stop her."


  • "So much bloodshed. So much needless death. If only Eris would have listened." – After Veya Releth is defeated
  • "Outlander, we should speak. I think we can help one another."

