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Cot, María; Mijas, Gabriela; Prieto-Fuentes, Remedios; Riba-Moliner, Marta; Cayuela, Diana "Polymers"
Cota Araujo, Mahira A.; Olive, Jean-Marc; Pecastaings, Gilles; Addad, Ahmed; Bouquerel, Jérémie; Vog "Metals"
Cota Grijalva, Sofia D.; Ruiz-Esparza Barajas, Elizabeth "Revista PROFILE: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development"
Cota Mendoza, Jorge Eduardo "Estudios Fronterizos"
Cota Torres, Edgar "Confluencia: Revista Hispanica de Cultura y Literatura"
Cota, Bridget M.; Allen, Patricia Jackson "Pediatric Nursing"
Cota, Esteban; Lentz, Jacob "Case Reports in Psychiatry"
Cota, Gabriela Mendez "New Formations"
Cota, Glaucia Fernandes; Assad, Elisa Caroline Pereira; Christo, Paulo Pereira; Giannetti, Alexandre "The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases"
Cota, Isabella "YaleGlobal Online"
Cota, James "Soldiers Magazine"
Cota, Jorge J. "DAV Magazine"
Cota, Joshua "Airman"
Cota, Manuel Perez; Rocha, Alvaro "RISTI (Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao)"
Cota, Marina Silva Guimaraes; Emmendoerfer, Magnus Luiz; Reis, Ana Carolina Goncalves; Silva, Lara L "Revista de Gestao e Secretariado"
Cota, Samir Gomes Figueiredo; Soares, Gabriela Faria; de Oliveira, Mateus; da Silva, Siomara Apareci "Revista Brasileira de Futsal e Futebol"
Cota-Barreras, Carlos I.; Garcfa-Estrada, Raymundo S.; Avalos-Castro, Raul; Garcfa-Leon, Elizabeth; "AGROProductividad"
Cota-Magaña, Ana Isabel; Vazquez-Moreno, Miguel; Rocha-Aguado, Andrés; Ángeles-Mejía, Selene; Vallad "Antioxidants"
Cota-Ungson, Diana; González-García, Yolanda; Cadenas-Pliego, Gregorio; Alpuche-Solís, Ángel Gabriel "Plants"
Cotabarren, Juliana; Ozón, Brenda; Claver, Santiago; Geier, Florencia; Rossotti, Martina; Garcia-Par "Pharmaceutics"
Cotabish, Grace "National Catholic Reporter"
Cotama, Saowanee; Dekumyoy, Paron; Samung, Yudthana; Lek-Uthai, Usa "Journal of Parasitology Research"
Cotangco, Katherine; Rossi, Emma C. "OB GYN News"
Cotarelo, Cristina L.; Schad, Arno; Schmidt, Marcus; Hönig, Arnd; Sleeman, Jonathan P.; Thaler, Sonj "Cancers"
Cotas, João; Lomartire, Silvia; Gonçalves, Ana M. M.; Pereira, Leonel "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Cotas, João; Lomartire, Silvia; Pereira, Leonel; Valado, Ana; Marques, João Carlos; Gonçalves, Ana M "Marine Drugs"
Cotay, Dau "National Catholic Reporter"
Cotch, M.F.; Janiszewski, R.; Klein, R.J.; Turczyn, K.M.; Brett, K.M.; Ryskulova, A. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Cotching, W. E.; Cooper, J.; Sparrow, L. A.; McCorkell, B. E.; Rowley, W. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cotching, W.E. "Soil Research"
Cotching, W.E.; Belbin, K.C. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cotching, W.E.; Cooper, J.; Sparrow, L.A.; McCorkell, B.E.; Rowley, W. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cotching, W.E.; Cooper, J.; Sparrow, L.A.; McCorkell, B.E.; Rowley, W.; Hawkins, K. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cotching, W.E.; Hawkins, K.; Sparrow, L.A.; McCorkell, B.E.; Rowley, W. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cotching, W.E.; Lynch, S.; Kidd, D.B. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cotching, W.E.; Oliver, G.; Downie, M.; Corkrey, R.; Doyle, R.B. "Soil Research"
Cotdemiey, Veronica "Gulf News (United Arab Emirates)"
Cote Botero, Andrea "World Literature Today"
Coteț, Florina-Ambrozia; Vascan, Iulia; Szabó, Loránd "Designs"
Cote, Abby "Wind Speaker"
Cote, Abby "Ontario Birchbark"
Cote, Alex "Business Credit"
Cote, Alex; Lahman, Mary "ETC.: A Review of General Semantics"
Cote, Amy "English Studies in Canada"
Cote, Amy "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Cote, Andre C. "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Cote, Andrea; Guagliardo, Sarah Anne J.; Tran, Cuc H.; Said, Maria A.; Pickens, Veronica; Musgrave, "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Cote, Antoine "The Review of Metaphysics"
Cote, Bill "Real Estate Weekly"
Cote, Bill "Addiction Professional"
Cote, Bonnie "Pharmaceutical Processing"
Cote, C.G.; Dordelly, L.J.; Celli, B.R. "Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal"
Cote, Charles-Emmanuel "McGill Law Journal"
Cote, Christopher "Circuits Assembly"
Cote, Conor; Juskiewicz, Scott "Collaborative Librarianship"
Cote, Dan "The Newsletter on Newsletters"
Cote, David "American Theatre"
Cote, Deborah A.; Burwell, Karen T. "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Cote, Debra L.; Jones, Vita L.; Sparks, Shannon L.; Aldridge, Patricia A. "Multicultural Education"
Cote, Denise; Kraemer, Beth; Nahl, Diane; Ashford, Robin "Journal of Library Innovation"
Cote, Donald "Handball"
Cote, Donald; Pelissier, Alain; Bedard, Kathleen "Handball"
Cote, Elizabeth "Elections Today"
Cote, Francois "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Cote, Gaston "Labour/Le Travail"
Cote, Gerri "Healthcare Design"
Cote, Ghislaine "Corrections Today"
Cote, Gina "Catholic Insight"
Cote, Gregory L. "Agricultural Research"
Cote, Guillaume "Dance Magazine"
Cote, Gwyneth "Units"
Cote, Heide "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cote, Heloise; Simard, Denis "Canadian Journal of Education"
Cote, Ila; Anastas, Paul T.; Birnbaum, Linda S.; Clark, Rebecca M.; Dix, David J.; Edwards, Stephen "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Cote, J.E. "Journal of Appellate Practice and Process"
Cote, James "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Cote, James E. "International Journal of Comparative Sociology"
Cote, James; Allahar, Anton "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Cote, James; Allahar, Anton L.; Fallis, George "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Cote, Jane "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Cote, Jane; Latham, Claire "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Cote, Jean-Francois "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Cote, Jean-Victor "Strategic Finance"
Côté, Jean; Coletti, Jennifer; McGuire, Cailie S.; Erickson, Karl; Saizew, Kelsey; Maw, Alex; Primea "Children"
Cote, Jean; Lidor, Ronnie; Hackfort, Dieter "International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology"
Cote, Joe "Financial Executive"
Cote, John A. "Security Management"
Cote, Joost "Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania"
Cote, Joseph "New Hampshire Business Review"
Cote, Joseph G. "New Hampshire Business Review"
Cote, Julian; Moneada, Camilo; Correa, Rodrigo "Revista Ingenierias"
Cote, Julie Anne; Guenard, Frederic; Lessard, Julie; Lapointe, Marc; Biron, Simon; Vohl, Marie-Claud "International Journal of Genomics"
Cote, K. Nicole Arnold; Smith, Wm. Doyle; Fullerton, Thomas M., Jr. "International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives (IJBEP)"
Cote, Kevin "Variety"
Cote, Lawrence S.; Cote, Mary K. "Journal of Higher Education"
Cote, Lindsay "Wind Speaker"
Cote, Marcel; Gibson, Gordon; Chernushenko, David "Literary Review of Canada"
Cote, Marcel; Miller, Roger "International Productivity Monitor"
Cote, Maria "ColoradoBiz"
Cote, Marie-France; Mercier, Julien; Laplante, Line "Canadian Journal of Education"
Cote, Marie-Helene "Canadian Journal of History"
Cote, Mark "Gun Dog"
Cote, Megan; Malloy, Peggy; Biswas, Ann "The Exceptional Parent"
Cote, Michael "Database and Network Journal"
Cote, Michael "Software World"
Cote, Michel "National Catholic Reporter"
Cote, Michel "Ethnologies"
Cote, Mike "ColoradoBiz"
Cote, Mike "New Hampshire Business Review"
Cote, Mike; Taylor, Mike "ColoradoBiz"
Cote, Nicole "Theatre Research in Canada"
COTE, RAYMOND P. "Alternatives Journal"
Cote, Robert M.; Perle, Stephen M.; Martin, Derek S. "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Cote, Rochelle; Denis, Jeff; Watts, Vanessa; Wilkes, Rima "Canadian Review of Sociology"
Cote, Simon "Canadian Chemical News"
Cote, Steeve D. "Arctic"
Cote, Stephane "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Cote, Stephen "Legacy Magazine"
Cote, Suzanne "Ottawa Law Review"
Cote, Sylvie; Pistorio, Marc "CMA Management"
Cote, Valerie; Kus, Lukas H.; Zhang, Xun; Richardson, Keith; Nguyen, Lily H.P. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Cote, Wil "Esprit de Corps"
Cote, William E. "The Hemingway Review"
Cote, William; Bucqueroux, Bonnie "Nieman Reports"
Cote, Yves "Esprit de Corps"
Cote-Ackah, Carra "Latin Trade"
Cote-Boucher, Karine "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Côté-Hamel, Maryse "The Conversation (Canada Edition)"
Cote-Lussier, Carolyn; Barnett, Tracie A. "Canadian Journal of Public Health"
Cote-Lussier, Carolyn; Walby, Kevin; Piche, Justin "Canadian Review of Sociology"
Cotea, Valeriu D.; Barbu, Neculai; Grigorescu, Constantin C.; Cotea, Valeriu V. "Romanian Journal of Artistic Creativity"
Coteata, Margareta; Slatineanu, Laurentiu "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Coteata, Margareta; Slatineanu, Laurentiu; Munteanu, Adriana; Nastase, Eugen "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Coteff, C.; Van Auken, O.W. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Cotel, Orli "Mother Jones"
Cotelesse, Chris "The Humanist"
Coteli, Cem; Aygun, Sevda; Ates, Ahmet Hakan; Karakulak, Ugur Nadir; Yorgun, Hikmet; Sahiner, Levent "European Journal of Therapeutics"
Cotellessa, Filippo; Puce, Luca; Formica, Matteo; May, Maria Cesarina; Trompetto, Carlo; Perrone, Ma "Healthcare"
Cotelli, Maria; Baglio, Francesca; Manenti, Rosa; Blasi, Valeria; Galimberti, Daniela; Gobbi, Elena; "Brain Sciences"
Cotera, Jamie Autin "Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing"
Cotera, Jamie E. "Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing"
Cotera, Jamie; Lufkin, Rachel "Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing"
Cotera, Maria Eugenia "The American Indian Quarterly"
Coteron Lopez, Javier; Bello Garrido, Mattew Fernando "Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodistico"
Coteron, Javier; Sanchez, Galo "Aula: revista de ensenanza e investigacion educativa"
Cotes, Claudia "Revista CEFAC: Atualizacao Cientifica em Fonoaudiologia e Educacao"
Cotes, Karol; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Rico, Alejandro; Porras, Alexandra; Cediel, Natalia; Piraquive, "Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica"
Cotet, C.E.; Dragoi, G.; Carutasu, N.L. "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotet, Camille; Alarcan, Hugo; Hérault, Olivier; Corcia, Philippe; Vourc’h, Patrick; Andres, Christi "Biomolecules"
Cotet, Costel Emil; Dragoi, George; Abaza, Bogdan "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotet, Costel Emil; Dragoi, George; Abaza, Bogdan Felician "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotet, Costel Emil; Dragoi, George; Carutasu, George "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotet, Costel Emil; Popa, Cicerone Laurentiu; Anghel, Florina "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotet, Costel Emil; Popa, Cicerone Laurentiu; Chiscop, Florina; Dragoi, George; Adamescu, Dorina; Co "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotet, Costel Emil; Popa, Cicerone Laurentiu; Chiscop, Florina; Parpala, Lidia Florentina; Dragoi, G "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotetiu, Radu; Eberst, Otto; Alexandrescu, Marius; Cotetiu, Adriana; Ungureanu, Nicolae "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotey, Gus, Jr. "Shotgun News"
Cotfas, D.T.; Cotfas, P.A. "International Journal of Photoenergy"
Cotfas, Daniel T.; Cotfas, Petru A. "International Journal of Photoenergy"
Cotfas, Daniel T.; Cotfas, Petru A.; Oproiu, Mihai P.; Ostafe, Paul A. "International Journal of Photoenergy"
Cotfas, Daniel T.; Sera, Dezso; Kaplani, Eleni; Cotfas, Petru A.; Rezaniakolaei, Alireza "International Journal of Photoenergy"
Cotfas, Daniel Tudor; Cotfas, Petru Adrian "International Journal of Photoenergy"
Cotfas, Daniel Tudor; Cotfas, Petru Adrian; Machidon, Octavian Mihai "International Journal of Photoenergy"
Cotfas, Liviu-Adrian; Craciun, Liliana; Delcea, Camelia; Florescu, Margareta Stela; Kovacs, Erik-Rob "Vaccines"
Cotfas, Nicolae "Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis"
Cotfas, Petru A.; Cotfas, Daniel T. "International Journal of Photoenergy"
Cotgreave, Peter "History Today"
Cotgreave, Peter "Notes and Queries"
Cothen, Jr., Grady C.; Cataldi, Olga K.; Hartong, Mark W.; Tse, Yan H. "Mass Transit"
Cothern, Nathaniel "The American Dissident"
Cothern, Patrick "Michigan Law Review"
Cothran, Ann "French Forum"
Cothran, Boyd "Canadian Journal of History"
Cothran, Boyd "Labour/Le Travail"
Cothran, Boyd "The American Indian Quarterly"
Cothran, Boyd "The Historian"
Cothran, Dan A. "Public Administration Review"
Cothran, David "All Hands"
Cothran, E. Gus; Hunt, John L.; Best, Troy L. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Cothran, Jerry "Defense AT & L"
Cothran, Jerry "Defense Transportation Journal"
Cothrell, Andrew; Cao, Kevin; Bonasera, Rachele; Tenorio, Abraham; Orugunty, Ravi; Smith, Leif "Gels"
COTHREN, J. T.; JOST, P. H.; BILES, S. P. "Crop Science"
Cothren, Richard "Economic Inquiry"
Cothren, Sara E.; Barnes, Alexander F. "Army Sustainment"
Cothron, Julia A. "Science World"
Cothron, Julia H. "Science World"
Cothron, Julia H.; Giese, Ronald N.; Rezba, Richard J. "Science World"
Cothros, Nicholas; Medina, Alex; Martino, Davide; Dukelow, Sean P.; Hawe, Rachel L.; Kirton, Adam; G "Neural Plasticity"
Cotia, André; Oliveira Junior, Haliton Alves; Matuoka, Jessica Y.; Boszczowski, Ícaro "Antibiotics"
Cotiaux, Neil "Latino Leaders"
Cotic, Jean-Philippe "OECD Economic Outlook"
Coticchia, James "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Coticelli, Philip "Washington Monthly"
Cotie, Lisa M.; Pakosh, Maureen; Ghisi, Gabriela Lima de Melo "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Cotiga, Delia; Ehlert, Frederick; Sherrid, Mark V. "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Cotik, Tomas; Jancova, Patricia "American Music Teacher"
Cotinguiba, F.; Lopez, S.N.; Budzinski, I.G.F.; Labate, C.A.; Kato, M.J.; Furlan, M. "Brazilian Journal of Biology"
Cotîrla, Luminiţa-Ioana; Juma, Abdul Rahman S. "Axioms"
Cotîrla, Luminita-Ioana; Kupán, Pál Aurel; Szász, Róbert "Axioms"
Cotîrla, Luminita-Ioana; Totoi, Elisabeta-Alina "Symmetry (Basel)"
Cotis, Jea-Philippe "OECD Economic Outlook"
Cotis, Jean-Philippe "OECD Economic Outlook"
Cotis, Lucia "Business Credit"
COTKIN, GEORGE "The Historian"
Cotkin, George "Shofar"
Cotlar, Andrew D. "Federal Communications Law Journal"
Cotler, Irwin "LawNow"
Cotler, Irwin "Moment"
Cotler, Irwin "Albany Law Review"
Cotler, Irwin "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Cotler, Irwin "University of New Brunswick Law Journal"
Cotler, Miriam; Ganzini, Linda; Cohen, Lewis M. "The Hastings Center Report"
Cotler, Pablo "EconoQuantum: revista de economia y negocios"
Cotler, Pablo; Almazan, Deyanira "Journal of CENTRUM Cathedra"
Cotler, T. Zachary "West Branch"
Cotlier, Moira "District Administration"
Cotnam-Kappel, Megan "Canadian Journal of Education"
Cotner, Jennifer "Duke Law Journal"
Cotner, Jon; Fitch, Andy "English Studies in Canada"
Cotner, Jon; Fitch, Andy "Colorado Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature"
Cotner, Mat; Smith, Philip J. "Army Communicator"
Cotner, Stella N.; Es-haghi, Siamak Shams "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Cotnoir, Stephanie "Ethnologies"
Coto Arbelo, Orlando; Momotaz, Aliya; Sandhu, Hardev S.; Sood, Sushma; Davidson, Wayne; Baltazar, Mi "Agriculture"
Coto Moreno, Rocio; Laviana Fernandez, Angeles; Pereda Gonzalez, Azucena; Alvarez Oviedo, Ruth; Diaz "Revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Nefrologica"
Coto, Adam S. "North Carolina Banking Institute"
Coto, Barbara Garcia "The ESSE Messenger"
Coto, By DÁNica; Fox, Ben; Press, Terry Spencer Associated "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Coto, Danica "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Coto, Laura; Sousa, Carolina; Cebolla, Angel "Nutrients"
Coto-Segura, Pablo; Vázquez-Coto, Daniel; Velázquez-Cuervo, Lucinda; García-Lago, Claudia; Coto, Eli "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Cotoc-Roldan, Edgar M.; Vanoye-Eligio, Venancio; Castillo-Estudillo, Amablita; Reyes-Zepeda, Francis "Florida Entomologist"
Cotofan, Tatiana "Romanian Journal of Artistic Creativity"
Cotogni, Paolo; Stragliotto, Silvia; Ossola, Marta; Collo, Alessandro; Riso, Sergio "Nutrients"
Cotoi, Calin "Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies"
Cotoi, Emilia "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cotoi, Laura; Amzar, Daniela; Sporea, Ioan; Borlea, Andreea; Navolan, Dan; Varcus, Flore; Stoian, Da "International Journal of Endocrinology"
Cotoia, Antonella; Dibello, Floriana; Moscatelli, Fiorenzo; Sciusco, Alberto; Polito, Pietro; Modolo "Anesthesiology Research and Practice"
Coton, Mark "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cotorogea-Simion, Mihail; Isac, Sebastian; Tita, Alina; Toma, Letitia; Iliescu, Laura Elena; Mercan- "Medicina"
Cotorogea-Simion, Mihail; Pavel, Bogdan; Isac, Sebastian; Telecan, Teodora; Matache, Irina-Mihaela; "Medicina"
Cotou, Efthimia; Miliou, Helen; Chatzoglou, Evanthia; Schoina, Eirini; Politakis, Nektarios; Kogiann "Fishes"
Cotovanu, Ionica; Mironeasa, Costel; Mironeasa, Silvia "Foods"
Cotovanu, Ionica; Mironeasa, Costel; Mironeasa, Silvia "Plants"
Cotovanu, Mihai "Romanian Journal of Artistic Creativity"
Cotovio, Gonçalo; Ventura, Fabiana; Rodrigues da Silva, Daniel; Pereira, Patrícia; Oliveira-Maia, Al "Brain Sciences"
Cotoz, Alex-Péter; Dan, Valentin-Sebastian; Gocan, Tincu?a-Marta; Andreica, Ileana; Rózsa, Sándor; C "Plants"
COTRAD Zimbabwe "The Zimbabwean (Harare, Zimbabwe)"
Cotrado, Yiner Josue Huaycani "International Review of Mission"
Cotrau, Diana; Cotoc, Alexandra "Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies"
Cotrau, Liviu "Romanian Journal of Artistic Creativity"
Cotrau, Petru; Negrau, Marcel; Hodo?an, Viviana; Vladu, Adriana; Daina, Cristian Marius; Dulau, Dore "Medicina"
Cotrell, Aaron Joseph; Hirzel, Alicia; Poppiti, Robert "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Cotrell, Charles L. "Publius"
Cotrena, Charles; Branco, Laura Damiani; Fonseca, Rochele Paz "Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana"
Cotrim, Carina Costa; Vieira Messias, André M.; Jorge, Rodrigo; Siqueira, Rubens Camargo "Stem Cells International"
Cotrim, Carlos; Palinkas, Eszter Dalma; Cotrim, Nuno "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Cotrim, Fabiana Santos; Vendruscolo, Daniel "Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin"
Cotrim, Helma Pinchemel "Diagnostics"
Cotrim, Nuno; Café, Hugo M.; Guardado, Jorge; Cordeiro, Pedro; Cotrim, Hortense; Martins, Rui; Baque "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Cotrina-Peregrín, María Dolores; Arrieta-Blanco, Patricia; Aragoneses-Lamas, Juan Manuel; Albaladejo "Journal of Personalized Medicine"
Cotrina-Sanchez, Alexander; García, Ligia; Calle, Christian; Sari, Fatih; Bandopadhyay, Subhajit; Ro "Land"
Cotrino, V. "Revista Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia"
COTRISS, DAVID "Alaska Business Monthly"
Cotriss, David "Target Marketing"
Cotrone, Angela "Journal of Accountancy"
Cotrone, Renata "Forum Italicum"
Cotroneo, Margaret "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Cotroneo, Nicole "New York Times Upfront"
Cotropia, Christopher A. "The Journal of Corporation Law"
Cotropia, Christopher A. "William and Mary Law Review"
Cotropia, Christopher A. "Columbia Journal of Gender and Law"
Cotropia, Christopher A. "Yale Journal of Law & Technology"
Cotropia, Christopher A.; Petherbridge, Lee "William and Mary Law Review"
Cotrut, Cosmin Mihai; Ungureanu, Elena; Ionescu, Ionut Cornel; Zamfir, Raluca Ioana; Kiss, Adrian Em "Coatings (Basel)"
Cots, Josep Maria "Atlantis, revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos"
Cotsakis, Spiros; Miritzis, John "Mathematics"
Cotsianis, Lesley; Lindsay, Alison; Plamondon, Joanne "CANNT Journal"
Cotsomitis, John A. "Southern Economic Journal"
Cott, Jerry "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Cott, Nancy F. "SIECUS Report"
COTT, NANCY F. "The American Prospect"
Cott, Nancy F. "Business History Review"
Cotta, Ana; Paim, Julia Filardi "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Cotta, Claudiu V.; Ondrejka, Sarah L.; Nakashima, Megan O.; Theil, Karl S. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Cotta, Francesca "Marg, A Magazine of the Arts"
Cotta, Michael A. "Agricultural Research"
Cotta, Rosangela Minardi Mitre; Azeredo, Catarina Machado; da Silva, Luciana Saraiva; Franceschini, "Ciencia & Saude Coletiva"
Cotta, Rosangela Minardi Mitre; Batista, Kelly Cristina Siqueira; Reis, Roberta Sena; de Souza, Gise "Ciencia & Saude Coletiva"
Cotta, Rosangela Minardi Mitre; Batista, Kelly Cristina Siqueira; Reis, Roberta Sena; Souza, Gisele "Ciencia & Saude Coletiva"
Cotta, Rosangela Minardi Mitre; Costa, Glauce Dias da; de Mendonca, Erica Toledo "Interface: Comunicacao Saude Educacao"
Cotta, Rosangela Minardi Mitre; da Costa, Glauce Dias "Interface: Comunicacao Saude Educacao"
Cotta, S.P.M.; Marins, M.S.; Marriel, I.E.; Lana, U.G.P.; Gomes, E.A.; Figueiredo, J.E.F.; Oliveira- "Brazilian Journal of Biology"
Cotta, Wagner Augusto Aranda; Lopes, Sérgio Ivan; Vassallo, Raquel Frizera "Smart Cities"
Cotta-Ramusino, Paolo; Martellini, Maurizio "The American Prospect"
Cottam, Charlie; Dillon, Aimi; Painter, Jon "Healthcare"
Cottam, Hilary "Soundings"
Cottam, Martha L. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Cottam, Ron; Ranson, Willy; Vounckx, Roger "Systems Research and Behavioral Science"
Cottam, S. Barry "The American Indian Quarterly"
Cottam, Steven "U.S. Catholic"
Cottam, Victor "Optometry Today"
Cottan, Nicola "Nutraceutical Business & Technology"
Cottar, Betty; Hansen, Joanne "Educational Leadership"
Cottar, Bianca Hasselmann; Dittrich, Gustavo; Ferreira, Ariele Aparecida; de Paiva Carvalho, Ana Cla "Veterinaria e Zootecnia"
Cotte, A.; Zambrano, Y. "Spanish Journal of Rural Development"
COTTE, JAMES E. "International Journal of Comparative Sociology"
Cotte, Violaine; Bonnet, Sarah; Le Rhun, Danielle; Le Naour, Evelyne; Chauvin, Alain; Boulouis, Henr "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cottegnies, Line "Shakespeare Studies"
Cottel, Jean "Mother Earth News"
Cottell, Jennifer L.; Webber, Mark A.; Coldham, Nick G.; Taylor, Dafydd L.; Cerdeno-Tarraga, Anna M. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cotten, Alice R. "Thomas Wolfe Review"
Cotten, Glen "Journal of Thought"
Cotten, Hannah; Miller, William R. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Cotten, Matthew; Lam, Tommy T.; Watson, Simon J.; Palser, Anne L.; Petrova, Velislava; Grant, Paul; "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cotten, Steven W.; McCudden, Christopher R. "Clinical Chemistry"
Cottenden, Jennielee; Filter, Emily R.; Cottreau, Jon; Moore, David; Bullock, Martin; Huang, Weei-Yu "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Cottenet, Jonathan; Tapia, Solène; Arveux, Patrick; Bernard, Alain; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine "Cancers"
Cottengim, David "Defense A R Journal"
Cotter, Alexander H.; Yang, Su-Jau T.; Shafi, Hedyeh; Cotter, Timothy M.; Palmer-Toy, Darryl Erik "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Cotter, Alice Miller "Notes"
Cotter, Amb. Michael "American Diplomacy"
Cotter, Ambassador Michael "American Diplomacy"
Cotter, Ambassador Michael W. "American Diplomacy"
Cotter, Ann "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cotter, Bill "New Orleans Review"
Cotter, Caitlin J.; Tufa, A. John; Johnson, Stephanie; Mataia, Mary; Sciulli, Rebecca; Ryff, Kyle R. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Cotter, Catherine "Financial Management (UK)"
Cotter, Charis "Canadian Children's Book News"
Cotter, Christopher J.; Wright, Allison J.; Romanov, Anastasia V.; Graf, Tyler N.; Whisnant, Eric D. "Antioxidants"
Cotter, Christopher M. "Real Estate Weekly"
Cotter, Colleen "Language, Learning & Technology"
Cotter, David G. "Army Logistician"
Cotter, David G. "Infantry Magazine"
Cotter, Dennis J.; Hamilton-Cotter, Alexandra "Urologic Nursing"
Cotter, Diane M. "Monthly Labor Review"
Cotter, Diane M.; Macon, Janet A. "Monthly Labor Review"
Cotter, Eoin; Stewart, Ian "The Psychological Record"
Cotter, Graham "Anglican Journal"
Cotter, Hayley "Health Matrix"
Cotter, Herbert E. "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Cotter, Jaclyn "Journal of Health & Biomedical Law"
COTTER, JAMES FINN "Victorian Poetry"
Cotter, Jennifer "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Cotter, Joan A. "Teaching Children Mathematics"
Cotter, John "Prairie Schooner"
Cotter, John "The Brooklyn Rail"
Cotter, John; Guldiken, Rasim "Journal of Composites Science"
Cotter, Jonathan "Automotive Industries"
Cotter, Kate "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Cotter, Katie "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Cotter, Kelley; Decook, Julia R.; Kanthawala, Shaheen; Foyle, Kali "International journal of communication (Online)"
Cotter, Kelley; Reisdorf, Bianca C. "International journal of communication (Online)"
Cotter, Kelly M. "Denver Journal of International Law and Policy"
Cotter, Laurie "PN - Paraplegia News"
Cotter, Linda "Momentum"
Cotter, Marianne "Contemporary Long Term Care"
Cotter, Marianne "American Fitness"
Cotter, Matt "Mortgage Banking"
Cotter, Matthew "The Tax Adviser"
Cotter, Maureen "Adoption & Fostering"
Cotter, Michael "American Diplomacy"
Cotter, Michael J.; Henley, Jr., James A.; Pelham, Alfred "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
Cotter, Michael W. "American Diplomacy"
Cotter, Michael W.; DeAtkine, Norvell B.; Jones, David T. "American Diplomacy"
Cotter, Michael W.; Handley, John W. "American Diplomacy"
Cotter, Michael W.; Litt, David C. "American Diplomacy"
Cotter, P.K. "Air & Space Power Journal"
Cotter, Patricia "Catholic Insight"
Cotter, Richard C. "Arctic"
Cotter, Richard C.; Hines, James E. "Arctic"
Cotter, Richard C.; Hughes, R. John; May, Peter; Novalinga, Paulusi; Johannes, Jimmy; Hindman, Larry "Arctic"
Cotter, Sandy "Journal of Management Development"
Cotter, Steve "Life Extension"
Cotter, Steve "EMS World"
Cotter, Steven "EMS World"
Cotter, Suzanne "Artforum International"
Cotter, Thomas F. "The Journal of Corporation Law"
Cotter, Thomas F. "Antitrust Bulletin"
Cotter, Thomas F. "William and Mary Law Review"
Cotter, Tim "American Handgunner"
Cotter, Tim; Daderko, Casey; Heroux, Mark "The Tax Adviser"
Cotter, Tradd "Mother Earth News"
Cotter, Tradd "Grit"
Cotter, Valerie T.; Evans, Lois K. "MedSurg Nursing"
Cotter, Wendy "Theological Studies"
Cotter, William R. "Nieman Reports"
Cotterel, Gerard; Crothers, Charles "Social Policy Journal of New Zealand"
Cotterell, Dawn "CHIPS"
Cotterell, Gerard; von Randow, Martin; McTaggart, Stephen "Social Policy Journal of New Zealand"
Cotterell, Jennifer L.; Rand, Jacquie; Barnes, Tamsin S.; Scotney, Rebekah "Animals (Basel)"
Cotterell, Peter "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Cotterill, Fenton "Woody"; Moore, Andy; Key, Roger "African Fisherman"
Cotterill, Graeme "Women & Music"
Cotterill, Philip "Health Care Financing Review"
Cotterill, Philip G. "Health Care Financing Review"
Cotterill, Philip G. "Health Services Research"
Cotterill, Philip G.; Gage, Barbara J. "Health Care Financing Review"
Cotterill, Philip G.; Thomas, Frederick G. "Health Care Financing Review"
Cotterill, Ronald W. "American Economist"
Cotterill, Ronald W. "Journal of Retailing"
Cotterill, Samantha "Children's Bookwatch"
Cotterill, Sarah; Bracken, Louise J. "Water"
Cotterill, Steven "Labour/Le Travail"
Cotterill, Sue; Yamaguchi, Masamitsu "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Cotterill, Tony "Health Management Technology"
Cotterill, Tony "Healthcare Informatics"
Cotterman, Ronald; Fusfeld, Alan; Henderson, Pamela; Leder, Jonathan; Loweth, Carl; Metoyer, Anthony "Research-Technology Management"
Cotterman, William W.; Kumar, Kuldeep "Communications of the ACM"
Cotters, MacKenzie "American Journalism Review"
Cottes, Jeffery "Canadian Public Administration"
Cottes, Mattia; Mainardis, Matia; Simeoni, Patrizia "Sustainability"
Cotti Piccinelli, Stefano; Tagliapietra, Matteo; Cavallaro, Tiziana; Labella, Beatrice; Risi, Barbar "Biomedicines"
Cotti, Chad "Regulation"
Cotti, Chad D.; Drewianka, Scott "Southern Economic Journal"
Cotti, Chad; Simon, David "Economic Inquiry"
Cotti, Chad; Skidmore, Mark "Southern Economic Journal"
Cotti, Luca; Guizzardi, Davide; Barricelli, Barbara Rita; Fogli, Daniela "Future Internet"
Cotti-Lowell, Alison Fanous "Irish Literary Supplement"
Cotticelli, Alessio; Matera, Roberta; Piscopo, Nadia; Bosco, Antonio; Claps, Salvatore; Del Serrone, "Animals (Basel)"
Cotticelli, Alessio; Navas, Luigi; Calabria, Alfonso; Bifulco, Giovanna; Campanile, Giuseppe; Peric, "Veterinary Sciences"
Cottier, Georges "Catholic Insight"
Cottier, John W. "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Cottier, John W.; White, Emily J. "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Cottier, Kris "Optometry Today"
Cottier, P.S. "Atlanta Review"
Cottier, Thomas "EFTA Bulletin (Switzerland)"
Cottille-Foley, Nora "French Forum"
Cottingbam, Jan "Arkansas Business"
Cottingham, Bob "The Tax Adviser"
Cottingham, Chris "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Cottingham, Dale E. "Prairie Schooner"
Cottingham, David "Communications News"
Cottingham, Hal; Muhlebach, Richard "Journal of Property Management"
Cottingham, Ian "Arkansas Business"
Cottingham, Jam "Arkansas Business"
Cottingham, Jan "Arkansas Business"
Cottingham, Jan; Friedman, Mark "Arkansas Business"
Cottingham, Jan; Jones, Roxanne "Arkansas Business"
Cottingham, Jane "Reproductive Health Matters"
Cottingham, Jane; Abdullah, Naripokkho; Abdullah, Rashidah "Reproductive Health Matters"
Cottingham, Jane; Berer, Marge "Reproductive Health Matters"
Cottingham, John "The Review of Metaphysics"
Cottingham, Ken "School Arts"
Cottingham, Michael; Gearity, Brian; Byon, Kevin "Sport Marketing Quarterly"
Cottingham, Michael; Phillips, Dennis; Hall, Stacey A.; Gearity, Brian T.; Carroll, Michael S. "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Cottingham, Michael; Wann, Daniel; Byon, Kevin; Hu, Tiao "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Cottingham, Myra "Yearbook of English Studies"
Cottingham, Myra "The Modern Language Review"
Cottingham, Stacy; DiBartolo, Mary C.; Battistoni, Susan; Brown, Tina "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Cottingham, Sydney L.; Cheng, An-Chi; de Oliveira Viadanna, Pedro H.; Subramaniam, Kuttichantran; Cr "Animals (Basel)"
Cottingham, T. Thomas, III "Risk Management"
Cottingharn, Jan "Arkansas Business"
Cottini, Luca "Italica"
Cottini, Luca "Forum Italicum"
Cottis, Eileen E. "Theatre Notebook"
Cottis, Solène; Blisnick, Adrien A.; Failloux, Anna-Bella; Vernick, Kenneth D. "Viruses"
Cottis, Thomas; Mousavi, Hesam; Solberg, Svein Øivind "Agronomy"
Cottle, Basil "The Review of English Studies"
Cottle, David "The CPA Journal"
Cottle, David W. "Journal of Accountancy"
Cottle, Drew "Labour History: A Journal of Labour and Social History"
Cottle, Drew; Keys, Angela "Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society"
Cottle, Jason; Drozdik, Anna L.; Rimes, Katharine A. "Behavioral Sciences"
Cottle, Karen; Hawken, Sandra; Payze, Meg; Scott, Alison "Literacy Learning: The Middle Years"
Cottle, Karl "California Bookwatch"
Cottle, Katherine "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Cottle, Katherine; Meek, Sandra "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Cottle, Lucy E.; Peters, Joanna R.; Hall, Alison; Bailey, J. Wendi; Noyes, Harry A.; Rimington, Jane "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cottle, Mark "Franchising World"
Cottle, Michael "Washington Monthly"
Cottle, Michelle "Washington Monthly"
Cottle, Michelle "Mother Jones"
Cottle, Richard "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cottle, Thomas J. "Childhood Education"
Cottman, Lawrence "Security Management"
Cotto, Ingrid "Perspectives in Health"
Cotto, Kara "Women's Health Activist"
Cotto, Maribel; Rosado-Orozco, Kathia E.; Rizek, Rafael; Fraguada, Luis A.; Brunet, Virgilio; Cerra, "Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal"
Cotto, Maxwell "The Wilson Quarterly"
Cotto-Rosario, Alexis; Miller, Emma Y. D.; Fumuso, Fernanda G.; Clement, Jason A.; Todd, Matthew J.; "Microorganisms"
Cottom, Carolyn "Educational Leadership"
Cottom, Tressie McMillan "Education Next"
Cottom, Tressie McMillan "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Cotton, Alice "Australian Journal of Music Therapy"
Cotton, Andrew "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Cotton, Ann Beemer "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Cotton, Barbara L. "Corrections Today"
Cotton, Benjamin W. "Public Roads"
Cotton, Bill "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cotton, Brett D. "Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting"
Cotton, C. Richard "Mississippi Magazine"
Cotton, Charlotte "Artforum International"
Cotton, Chip; Townsend, Kes "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Cotton, Chris; Bray, Richard W.; McLaughlin, Robin; Fereira, Tyler; Showalter, K.; Connolly, John P. "The Nation"
Cotton, Christopher; Harbour, Laurel J. "Defense Counsel Journal"
Cotton, Colby "Prairie Schooner"
Cotton, Colby "Subtropics"
Cotton, Connor; Raju, Suneil A.; Ahmed, Hamza; Webster, Grace; Hallam, Rachel; Croall, Iain; Coleman "Nutrients"
Cotton, David L. "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Cotton, Elizabeth "Soundings"
Cotton, Elizabeth; Kline, Roger; Morton, Clive "People & Strategy"
Cotton, Fran "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cotton, Frederic; Gulbis, Beatrice; Hansen, Valerie; Vertongen, Francoise; Dash, Sumitra "Clinical Chemistry"
Cotton, Frederic; Lin, Changying; Fontaine, Bernard; Gulbis, Beatrice; Janssens, Jacques; Vertongen, "Clinical Chemistry"
Cotton, Frederic; Wautrecht, Jean-Claude; Lechevin, Veronique; Macours, Pascale; Thiry, Philippe; Ge "Clinical Chemistry"
Cotton, Gaylie R. "Corrections Today"
Cotton, Harvey D.; Arnould, Leslie F. "Journal of Health & Biomedical Law"
Cotton, Ian "Free Inquiry"
Cotton, Jacqueline S. "Humpty Dumpty's Magazine"
Cotton, Jacqueline S. "Fun For Kidz"
Cotton, Jacqueline S.; Hirsch, Harvey "Fun For Kidz"
Cotton, Jake L.; Ali-Dinar, Tarig; Navas-Nazario, Aledie "Case Reports in Pulmonology"
Cotton, James "Contemporary Southeast Asia"
Cotton, Janet "Orthopedic Design & Technology"
Cotton, Janet; Demnitz, Simon "Orthopedic Design & Technology"
Cotton, Jess "New Formations"
Cotton, Jim "Mortgage Banking"
Cotton, Jim; Teasley, Carol; Horne, Jim "Mortgage Banking"
Cotton, John "ABA Bank Marketing"
Cotton, John L. "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Cotton, Kathleen "ERIC: Reports"
Cotton, M.; Kim, S.; Rabie, H.; Coetzee, J.; Nachman, S. "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Cotton, Maggie "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cotton, Marcella "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Cotton, Mark F. "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Cotton, Mark F.; Rabie, Helena; Feucht, Ute; Violari, Avy "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Cotton, Mark; Levin, Leon "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Cotton, Martin "Printed Circuit Design & Fab Circuits Assembly"
Cotton, Matt "The People (London, England)"
Cotton, Matthew "Environmental Values"
Cotton, Maureen "The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation"
Cotton, Michele "Journal of Law in Society"
Cotton, Natalie C. "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Cotton, Nicole-Marie; Jerry, Anthony R. "Journal of Pan African Studies"
Cotton, Nigel "Diesel Progress North American Edition"
Cotton, Parker "Seventeenth-Century News"
Cotton, Paul "New Zealand International Review"
Cotton, Paul "ERIC: Reports"
Cotton, Robert J., III; Divers, Stephen J. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Cotton, Samuel E. "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Cotton, Sandra "ERIC: Reports"
Cotton, Sandra "Journal of Singing"
Cotton, Sylvester; Pollock, John; Riddle, Brett; Rimmer, Lora; Hauben, Frank "Army Communicator"
Cotton, T.; Nelson, A.D. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Cotton, Tom "Arkansas Business"
Cotton, Tom "USA Today (Magazine)"
Cotton, Tom "inFOCUS"
Cotton, Tom "Claremont Review of Books"
Cotton, Tom; Boozman, John "Arkansas Business"
Cotton, William T. "Utopian Studies"
Cottone, Dan "PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly"
Cottone, Grazia; Chiodo, Letizia; Maragliano, Luca; Popoff, Michel-Robert; Rasetti-Escargueil, Chris "Toxins"
Cottone, Jr., Joseph L.; Redman, John F. "Southern Medical Journal"
Cottone, Paul D. "Addiction Professional"
Cottone, Paul D. "Chain Drug Review"
Cottone, R. Rocco "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Cottone, R.R. "Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education"
Cottreau, Deborah "Theatre Research in Canada"
Cottrell, Amber; Woods, Annette "Practical Literacy"
Cottrell, Brendan; Kalacska, Margaret; Arroyo-Mora, Juan-Pablo; Lucanus, Oliver; Inamdar, Deep; Løke "Remote Sensing"
Cottrell, Brent "Children's Playmate"
Cottrell, Carlton M. "Health Management Technology"
Cottrell, Charlie "History Today"
Cottrell, Christopher "The Historian"
Cottrell, Constance K.; Drew, Jana B.; Waller, Sharon E.; Holroyd, Kenneth A.; Brose, John A.; O'Don "Journal of Family Practice"
COTTRELL, COOKIE "Association Management"
Cottrell, Daniel "VFW Magazine"
Cottrell, David M.; Glover, Steven M. "The CPA Journal"
Cottrell, Emma "Poultry International"
Cottrell, Emma "Poultry USA"
Cottrell, Floyd G. "Defense Counsel Journal"
Cottrell, Herb "PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly"
Cottrell, Hollie "School Librarian"
Cottrell, Jeremy J.; Furness, John B.; Wijesiriwardana, Udani A.; Ringuet, Mitchell; Liu, Fan; DiGia "Animals (Basel)"
Cottrell, Jill "Melbourne University Law Review"
Cottrell, Kathryn; Chong, John "Healthcare"
Cottrell, Ken "Bowhunter"
Cottrell, Lesley; John, Collin; Murphy, Emily; Lilly, Christa L.; Ritchie, Susan K.; Elliott, Eloise "Journal of Obesity"
Cottrell, Lesley; Lilly, Christa; Murphy, Emily; John, Collin; Elliott, Eloise; Neal, William A. "West Virginia Medical Journal"
Cottrell, Megan "The Chicago Reporter"
Cottrell, Paula "Alaska Business Monthly"
Cottrell, Richard "American Theatre"
Cottrell, Robert C. "The Historian"
Cottrell, Shannon "Anglican Journal"
Cottrell, Shon "Alaska Business Monthly"
Cottrell, Stephen "Art and Christianity"
Cottrell, Ted "Agricultural Research"
Cottrell, Ted; Tillman, P. Glynn "Florida Entomologist"
Cottrell, Tracy "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cottrell-Daniels, Cherell; Jones, Dina M.; Bell, Sharrill A.; Bandlamudi, Maitreyi; Spears, Claire A "American Journal of Qualitative Research (AJQR)"
Cottrill, Caitlin D. "URISA Journal"
Cottrill, Humphrey "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cottrill, Ken "Supply Chain Management Review"
Cottrill, Ken; Rice, James B., Jr. "Supply Chain Management Review"
Cottrill, Rebecca R. "Urologic Nursing"
Cottrill, Ross "New Zealand International Review"
Cottringer, William "Security Management"
Cottringer, William S. "Security Management"
Cottringer, William; Kirby, Jeff "Security Management"
Cottringer, William; Sloan, Van "Corrections Today"
Cottrol, Robert J. "Stanford Law Review"
Cottrol, Robert J. "Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies"
Cottrol, Robert J.; Diamond, Raymond T. "Yale Law Journal"
Cotts, Christopher D. "Walker Papers"
Cotts, Cynthia "The Nation"
Cotts, John D. "Church History"
Cottte, Natalia "The Women's Review of Books"
Cotu?iu, Vlad-Dan; Mihalca, Andrei Daniel; Holówka, Katarzyna Anna; Ionica, Angela Monica; Cazan, Cr "Pathogens"
Cotua, V. Jose; Cotes, Sandra; Castro, Fernando; Castro, Pedro "Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences"
Cotugna, Nancy; Vickery, Connie "Childhood Education"
Cotugno, Clare "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Cotugno, Nicola; Ruggiero, Alessandra; Santilli, Veronica; Manno, Emma Concetta; Rocca, Salvatore; Z "Journal of Immunology Research"
Coty, Carlos "Guns & Ammo"
Coty, Stephen "Software World"
Coty, Stephen "Pipeline & Gas Journal"

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