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Pow, Jamie "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Pow, Kadian "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Pow, Tom "Atlanta Review"
Pow, Tom "Scottish Studies Review"
Powala, Agnieszka; Zolek, Teresa; Brown, Geoffrey; Kutner, Andrzej "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Powala, Katarzyna; Zolek, Teresa; Brown, Geoffrey; Kutner, Andrzej "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Powala, Krzysztof; Obraniak, Andrzej; Heim, Dariusz; Mrowiec, Andrzej "Materials"
Powalisz, Gary "EE-Evaluation Engineering"
Powar, Vishwas; Singh, Rajendra "Batteries"
Powaski, Ronald "The Historian"
Powaski, Ronald E. "The Humanist"
Powaski, Ronald E. "USA Today (Magazine)"
Powaski, Ronald E. "The Historian"
Powden, Steven L. "Journal of Continuing Education Topics & Issues"
Powderly, Kathleen E. "The Hastings Center Report"
Powderly, Kathleen E.; Smith, Elaine "The Hastings Center Report"
Powdrill, Tom "Renewal"
Powdthavee, Nattavudh; Vignoles, Anna "ERIC: Reports"
Powdyel, Thakur S. "Marg, A Magazine of the Arts"
Powe, B.W. "English Studies in Canada"
Powe, Barbara D.; Haugabrook, Shan "Georgia Nursing"
Powe, Jr., L.A. "Constitutional Commentary"
Powe, Jr., L.A. "Michigan Law Review"
Powe, Jr., L.A. Scot "The Historian"
Powe, Jr., Lucas A. "Constitutional Commentary"
Powe, L.A., Jr. "Notre Dame Law Review"
Powe, L.A., Jr. "Constitutional Commentary"
Powe, L.A., Jr. "The Historian"
Powe, L.A., Jr. "William and Mary Law Review"
Poweleit, David "Modern Casting"
Powell "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Powell Rey, Kimberly K. Powell. Melanie "International Journal of Education Research (IJER)"
Powell, A "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Powell, A. Michael "Southwestern Naturalist"
Powell, Aaron Ross "The Cato Journal"
Powell, Adam "Government Finance Review"
Powell, Adam "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Powell, Adam C., III "American Journalism Review"
Powell, Adam Clayton III "Reason"
Powell, Adam Clayton, III "Reason"
Powell, Adam Clayton, III "American Diplomacy"
Powell, Aidan; Hanna, Colin; Sajjad, Munawwar; Yao, Rutao; Blum, Kenneth; Gold, Mark S.; Quattrin, T "Journal of Personalized Medicine"
Powell, Al "USA Today (Magazine)"
Powell, Alan "ABA Bank Marketing"
Powell, Alan "Petersen's Hunting"
Powell, Alana "Mississippi Magazine"
Powell, Alison "NATE Classroom"
Powell, Alison "New Orleans Review"
Powell, Alison "Prairie Schooner"
Powell, Allen "Underground Construction"
Powell, Allison; Patrick, Susan "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Allyn B. "Fishery Bulletin"
Powell, Allyn B.; Cheshire, Robin T.; Laban, Elisabeth H.; Colvocoresses, James; O'Donnell, Patrick; "Fishery Bulletin"
Powell, Allyn B.; Laban, Elisabeth H.; Holt, Scott A.; Holt, G. Joan "Fishery Bulletin"
Powell, Alvin "USA Today (Magazine)"
Powell, Alwyn "Teaching Science"
Powell, Alyssa; Bennett, Natalie; Lamm, Kevan W. "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Powell, Amanda "The Women's Review of Books"
Powell, Amy "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Anastasia "The Conversation (New Zealand Edition)"
Powell, Anastasia "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Powell, Angela C.; Mubarak, Christopher R.; Morgan, Stephen L.; Garvin, Demi "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Powell, Angiline; Anderson, Celia-Rousseau "Childhood Education"
Powell, Anna "Gothic Studies"
Powell, Anne "Contemporary Review"
Powell, Anne "Migrant Health Newsline"
Powell, Anne Marie "Association Management"
Powell, Anne; Barber, Connie S. "Journal of Information Systems Education"
Powell, Anthony "Apollo"
Powell, Antonia; Kim, Seon Hwa; Hucl, Pierre; Vujanovic, Vladimir "Pathogens"
Powell, Arthur B. "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Arthur B.; Maher, Carolyn A. "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Arthur B.; Temple, Oshon L. "Teaching Children Mathematics"
Powell, B.P.; Simes, D. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Powell, Barbara "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Powell, Barclay B.; Horvath, Kelsey C.; Gilliam, Tyeler L.; Sibille, Kimberly T.; Keil, Andreas; Mil "Genes"
Powell, Barry L. "Journal of Accountancy"
Powell, Ben "Thrasher"
Powell, Ben; Gibbs, Simon "International Journal of Whole Schooling"
Powell, Benjamin "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Powell, Benjamin "Independent Review"
Powell, Benjamin "The Cato Journal"
Powell, Benjamin; Brennan, Jason "Independent Review"
Powell, Benjamin; Rodet, Cortney Stephen "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Powell, Benjamin; Ryan, Matt E. "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Powell, Benjamin; Smith, Taylor Leland "Independent Review"
Powell, Benjamin; Weber, Rick "American Journal of Entrepreneurship"
Powell, Bev "Pediatric News"
Powell, Bob "Georgia Journal of Science"
Powell, Bob R. "Thomas Wolfe Review"
Powell, Bonnie "Soldiers Magazine"
Powell, Bonnie Azab "Mother Jones"
Powell, Bradford J.; Weinberg, Lauren "Buildings"
Powell, Brenda Heelan "LawNow"
Powell, Brenda Heelan; Kauffman, Rebecca "LawNow"
Powell, Brenda Heenan "LawNow"
Powell, Brent "Soldiers Magazine"
Powell, Brett "Arkansas Business"
Powell, Brian "Endangered Species Bulletin"
Powell, Brian "Phi Delta Kappan"
Powell, Brian F.; Steidl, Robert J. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Powell, Brittany R.; Kennedy, Todd "Intertexts"
Powell, Bruce "IFR"
Powell, Bryan "Plastics Engineering"
Powell, Burnele V. "Michigan Law Review"
Powell, C. Spencer "Appraisal Journal"
Powell, Carl R. "Community College Week"
Powell, Carol "Finishing"
Powell, Carol A.; Hunting, Robert P. "Teaching Children Mathematics"
Powell, Catherine "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Powell, Cedric Merlin "Washington University Journal of Law & Policy"
Powell, Charles "Mother Earth News"
Powell, Charles R., III "New Hampshire Business Review"
POWELL, CHIC "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Powell, Chris "Airman"
Powell, Chris R.; Van Dyke, Michael; Haley, Richard; Hill, Richard; Heinlein, Edwin B. "Communications of the ACM"
Powell, Chris; Powell, Heidi "Success"
Powell, Christine Carrington "Techniques"
Powell, Christopher "Canadian Review of Sociology"
Powell, Christopher "Labour/Le Travail"
Powell, Christopher "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Powell, Christopher "World History Bulletin"
Powell, Christopher D.; Dhanoa, Mewa S.; Garber, Anna; Murray, Jo-Anne M.D.; Lopez, Secundino; Ellis "Animals (Basel)"
Powell, Christopher D.; Lopez, Secundino; France, James "Animals (Basel)"
Powell, Colin "DISAM Journal"
Powell, Colin "The Black Collegian"
Powell, Colin "Defense Transportation Journal"
Powell, Colin "Americas (English Edition)"
Powell, Colin "The Wilson Quarterly"
Powell, Colin "Curriculum Review"
Powell, Colin L. "Joint Force Quarterly"
Powell, Colin Luther "Joint Force Quarterly"
Powell, Connie "Canadian Chemical News"
Powell, Corey S.; Bradford, Stuart "MIT Technology Review"
Powell, Courtney K. "Journal of Thought"
Powell, Crystal "Journal of International and Global Studies"
Powell, Cyndi "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Powell, Czarina "Canada-United States Law Journal"
Powell, D. A. "Chicago Review"
Powell, D.A. "The American Poetry Review"
Powell, D.A. "Prairie Schooner"
Powell, D.G. Nancy J. "State Magazine"
Powell, Dalton "Duke Law & Technology Review"
Powell, Damon "Journal of Pan African Studies"
Powell, Daniel "Optometry Today"
Powell, Daniel; Inoue, Taiga; Bahtiyar, Gul; Fenteany, Gabriel; Sacerdote, Alan "Case Reports in Endocrinology"
Powell, Dannye Romine "Prairie Schooner"
Powell, Dannye Romine "Atlanta Review"
Powell, Darryl "The Mineralogical Record"
Powell, Dathan "TD&T (Theatre Design & Technology)"
Powell, Dave "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Powell, Dave "Journal of Teacher Education"
Powell, David "Communications of the ACM"
Powell, David A. "Nineteenth-Century French Studies"
Powell, David A. "French Forum"
Powell, David A.; Loveless, Lyn; Romey, William L. "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Powell, David C. "Publius"
Powell, David F. "Florida Bar Journal"
Powell, David J. "Addiction Professional"
Powell, David J. "Behavioral Healthcare"
Powell, David L. "Florida Bar Journal"
Powell, David L.; Gazica, Michele "Florida Bar Journal"
Powell, David M.; Kozlowski, Corinne P.; Clark, John; Seyfried, Alice; Baskir, Eli; Franklin, Ashley "Animals (Basel)"
Powell, David M.; Noel, Jana "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, David P. "Long-Term Living"
Powell, David S., Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, David V. "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, David V.; Agnew, David M. "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Powell, David W. "Harper's Magazine"
Powell, David; Walberer, Andrew; Schroder, Paul; Tejwani, Saurabh "Chain Drug Review"
Powell, Davin "Science News"
Powell, DeLana; Robinson, Janine "Corrections Today"
Powell, Devin "Science News"
Powell, Devin; Witze, Alexandra "Science News"
Powell, Devln "Science News"
Powell, Diane Hennacy "The Journal of Parapsychology"
Powell, Dianne Frances D. "Community College Week"
Powell, Dimity "Children's Bookwatch"
Powell, Dorothy L.; Green, Pauline M.; Slade, Diann S. "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Powell, Douglas "Nursing Homes"
Powell, Douglas A. "Insurance Journal"
Powell, Douglas A. "Insurance Advocate"
Powell, Eileen Alt "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Powell, Eleanor A.; Babady, Esther "Clinical Chemistry"
Powell, Eleanor A.; Mortensen, Joel E. "Journal of Continuing Education Topics & Issues"
Powell, Eleanor; Mortensen, Joel "Journal of Continuing Education Topics & Issues"
Powell, Elizabeth A.I. "The American Poetry Review"
Powell, Elizabeth; Sahadzic, Iana; Najafali, Daniel; Berman, Emilie; Andersen, Katie; Afridi, Leenah "Critical Care Research and Practice"
Powell, Emilia Justyna "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Powell, Emily; Kuhn, Peter; Xu, Wei "PPAR Research"
Powell, Emma Jean "Georgia Nursing"
Powell, Enda "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Powell, Eric "Chicago Review"
Powell, Eric N. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Ashton-Alcox, Kathryn A. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Ashton-Alcox, Kathryn A.; Kraeuter, John N.; Ford, Susan E.; Bushek, David "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Callender, W. Russell; Staff, George M.; Parsons-Hubbard, Karla M.; Brett, Carlton "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Hofmann, Eileen E.; Klinck, John M. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Kim, Yungkul "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Kim, Yungkul; Bushek, David "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Klinck, John M. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Klinck, John M.; Ashton-Alcox, Kathryn A. "Fishery Bulletin"
Powell, Eric N.; Klinck, John M.; Ashton-Alcox, Kathryn A.; Kraeuter, John N. "Fishery Bulletin"
Powell, Eric N.; Klinck, John M.; Guo, Ximing; Ford, Susan E.; Bushek, David "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Klinck, John M.; Poussard, Leanne M. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Mann, Roger "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Eric N.; Morson, Jason; Klinck, John M. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Erin C.; Painting, Christina J.; Hickey, Anthony J.; Machado, Glauco; Holwell, Gregory I. "The Journal of Arachnology"
Powell, Eugenia Toliver; Austin, Audrey "Pediatric Nursing"
Powell, Eve M. Troutt "Middle East Policy"
Powell, Frona M. "Business Horizons"
Powell, G. Edward, III "Duke Law & Technology Review"
Powell, G.E.; Ward, A.D.; Mecklenburg, D.E.; Draper, J.; Word, W. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Powell, G.E.; Ward, A.D.; Mecklenburg, D.E.; Jayakaran, A.D. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Powell, Garry Craig "New Orleans Review"
Powell, Garry Craig "Queen's Quarterly"
Powell, Gary E.; Baker, H. Kent "Review of Financial Economics"
Powell, Gary N. "Organizational Dynamics"
Powell, Gary N.; Foley, Sharon "Journal of Management"
Powell, Gary N.; Mainiero, Lisa A. "Journal of Management"
Powell, Gary N.; Mainiero, Lisa A. "Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology"
Powell, Gary V. "Thomas Wolfe Review"
Powell, Gene "Journal of Property Management"
Powell, George "Thrasher"
Powell, Glenda "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Powell, Graeme "National Library of Australia Gateways"
Powell, Gregg "Army Communicator"
Powell, Gregory "The Progressive"
Powell, Gwynn "Camping Magazine"
Powell, Gwynn M. "Camping Magazine"
Powell, Gwynn M.; Burrell, Meriwether; Burrell, Sara Beth "Camping Magazine"
Powell, Gwynn M.; James, J. Joy "Camping Magazine"
Powell, Gwynn M.; James, J. Joy; Bixler, Robert "Camping Magazine"
Powell, Gwynn M.; Timmerman, Danielle; James, J. Joy; Garst, Stephanie P. "Camping Magazine"
Powell, Gwynn; James, Joy; Yerkes, Rita "Camping Magazine"
Powell, H. Jefferson "Yale Law Journal"
Powell, H. Jefferson "USA Today (Magazine)"
Powell, H. Jefferson "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Powell, H. Jefferson "Michigan Law Review"
Powell, H. Jefferson "The Historian"
Powell, H. Jefferson "William and Mary Law Review"
Powell, H. Jefferson "Duke Law Journal"
Powell, H. Jefferson; Hauerwas, Stanley "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Powell, Hartaj K. "OBG Management"
Powell, Hartaj K.; Kulbida, Nicholas "OBG Management"
Powell, Hartaj K.; Wells, Matthew; Hoffmann, Eva "OBG Management"
Powell, Helen; Krall, Jenna R.; Wang, Yun; Bell, Michelle L.; Peng, Roger D. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Powell, Hugh "Oceanus"
Powell, Hunter "Underground Construction"
Powell, Ian "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Powell, II, Allen "Black Issues Book Review"
Powell, Ilze "The Baltic Times (Riga, Latvia)"
Powell, Imani "Black Issues Book Review"
Powell, Irene; Cosgrove, James "Journal of Human Resources"
Powell, Irene; Montgomery, Mark "AEI Paper & Studies"
Powell, Isabel "School Librarian"
Powell, Isobel "School Librarian"
Powell, Isobell "School Librarian"
Powell, J.C. "Buildings"
Powell, J.M.; Satter, L.D. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Powell, Jack "Corrections Today"
Powell, James "The Exceptional Parent"
Powell, James "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Powell, James "Newsletter of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Powell, James Lawrence "The Futurist"
Powell, James M. "National Catholic Reporter"
Powell, James M. "Church History"
Powell, James M. "The Historian"
Powell, James N. "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Powell, Jan E.; Stanley, Rex A. "Health Management Technology"
Powell, Janet Carlson "The American Biology Teacher"
Powell, Janice "Curriculum Review"
Powell, Jared "Label & Narrow Web"
Powell, Jaren P. "Army Logistician"
Powell, Jason "Philosophy in Review"
Powell, Jason A. "Philosophy in Review"
Powell, Jason L. "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
Powell, Jason L. "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Powell, Jason L.; Chen, Sheying "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Powell, Jeanne "Journal of Pan African Studies"
Powell, Jeff "The Journal of Transport History"
Powell, Jeffrey "Army Sustainment"
Powell, Jeffrey C. "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Powell, Jeffrey C. "Army Sustainment"
Powell, Jeffrey L. "The Review of Metaphysics"
Powell, Jenny "Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons"
Powell, Jenny "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Powell, Jeremy "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
Powell, Jerome H. "Business Economics"
Powell, Jerry "E"
Powell, Jessie "California CPA"
Powell, Jim "The American Conservative"
Powell, Jim "Petersen's Bowhunting"
Powell, Jim "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Powell, Joan "History Today"
Powell, Joanne Hill "The Exceptional Parent"
Powell, Joanne M. "Techniques"
Powell, Jody "Washington Monthly"
Powell, John "Catholic Insight"
Powell, John "Software World"
Powell, John "Tooling & Production"
Powell, John "Offshore Yachting"
Powell, John "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Powell, John "History Today"
Powell, John "The Historian"
Powell, John "Journal of Church and State"
Powell, John "Laser Systems Europe"
Powell, John A. "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Powell, John A. "The American Prospect"
Powell, John A.; Trammel, Ming Shi; Newhart, Daniel "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Powell, John D. "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Powell, John F.; Burt, Chris "Defense Counsel Journal"
Powell, John H.; Kalinowski, Steven T.; Higgs, Megan D.; Ebinger, Michael R.; Vu, Ninh V.; Cross, Pa "Wildlife Biology"
Powell, John H.; Kalinowski, Steven T.; Taper, Mark L.; Rotella, Jay J.; Davis, Corey S.; Garrott, R "Entropy"
Powell, John K. "Florida Bar Journal"
Powell, John S. "Early Music"
Powell, John S. "Music & Letters"
Powell, John T.; Kayesh, Ruhul; Ballesteros-Perez, Alexandra; Alam, Khondoker; Niyonshuti, Pascaline "Pharmaceutics"
Powell, Jonathan M.; Nixon, Laura J.; Lourie, Austin P.; Leskey, Tracy C.; Walse, Spencer S. "Forests"
Powell, Joseph "The Conversation (Global Perspective)"
Powell, Joseph "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
POWELL, JOSEPH D. "Security Management"
Powell, Jouett L. "Church History"
Powell, Jouett L. "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Powell, Joy "Communication World"
Powell, Joyce "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Powell, Jr., Michael S. "Combat Edge"
Powell, Judy "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Powell, Julie "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Powell, Julie "The Mirror (London, England)"
Powell, Julie "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Powell, K. Skylar "Management International Review"
Powell, Karen "Franchising World"
Powell, Karen "The Exchange"
Powell, Karen "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Powell, Katherine C. "Education"
Powell, Katherine C.; Kalina, Cody J. "Education"
Powell, Kathy "Units"
Powell, Kathy "National Catholic Reporter"
Powell, Katie "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Powell, Kelley "New Moon Girls"
Powell, Kenneth "The Architectural Review"
Powell, Kenneth "The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History"
Powell, Kenneth E.; Muir-McClain, Lois; Halasyamani, Lakshmi "Journal of School Health"
Powell, Kenneth L "The CPA Journal"
Powell, Kersti Tarien "Yearbook of English Studies"
Powell, Keven T. "Family Practice News"
Powell, Keven T. "Pediatric News"
Powell, Kevin "OB GYN News"
Powell, Kevin "Family Practice News"
Powell, Kevin "Pediatric News"
Powell, Kevin "Ebony"
Powell, Kevin "Teacher Librarian"
Powell, Kevin "The Brooklyn Rail"
Powell, Kevin T. "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Powell, Kevin T. "OB GYN News"
Powell, Kevin T. "Internal Medicine News"
Powell, Kevin T. "Family Practice News"
Powell, Kevin T. "Pediatric News"
Powell, Kim "The Pulse"
Powell, Kim A. "The Pulse"
Powell, Kimberly "Black Enterprise"
Powell, Kimberly "Journal of the Medical Library Association"
Powell, Kimberly A.; Abels, Lori "Women and Language"
Powell, Kimberly K.; Rey, Melanie Powell "International Journal of Education Research (IJER)"
Powell, Kimberly K.; Rey, Melanie Powell "International Journal of Business Research and Information Technology"
Powell, Kimberly T. "Black Enterprise"
Powell, Kristiana "Ploughshares Monitor"
Powell, Larry "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Powell, Larry "Canadian Dimension"
Powell, Larry "Alternatives Journal"
Powell, Larry; Hickson, Mark, III; Amsbary, Jonathan "North American Journal of Psychology"
Powell, Larry; Ibelema, Minabere "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Powell, Larry; Neiva, Eduardo; Fuller, Jessica "North American Journal of Psychology"
Powell, Larry; Richmond, Virginia P.; Williams, Glenda C. "North American Journal of Psychology"
Powell, Lars "Arkansas Business"
Powell, Larson "The German Quarterly"
Powell, Laura; Brooks, Frances "Grit"
Powell, Laurence M. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Powell, Lawrence Alfred; Waller, Lloyd "Communication World"
Powell, Lawrence N. "The Nation"
Powell, Lee "Public Works"
Powell, Lenox "Medical Product Outsourcing"
Powell, Lillie M.; Choi, Soo Jeon; Chipman, Chloe E.; Grund, Megan E.; LaSala, P. Rocco; Lukomski, S "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Powell, Linda "Guns Magazine"
Powell, Linda "NEA Today"
Powell, Lindsey "Stanford Law Review"
Powell, Lisa D. "Cross Currents"
Powell, Lisa Raylene "Grit"
Powell, Louise "Parergon"
Powell, Luke "Esprit de Corps"
Powell, Lynda "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Powell, Lynda W. "Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy"
Powell, Lynn "The Carolina Quarterly"
Powell, Lynn S. "Mortgage Banking"
POWELL, M.A.; WEBBER, J.F.; EATON, R.A. "Forest Products Journal"
Powell, Madeline "American Theatre"
Powell, Madison S.; Owen, James G.; Bradley, Robert D. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Powell, Marie A. "Catholic Education"
POWELL, MARK "The Architectural Review"
Powell, Mark "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Powell, Mark "Esprit de Corps"
Powell, Mark Allan "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Powell, Mark E. "Journal of Accountancy"
Powell, Mark E. "Theological Studies"
Powell, Mark W. "Journal of International Women's Studies"
Powell, Martin "International Journal of Health Policy and Management"
Powell, Martin; Mannion, Russell "International Journal of Health Policy and Management"
Powell, Marvin A. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Powell, Mary "Nursing Economics"
Powell, Mary "Teaching and Learning"
Powell, Mary Clare "Phi Delta Kappan"
Powell, Mason Whitehorn "The Brooklyn Rail"
Powell, Matt "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Powell, Matthew "PN - Paraplegia News"
Powell, Matthew "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Powell, Matthew T. "Theological Studies"
Powell, Matthew T. "Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature"
Powell, Matthew; Bailey, Justin; Maggio, Lauren A. "Journal of Family Practice"
Powell, Megan L.; Lamm, Kevan W.; Croom, D. Barry; Sapp, L. Rochelle "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Powell, Meridith Elliott "Rural Telecommunications"
Powell, Meridith Elliott "Customer"
Powell, Michael "The New American"
Powell, Michael "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Powell, Michael "Notes and Queries"
Powell, Michael K. "Federal Communications Law Journal"
Powell, Michael W. "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Powell, Michael; Hesline, Rex "Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society"
Powell, Michaell "Washington Monthly"
Powell, Mickie L.; Jones, Warren T.; Gibbs, Victoria K.; Hammer, Hugh S.; Lawrence, John M.; Fox, Jo "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Powell, Mickie L.; Watts, Stephen A. "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Powell, Mickie L.; White, Lindsay; Austad, Stephen N.; Allison, David B.; Watts, Stephen A. "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Powell, Mike "Business Mexico"
Powell, Mike "Handguns"
Powell, Miles "Environment and History"
Powell, Miles A. "Environment and History"
Powell, Miles Alexander "Environment and History"
Powell, Mitchell E. "Units"
Powell, Morgan "Swiss News"
Powell, Nancy "ForeWord"
Powell, Nancy "Clarion Reviews"
Powell, Nancy Glenn "Small Press Bookwatch"
Powell, Nancy J. "State Magazine"
Powell, Natasha; Taylor, Bruce; Hotton, Anna; Lamuda, Phoebe; Flanagan, Elizabeth; Pyra, Maria; Brew "Vaccines"
Powell, Neil; Kløcker Larsen, Rasmus; de Bruin, Annemarieke; Powell, Stina; Elrick-Barr, Carmen "Water"
Powell, Network World Global Test Alliance Thomas "Network World"
Powell, Network World Global Test Alliance Thomas A. "Network World"
Powell, Nicholas "Apollo"
Powell, Norman K. "Systems Research and Behavioral Science"
Powell, Padgett "Bookmarks"
Powell, Padgett "Harper's Magazine"
Powell, Padgett "Southwest Review"
Powell, Pamela Jane "Childhood Education"
Powell, Pamela Jane "Phi Delta Kappan"
Powell, Patricia "American Music Teacher"
Powell, Patricia A., Ed.; Faden, Vivian B., Ed.; Wing, Stephen, Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Patricia Hruby "Children's Bookwatch"
Powell, Patricia L. "Honors in Practice"
Powell, Patrick S.; Pazol, Karen; Wiggins, Lisa D.; Daniels, Julie L.; Dichter, Gabriel S.; Bradley, "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Powell, Paul "Harper's Magazine"
Powell, Paul; Furukawa, Kei; Parkman, Jacob; Collins, David "Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science"
Powell, Peggi "Association Management"
Powell, Peter J. "Whispering Wind"
Powell, Phil "Indiana Business Review"
Powell, Philip T. "Indiana Business Review"
Powell, Philip T.; Slaper, Timothy F.; Rogers, Carol O. "Indiana Business Review"
Powell, Philip T.; Zipper, Riley "Indiana Business Review"
Powell, Phillip, Ed.D. "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Piper; Pätzold, Florian; Rouygari, Milad; Furtak, Marcin; Kärcher, Silke M.; König, Peter "Sensors"
Powell, Priscilla R.; Garza-Chapa, Juana Irma; Susa, Joseph S.; Weis, Stephen E. "Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine"
Powell, R. Jack "PN - Paraplegia News"
Powell, Rachel "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Powell, Randy L.; Soto, M. Andres; Gonzalez, Jr, Romulo H.; Purviance, Jennifer R. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Powell, Raymond "Renaissance Quarterly"
Powell, Raymond A. "Church History"
Powell, Raymond M. "Air & Space Power Journal"
Powell, Rhonda S.; Vance, Scott W. "The Tax Adviser"
Powell, Richard A.; Radbruch, Lukas; Mwangi-Powell, Faith N.; Cleary, Jim; Cherny, Nathan "South African Medical Journal"
Powell, Richard J. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Powell, Richard J. "Publius"
Powell, Richard; Ferraro, Steven R. "Global Journal of Accounting and Finance"
Powell, Rob "Mech"
Powell, Robat; Seaton, Nia "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Robert "The Architectural Review"
Powell, Robert "Tooling & Production"
Powell, Robert "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Powell, Robert Andrew "New York Times Upfront"
Powell, Robert Andrew "Mother Jones"
Powell, Robert B.; Depper, Gina L.; Wright, Brett A. "Journal of Interpretation Research"
Powell, Robert B.; Stern, Marc J. "Journal of Interpretation Research"
Powell, Robert G. "Business Credit"
Powell, Robert L. "Americas (English Edition)"
Powell, Robert M. "Arkansas Business"
Powell, Robert R. "Boom" "California Bookwatch"
Powell, Robert; Ryan, Maria; Lamb, Sharon "Australasian Journal of Regional Studies"
Powell, Robert; Turner, O. Frank "Science News"
Powell, Robyn M. "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Powell, Robyn M.; Albert, Sasha M. "Stanford Law & Policy Review"
Powell, Robyn; Gilbert, Sheldon "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Roger A. "Endangered Species Update"
Powell, Ron "The New American"
Powell, Rosalind "The Mirror (London, England)"
Powell, Rosalind "Philological Quarterly"
Powell, Roslyn; Cahill, Mia "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Roslyn; Leiwant, Sherry; Hempstead, Ilizabeth Gonchar "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Russell "Theological Studies"
Powell, Russell "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Powell, Russell A.; Klaver, Ellen M. "College Student Journal"
Powell, Sally "Existential Analysis"
Powell, Sara M.; Fasczewski, Kimberly S.; Stevens, Nick, Jr.; Tocci, Nicholas D.; Jewell, Skylar; Bl "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Powell, Sarah "Saturday Evening Post"
Powell, Sarah J. "Australian Journal of Music Education"
Powell, Sarah Kate; Kulakova, Karina; Kennedy, Susan "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Powell, Sarah R.; Cirino, Paul T.; Malone, Amelia S. "Exceptional Children"
Powell, Sarah R.; Fuchs, Lynn S.; Cirino, Paul T.; Fuchs, Douglas; Compton, Donald L.; Changas, Paul "Exceptional Children"
Powell, Sarah R.; Seethaler, Pamela M. "ERIC: Reports"
Powell, Scott "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Powell, Scott K.; Welton, Gary L.; Wiese, Michael D. "Journal of Psychology and Christianity"
Powell, Scott; Crowther, Zachary "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Powell, Scott; Tsui, Abigail "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Powell, Selina "Optometry Today"
Powell, Sellna "Optometry Today"
Powell, Shane M.; McPhee, John E.; Dean, Geoff; Hinton, Sue; Sparrow, Leigh A.; Wilson, Calum R.; Te "Soil Research"
Powell, Shannon Baker; Engelke, Martha Keehner; Swanson, Melvin S. "Pediatric Nursing"
Powell, Shantell "Feminist Studies"
Powell, Shantell; Tyquiengco, Marina "Feminist Studies"
Powell, Shirley "Arkansas Business"
Powell, Shirley "The American Indian Quarterly"
Powell, Silke "New Zealand College of Midwives Journal"
Powell, Simon G.; Sharma, Priyanka; Masterson, Samuel; Wyatt, James; Arshad, Ilyas; Ahmed, Shakil; L "Cells"
Powell, Stephen D. "The Modern Language Review"
Powell, Stephen D.; Knight-Croft, David "Philological Quarterly"
Powell, Stephen R. "West Virginia Medical Journal"
Powell, Steve "Verbatim"
Powell, Steve "IFR"
Powell, Steve "Southern Medical Journal"
Powell, Stewart M. "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Powell, Sue "The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History"
Powell, Susan "The Globe"
Powell, Susan "The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History"
Powell, Susan; Mullen, Michael "The Advocate (American Mental Health Counselors Association)"
Powell, Suzanne Z. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Powell, Tamara M. "The Hemingway Review"
Powell, Tara "The Carolina Quarterly"
Powell, Terry "Franchising World"
Powell, Terry "Alaska Business Monthly"
Powell, Theresa L.; Barentsen, Kenneth; Vaughan, Owen; Uhlson, Charis; Zemski Berry, Karin; Erickson "Nutrients"
Powell, Thomas "Network World"
Powell, Thomas D. "Information Management Journal"
Powell, Thomas H. "PN - Paraplegia News"
Powell, Thomas J. "Health and Social Work"
Powell, Thomas J.; Jacobs, Andrea; Tang, Jie; Cardenas, Edwin; Palath, Naveen; Daniels, Jennifer; Bo "Vaccines"
Powell, Thomas J.; Kurtz, Linda Farris; Garvin, Charles D.; Hill, Elizabeth M. "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Powell, Thomas J.; Tang, Jie; Mitchell, Robert; DeRome, Mary E.; Jacobs, Andrea; Palath, Naveen; Car "Vaccines"
Powell, Thomas R. "Public Works"
Powell, Thomas; Bush, Jack; Bilodeau, Brian "Corrections Today"
Powell, Tia; Simon, Jeremy; Fischbach, Ruth "The Hastings Center Report"
Powell, Timothy "Progressive Grocer"
Powell, Tonia J. "Units"
Powell, Tracie "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Powell, Tracie "Nieman Reports"
Powell, Tracie; Coleman, Toni; Banerji, Shilpa "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Powell, Tracy "History Today"
Powell, Vanessa "Community Practitioner"
Powell, Vincent B. "Combat Edge"
Powell, Walter W.; Koput, Kenneth W.; Smith-Doerr, Laurel "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Powell, Warren B. "AI Magazine"
Powell, William "Guns & Ammo"
Powell, William "Combat Edge"
Powell, William "Missouri Law Review"
Powell, William A.; Biermann, Christine; Palmer, Clare; Sandoe, Peter "Issues in Science and Technology"
Powell, William Dylan "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Powell, William; Kusuma-Powell, Ochan "Phi Delta Kappan"
Powell, William; Maynard, Charles "World Watch"
Powell, Young Kenny'S Jockey Brendan "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Powell-Brett, Sarah F.; Royle, James T.; Stone, Timothy; Clarke, Rob G. "Journal of Surgical Case Reports"
Powell-Dunford, Nicole; Crowley, John S. "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Powell-Hodge, Malik; Harley, Carmen; Adley, Williams "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Powell-Tuck, Maudie "Children's Bookwatch"
Powelson, Gayle; Cunningham, Colleen "Financial Executive"
Powelson, Greg "Business Credit"
POWELSON, JOHN P. "Independent Review"

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