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Swan "FLASH"
Swan Lake Theatre Royal, Plymouth March 15 to 18 "The Plymouth Herald (Plymouth, England)"
Swan, Ann M. "Childhood Education"
Swan, Ann; Mercer, Susan "New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy"
Swan, Anna Lee "International journal of communication (Online)"
Swan, Ariel "Canadian Music Educator"
Swan, Benjamin G.; Wolf, Kattlyn J.; Cano, Jamie "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Swan, Beth Ann "MedSurg Nursing"
Swan, Beth Ann "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Al-Gasseer, Naeema; Lang, Norma M. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Becker, Julie; Brawer, Rickie; Sciamanna, Christopher N. "MedSurg Nursing"
Swan, Beth Ann; Conway-Phillips, Regina; Griffin, Karen F. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Conway-Phillips, Regina; Haas, Sheila; De La Pena, Laura "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Cotroneo, Margaret "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Evans, Lois K. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Griffin, Karen F. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Haas, Sheila A. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Haas, Sheila A.; Chow, Marilyn "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Haas, Sheila; Jessie, Anne T. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Lang, Norma M.; McGinley, Anne M. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; McGinley, Anne M.; Lang, Norma M. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Moye, Janet P. "Nursing Economics"
Swan, Beth Ann; Smith, Kellie A.; Frisby, Anthony; Shaffer, Kathryn; Hanson- Zalot, Mary; Becker, Ju "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Swan, Bill "ASHRAE Journal"
Swan, Brian "Army Logistician"
Swan, Charlie "The Mirror (London, England)"
Swan, Christopher "Communication World"
Swan, Conrad "The Loyalist Gazette"
Swan, Coral "Practically Primary"
Swan, Craig "The Mirror (London, England)"
Swan, Craig "The People (London, England)"
Swan, Craig; Walker, Mark "The People (London, England)"
Swan, D.; Murphy, M.; Elhassadi, E. "Case Reports in Hematology"
Swan, Daniel "Whispering Wind"
Swan, Darlis J. "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Swan, Dawn; Murphy, Philip; Glavey, Siobhan; Quinn, John "Cancers"
Swan, Debra K. "ONS Connect"
Swan, Diane "Journal of the British Astronomical Association"
Swan, Diane; Hyde, Paul "Journal of the British Astronomical Association"
Swan, Donald A. "The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies"
Swan, Elaine; Flowers, Rick "Australian Journal of Environmental Education"
Swan, Eric P. "Canadian Chemical News"
Swan, George Steven "Florida Bar News"
Swan, Gladys "Southwest Review"
Swan, Glenda "Art Inquiries"
Swan, Graham "Offshore Yachting"
Swan, Jack "Esprit de Corps"
Swan, Jack; Murray "Esprit de Corps"
Swan, Jacky A.; Newell, Sue "Organization Studies"
Swan, James "DISAM Journal"
Swan, James "Wines & Vines"
Swan, James A. "American Forests"
Swan, James H.; Harrington, Charlene; Grant, Leslie; Luehrs, John; Preston, Steve "Health Care Financing Review"
Swan, James S. "Wines & Vines"
Swan, James; Newcomer, Robert "Health Care Financing Review"
Swan, Jeff "Bowhunter"
Swan, Jesse G. "CLIO"
Swan, Jim "Style"
Swan, Jim "Wines & Vines"
Swan, John D. "DISAM Journal"
Swan, John E.; Oliver, Richard L. "Journal of Retailing"
Swan, John; Swan, Leslie "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Swan, Jon "The Nation"
Swan, Jonathan "International Trade Forum"
Swan, Karen "Quarterly Review of Distance Education"
Swan, Karen; Jennings, Sybillyn "ERIC: Reports"
Swan, Kathleen Owings; Hofer, Mark "Social Education"
Swan, Kaung Htet; Surinkul, Nawatch; Visvanathan, Chettiyappan "Sustainability"
Swan, Kayla "Duke Law Journal"
Swan, Kyle "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Swan, Kyle "Journal of Markets & Morality"
Swan, Kyle; Vallier, Kevin "Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy"
Swan, L.; Coman, D. "Case Reports in Genetics"
Swan, L.; Gole, G.; Sabesan, V.; Cardinal, J.; Coman, D. "Case Reports in Genetics"
Swan, Laura E.T.; Senderowicz, Leigh G.; Lefmann, Tess; Ely, Gretchen E. "Health Services Research"
Swan, Laurie; Otani, Hajime; Loubert, Peter V.; Sheffert, Sonya M.; Dunbar, Gary L. "British Journal of Psychology"
Swan, Lawrence "The Nation"
Swan, Marc "Queen's Quarterly"
Swan, Marc "Atlanta Review"
Swan, Marilyn A.; Hobbs, Barbara B. "Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care"
Swan, Marilyn A.; Hobbs, Barbara B.; Gietzen, Luke J. "Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care"
Swan, Mary "The Modern Language Review"
Swan, Melanie "Khaleej Times (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)"
Swan, Michael "National Catholic Reporter"
Swan, P.L.; Kamal, M.R.; Garcia-Rejon, A.; Cielo, P. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Swan, Patricia B.; Swan, James B. "Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society"
Swan, Patrick "Army Communicator"
Swan, Patrick A. "Army Communicator"
Swan, Patter "Anglican Journal"
Swan, Paul "Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom"
Swan, Paul; Marshall, Linda "Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom"
Swan, Peter "Transportation Journal"
Swan, Peter F. "Coach and Athletic Director"
Swan, Peter F. "Transportation Journal"
SWAN, PETER F.; TYWORTH, JOHN E. "Transportation Journal"
Swan, Philip L. "Business Economics"
Swan, Poon; Yee, Sarah "Today's Manager"
Swan, Quito "Journal of Pan African Studies"
SWAN, Report CRAIG "The People (London, England)"
SWAN, RITA "The Humanist"
Swan, Rita "Free Inquiry"
Swan, Ruth; Jerome, Edward A. "Manitoba History"
SWAN, SAM "Risk & Insurance"
Swan, Sarah "Duke Law Journal"
Swan, Sarah L. "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Swan, Sarah Maury "Fun For Kidz"
Swan, Shanna "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Swan, Shanna H. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Swan, Shanna H.; Brazil, Charlene; Drobnis, Erma Z.; Liu, Fan; Kruse, Robin L.; Hatch, Maureen; Redm "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Swan, Shanna H.; Kruse, Robin L.; Liu, Fan; Barr, Dana B.; Drobnis, Erma Z.; Redmon, J. Bruce; Wang, "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Swan, Shanna H.; Main, Katharina M.; Liu, Fan; Stewart, Sara L.; Kruse, Robin L.; Calafat, Antonia M "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Swan, Sharon J. "Association Management"
Swan, Steve "Journal of Environmental Health"
Swan, Stewart "Joint Force Quarterly"
Swan, Susan Celia "Conscience"
Swan, Suzanne K. "Clinical Chemistry"
Swan, Tracy "Research Initiative/Treatment Action!"
Swan, Wallace "Journal of Health and Human Services Administration"
Swan, Wendi "Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science"
Swan, Wilbur "Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing"
Swan, Yvonne "The Mirror (London, England)"
Swan-perkins, Sam White "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Swana, Elsie Fezeka; Doorsamy, Wesley; Bokoro, Pitshou "Sensors"
Swana, Leseho; Tsakem, Bienvenu; Tembu, Jacqueline V.; Teponno, Rémy B.; Folahan, Joy T.; Kalinski, "Pharmaceuticals"
Swanbeck, Eric "New York State Conservationist"
Swanberg, Ingrid "Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources"
Swanberg, Roger "EE-Evaluation Engineering"
Swanberg, Stephanie M. "Journal of the Medical Library Association"
Swanberg, Stephanie M.; Bulgarelli, Nancy; Jayakumar, Mithya; Look, Erin; Shubitowski, Tyler B.; Wed "Journal of the Medical Library Association"
Swanberg, Stephanie M.; Dennison, Carolyn Ching; Farrell, Alison; Machel, Viola; Marton, Christine; "Journal of the Medical Library Association"
Swanberg, Stephanie M.; Engwall, Keith; Mi, Misa "Journal of the Medical Library Association"
Swanberg, Stephanie M.; Thielen, Joanna; Bulgarelli, Nancy "Journal of the Medical Library Association"
Swancutt, Katherine "Religions"
Swancutt, Mark; Chorba, Terence "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Swande, Mary "Townsend Letter"
Swander, Mary "Townsend Letter"
Swander, Mary "The Wilson Quarterly"
Swander, Mary "The Nation"
SWANDER, SCOTT "Arkansas Business"
Swanepoel, A.C. "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Swanepoel, A.C. "Journal of Literary Studies"
Swanepoel, Adriaan "ERIC: Reports"
Swanepoel, Christiaan "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Swanepoel, De Wet "Daily News Egypt (Egypt)"
Swanepoel, De Wet "South African Medical Journal"
Swanepoel, De Wet "The Conversation (Africa Edition)"
Swanepoel, De Wet; Hall, III, James W. "South African Medical Journal"
Swanepoel, De Wet; Hall, James W., III; Koekemoer, Dirk "South African Medical Journal"
Swanepoel, Elizabeth "Journal of Buddhist Ethics"
Swanepoel, Errol "Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa"
Swanepoel, I.; Kruger, C. "South African Journal of Psychiatry"
Swanepoel, Jan Adriaan "Education Sciences"
Swanepoel, Johann "Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa"
Swanepoel, M.; Strydom, G.L. "Ergonomics SA"
Swanepoel, Nicolene "Ceramics Art & Perception"
Swanepoel, Nicolene "Ceramics Technical"
Swanepoel, P.A.; du Preez, C.C.; Botha, P.R.; Snyman, H.A.; Habig, J. "Soil Research"
Swanepoel, P.A.; Habig, J.; du Preez, C.C.; Botha, P.R.; Snyman, H.A. "Soil Research"
Swanepoel, Piet "Journal of Literary Studies"
Swanepoel, Rita "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Swanepoel, Rita M.C. "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Swanepoel, Rita M.C.; Goosen, Moya "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Swanepoel, Rita M.C.; van der Westhuizen, Christiaan "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Swanepoel, Robert; Smit, Sheilagh B.; Rollin, Pierre E.; Formenty, Pierre; Leman, Patricia A.; Kemp, "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Swanepoel, S.A. "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Swanepoel, S.A., "Nols" "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Swanepol, De Wet "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Swaner, Michele "Utah Business"
Swaneveld, Hendrik; Felepchuk, Carol "CMA Management"
Swaneveld, Hendrik; Przysuski, Martin "CMA Management"
Swaney, Aaron "BBJToday"
Swaney, Brett "Joint Force Quarterly"
Swaney, Brooke "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Swaney, Chriss "Latino Leaders"
Swaney, Christine "Latino Leaders"
Swaney, David "Americas (English Edition)"
Swaney, Ellen "Phi Delta Kappan"
Swaney, Richard; Jokomo-Nyakabau, Rutendo; Nguyen, Anny A. N.; Kenny, Dorothy; Millner, Paul G.; Sel "Microorganisms"
SWANGARD, RANDY "Oregon Business"
Swanger, Dustin "Community College Week"
Swanger, Dustin "Planning for Higher Education"
Swanger, Dusty "Community College Week"
Swanger, Eugene R. "The Historian"
Swanger, Susan L.; Chewning, Eugene G. Jr. "Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory"
Swango, Dan "Appraisal Journal"
Swango, Dan L. "Appraisal Journal"
Swanick, Eric "Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada"
Swaniker, Fred "New African"
Swanink, Caroline; Reimerink, Johan; Gisolf, Jet; de Vries, Ankje; Claassen, Mark; Martens, Liesbeth "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Swank, Bill "The National Pastime"
Swank, Bill "The Baseball Research Journal"
Swank, Chad; Almutairi, Sattam; Medley, Ann "Rehabilitation Research and Practice"
Swank, Douglas M.; Rome, Lawrence C. "The Biological Bulletin"
Swank, Drew A. "Army Lawyer"
Swank, Elbert "Farm Collector"
Swank, Eric "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
Swank, Eric W. "Journal of Social Work Education"
Swank, Eric; Raiz, Lisa "Journal of Social Work Education"
Swank, Jacqueline M.; Jahn, Stephani A.B. "Career Development Quarterly"
Swank, Jacqueline M.; Smith-Adcock, Sondra; Weaver, Jo Lauren "Professional School Counseling"
Swank, Jacqueline M.; Tyson, Lawrence "Professional School Counseling"
Swank, Joan "Editor & Publisher"
Swank, Joel H. "Science News"
Swank, Josh "Rock Products"
Swank, Kris "Mythlore"
Swank, Kurt "Modern Materials Handling"
Swank, Michael L.; Alkire, Martha R. "Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases"
Swank, Renee; Robinson, Carl "Research Information"
Swanke, James A., Jr.; Lee, Charles R. "Risk Management"
Swanke, Rachel "Bowhunter"
Swanky, Tom "LawNow"
Swanky, Tom; Ferguson, Margaret "LawNow"
Swanlek, Aaron "Argumentation and Advocacy"
Swanlund, Mark "Public Roads"
Swanlund, Susan; Kujath, Amber "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Swann, A.D.; English, J.D.; O'Loughlin, E.J. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Swann, Adam "Seventeenth-Century News"
Swann, Annette C. "Childhood Education"
Swann, Brian "Chicago Review"
SWANN, BRIAN "Queen's Quarterly"
Swann, Brian "Prairie Schooner"
Swann, Brian "Southwest Review"
Swann, Charles "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Swann, Charles "Notes and Queries"
Swann, Charles "The Review of English Studies"
Swann, Charles "The Modern Language Review"
Swann, Charles E. "Solutions - for People, Processes and Paper"
Swann, Charles T. "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Swann, Charlie "The Mirror (London, England)"
Swann, Chrisopher "Survey of Current Business"
Swann, Christopher "Survey of Current Business"
Swann, Christopher; Custovic, Anessa "Business Economics"
Swann, Christopher; Kelly, Mary "Business Economics"
Swann, Christopher; Loomis, David G. "Business Economics"
Swann, Christopher; Ruby, Lilianna "Business Economics"
Swann, Christopher; Sylvester, Michelle Sheran "Adoption & Fostering"
Swann, Christopher; Vargo, Andrew E. "Survey of Current Business"
Swann, Dave "Guns & Ammo"
Swann, David; Denton, Richard "Alternatives Journal"
Swann, Deborah "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Swann, Deborah; Sowell, Jim "The Tax Adviser"
Swann, Dennis "Antitrust Bulletin"
Swann, Dominique Nicole "World Literature Today"
Swann, Elizabeth "Atlanta Review"
Swann, Joseph "JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature"
Swann, Julian "History Today"
Swann, Julian "The Historian"
Swann, Karl "Cells"
Swann, Kirsten "Alaska Business Monthly"
Swann, Lauren "Food Processing"
Swann, Marjorie "Renaissance Quarterly"
Swann, Marjorie "Philological Quarterly"
Swann, Maxine "Artforum International"
Swann, Phillip "ABA Bank Marketing"
Swann, Richard "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Swann, Richard "Existential Analysis"
SWANN, ROBERTA "Queen's Quarterly"
Swann, Shayda A.; King, Elizabeth M.; Tognazzini, Shelly; Campbell, Amber R.; Levy, Sofia L. A.; Pic "Viruses"
Swann, Stephanie K. "Health and Social Work"
Swann, Thomas "Anarchist Studies"
Swann, Yvonne "The Mirror (London, England)"
Swann, Yvonne "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Swann, Yvonne "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Swannack, Frank "Parergon"
Swannack, Todd M.; Reif, Molly; Soniat, Thomas M. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Swannell, Anne K. "Families, Systems & Health"
Swanner, D.H. "Children's Playmate"
Swannie, Bill "University of Queensland Law Journal"
Swansburg, Michael "DISAM Journal"
SWANSEA ............... 2 Paterson 17, Yates 23 HULL...................... 2 Philogene 48, Morton 68 "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA ............... 2 Paterson 17, Yates 23 HULL...................... 2 Philogene 48, Morton 68 "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA ............... 3 Lowe 28 pen, Yates 64, Patino 67 SHEFFIELD WEDS ..... 0 By DELME PARFITT "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA ............... 3 Lowe 28 pen, Yates 64, Patino 67 SHEFFIELD WEDS ..... 0 By DELME PARFITT "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA ................ 1 Piroe 15 MIDDLESBROUGH ..... 3 Ramsey 54, Archer 57, Akpom 77 (pen) By MA "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA ................ 1 Piroe 15 MIDDLESBROUGH ..... 3 Ramsey 54, Archer 57, Akpom 77 (pen) By MA "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA ................ 1 Rinomhota (OG) 74 ROTHERHAM............ 0 By OUR REPORTER "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA ................ 1 Yates 76 BIRMINGHAM............ 1 Dembele 45 By IAN MITCHELMORE "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA ................ 1 Yates 76 BIRMINGHAM............ 1 Dembele 45 By IAN MITCHELMORE "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA ................. 1 Patino 90 HUDDERSFIELD .......... 1 Cabango 3 (og) By IAN MITCHELMORE "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA ................. 1 Patino 90 HUDDERSFIELD .......... 1 Cabango 3 (og) By IAN MITCHELMORE "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA 0 BIRMINGHAM 0 By GRAHAM THOMAS at the Liberty Stadium "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Swansea 0 Reading 0 BY ALEX BYWATER "The Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA 0 WESTBROM 0 BY CALLUM ELLIS "The Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA 1 Lowe 59 MIDDLESBROUGH 2 Greenwood 43, Silvera 78 BY ROB COLE "The Mirror (London, England)"
Swansea 3 West Brom 2BY ROB COLE "The Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA CITY 01 QPR Gray 80 IAN MITCHELMORE Football Writer [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
swansea city 2 Paterson 60, 90+5 preston north end 1 Millar 67 BY MATT LLOYD "The Mirror (London, England)"
swansea City By JAMES HUNTER Sunderland writer [email protected] @JHUNTERCHRON "Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)"
SWANSEA v BRISTOL C ? Stadium, Today, KO 12.30pm By GRAHAM THOMAS "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA v BURNLEY ? Stadium, Tomorrow, Kick-off 3pm By NEIL GOULDING "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA v BURNLEY ? Stadium, Tomorrow, Kick-off 3pm By NEIL GOULDING "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA v CARDIFF Stadium, Today, Noon, Sky Sports By GRAHAM THOMAS "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA v CARDIFF Stadium, Today, Noon, SKY SPORTS By GRAHAM THOMAS "The People (London, England)"
swansea v plymouth "The Mirror (London, England)"
Swansea v Reading 7.45 pm BY IAN BAKER "The Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA.............. 0 PLYMOUTH.............. 1 Whittaker 18 By GRAHAM THOMAS "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA.............. 0 PLYMOUTH.............. 1 Whittaker 18 By GRAHAM THOMAS "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA............... 1 Grimes 20 LEICESTER............. 3 Vestergaard 44, Fatawu 63, Iheanacho 87 "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA............... 1 Manning 69 HUDDERSFIELD....... 0 By ROB COLE "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA............... 1 Manning 69 HUDDERSFIELD....... 0 By ROB COLE "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA................. 0 BLACKBURN.............. 3 Szmodics 39, Brereton Diaz 57, Travis 84 By ROB "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA.................. 1 Cullen 10 BRISTOL CITY............ 2 Sykes 48, Bell 55 By IAN MITCHELMOR "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA.................. 1 Cullen 10 BRISTOL CITY............ 2 Sykes 48, Bell 55 By IAN MITCHELMOR "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA........................ 1 Yates 31 IPSWICH........................ 2 Broadhead 13, Chaplin 3 "The People (London, England)"
SWANSEA....................0 SUNDERLAND............ 0 By DELME PARFITT "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
SWANSEA....................0 SUNDERLAND............ 0 By DELME PARFITT "The People (London, England)"
Swansen, Brian "Petersen's Bowhunting"
Swansey, Bruce "The Modern Language Review"
Swansiger, Gene; Albritton, Blake "Modern Casting"
Swansinger, Jacqueline "Journal of International and Global Studies"
Swanso, Mark "Customer Interaction Solutions"
Swanson, A. Richard; Sakhrani, Vivek "Sustainability"
Swanson, Alice "ColoradoBiz"
Swanson, Ana; Watrin, Kerry; Wilder, Laura "Journal of Family Practice"
Swanson, Andrea "Reviewer's Bookwatch"
Swanson, Ann "Quick Quilts"
Swanson, Anna "Canadian Children's Book News"
Swanson, Anna "Antigonish Review"
Swanson, Annie "New York State Conservationist"
Swanson, Benjamin J.; Yearsley, Martha M.; Marsh, William; Frankel, Wendy L. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Swanson, Bill "Nine"
Swanson, Billy "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Swanson, Bret "AEI Paper & Studies"
Swanson, Bruce; Goswami, Dhiraj "EE-Evaluation Engineering"
Swanson, Carl "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Swanson, Carl "Public Works"
Swanson, Carl "Journal of Singing"
Swanson, Carl D. "Journal of Singing"
Swanson, Carl E.; Colwill, Elizabeth "Canadian Journal of History"
Swanson, Carl F. "The Historian"
Swanson, Carol "Nevada RNformation"
Swanson, Carol "Variety"
Swanson, Carol; Horst, Carole "Variety"
Swanson, Carol; Simkins, Lee "Variety"
Swanson, Carrol J. "Fun For Kidz"
Swanson, Cass "Grit"
Swanson, Charles E.; Kopecky, Kenneth J. "Economic Inquiry"
Swanson, Charles; Swanson, Bernadette "Cruise Travel"
Swanson, Cheryl "Reviewer's Bookwatch"
Swanson, Cheryl; Culliver, Grantt; Summers, Chris "Corrections Today"
Swanson, Christina "Journal of Singing"
Swanson, Christina; DAndrea, Annalisa "Clinical Chemistry"
Swanson, Christine R.; Du, Eric; Johnson, Delinda A.; Johnson, Jeffrey A.; Emborg, Marina E. "PPAR Research"
Swanson, Christopher B. "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Christopher B.; Chaplin, Duncan "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Christopher B.; Plank, Stephen B.; Hewes, Gina M. "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Christopher J. "Government Finance Review"
Swanson, Christopher J.; Kavanagh, Shayne C. "Government Finance Review"
Swanson, Clayton W.; Fling, Brett W. "Sensors"
Swanson, Cynthia "Florida Bar News"
Swanson, D.A.; Scott, D.P.; Risley, D.L. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Swanson, Dan "Directors & Boards"
Swanson, Dan "Healthcare Design"
Swanson, David "The Humanist"
Swanson, David "The American Prospect"
Swanson, David A. "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Swanson, David A.; Cossman, Ronald "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Swanson, David A.; Crossman, Ron "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Swanson, David A.; Culbertson, W. Lloyd "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Swanson, David A.; Dettmers, Randy P. "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Swanson, David A.; Forgette, Rich; Van Boening, Mark; Holley, Cliff; Kinnell, Ann Marie "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Swanson, David A.; McGehee, Mary A. "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Swanson, David A.; Verdugo, Richard "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Swanson, David K. "Arctic"
Swanson, David; Ashenbaum, Bryan; Thomchick, Evelyn "Transportation Journal"
Swanson, David; Goel, Lakshmi; Francisco, Kristoffer; Stock, James "Transportation Journal"
Swanson, David; Jin, Yao "Henry" "Transportation Journal"
Swanson, David; Jin, Yao "Henry"; Ashenbaum, Bryan "Transportation Journal"
Swanson, David; Russell, Dawn "Supply Chain Management Review"
Swanson, David; Suzuki, Yoshinori "Transportation Journal"
Swanson, David; Williams, Brent D.; Gu, Jingping; Waller, Matthew A. "Transportation Journal"
Swanson, Dewey A. "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Dewey A.; Phillips, Julie "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Diana L. "Twentieth Century Literature"
Swanson, Diana L. "Woolf Studies Annual"
Swanson, Diane "Canada and the World Backgrounder"
Swanson, Diane "Ranger Rick"
Swanson, Diane L. "The Journal of Socio-Economics"
Swanson, Diane L. "Systems Research and Behavioral Science"
Swanson, Doug "Presbyterian Record"
Swanson, Douglas J. "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Douglas J. "The Social Science Journal"
Swanson, E. Burton; Beath, Cynthia Mathis "Communications of the ACM"
Swanson, Edward "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Edward P.; Rees, Lynn; Juarez-Valdes, Luis Felipe "Accounting Review"
Swanson, Edward T.; Jambekar, Anil B. "International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management"
Swanson, Elizabeth "LawNow"
Swanson, Elizabeth A. "Learning Disability Quarterly"
Swanson, Elizabeth; Mohammed, Sarojani S.; Boardman, Alison Gould; Vaughn, Sharon; Klingner, Janette "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Elizabeth; Wanzek, Jeanne; McCulley, Lisa; Stillman-Spisak, Stephanie; Vaughn, Sharon; Simm "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Elizabeth; Wanzek, Jeanne; Vaughn, Sharon; Roberts, Greg; Fall, Ana-Mari "Exceptional Children"
Swanson, Emily "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Swanson, Emily; Agiesta, Jennifer "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Swanson, Emily; Peoples, Steve "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Swanson, Eric "Best's Review"
Swanson, Eric "Shooting Times"
Swanson, Erica; Stube, Jan; Edman, Paul "Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science"
Swanson, Ezra E. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Swanson, G. A. "Systems Research and Behavioral Science"
Swanson, G.A. "Systems Research and Behavioral Science"
Swanson, G.A.; Bailey, Kenneth D. "Systems Research and Behavioral Science"
Swanson, G.A.; Bailey, Kenneth D.; Miller, James Grier "Systems Research and Behavioral Science"
Swanson, Gillian "New Formations"
Swanson, Gordon I. "Phi Delta Kappan"
Swanson, Gregory P.; Chen, Wencong; Trevathan, Sean; Hermans, Michael "Prostate Cancer"
Swanson, H. Lee "Learning Disability Quarterly"
Swanson, H. Lee "The Exceptional Parent"
Swanson, H. Lee; Hill, Gloria "Adolescence"
Swanson, H. Lee; Lussier, Catherine; Orosco, Michael "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, H. Lee; Orosco, Michael J.; Lussier, Cathy "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, H. Lee; Orosco, Michael J.; Lussier, Cathy M. "Exceptional Children"
Swanson, H.E. "Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology"
Swanson, Heather "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Swanson, Hedian; Rowe, Denise; Vick, Lowryanne "Nevada RNformation"
Swanson, Heidi "Mother Earth News"
Swanson, Heidi K. "Arctic"
Swanson, Henry F.; Monge-Najera, Julian "Revista de Biologia Tropical"
Swanson, Herb "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Swanson, Huia "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Swanson, Irena "Science News"
Swanson, Irena "Mother Earth News"
Swanson, Jacob "Utah Business"
Swanson, James L. "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Swanson, James M.; McBurnett, Keith; Wigal, Tim; Pfiffner, Linda J.; Lerner, Marc A.; Williams, Lill "Exceptional Children"
Swanson, Jamie "Jack & Jill"
Swanson, Jane "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Swanson, Jane "The Horn Call"
Swanson, Jean "Canadian Dimension"
Swanson, Jean; Shragge, Eric "Canadian Dimension"
Swanson, Jeff "Shooting Industry"
Swanson, Jeff "Petersen's Hunting"
Swanson, Jeffrey W.; Norko, Michael A.; Lin, Hsiu-Ju; Alanis-Hirsch, Kelly; Frisman, Linda K.; Baran "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Swanson, Jeffrey W.; Swartz, Marvin S.; Garrett, Brandon "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Swanson, Jeffrey; Swartz, Marvin "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Swanson, Jennifer M.; Hennink, Monique M.; Rochat, Roger W. "African Journal of Reproductive Health"
Swanson, Jeremy "Esprit de Corps"
Swanson, Jerry; Nuesse, Tommy "In-Fisherman"
Swanson, Jill "Habitat Australia"
Swanson, Joel Howard "Religions"
Swanson, John "Printed Circuit Design & Fab"
Swanson, John "Mother Earth News"
Swanson, John August "National Catholic Reporter"
Swanson, John C. "Canadian Journal of History"
Swanson, Joseph "Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council"
Swanson, Joseph W. "Journal of Appellate Practice and Process"
Swanson, Jr., Daniel G.; Hoefer, Wolfgang J.R. "Microwave Journal"
Swanson, Judy "Phi Delta Kappan"
Swanson, Julia "History Today"
Swanson, Julie Dingle "Gifted Child Today"
Swanson, Julie Dingle "Journal for the Education of the Gifted"
Swanson, Julie; Navarrette, Adrianne; Knox, Jandi; Kim, Hannah; Stanley, Floyd "Microorganisms"
Swanson, Justin; Ailes, Elizabeth C.; Cragan, Janet D.; Grosse, Scott D.; Tanner, Jean Paul; Kirby, "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Swanson, Kara W. "Case Western Reserve Law Review"
Swanson, Karen "Journal of Correctional Education"
Swanson, Karl; Pleva, Eileen Biondi "Risk & Insurance"
Swanson, Kate "MEIEA Journal"
Swanson, Kenneth A.; Citronberg, Robert J. "Case Reports in Infectious Diseases"
Swanson, Kimberly J.; Madden, Michael C.; Ghio, Andrew J. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Swanson, Kirstin; Poole, Aubrey "Variety"
Swanson, Kristen "Utah Business"
Swanson, Kristen "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Swanson, Kristen N.; Legutko, Robert S. "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Larry D. "Montana Business Quarterly"
Swanson, Lealan N. "Southeastern College Art Conference Review"
Swanson, Leonard C. "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Lillian "American Journalism Review"
Swanson, Lillian "Nieman Reports"
Swanson, Linda "Ceramics Art & Perception"
Swanson, Liz "Iowa Nurse Reporter"
Swanson, Lorraine "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Swanson, Lynn; Zimmerman, Sonia "Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science"
Swanson, M. "Soldiers Magazine"
Swanson, Malcolm, Ed.; Long, Robert, Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Margaret E.; Cowan, J. Michael "CARING Newsletter"
Swanson, Marilyn "Saturday Evening Post"
Swanson, Mark "Journal of School Health"
Swanson, Mark N. "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Swanson, Mark N. "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Swanson, Marvin "Farm Collector"
Swanson, Mary Catherine "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Swanson, Mary; Parrott, Martha "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Mathilde Kredel Brown "Printing History"
Swanson, Matt "Air Force Comptroller"
Swanson, Matthew D. "Air Force Comptroller"
Swanson, Matthew M. "ASHRAE Transactions"
Swanson, Matthew; Barnes, Benjamin; Liesen, Richard J.; Case, Michael; Zhivov, Alexander "ASHRAE Transactions"
Swanson, Matthew; Epperly, Ted "Journal of Family Practice"
Swanson, Matthew; Little, Eric "Franchising World"
Swanson, Matthew; Morton, Brianna; Schueckler, Jill; Medina, Victor; Acevedo-Mackey, Damarys; Case, "ASHRAE Transactions"
Swanson, Megan; Pickrel, Amy; Williamson, John; Montgomery, Susan "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Swanson, Michael "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Michael; Rasparini, Marcello; Mason, Darrell; Levy, David H.; Hobbs, Jesse "Sky & Telescope"
Swanson, Monty "VFW Magazine"
Swanson, Nancy L. "Children's Technology and Engineering"
Swanson, Nathan N. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Swanson, Nathan W. "Honors in Practice"
Swanson, Patricia; Rabin, Colette; Smith, Grinell; Briceno, Allison; Ervin-Kassab, Lara; Sexton, Den "Teacher Education Quarterly"
Swanson, Patti C. Wooten; Varcoe, Karen P. "California Agriculture"
Swanson, Paul L. "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Swanson, Peter "U.S. Catholic"
Swanson, Peter B. "Phi Delta Kappan"
Swanson, Peter B. "ERIC: Reports"
Swanson, Peter C. "CubaNews"
Swanson, Philip "The Historian"
Swanson, Philip "The Modern Language Review"
Swanson, Phillip "The Modern Language Review"
Swanson, R.N. "The Historian"
Swanson, R.N. "The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History"
Swanson, Rebecca L.; Williamson, Jane E.; De Nys, Rocky; Kumar, Naresh; Bucknall, Martin P.; Steinbe "The Biological Bulletin"
Swanson, Rebecca; Contreras-Correa, Zully; Dinh, Thu; King, Heath; Sidelinger, Darcie; Burnett, Derr "Metabolites"
Swanson, Regena "The Horn Call"
Swanson, Renee "Policy Review"
Swanson, Richard A. "Security Management"
Swanson, Richard L. "Education"
Swanson, Richard M. "Strategic Finance"
Swanson, Richard W. "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Swanson, Richie "Whispering Wind"
Swanson, Rick "Strategic Finance"
Swanson, Robert D. "The Tax Adviser"
Swanson, Robert D. "Stanford Law Review"
Swanson, Robert D. "The CPA Journal"
Swanson, Robin "The Masthead"
Swanson, Ronald E. "Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering"
Swanson, Roxann "Customer Interaction Solutions"
Swanson, Roy Arthur "Utopian Studies"
Swanson, Sandra "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Swanson, Sarah; Parmley, Kali "Gun Dog"
Swanson, Scott "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Swanson, Scott "Editor & Publisher"
Swanson, Sean "The American Prospect"
Swanson, Stephen C. "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
Swanson, Sue; Howell, Carol "Exceptional Children"
Swanson, Tait R. "Houston Journal of International Law"
Swanson, Tammy "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Swanson, Taylor "Petersen's Bowhunting"
Swanson, Tim "Variety"
Swanson, Tim; Bing, Jonathan "Variety"
Swanson, Timothy M. "Oxford Economic Papers"
Swanson, Tod D. "The American Indian Quarterly"
Swanson, Troy A.; Gregory, Dennis E.; Raspiller, Edward E. "Community College Enterprise"
Swanson, Vanwyck "Army Communicator"
Swanson, Vivien "Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology"
Swanson, Vivien; Hart, Joanne; Byrne-Davis, Lucie; Merritt, Rowena; Maltinsky, Wendy "Nutrients"
Swanson, Wendy Turner "Presbyterian Record"
Swanson, William "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Swanson, William "Franchising World"
Swanson, William C. "Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education"
Swanson, Zane; Krishnan, V. Sivarama "International Journal of Business, Accounting and Finance (IJBAF)"
Swanson-Biearman, Brenda "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Swanston, Heather; Williams, Katrina; Nunn, Kenneth "ERIC: Reports"
Swanston, Walterene "American Journalism Review"
Swanstrom, Mark "Journal of Business Strategies"
Swanstrom, Thomas E. "Business Economics"
SWANSWATER "Stirling Observer (Stirling, Scotland)"
SWANSWATER FISHERY "Stirling Observer (Stirling, Scotland)"
Swant, Martin "ADWEEK"
Swant, Marty "ADWEEK"
Swantick, Gavin "Michigan History Magazine"
Swantner, Michael "Petersen's Hunting"
Swanton, Charles "Clinical Chemistry"
Swanton, Christine "Mind"
Swanton, M.J. "The Modern Language Review"
Swanz, Donald J. "The CPA Journal"
Swanzy-Impraim, Samuel; Ge, Xin Janet; Mangioni, Vince "Buildings (Basel)"
Swap your coat for a cape this winter, says KATIE WRIGHT "Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)"
Swap, Robert J. "Interciencia"
Swapan Dasgupta (Poll Position) "Khaleej Times (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)"
Swapan, Mohammad Shahidul Hasan; Aktar, Shamima; Maher, Jeremy "Sustainability"
Swapna U.S.; Narasimhalu, C.R.V. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swapna, B.; Shalini, K.; Sreeramulu, B. "Indian Journal of Dental Advancements"
Swapna, Basimi; Jyothy, Jorige Ramya; Suvvati, Priyalatha "Indian Journal of Dental Advancements"
Swapna, Lingam Amara; AlMegbil, Nada Tarek; Almutlaq, Alhanouf Othman; Koppolu, Pradeep "Radiology Research and Practice"
Swapna, Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu; Korte, Dorota; Sankararaman, Sankaranarayana Iyer "Photonics"
Swapna, Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu; Oscar, Abin; Korte, Dorota; Sankararaman, Sankaranarayana Iyer "Applied Sciences"
Swapna, Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu; Tripon, Carmen; Gutt, Robert; Farcas, Alexandra; Bojan, Marcel; "Materials"
Swapna, P. "Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal"
Swapna, P.; Alageswaran, R. "Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences"
Swapna, P.; Roxy, M.K.; Aparna, K.; Kulkarni, K.; Prajeesh, A.G.; Ashok, K.; Krishnan, R.; Moorthi, "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Swapna, Somanatha P.; Karthikeya, Gulur S.; Koul, Shiban K.; Basu, Ananjan "Progress In Electromagnetics Research C"
Swapna, Somanatha; Karthikeya, Gulur S.; Koul, Shiban K.; Basu, Ananjan "Progress In Electromagnetics Research C"
Swapna, V.S.; Jambale, Triveni; Jayaprakash, Murthy D. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swapnamanjari, C.V.; Gopinathan, Anusha; Leela, K.V. "Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology"
Swapnil Nikte "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Swapnil. Tamrakar "Journal of Primary Care Dentistry and Oral Health"
Swapp, Andy; Schreuders, Paul; Reeve, Edward "Technology and Engineering Teacher"
Swapp, Ryan E.; Aubry, Marie Christine; Salomao, Diva R.; Cheville, John C. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Swarat, Uwe "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Swareldhab, Eiman S. elkhalifahassan; Al-Jawaldeh, Ayoub; Qureshi, Abdul Baseer; Ali, Amira M. Elmun "Nutrients"
Swarens, Tim "The Masthead"
Swargiary, Ananta; Roy, Mritunjoy Kumar; Daimari, Manita "Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal"
Swargiary, Kankan; Jitpratak, Pannathorn; Pathak, Akhilesh Kumar; Viphavakit, Charusluk "Sensors"
Swari, Ida Ayu Indira; Melinda, Tina "Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research"
Swarlis, Linda Jacobs "Teacher Librarian"
Swarm, Christopher "Survey of Current Business"
Swarna, M.; Lakshmi, M. Venkata; Rani, M. Sudha "European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine"
Swarnagowri, B.N.; G., Scuba "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnagowri, B.N.; Gopinath, Shilpa "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnagowri, B.N.; Sangeetha, R. Shubha; Ashwini, M.C.; Kishor, Krishna "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnagowri, B.N.; Sangeetha, Shubha "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnagowri, B.N.; Suba, G. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnakar, Pradip; Singh, Mudit Kumar "Sustainability"
Swarnakar, Snehasikta; Quigley, James P.; Armstrong, Peter B. "The Biological Bulletin"
Swarnalatha, J.C.; Rachel, K. Vijaya; Kumar, G. Amar Nagesh; Ausvi, Samina; Yadav, Anurag "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnalatha, Kadevari; Singh, Manisha; Basireddy, Sreekanth; Swarnalatha, Gundela "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnalatha, P.; Rani, R. Swarupa; Reddy, S. Rajasekhar; Kalam, Shaik. Raja Husne "European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine"
Swarnalingam, Nimalan; Wu, Dong L.; Emmons, Daniel J.; Gardiner-Garden, Robert "Remote Sensing"
Swarnamali, Hasinthi; Medara, Nidhi; Chopra, Aditi; Spahr, Axel; Jayasinghe, Thilini N. "Nutrients"
Swarnapriya, K.; Sathyadharan, P.; Subbiah, Vasantha N. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnendu Pal, Pranati Bera and Rajesh Kumar Mandal "Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists"
Swarner, Sharon "Teacher Librarian"
Swarnkar, Pratima; Chalissery, Vemina Paul; Soni, Dileep; Beniwal, Deepak Raisingani Ankita "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swarnkar, Radhika; Harikrishnan, R.; Singh, Mangal "World Electric Vehicle Journal"
Swarnkar, Radhika; Ramachandran, Harikrishnan; Ali, Sawal Hamid Md; Jabbar, Rani "World Electric Vehicle Journal"
Swarns, Christina "The American Prospect"
Swarns, Rachel L. "New York Times Upfront"
Swarns, Rachel L. "U.S. Catholic"
Swarns, Rachel L.; Kantor, Jodi "New York Times Upfront"
Swaro, Swastika; Banerjee, Swarna; Kuanar, Debasis; Karan, Daisy "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swaro, Swastika; Pani, Jaya Prakash "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swaroop, B.P. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swaroop, Dev M.; Narayanaswamy, G.N.; Mehrin, Shamim; Anu, P.K.; Vandana, Mohta "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swaroop, Pragati; Dixit, Varsha "Indian Journal of Industrial Relations"
Swaroop, Sheila; Cruz, Carol Pitzel "Journal of Commercial Biotechnology"
Swaroop-Debasish, Sathya "Abhigyan"
Swaroopa, H.N.; Jagadale, Basavaraj N.; Alnaggar, Omar Abdullah Murshed Farhan; Hegde, Vijayalakshmi "Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal"
Swaroopa, H.N.; Jagadale, Basavaraj N.; Priya, B.S.; Alnaggar, Omar Abdullah Murshed Farhan; Abhishe "Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal"
Swarovski, Feodor "World Literature Today"
Swarr, Amanda Lock "Feminist Studies"
Swarr, Amanda Lock; Theron, Liesl; Gross, Sally "Feminist Studies"
Swars, Susan L.; Meyers, Barbara; Mays, Lydia C.; Lack, Brian "Journal of Teacher Education"
Swars, Susan Lee "Journal of Instructional Psychology"
Swart, A.M.; Chisholm, B.S.; Cohen, K.; Workman, L.J.; Cameron, D.; Blockman, M. "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Swart, Annoesjka; Blockman, Marc "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Swart, Annoesjka; Chisholm, Briony; Cohen, Karen; Blockman, Marc; Kinkel, Hans-Friedemann; Kredo, Ta "South African Medical Journal"
Swart, Annoesjka; Harris, Vanessa; Talmud, Joe; Chisholm, Briony "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Swart, Dehran; Reddy, Priscilla "Journal of School Health"
Swart, Edgar "South African Medical Journal"
Swart, Ginny "Queen's Quarterly"
Swart, Harrie de "Axioms"
Swart, Inette; van Niekerk, Caroline; Hartman, Woltemade "Australian Journal of Music Education"
Swart, J.; de Villiers, R.V.P.; Hosking, K.V. "South African Journal of Sports Medicine"
Swart, J.; de Villiers, R.V.P.; Roux, F.; Rademan, F.; Thom, G. "South African Journal of Sports Medicine"
Swart, James "Units"
Swart, Joan "The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy"
Swart, Joan; Apsche, Jack "The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy"
Swart, John "Sarasota Magazine"
Swart, Kyle "Cheers"
Swart, L.; Buthelezi, S.; Seedat, M. "SAMJ South African Medical Journal"
Swart, L.; Naidoo, K.; Schapkaitz, E.; Poole, J.; Coetzer, T.L. "South African Journal of Child Health"
Swart, Laura E.; Fens, Marcel H. A. M.; van Oort, Anita; Waranecki, Piotr; Mata Casimiro, L. Daniel; "Pharmaceutics"
Swart, Lynette; Morgan, Diana "Practical Literacy"
Swart, Molly A. "Detroiter"
Swart, Morne; Olsson, Richard T.; Hedenqvist, Mikael S.; Mallon, Peter E. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Swart, O.; Esterhuizen, T.M.; Voss, M. "SAMJ South African Medical Journal"
Swart, Reinout M.; van Ingen, Jakko; van Soolingen, Dick; Slingerland, Rob; Hendriks, Willem D.H.; H "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Swart, Reuben Marc; Brink, Hendrik; Nicol, Willie "Fermentation"
Swart, Rob; Timmermans, Wim; Boon, Eva; Van Ginkel, Maarten; Goosen, Hasse; Van Veldhoven, Felix; Ci "Social Sciences"
Swart, Rudi; Maes, Sabine S. A.; Cavanaugh, David; Mason, Keira P. "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Swart, Sandra "Journal of Social History"
Swart, Sandra "Labour/Le Travail"
Swart, Sandra "Journal of Literary Studies"
Swart, Sharon "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Chagollan, Steve "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Dawtrey, Adam; Kaufman, Anthony; Ross, Matthew "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Dore, Shalini "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Dunkley, Cathy "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Fleming, Mike; Punter, Jennie "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Frater, Patrick; McClintock, Pamela; James, Alison "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Hayes, Dade "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Jaafar, Ali; DeGennaro, Alexa "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Jones, Mike "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Keslassy, Elsa "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; McClintock, Pam "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; McClintock, Pamela "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; McDonald, Kathy "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Oei, Lily "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Peers, Martin; Foreman, Liza; Dawtrey, Adam; Paxman, Andrew; Morgan, Richard; Littlet "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Seif, Dena "Variety"
Swart, Sharon; Thielman, Sam "Variety"
Swart, Stanley L. "Washington Monthly"
Swart, Stanley L. "Security Management"
Swart, William; Kowalczyk, Christine M. "Education Sciences"
Swartbooi, Ashton; Kapanji-Kakoma, Kutemba K.; Musyoka, Nicholas M. "Sustainability"
Swarthout, Donna "Tablet Magazine"
Swarthout, Jim "National Catholic Reporter"
Swarthout, Mary "Teaching Children Mathematics"
Swarthout, Mary; Mann, Robert; Hartweg, Kim "Teaching Children Mathematics"
SWARTLEY, ARIEL "New York Times Upfront"
Swartley, Ron "Shooting Industry"
Swartley, Willard M. "Mennonite Quarterly Review"
Swartley, Willard M. "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
SWARTLING, DANIEL "Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science"
Swartling, Lisa; Sparrelid, Elda; Ljungman, Per; Boriskina, Ksenia; Valentini, Davide; Svensson, Len "Viruses"
Swartout, Doug "Communications News"
Swartout, Kaitlyn "New Moon Girls"
Swartout, Robert R., Jr. "The Historian"
Swartout, William "AI Magazine"
Swartout, William; Artstein, Ron; Forbell, Eric; Foutz, Susan; Lane, H. Chad; Lange, Belinda; Morie, "AI Magazine"
Swartout, William; Gratch, Jonathan; Hill, Randall W.; Hovy, Eduard; Marsella, Stacy; Rickel, Jeff; "AI Magazine"
Swarts, Frederick A. "World and I"
Swarts, Jason "ERIC: Reports"
Swarts, John M. "Rubber World"
Swarts, Kyle "StateWays"
Swarts, Lynne "The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies"
Swarts, Nigel; Montagu, Kelvin; Oliver, Garth; Southam-Rogers, Liam; Hardie, Marcus; Corkrey, Ross; "Soil Research"
Swarts, Nikki "Information Management Journal"
Swartwood, Dan T. "Security Management"
SWARTWOUT, DONNA "National Catholic Reporter"
Swartwout, Ellen "The Pulse"
Swartwout, Ellen "Oklahoma Nurse"
Swartwout, Ellen "South Carolina Nurse"
Swartwout, Ellen "ISNA Bulletin"
Swartwout, Ellen "Vermont Nurse Connection"
Swartwout, Ellen "Missouri Nurse"
Swartwout, Susan "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Swartwout, Susan "Feminist Studies"
Swartz, Aileen Cunningham "Small Press Bookwatch"
Swartz, Aimee "ERIC: Reports"
Swartz, Anne "Woman's Art Journal"
Swartz, Anne K. "symploke"
Swartz, Ashten "Grit"
Swartz, Dan "ABA Bank Marketing"
Swartz, David R. "Mennonite Quarterly Review"
Swartz, Donald "Labour/Le Travail"
Swartz, Donald "Canadian Dimension"
Swartz, Edward "Petersen's Bowhunting"
Swartz, Ethne; Davies, Rae "Leadership & Organization Development Journal"
Swartz, Ian "Sister Namibia"
Swartz, Jaenique "Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia)"
Swartz, James A. "Trial"
Swartz, James A.; Campbell, Kevin; Baumohl, Jim; Tonkin, Peggy "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Swartz, James A.; Martinovich, Zoran "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Swartz, James A.; Martinovich, Zoran; Goldstein, Paul "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Swartz, James A.; Tonkin, Peggy; Baumohl, Jim "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Swartz, Jeffrey "Florida Bar News"
Swartz, Jeffrey D.; Fors, Luis A. "Florida Bar News"
Swartz, Jerry "Real Estate Weekly"
Swartz, Keith "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Swartz, Kristi E. "The Quill"
Swartz, Kyle "Cheers"
Swartz, Kyle "StateWays"
Swartz, Lana "MIT Technology Review"
Swartz, Larry "Canadian Children's Book News"
Swartz, Leonard N. "Franchising World"
Swartz, Leslie, Ed.; Warner, Linda, Ed.; Grossman, David L., Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Swartz, Linda Kay "Phi Delta Kappan"
Swartz, Maria C.; Robertson, Michael C.; Christopherson, Ursela; Wells, Stephanie J.; Lewis, Zakkoyy "Life (Basel)"
Swartz, Marilyn "Sunset"
Swartz, Mark H. "Canadian Manager"
Swartz, Marla "Michigan Law Review"
Swartz, Marvin "Duke Medicine Health News"
Swartz, Marvin S.; Swanson, Jeffrey W. "Current Psychiatry"
Swartz, Matt "The Baseball Research Journal"
Swartz, Melissa "The Non-profit Times"
Swartz, Merlin "International Journal of Comparative Sociology"
Swartz, Miriam; Chen, Lucy L.; Walder, Diane; Winslow, Caroline Y. "Dermatology News"
SWARTZ, MORTON N. "Issues in Science and Technology"
Swartz, Nancy P. "Humanist Perspectives"
Swartz, Nancy R. "Humanist Perspectives"
Swartz, Nathan M. "Army Sustainment"
Swartz, Nikki "Information Management Journal"
Swartz, Omar "The AnaChronisT"
Swartz, Patti Capel "Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers"
Swartz, Peter M. "Naval War College Review"
Swartz, Richard D.; Perry, Erica; Brown, Stephanie; Swartz, June; Vinokur, Amiram "Health and Social Work"
SWARTZ, ROBERT D.; VIEWEG, ROBERT A. "Michigan Academician"
Swartz, Ryan J. "The Journal of High Technology Law"
Swartz, Sally "Psycho-analytic Psychotherapy in South Africa"
Swartz, Scott "Financial Executive"
Swartz, Scott; Haverfield, Walter I. "The Tax Adviser"
Swartz, Shauna "Curve"
Swartz, Shauna; Gilchrist, Tracy E.; Plato, Catherine; Westbrook, Renee; Schenden, Laurie K.; Esther "Curve"
Swartz, Stephen M.; Douglas, Matthew A. "Transportation Journal"
Swartz, Stephen M.; Douglas, Matthew A.; Roberts, Matthew D.; E.Overstreet, Robert "Transportation Journal"
Swartz, Stephen M.; Griffis, Stanley E.; Cho, Matthew "Journal of Transportation Management"
Swartz, Stephen M.; Mingee, Glen "Air Force Journal of Logistics"
Swartz, Susan "Chain Drug Review"
Swartz, Wendy "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Swartz-Medina, Lisa "Catholic Education"
Swartz. Nikki "Information Management Journal"
Swartzberg, K.; Goldstein, L.N. "SAMJ South African Medical Journal"
Swartzberg, Kylen; Adam, Ahmed; Motara, Feroza; Laher, Abdullah E. "Case Reports in Emergency Medicine"
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Swartzer, Steven "Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy"
Swartzfager, Selena "Mississippi Business Journal"
Swartzlander, E.E., Jr. "Journal of Electronic Defense"
Swartzlander, Jeffrey M. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Swartzlander, M.; Kumar, Ashok; Raviraj, B.V. "Modern Casting"
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Swartzlander, Mike "Modern Casting"
Swartzwelder, Kay "Nursing Education Perspectives"
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Swarup, Chetan "Symmetry (Basel)"
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Swarup, Monte R. "OBG Management"
Swarup, Shanti "Coatings World"
Swarup, Shivam; Singh Kushwaha, Gyaneshwar "Sustainability"
Swarupa, Preeti; Kumar, Anil "Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology"
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Swarztlander, Susan "The Women's Review of Books"
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Swasey, Olivia "Tablet Magazine"
Swastawati, F; Ambariyanto, A; Cahyono, B; Wijayanti, I; Chilmawati, D; Hadiyanto, H; Al-Baarri, AN "African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development"
Swasthik, K.S.; Sundaresan, Preetha; Vijayan, Varun "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
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Swathe, Kieran "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Swathi G, Avijit Mondal and Deepak UG "Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists"
Swathi Pitchiammal Vairaprakasam, Ravi Munsing Rathod, Rashmi Laxman Chavan and Sahana Krishnarajana "Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists"
Swathi, A.S.; Shabab, O. "Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences"
Swathi, Hegde; Manjunath, H.G. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swathi, S.P.; Reddy, E. Rajendra; Kiranmayi, M.; Srujana, M.P. "Indian Journal of Dental Advancements"
Swathi, Talari; Vudela, Dasari Nishanth; Kucherlapati, Deepika; Goutam, B. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swathi, V.M.; Raju, Satish S.; Tejaswini, Leela; Praveen, Kumar B.Y.; Veenapani, M.K.; Manjunath, S. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Swathi, V.M.; Sathish, Kumar K.N. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
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Swathy Sanjay Sindhu "Khaleej Times (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)"
Swathylekshmy, J.L.; Jayapalan, Sabeena "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
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SWATI DASGUPTA "Times of Oman (Muscat, Oman)"
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Swazey, Judith P. "The Hastings Center Report"

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