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COX CHARLOTTE "Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)"
COX CHARLOTTE "Sunday Sun (Newcastle, England)"
Cox, ? By John "Network World"
Cox, Abbey; Stewart, Allison J. "Animals (Basel)"
Cox, Adam B. "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Cox, Adam B.; Kaufman, Emma "Yale Law Journal"
Cox, Adam B.; Posner, Eric A. "Stanford Law Review"
Cox, Adam B.; Rodriguez, Cristina M. "Yale Law Journal"
Cox, Alexander "Atlanta Review"
Cox, Alexandra "Social Justice"
Cox, Alexandra L. "Social Justice"
Cox, Alyson M. "Notre Dame Law Review"
Cox, Amanda "The Lamp"
Cox, Amanda J. "Sportscience"
Cox, Amber "The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation"
Cox, Ana Marie "Washington Monthly"
Cox, Ana Marie "Reason"
Cox, Ana Marie "Mother Jones"
Cox, Ana Marie; Dionis, Joanna "Mother Jones"
Cox, Ana Marie; Lauerman, Kerry "Mother Jones"
Cox, Andrea "Childhood Education"
Cox, Andrew "State Legislatures"
Cox, Andrew "Franchising World"
Cox, Andrew "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Cox, Andrew "School Librarian"
Cox, Andrew Anthony "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Cox, Andrew M.; Marris, Lucy "Journal of Education for Library and Information Science"
Cox, Andrew; Chicksand, Daniel; Ireland, Paul; Davies, Tony "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Cox, Andrew; Sanderson, Joe; Watson, Glyn "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Cox, Angela "U.S. Catholic"
Cox, Ann R. "Association Management"
Cox, Anna-Lisa "Michigan History Magazine"
Cox, Anne Marshall; Olson, Joanne K. "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Annie M.; Gomez-Chiarri, Marta "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Cox, Anthony D.; Cox, Dena "Journal of Retailing"
Cox, Anthony D.; Cox, Dena; Anderson, Ronald D.; Moschis, George P. "Journal of Retailing"
Cox, Arnie "Notes"
Cox, Arta Marie "Mother Jones"
Cox, Asa "Nutraceutical Business & Technology"
Cox, Ashley; Golda, Nicole; Nadeau, Genevieve; Nickel, J. Curtis; Carr, Lesley; Corcos, Jacques; Tei "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Cox, Ashley; Offman, Saul L.; Merrimen, Jennifer L.O.; Kew, Andrea; Norman, Richard W. "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Cox, Ashley; Siemens, D. Robert "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Cox, Barb; Crews, Nick "Best's Review"
Cox, Barbara "The Tax Adviser"
Cox, Barbara "Health Management Technology"
Cox, Barry "Communications News"
Cox, Becky "Techniques"
Cox, Belinda "Literacy Learning: The Middle Years"
Cox, Ben "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cox, Bert "New Hampshire Business Review"
Cox, Beth "School Librarian"
Cox, Betty; Cox, Becky "Education"
Cox, Bianca; Wauters, Natasha; Rodríguez-Carrillo, Andrea; Portengen, Lützen; Gerofke, Antje; Koloss "Toxics"
Cox, Bob "School Librarian"
Cox, Bob "Editor & Publisher"
Cox, Bob "ADWEEK"
Cox, Bob; Reilly, Doug "Sky & Telescope"
Cox, Bonnie "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Cox, Brad "Journal of Property Management"
Cox, Brad "Natural Life"
Cox, Bradley "Mech"
Cox, Bradley "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Cox, Brady Kal "Communal Societies"
COX, BRET "Computer Technology Review"
Cox, Brian "Arkansas Business"
Cox, Brian "The Public Manager"
COX, BRIAN "Education"
COX, BRIAN M.; MUNN, IAN A. "Forest Products Journal"
Cox, Brian; Liu, Chih-Wei; Sneyd, Mary J.; Cameron, Claire M. "Journal of Cancer Epidemiology"
Cox, Bruce D. "Air & Space Power Journal"
Cox, Bryce; Boyd, Adam; Gess, Joshua "ASHRAE Transactions"
Cox, Bucky "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Cox, By Erin; Jouvenal, Justin; Viser, Matt; Post, Teo Armus The Washington "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Cox, By John "Network World"
Cox, By John; Hohman, Robin Schreier "Network World"
Cox, By Ted "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Cox, Byan "North American Whitetail"
Cox, Byran "Contract Pharma"
Cox, C.H., III "Microwave Journal"
Cox, Carle Muntifering; Hindin, Michelle J.; Otupiri, Eastro; Larsen-Reindorf, Roderick "International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health"
Cox, Carol "The Loyalist Gazette"
Cox, Carol "Journal of School Health"
Cox, Carole B. "Social Work"
Cox, Caroline "Contemporary Review"
Cox, Caroline "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Cox, Caroline "Middle East Quarterly"
Cox, Caroline; Hirsch, Howard "Journal of Environmental Health"
Cox, Caroline; Surgan, Michael "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Cox, Carolyn C. "Journal of Research in Childhood Education"
Cox, Carolyn C. "Journal of School Health"
Cox, Carolyn C.; Billingsley, Jennifer "Education"
Cox, Carolyn C.; Mazzacco, Sandy; Herauf, James "Journal of School Health"
Cox, Carolyn C.; Misra, Ranjita; Aguillion, Sandra "Journal of School Health"
Cox, Catherine I. "Explorations in Renaissance Culture"
Cox, Catherine S. "Annali d'Italianistica"
Cox, Catherine S.; Majocha, Kristen "Intertexts"
Cox, Catherine; Chiang, Win-Shin "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Chad M.; Neises, Daniel; Garten, Rebecca J.; Bryant, Bill; Hesse, Richard A.; Anderson, Gary A. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cox, Charles "Stem Cell Research News"
COX, CHARLES H. "Risk & Insurance"
Cox, Charles; Jennings, Reg "Leadership & Organization Development Journal"
Cox, Charlie S. "Government Finance Review"
Cox, Chris "Guns & Ammo"
Cox, Chris "Bowhunter"
Cox, Chris W. "Guns & Ammo"
Cox, Christian L.; Morrill, Matthew C. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Cox, Christine "Corrections Compendium"
Cox, Christoph "Artforum International"
Cox, Christoph "The Review of Metaphysics"
Cox, Christopher "Artforum International"
Cox, Christopher "Mother Earth News"
Cox, Christopher "World and I"
Cox, Christopher J.; Stone, Robert S.; Douglas, David C.; Stanitski, Diane M.; Divoky, George J.; Du "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Cox, Christopher; Crane, Ed; Hayward, Steven; Lohmann, Susanne; Mellor, III, William H.; Norquist, G "Reason"
Cox, Cindy M. "Journal of Environmental Health"
Cox, Clarice R. "Security Management"
Cox, Clayton J. "Army Lawyer"
Cox, Clayton J.; Vazquez, Annemarie P.E. "Army Lawyer"
Cox, Clifford E. "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Cox, Collet "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Cox, Collett "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Cox, Collin J. "Duke Law Journal"
Cox, Conrad "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Cox, Conrad "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cox, Cordon "Variety"
Cox, Courteney "Children's Digest"
Cox, Courtney M. "International journal of communication (Online)"
Cox, Craig "Nieman Reports"
Cox, Craig "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Cox, Craig A. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Cox, Cristen "Techniques"
Cox, Cristoph "Artforum International"
Cox, Dan "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Cox, Dan "Variety"
Cox, Dan G. "Parameters"
Cox, Dan; Carver, Benedict "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Dawtrey, Adam "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Evans, Greg "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Goldsmith, Jill; Bing, Jonathan "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Gray, Timothy M. "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Hindes, Andrew "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Johnson, Ted "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Peers, Martin "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Petrikin, Chris "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Roman, Monica "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Speier, Michael "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Voland, John "Variety"
Cox, Dan; Weiner, Rex "Variety"
Cox, Dana M. "The Exceptional Parent"
Cox, Daniel A. "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Bowman, Karlyn "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Bowman, Karlyn; Clemence, Jacqueline "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Gray, Kyle P.; Hammond, Kelsey Eyre "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Hammond, Kelsey Eyre; Gray, Kyle P. "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Malkus, Nat "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Streeter, Ryan "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Streeter, Ryan; Abrams, Samuel J.; Clemence, Jacqueline "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Streeter, Ryan; Abrams, Samuel J.; Lee, Beatrice; Popky, Dana "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel A.; Streeter, Ryan; Wilde, David "AEI Paper & Studies"
Cox, Daniel Allen "The Brooklyn Rail"
Cox, Daniel G. "Joint Force Quarterly"
Cox, Daniel G. "Parameters"
Cox, Daniel G.; Ryan, Alex "Air & Space Power Journal - Africa and Francophonie"
Cox, Daniel R. A.; McClure, Tess; Zhang, Fan; Wong, Boris Ka Leong; Testro, Adam; Goh, Su Kah; Mural "Epigenomes"
Cox, Daniel R.; Nelson, Thomas A. "Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science"
Cox, Daniel W.; Bjornsen, Abby L.; Krieshok, Thomas S.; Liu, Yan "Career Development Quarterly"
Cox, Darcy; Stone, Jerome "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Cox, Darrin "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Cox, Darrin "The Historian"
Cox, David "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cox, David "Business Perspectives"
Cox, David "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, David A. "Health Management Technology"
Cox, David J.; Brodhead, Matthew T. "The Psychological Record"
Cox, David O. "Public Roads"
Cox, David S. "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Cox, David W. "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Cox, David; Mills, Suzanne "Arctic"
Cox, Debbie; Currie, Marjorie "National Library of Australia Gateways"
Cox, Denise Dubie And John "Network World"
Cox, Denise Pappalardo And John "Network World"
Cox, Dennis "Customer Interaction Solutions"
Cox, Derek "Information World Review"
Cox, Dinah "Confrontation"
Cox, Dinah "Prairie Schooner"
Cox, Don "Nutraceutical Business & Technology"
Cox, Don; Lanyi, Bettina; Strabic, Allison "Health Care Financing Review"
Cox, Donald "American Handgunner"
Cox, Donald D.; Dunn, Kara Lynn "New York State Conservationist"
Cox, Donald F.; Langwell, Kathryn M.; Eckert, Benjamin "Health Care Financing Review"
Cox, Donna "Mother Earth News"
Cox, Donna "Intertexts"
Cox, Doug "Health Management Technology"
Cox, Doug "ABA Bank Marketing"
COX, DOUGLAS R. "Policy Review"
Cox, Earnest "Writing Lab Newsletter"
Cox, Ed "State Magazine"
Cox, Eileen J. "Diversity"
Cox, Elizabeth; Sanchez, Magali; Baxter, Carly; Crary, Isabelle; Every, Emma; Munson, Jeff; Stapley, "Vaccines"
Cox, Elizabeth; Sanchez, Magali; Taylor, Katherine; Baxter, Carly; Crary, Isabelle; Every, Emma; Fut "Vaccines"
Cox, Ellen "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Cox, Ellen; Messmer, John "Network World"
Cox, Emily "Apollo"
Cox, Emily Stern; Anderson, Merrilee "The Presbyterian Outlook"
Cox, Emily; Spence, Elspeth; Pidgeon, Nick "Environmental Values"
Cox, Emma "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Cox, Eric "American Gunsmith"
Cox, Erin; Murray, Steve "Bulletin (Southern California Academy of Sciences)"
Cox, Ernie "Kliatt"
Cox, Eva "Arena Magazine"
Cox, Eva "Australian Journal of Social Issues"
Cox, Eva "Hecate"
Cox, Felicia; Cousins, Angela "Journal of Perioperative Practice"
Cox, Felicity; Penney, Joshua; Palethorpe, Sallyanne "Languages"
Cox, Fiona "The Modern Language Review"
Cox, Fiona "Nineteenth-Century French Studies"
Cox, Frank "Canadian Dimension"
Cox, Frank D. "Alaska Business Monthly"
COX, FRED "Fly Fisherman"
Cox, Fred A.; Wilkoff "Pediatric News"
Cox, Freek; Saeland, Eirikur; Thoma, Anne; van den Hoogen, Ward; Tettero, Lisanne; Drijver, Joke; Va "Vaccines"
Cox, Gail "Dance Magazine"
Cox, Gareth "Notes"
Cox, Gary "Information Management Journal"
Cox, Gary P. "The Historian"
Cox, Genevieve R. "Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care"
Cox, Genevieve R.; Tucker, Corinna Jenkins "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Geof "Training Journal"
Cox, Geoffrey B. "Combat Edge"
Cox, George "Engineering Designer"
Cox, George; Grace, H. Stephen, Jr.; Haupert, John E.; Howell, Peter; Wilcomes, Ronald H. "The CPA Journal"
Cox, Gerald "Airman"
Cox, Gerry "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cox, Gerry "The People (London, England)"
Cox, Gordon "Modern Casting"
Cox, Gordon "Variety"
Cox, Gordon "The Family Handyman"
Cox, Gordon,; Voris, Robert "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Doperalksi, Dan "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Doperalski, Dan "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Doperalski, Daniel "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Fitz-Gerald, Sean "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Gray, Timothy M. "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Harris, Paul "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Hill, Shelby "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Konstantinides, Anneta "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Mohr, Ian "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Morfoot, Addie "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Rooney, David "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Setoodeh, Ramin "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Shaw, Lucas "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Thielman, Sam "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Vaughan, Carson "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Voris, Robert "Variety"
Cox, Gordon; Weiss, Michelle "Variety"
Cox, Gordonx "Variety"
Cox, Graham "Optometry Today"
Cox, Graham "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cox, Greg "The Lamp"
Cox, Greg "Sportscience"
Cox, Gwen Denlinger "Grit"
Cox, H G. "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cox, Hal "Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy"
COX, HARVEY "U.S. Catholic"
Cox, Harvey "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Cox, Harvey "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
COX, HARVEY "The Nation"
Cox, Harvey Gallagher "National Catholic Reporter"
Cox, Harvey Gallagher "Nieman Reports"
Cox, Harvey Gallagher "The Nation"
Cox, Heather "Mother Earth News"
Cox, Helen "Planning for Higher Education"
Cox, Holly D. "Clinical Chemistry"
Cox, Holly D.; Lopes, Filipe; Woldemariam, Getachew A.; Becker, Jessica O.; Parkin, Mark C.; Thomas, "Clinical Chemistry"
Cox, Howard; Mowatt, Simon "Business and Economic History On-line"
Cox, Hugh "All Hands"
Cox, I.C.J.; Krikken, J.B.; Veerkamp, J.S.J. "European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry"
Cox, I.R. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Cox, Ian "The La Trobe Journal"
Cox, Ida Prather "Nursing Homes"
Cox, Ida Prather "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cox, III, Raymond W. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Cox, III, Walter Thompson "Duke Law Journal"
Cox, Iris "The Modern Language Review"
Cox, J. A.; Whelan, R. J. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cox, J. Ben; Al Arkoubi, Khadija "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, J. Robert "Sierra"
Cox, J. Robert "Controversia"
Cox, J. Thomas "OB GYN News"
Cox, J. Thomas "Family Practice News"
Cox, J. Thomas "Journal of Family Practice"
Cox, J. Thomas "OBG Management"
Cox, J. W.; Ashley, R. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cox, J. W.; Kirkby, C. A.; Chittleborough, D. J.; Smythe, L. J.; Fleming, N. K. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cox, J.W.; Chittleborough, D.J.; Brown, H.J.; Pitman, A.; Varcoe, J.C.R. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cox, Jack "Editor & Publisher"
Cox, Jack (Australian writer) "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Cox, Jack E.; Barber, Robert L. "Risk Management"
Cox, Jack L.; McKenna, James P. "Journal of Family Practice"
Cox, Jacob "Army Communicator"
Cox, James "Camping Magazine"
Cox, James "Guns Magazine"
Cox, James "Buildings"
Cox, James "Pediatrics for Parents"
Cox, James "Free Inquiry"
Cox, James "Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers"
Cox, James A. "The Bookwatch"
Cox, James A. "Children's Bookwatch"
Cox, James A. "Small Press Bookwatch"
Cox, James A. "Reviewer's Bookwatch"
Cox, James A. "MBR Bookwatch"
Cox, James A. "California Bookwatch"
Cox, James A.; Donovan, Diane; Dubs, Chris; Kelley, John-Daniel "California Bookwatch"
Cox, James C. "New Zealand Economic Papers"
Cox, James C.; Deck, Cary A. "Economic Inquiry"
Cox, James C.; Ostrom, Elinor; Walker, James M.; Castillo, Antonio Jamie; Coleman, Eric; Holahan, Ro "Southern Economic Journal"
Cox, James C.; Sadiraj, Vjollca "Economic Inquiry"
Cox, James C.; Sadiraj, Vjollca; Schmidt, Ulrich "International Advances in Economic Research"
Cox, James D. "Washington University Law Review"
Cox, James D. "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Cox, James D. "Duke Law Journal"
Cox, James D. "North Carolina Banking Institute"
Cox, James D.; Greene, Edward F. "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Cox, James D.; Greene, Edward F. "Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law"
Cox, James D.; Mondino, Tomas J.; Thomas, Randall S. "Duke Law Journal"
Cox, James D.; Schwarcz, Steven L. "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Cox, James D.; Thomas, Randall S. "Stanford Law Review"
Cox, James D.; Thomas, Randall S.; Kiku, Dana "Duke Law Journal"
Cox, James D.; Wander, Herbert S. "Law and Contemporary Problems"
COX, JAMES H. "The American Indian Quarterly"
Cox, James H.; Pettit, Alexander "Comparative Drama"
Cox, James H.; Reder, Deanna; Robins, Barbara K.; Rader, Dean; Teuton, Chris; Peters, Jesse "The American Indian Quarterly"
Cox, James L. "Health Management Technology"
Cox, James L. "International Review of Mission"
Cox, Jane; Dunn, Winnie; Foster, Lauren "The Exceptional Parent"
Cox, Janet; Dinkins, Shivochie L.; Dozier, Darleen; Ford, Kathryn; Hinton, Amy; McDavid, Stephan; Ph "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Janice "Mother Earth News"
Cox, Janice "Grit"
Cox, Jared; Adams, Eve; Loughran, Mary Jo "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Cox, Jason "Houston Journal of International Law"
Cox, Jason "The Journal of Corporation Law"
Cox, Jeff "American Diplomacy"
Cox, Jeff "Editor & Publisher"
Cox, Jeff "Mother Earth News"
Cox, Jeff "Firehouse Magazine"
Cox, Jeffrey "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cox, Jeffrey "Canadian Journal of History"
Cox, Jeffrey "Church History"
Cox, Jeffrey "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Cox, Jeffrey "Irish Literary Supplement"
Cox, Jeffrey "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Cox, Jeffrey "The Historian"
Cox, Jeffrey "Journal of Church and State"
Cox, Jeffrey N. "Papers on Language & Literature"
Cox, Jeniffer G.H. "Army Lawyer"
Cox, Jennifer J. "Arkansas Business"
Cox, Jennifer K. "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
Cox, Jennifer S.; Semple, Claire; Augustus, Rhian; Wenn, Melanie; Easter, Shelley; Broadbent, Rebecc "Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology"
Cox, Jennifer; Macieil, Elizabeth "Prosecutor, Journal of the National District Attorneys Association"
Cox, Jeremy "Best's Review"
Cox, Jeremy "Music & Letters"
Cox, Jessica "Philological Quarterly"
Cox, Jessica "The Modern Language Review"
Cox, Jessica "Critical Studies in Television"
Cox, Jeya A.; Zawawi, Dahlia; Yasin, Ida Md "Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal"
Cox, Jill L. "Black Issues Book Review"
Cox, Jim "Reviewer's Bookwatch"
Cox, Jim "Techniques"
Cox, Jim "Optometry Today"
Cox, Jim "Shooting Times"
Cox, Jocelyn; Davidian, Christine; Mior, Silvano "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Cox, Jocelyn; DeGraauw, Chris; Klein, Erik "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Cox, Jocelyn; DeGrauuw, Chris; Klein, Erik "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Cox, Jocelyn; Russo, Alena "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Cox, Jocelyn; Sovak, Guy "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Cox, Joe "Sea&Shore"
Cox, Joh K. "World Literature Today"
Cox, John "The Exceptional Parent"
Cox, John "Government Finance Review"
Cox, John "Oceania"
Cox, John "International Journal of Health Policy and Management"
Cox, John "Network World"
Cox, John C. "Industrial Maintenance & Plant Operation"
Cox, John D. "Comparative Drama"
Cox, John D. "The Modern Language Review"
Cox, John D. "Early Theatre"
Cox, John F. "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Cox, John H. "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Cox, John J.; Larkin, Jeffrey L. "Endangered Species Update"
Cox, John K. "Indiana Slavic Studies"
Cox, John K. "World Literature Today"
Cox, John K. "International Social Science Review"
Cox, John K. "The Historian"
Cox, John K. "Teaching History: A Journal of Methods"
Cox, John R. "Risk Management"
Cox, John S.; Friess, Darin "Case Reports in Orthopedics"
Cox, John Thomas; Moriarty, Ann T.; Castle, Philip E. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Cox, John; Grygo, Eugene "Network World"
Cox, John; Lajoie, Scott "Network World"
Cox, John; Macintyre, Martha "Oceania"
Cox, John; Reed, Brad "Network World"
Cox, Jonathan "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Cox, Jonathan; Abeku, Tarekegn; Beard, James; Turyeimuka, James; Tumwesigye, Enoch; Okia, Michael; R "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cox, José Francisco; Carrasco, Albert; Navarrete, Felipe; Allende, Rodrigo; Saravia, Fernando; Dorad "Animals (Basel)"
Cox, José Francisco; Carrasco, Albert; Navarrete, Felipe; Bocic, Antonio; Saravia, Fernando; Dorado, "Animals (Basel)"
Cox, Joseph M. "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Cox, Joseph T. "War, Literature & The Arts"
Cox, Josephine "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Cox, Josephine "The People (London, England)"
Cox, Joshua; Brent, Kyla "Mech"
Cox, Josie "Variety"
Cox, Jr., Louis Anthony; Copeland, Dennis; Vaughn, Michael; Iovine, Nicole M.; Blaser, Martin J. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cox, Judith F.; Lawrence, James E. "Corrections Today"
Cox, Justin; Ness, Bonnie Van; Ness, Robert Van "Financial Management"
Cox, Kallie "Gateway Journalism Review"
Cox, Kallie; Freivogel, William H. "Gateway Journalism Review"
Cox, Kallie; Galindo, Nicolas "Gateway Journalism Review"
Cox, Karen; Tracy, Mary Fran "The Pulse"
Cox, Karin "The Non-profit Times"
Cox, Katherine E. "Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law"
Cox, Katherine E. "Denver Journal of International Law and Policy"
Cox, Katherine P. "New Hampshire Business Review"
Cox, Kathleen "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Cox, Kathleen; Yamaguchi, Satomi "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Cox, Katie "Women's Health Activist"
Cox, Kay "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Cox, Kaylee A.; Roberson, Joel E. "Insurance Journal"
Cox, Kelline S.; Downey, Ronald G. "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Kelly "Florida Sportsman"
Cox, Kelly "Farm Collector"
Cox, Kenneth W. "Environments"
Cox, Kent W.; Klein, Rob "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Cox, Kenya L. C.; Spriggs, William E. "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Kevin C. "Manila Bulletin"
Cox, Kimberley "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Krista "The Humanist"
Cox, Kristin E.; Liu, Shanglei; Hoffman, Robert M.; Batra, Surinder K.; Dhawan, Punita; Bouvet, Mich "Biomolecules"
Cox, Kristin E.; Liu, Shanglei; Lwin, Thinzar M.; Hoffman, Robert M.; Batra, Surinder K.; Bouvet, Mi "Cancers"
Cox, Kyley J.; Porucznik, Christina A.; Anderson, David J.; Brozek, Eric M.; Szczotka, Kathryn M.; B "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Cox, L. Kevin; Hagen, Emily; Vogel, Oriana "People & Strategy"
Cox, Lara "New Formations"
Cox, Larry "Indiana Business Magazine"
Cox, Lauren E.; Hart, Justin L. "The American Midland Naturalist"
Cox, Laurence "Social Justice"
Cox, Laurie "ETC.: A Review of General Semantics"
Cox, Leif H.; Zhdanov, Michael S.; Pitcher, Douglas H.; Niemi, Jeremy "Minerals (Basel)"
Cox, Leif H.; Zhdanov, Michael S.; Prikhodko, Alexander "Minerals (Basel)"
Cox, Leonie "Oceania"
Cox, Leonie; Reser, Joseph "Oceania"
Cox, Linda "Pediatrics for Parents"
Cox, Linda A. "Radiologic Technology"
Cox, Linda H.; Barrow, Jill H. "Social Education"
Cox, Lindsey R. "Military Police"
Cox, Lisa "Behavioral Healthcare"
Cox, Lisa E. "Health and Social Work"
Cox, Lisa E.; Rouff, Jack R.; Svendsen, Kenneth H.; Markowitz, Madelyne; Abrams, Donald I. "Health and Social Work"
Cox, Lloyd "Australian Journal of Social Issues"
Cox, Lloyd M. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cox, Lori A.; Ramos, Ronald C.; Dennis, Tara N.; Jimenez, Sergio A.; Smith, J. Bruce; Artlett, Carol "Clinical Chemistry"
Cox, Lori Vitale "Canadian Dimension"
Cox, Louis; Clark, Mark F. "The Wilson Quarterly"
Cox, Lyn "CARING Newsletter"
Cox, Lynette Khalfani "Black Enterprise"
Cox, M. Keith; Heintz, Ron "Fishery Bulletin"
Cox, M. Keith; Heintz, Ron; Hartman, Kyle "Fishery Bulletin"
Cox, Madeline "Journal of the British Astronomical Association"
Cox, Maggie "CARING Newsletter"
Cox, Maggie; Murray, Peter "CARING Newsletter"
Cox, Malcolm "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Cox, Marcia Lynn; Taylor, Sheryl Lee; Willson, Patrick; Scott, Stephen; Bethel, Lander "The Presbyterian Outlook"
Cox, Marcus S. "Educational Foundations"
Cox, Marcus S. "Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society"
Cox, Marcus Z.; Daspit, Josh; McLaughlin, Erin; Jones, Raymond J., III "Journal of Business Strategies"
Cox, Margaret "Community Practitioner"
Cox, Margaret W. "CARING Newsletter"
Cox, Maria Christina; Esposito, Fabiana; Postorino, Massimiliano; Venditti, Adriano; Di Napoli, Aria "Cancers"
Cox, Mark "The American Poetry Review"
Cox, Mark (American writer) "The Greensboro Review"
Cox, Mark A. "Trial"
Cox, Martha "The Dental Assistant"
Cox, Mary Ellen; Buehler, Cheryl; Orme, John G. "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
Cox, Mary Foster "South Carolina Nurse"
Cox, Matt "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Matthew "American Gunsmith"
Cox, Matthew "Business Credit"
Cox, Meg E. "Sojourners"
Cox, Meg E. "Sojourners Magazine"
Cox, Meredith "Pediatric Nursing"
Cox, Michael Leonard "The American Indian Quarterly"
Cox, Michael T. "AI Magazine"
Cox, Michael T.; Zhang, Chen "AI Magazine"
Cox, Millicent "Business Economics"
Cox, Mitch "Phi Delta Kappan"
Cox, Mitchell W. "American Handgunner"
Cox, Mougnyan; Ann, Julia; Kandula, Vinay; Piatt, Joseph "Applied Radiology"
Cox, Mougnyan; Bagley, Linda; Philip, Joseph; Thatcher, Joshua; Thacker, Ike; Gomez, Conan; Layton, "Applied Radiology"
Cox, N By John "Network World"
Cox, N.D.; Yates, P.J. "Journal of Surgical Case Reports"
Cox, Nancy J. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Cox, Nancy L. "MBR Bookwatch"
Cox, Narelle S.; McKay, Karen O.; Follett, ennifer M.; Alison, Jennifer A. "Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal"
Cox, Natasja; De Swaef, Evelien; Corteel, Mathias; Van Den Broeck, Wim; Bossier, Peter; Dantas-Lima, "Viruses"
Cox, Natasja; De Swaef, Evelien; Corteel, Mathias; Van Den Broeck, Wim; Bossier, Peter; Nauwynck, Ha "Viruses"
Cox, Nathan H. "Chicago Review"
Cox, Neal; Miller, O. Daniel "Science News"
Cox, Neil "The British Journal of Aesthetics"
Cox, Nelson "Saturday Evening Post"
Cox, Nelson "Poultry USA"
Cox, Nelson; Berrang, M.E.; Hinton, A., Jr. "Poultry USA"
Cox, Niall L.T.; Sainsbury, Paul; McLenachan, James M.; Corrado, Oliver J. "Age and Ageing"
Cox, Nicholas P. "Irish Literary Supplement"
Cox, Nick "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cox, Nicole "Tablet Magazine"
Cox, Nicole B. "Journal of Communications Media Studies"
Cox, Nicole B.; DeCarvalho, Lauren J. "Journal of Communications Media Studies"
Cox, Noel "Sabretache"
Cox, Noel "McGill Law Journal"
Cox, Noel "Australian International Law Journal"
Cox, Norman "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cox, Oliver "Apollo"
Cox, Pamela "Creative Machine Embroidery"
Cox, Pamela L. "Journal of Commercial Biotechnology"
Cox, Patricia "DAV Magazine"
Cox, Patricia "Strategic Finance"
Cox, Patrick "Management Quarterly"
Cox, Patrick "Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures"
Cox, Paul "Arena Magazine"
Cox, Paul "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cox, Paul "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cox, Paul "The People (London, England)"
Cox, Paula; Smythe, Liz "New Zealand College of Midwives Journal"
Cox, Peter "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Cox, Peter "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Cox, Peter "Hazardous Waste Superfund Alert"
Cox, Peter "The Journal of Transport History"
Cox, Philip "ERIC: Reports"
Cox, Philip "Notes and Queries"
Cox, Philip "The Review of English Studies"
Cox, Philip "Literature & History"
Cox, Phillip D.; Goldberg, Todd H.; Grubb, Stephen R.; Artz, Steven A. "West Virginia Medical Journal"
Cox, Pierce T. "Houston Journal of International Law"
Cox, Priti "Green Social Thought: A Magazine of Synthesis and Regeneration"
Cox, Priti Gulati "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Cox, Priti Gulati; Cox, Stan "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Cox, Rachel M. "Australian Journal of Music Education"
Cox, Rachel; Brodeur, Caroline "Ottawa Law Review"
Cox, Ralf F.A.; Hartigh, Ruud J.R. Den; Richardson, Michael J.; Yu, Chen; Frank, Till D. "Complexity"
Cox, Ralph "Petersen's Bowhunting"
Cox, Ramsey "Mother Earth News"
Cox, Raymond A. K.; Kleiman, Robert T. "Review of Financial Economics"
COX, RAYMOND A. K.; MITCHELL, JOHN B. "Michigan Academician"
Cox, Raymond A.K.; Dayanandan, Ajit; Donker, Han "Journal of Financial Management & Analysis"
Cox, Raymond W., III "Public Administration Review"
Cox, Reagan G.; Zhang, Lei; Johnson, William D.; Bender, Daniel R. "Journal of School Health"
Cox, Reginald T.; Snook, Keith H. "Army Communicator"
Cox, Richard "Hawaii Business"
Cox, Richard D. "Sky & Telescope"
Cox, Richard F., Jr.; Manley, Rhonda H. "Nonwovens Industry"
Cox, Richard H.; Robb, Marshall; Russell, William D. "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Cox, Richard H.; Russell, William D.; Robb, Marshall "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Cox, Richard H.; Sandstedt, Scott D.; Martens, Matthew P.; Ward, D. Gant; Webber, S. Nicole; Ivey, S "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Cox, Richard H.; Shannon, Jennifer K.; McGuire, Richard T.; McBride, Adrian "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Cox, Richard H.; Thomas, Tom R.; Hinton, Pam S.; Donahue, Owen M. "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Cox, Richard H.; Yoo, Ho Sang "Journal of Sport Behavior"
COX, RICHARD J. "Information Management Journal"
Cox, Richard J.; Mattern, Eleanor; Mattock, Lindsay; Rodriguez, Raquel; Sutherland, Tonia "Journal of Education for Library and Information Science"
Cox, Richard; Indares, Aphrodite "Atlantic Geology"
Cox, Robert "American Diplomacy"
Cox, Robert "Nieman Reports"
Cox, Robert B. "Sierra"
Cox, Robert D., Jr. "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Cox, Robert F. "Buildings"
Cox, Robert Henry; Frankland, Erich G. "Publius"
Cox, Robert K. "Business Credit"
Cox, Robert W. "Relaciones Internacionales"
Cox, Robin Overby "Teacher Librarian"
Cox, Robin S.; Espinoza, Adriana "Journal of Employment Counseling"
Cox, Robyn; Webb, Grant "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Cox, Robynn; Buckholtz, Beth; Bradas, Cheryl; Kerber, Victoria Bowden Kathleen; McNett, Molly M. "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Cox, Roger "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Cox, Ronald "Nursing Homes"
Cox, Ronald "Buildings"
Cox, Rory "History Today"
Cox, Rory; Fischer, Paige; Menotti, Victor "Multinational Monitor"
Cox, Rosemary D. "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Cox, Rosie "Renewal"
Cox, Russell "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cox, Ruth "Teacher Librarian"
Cox, Ruth E. "Teacher Librarian"
Cox, Ryan "Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy"
Cox, Ryan J. "English Studies in Canada"
Cox, S.; Andrade, G.; Lungelow, D.; Schloetelburg, W.; Rode, H. "South African Medical Journal"
Cox, S.; Brown, R.; Millar, A.; Numanoglu, A.; Alexander, A.; Theron, A. "South African Medical Journal"
Cox, S.G.; Burahee, A.; Lucier, A.; Fernando, C.; Machoki, S.M. "South African Medical Journal"
Cox, S.G.; Cullingworth, L.; Rode, H. "South African Medical Journal"
Cox, S.L.; Campbell, G.D. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Cox, Sally "Ceramics Art & Perception"
Cox, Sandra "Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America"
Cox, Sarah Mayor "For A Change"
COX, Says SIR GEOFF HURST: Interview: PAUL "The People (London, England)"
Cox, Scott R.; Atkinson, J. Kirk "Journal of Transportation Management"
Cox, Sebastian "Air & Space Power Journal"
Cox, Selina R.; Czuber-Dochan, Wladyslawa; Wall, Catherine L.; Clarke, Hazel; Drysdale, Candice; Lom "Nutrients"
Cox, Shanna; Niskar, Amanda Sue; Narayan, K.M. Venkat; Marcus, Michele "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Cox, Shanna; Pazol, Karen; Warner, Lee; Romero, Lisa; Spitz, Alison; Gavin, Lorrie; Barfield, Wanda "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Cox, Shannon; Cummings, Stephen "Chain Drug Review"
Cox, Sharon "South African Medical Journal"
Cox, Sharon Natasha; Lo Giudice, Claudio; Lavecchia, Anna; Poeta, Maria Luana; Chiara, Matteo; Picar "Biomolecules"
Cox, Sharon; Rode, Heinz "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Cox, Shea "Mother Earth News"
Cox, Shelley; Rory; Koen, Sherrie "African Fisherman"
Cox, Shelly; Joyner, Sheila A.; Slate, John R. "Community College Enterprise"
Cox, Simeon "Kola"
Cox, South "Bowhunter"
Cox, Spencer J. "Utah Business"
Cox, Sra Zoie "Combat Edge"
Cox, Stan "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Cox, Stan "Green Social Thought: A Magazine of Synthesis and Regeneration"
Cox, Stan "Mother Earth News"
Cox, Stan; Jackson, Wes "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Cox, Stan; Van Tassel, David "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Cox, Stanley E. "Albany Law Review"
Cox, Stefan; Lo-A-Foe, Kelly; van Hoof, Minke; Dinant, Geert-Jan; Oudhuis, Guy; Savelkoul, Paul; Cal "Antibiotics"
Cox, Stefan; Vleeming, Maud; Giorgi, Wesley; Dinant, Geert-Jan; Cals, Jochen; de Bont, Eefje "Antibiotics"
Cox, Stephanie "New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Cox, Stephanie; Hocking, Clare; Payne, Deborah; Fadyl, Joanna "New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Cox, Stephen "The American Conservative"
Cox, Stephen "Independent Review"
Cox, Stephen "Libertarian Papers"
Cox, Stephen "The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics"
Cox, Stephen "Utopian Studies"
Cox, Steve "American Gunsmith"
Cox, Stuart "Canada's History"
Cox, Stuart R. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cox, Sue "Momentum"
Cox, Susan; Ross, Kelly; Townsend, Anne; Avard, Denise; Woodgate, Roberta "Health Law Review"
Cox, Susan; Smithdeal, Matthew; Lee, Michael "Arts"
Cox, Susan; Townsend, Anne; Preto, Nina; Woodgate, Roberta L.; Kolopack, Pam "Health Law Review"
Cox, Suzanne "Grit"
COX, T. S.; BOCKUS, W. W.; GILL, B. S.; SEARS, R. G.; HARVEY, T. L.; LEATH, S.; BROWN-GUEDIRA, G. L. "Crop Science"
COX, T. S.; SEARS, R. G.; GILL, B. S.; HUSSIEN, T.; BOWDEN, R. L.; BROWN-GUEDIRA, G. L. "Crop Science"
Cox, T.S.; Bequette, R.K.; Bowden, R.L.; Sears, R.G. "Crop Science"
Cox, Tanner L.; Guy, Christopher S.; Holmquist, Luke M.; Webb, Molly A. H. "Fishes"
Cox, Ted "Sunset"
Cox, Ted "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Cox, Teodora "Australian Mathematics Teacher"
Cox, Terrance "Queen's Quarterly"
Cox, Terry "Prairie Schooner"
Cox, Theo; Kavanagh, Shayne "Government Finance Review"
Cox, Thoko; Cook, Jim "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Cox, Thomas "Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science"
Cox, Thomas "The CPA Journal"
Cox, Thomas C. "The Historian"
Cox, Thomas L. "Southern Economic Journal"
Cox, Thomas Wyatt "Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law"
Cox, Timothy D.; Harvey, Andy H. "CML Army Chemical Review"
Cox, Timothy M. "Air Force Law Review"
Cox, Tom; Buss, Laura "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Cox, Tom; Oliver, Amparo; Rial-Gonzalez, Eusebio; Tomas, Jose Manuel; Griffiths, Amanda; Thompson, L "Spanish Journal of Psychology"
Cox, Tomas; Hurtubia, Ricardo "EURE-Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales"
Cox, Tori "Tennessee Nurse"
Cox, Tracey "Fun For Kidz"
Cox, Tracy "People & Strategy"
Cox, Valerie "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cox, Vicki "Grit"
Cox, Victoria "Grit"
Cox, Virginia "Renaissance Quarterly"
Cox, Virginia "Italica"
Cox, W. Harvey "Parliamentary Affairs"
Cox, W. Michael; Alm, Richard; Eisenberg, Pablo "The Wilson Quarterly"
Cox, W. Michael; Ruffin, Roy J. "Southern Economic Journal"
Cox, W. Miles "The Psychological Record"
Cox, Walter T., III "Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy"
Cox, Wayne M. "Albany Law Review"
Cox, Wendell "People and Place"
Cox, Wendy "Army Lawyer"
Cox, Whitney "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Cox, Will "Screen Education"
Cox, William "Alaska Business Monthly"
Cox, William "Government Finance Review"
Cox, William "Contract Management"
Cox, William A. "Contract Management"
COX, WILLIAM E. "Black Issues Book Review"
Cox, William E., Jr. "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Cox, William E.; Matthews, Frank L. "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Cox, William F. "Black Issues Book Review"
Cox, William F., Jr. "Journal of Church and State"
Cox, William J., Jr. "Government Finance Review"
Cox, William; Cherney, Jerome; Sorrells, Mark "Agronomy"
Cox, Zoie "Combat Edge"
Cox-Alomar, Pedro R.; Colon-Hernandez, Pedro; Sotolongo-Fernandez, Antonio; Cox, Rafael A. "Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal"
Cox-Cordova, Jill "Black Issues Book Review"
Cox-Dunman, Laurie "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Cox-Ganser, Jean M.; White, Sandra K.; Jones, Rebecca; Hilsbos, Ken; Storey, Eileen; Enright, Paul L "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Cox-Holmes, Erin S. "Presbyterian Record"
Cox-Otto, Pamela "Community College Week"
Cox-Petersen, Anne M.; Spencer, Brenda H.; Crawford, Teresa J. "Issues in Teacher Education"
Cox-Rearick, Janet; Costamagna, Philippe "Apollo"
Cox-Twardowski, Alexander "Journal of Religion and Film"
Cox-Walker, Deborah "Small Press Bookwatch"
Coxe, Henry M., III "Florida Bar Journal"
Coxe, III, Henry M. "Florida Bar Journal"
Coxe, Leland M.; Lennertz, Kathie; Martine, Roberta R. "Journal of Health and Human Services Administration"
Coxe, Molly "Children's Bookwatch"
Coxe, Nicholas; Liu, Yue; Arregui, Lucía; Upton, Rose; Bodenstein, Sarah; Voss, Steven Randal; Gutie "Animals (Basel)"
Coxe, Nicholas; Mize, Genesis; Casas, Sandra; Peyre, Megan K. La; Lavaud, Romain; Callam, Brian; Rik "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Coxe, Tallon; Azad, Rajeev K. "Antibiotics"
Coxe, Tallon; Burks, David J.; Singh, Utkarsh; Mittler, Ron; Azad, Rajeev K. "Plants"
Coxford, Arthur F.; Hirsch, Christian R. "Educational Leadership"
Coxhead, Gabriel "Apollo"
Coxhead, Ian "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Coxhead, Ian "Journal of Southeast Asian Economies"
Coxhead, Ian; Jayasuriya, Sisira "Land Economics"
Coxon, Benedict "University of Queensland Law Journal"
Coxon, Caroline "History Today"
Coxon, Christle; Nishihira, Jun; Hepsomali, Piril "Nutrients"
Coxon, Jennifer; Arso Civil, Mònica; Claridge, Diane; Dunn, Charlotte; Hammond, Philip S. "Mammalian Biology"
Coxon, Peter W. "The Journal of Theological Studies"
Coxson, Samuel L. "Government Finance Review"
Coy Ferrer, Javier "Atlantis, revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos"
Coy Sierra, Andrey Arturo "Revista Historia Critica"
Coy, Allyson "Girls' Life"
Coy, Allyson; Kramer, Haley "Girls' Life"
Coy, Brad; Masterson, Gerald "Coach and Athletic Director"
Coy, Dale E. "Arkansas Business"
Coy, David "Strategic Finance"
Coy, Doris Rhea "Professional School Counseling"
Coy, Doris Rhea "ERIC: Reports"
Coy, Doris Rhea, Ed.; Cole, Claire G., Ed.; Huey, Wayne C., Ed.; Sears, Susan Jones, Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Coy, Doris Rhea; Kovacs-Long, Judith "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Coy, Douglas W. "Arkansas Business"
Coy, Gregory M.; Olson, Cheryl R. "The Non-profit Times"
Coy, James F. "Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons"
Coy, Jason P. "Journal of Social History"
Coy, Jeff "Aquatics International"
Coy, Margaret "Saturday Evening Post"
Coy, Mary "School Arts"
Coy, Monique R.; Bin, Liu; Stelinski, Lukasz L. "Florida Entomologist"
Coy, Monique R.; Stelinski, Lukasz L. "Florida Entomologist"
Coy, Negma "World Literature Today"
Coy, Patrick G. "National Catholic Reporter"
Coy, Steve "CHIPS"
Coy, Steven; Adams, Jeffery; Kauffman, Ralph "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Coy-Barrera, Ericsson; Ogungbe, Ifedayo Victor; Schmidt, Thomas J. "Molecules (Basel)"
Coya, Ruth; Martin, Fernando; Calvin-Cejudo, Laura; Gomez-Diaz, Carolina; Alcorta, Esther "Insects"
Coyac-Torres, Jorge E.; Sidorov, Grigori; Aguirre-Anaya, Eleazar; Hernández-Oregón, Gerardo "Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction"
Coyago-Cruz, Elena; Guachamin, Aida; Méndez, Gabriela; Moya, Melany; Martínez, Aníbal; Viera, Willia "Foods"
Coye, Beth F. "Naval War College Review"
Coyer, Liza; Sogan-Ekinci, Aylin; Greutélaers, Benedikt; Kuhn, Julia; Saller, Franziska S.; Hailer, "Microorganisms"
Coyer, Megan "Scottish Literary Review"
Coyer, Sharon M.; Lash, Ayhan Aytekin "MedSurg Nursing"
Coyer, Sharon M.; Plonczynski, Donna J.; Baldwin, Karen B.; Fox, Patricia G. "Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care"
Coyl, Diana D. "Phi Delta Kappan"
Coyle, Andrew "Corrections Today"
Coyle, Beverly "Techniques"
Coyle, Bill "New Criterion"
Coyle, Bill "Southwest Review"
Coyle, Bradford D.; Ellison, Brenna "Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm and Resource Issues (Online)"
Coyle, Briege "Community Practitioner"
Coyle, Bruce; Brill, Tom; Watson, C.B., III "Public Works"
Coyle, By Jake "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Coyle, Carolyn M.; Gannon, Dustin G. "Northwestern Naturalist: A Journal of Vertebrate Biology"
Coyle, Catelyn; Viner, Kendra; Hughes, Elizabeth; Kwakwa, Helena; Zibbell, Jon E.; Vellozzi, Claudia "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Coyle, Cathal "School Librarian"
Coyle, Catherine; Shank, John; Wilhite, Barbara; Komaroff, Eugene "Annual in Therapeutic Recreation"
Coyle, Daisy H.; Sanavio, Laura; Barrett, Eden; Huang, Liping; Law, Kristy K.; Nanayakkara, Pabasha; "Nutrients"
Coyle, Derek "Irish Literary Supplement"
Coyle, Diane "The International Economy"
Coyle, Diane "The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics"
Coyle, Diane "Business Economics"
Coyle, Diane "National Institute Economic Review"
Coyle, Diane "Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia)"
Coyle, Diane "AMASS"
COYLE, DIANE "Education"
Coyle, Diane; Nakamura, Leonard "International Productivity Monitor"
Coyle, Ed "Defense Transportation Journal"
Coyle, Eddie "The Mirror (London, England)"
Coyle, Eugene "Monthly Labor Review"
Coyle, Eugene P. "Monthly Labor Review"
Coyle, Fiona "The Canadian Geographer"
Coyle, Frank "Approach"
Coyle, Geoff "History Today"
Coyle, Gwen C.; Smith, C. Wayne "Crop Science"
Coyle, Ian "Tooling & Production"
Coyle, J. Kevin "Theological Studies"
Coyle, J., III; Powell, C. Spencer; Fiser, John Y.; Borges, Richard L., II "Valuation Insights & Perspectives"
Coyle, Jake "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Coyle, Jake "Worcester Telegram & Gazette"
Coyle, Jake "Editor & Publisher"
Coyle, Jake; Kennedy, Mark "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Coyle, Jake; Lennox, Michael Cidoni "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Coyle, James F. "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Coyle, John F. "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Coyle, John F. "William and Mary Law Review"
Coyle, John F.; Drahozal, Christopher R. "Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law"
Coyle, John F.; Effron, Robin J. "Notre Dame Law Review"
Coyle, John F.; Polsky, Gregg D. "Duke Law Journal"
Coyle, John J. "American Handgunner"
Coyle, John J.; Ruamsook, Kusumal; Symon, Eric J. "Transportation Journal"
Coyle, Kaitlin Ann "Ave Maria Law Review"
Coyle, Karin; Basen-Engquist, Karen; Kirby, Douglas; Parcel, Guy; Banspach, Stephen; Harrist, Ronald "Journal of School Health"
Coyle, Karin; Kirby, Douglas; Parcel, Guy; Basen-Engquist, Karen; Banspach, Stephen; Rugg, Deborah; "Journal of School Health"
Coyle, Kassandra M.; Hawke, Lindsey G.; Ormiston, Mark L. "Cancers"
Coyle, Keith "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Coyle, Keith J. "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Coyle, Kevin "ERIC: Reports"
Coyle, Lance M. "Valuation Magazine"
Coyle, Laura "Southeastern College Art Conference Review"
Coyle, Linda Lyons "Oklahoma Nurse"
Coyle, M. Lance "Mortgage Banking"
Coyle, M. Lance "Valuation Magazine"
Coyle, Marcia "Bookmarks"
Coyle, Martin "Risk Management"
Coyle, Martin "Notes and Queries"
Coyle, Mary K.; Duffy, Joanne R.; Martin, Elisabeth Moy "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Coyle, Mary K.; Martin, Elisabeth Moy "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Coyle, Mary Kay "Nursing Homes"
COYLE, MARY PAT "Real Estate Weekly"
Coyle, Michael "Thrasher"
Coyle, Michael "Ottawa Law Review"
Coyle, Michael "Twentieth Century Literature"
Coyle, Michael F. "New Hampshire Business Review"
Coyle, Michael J. "Social Justice"
Coyle, Michael J.; Schept, Judah "Social Justice"
Coyle, Nancy "National Catholic Reporter"
Coyle, Naomi C.; Bagley, Gerald; Derrick, Kim; Jackson, Yolanda; McDonald, Brenda; Turner, Belena; W "ERIC: Reports"
Coyle, Nicholas C. "Washington University Law Review"
Coyle, Patricia K. "Multiple Sclerosis International"
Coyle, Patrick "Washington University Global Studies Law Review"
Coyle, Patrick "inFOCUS"
Coyle, Patrick X. "inFOCUS"
Coyle, Philip "Translog"
Coyle, Philip; Samson, Victoria "Ethics & International Affairs"
Coyle, Scott "The Conversation (US Edition)"
Coyle, Stephen M. "Mortgage Banking"
Coyle, Steve "Business Credit"
Coyle, Steven "Business Credit"
Coyle, Susan B.; Narsavage, Georgia L. "Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care"
Coyle, Suzanne M. "Religions"
Coyle, Teresa "Childhood Education"
Coyle, Terry "Nutraceuticals World"
COYLE, THERESA THORN "National Catholic Reporter"
Coyle, Thomas R. "Intelligence"
Coyle, Timothy "Printed Circuit Design & Fab"
Coyle-Asbil, Hannah J.; Habegger, Janik; Oliver, Michele; Vallis, Lori Ann "Sensors"
Coyle-Rogers, Patricia "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Coyle-Rogers, Patricia G. "ERIC: Reports"
Coyle-Rogers, Patricia G.; Rogers, George E. "ERIC: Reports"
Coyle-Shapiro, Jackie "Employee Relations (Emerald Group Publishing)"
Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A.-M.; Kessler, Ian "Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory"
Coyles, David "Environment and Planning D: Society and Space"
Coyles, Stephanie; Gokey, Timothy C. "The McKinsey Quarterly"
Coyne Jr., John R. "The American Conservative"
Coyne, Adam "Strategic Finance"
Coyne, Amanda "Harper's Magazine"
Coyne, Andrew "Literary Review of Canada"
Coyne, Ashlan J. Kunz; Stamper, Kyle; Kebriaei, Razieh; Holger, Dana J.; El Ghali, Amer; Morrisette, "Antibiotics"
Coyne, Bethany; Hollen, Patricia J.; Yan, Guofen; Barcia, John; Brayman, Kenneth "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Coyne, Christopher J. "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Coyne, Christopher J. "Independent Review"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Bills, Brittany L. "Independent Review"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Blanco, Abigail R. Hall "Independent Review"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Blanco, Abigail R. Hall; Burns, Scott "Independent Review"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Castillo, Edward M.; Shatsky, Rebecca A.; Chan, Theodore C. "Medicina"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Davies, Steve "Independent Review"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Goodman, Nathan P. "Independent Review"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Hall, Abigail R. "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Hall, Abigail R. "Independent Review"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Hall, Abigail R. "Atlantic Economic Journal"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Leeson, Peter T. "The Cato Journal"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Ryan, Matt E. "Independent Review"
Coyne, Christopher J.; Yatsyshina, Yuliya "Independent Review"
Coyne, Daniel W.; Sims, Andrea; Bingel, Brenda "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Coyne, Dave; Dennis, Julie; Jones, Richard "Reason"
Coyne, Dermot "Crop Science"
Coyne, Elisabeth; Borbasi, Sally "Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing"
Coyne, Emmett "Conscience"
Coyne, Emmett A. "National Catholic Reporter"
Coyne, Erik C. "Air Force Law Review"
Coyne, Frank "Best's Review"
Coyne, Frank J. "Best's Review"
Coyne, George V. "Sky & Telescope"
Coyne, George V. "Forum Italicum"
Coyne, Gordon "Presbyterian Record"
Coyne, Gordon "The Loyalist Gazette"
Coyne, Jack "National Catholic Reporter"
Coyne, Jack "Boating World"
Coyne, Jennifer "Agri Marketing"
Coyne, Jerry A. "Science News"
Coyne, Jerry A. "Evolution"
Coyne, Jerry A.; Barton, Nicholas H.; Turelli, Michael "Evolution"
Coyne, Jerry A.; Orr, H. Allen "Evolution"
Coyne, John "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Coyne, John "American Diplomacy"
Coyne, John M.; Arghode, Vishal; Bhattacharyya, Som Sekhar; Barker, David; Neupauer, Nicholas C. "Indian Journal of Industrial Relations"
Coyne, John R. "The American Conservative"
Coyne, John R., Jr. "The American Conservative"
Coyne, Joshua G.; Coyne, Emily M.; Walker, Kenton B. "Strategic Finance"
Coyne, Kendall "Children's Bookwatch"
Coyne, Kevin M. "Air & Space Power Journal"
Coyne, Kevin M. "Maxwell Papers"
Coyne, Kevin P.; Coyne, Edward J.; Coyne, Shawn T. "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Coyne, Kevin P.; Hall, Stephen J.D.; Clifford, Patricia Gorman "The McKinsey Quarterly"
Coyne, Kevin P.; Subramaniam, Somu "The McKinsey Quarterly"
Coyne, Kevin P.; Witter, Jonathan W. "The McKinsey Quarterly"
Coyne, Lewis "Renewal"
Coyne, Lewis "Environmental Values"
Coyne, Loretta "The American Biology Teacher"
Coyne, Lucy; Benigno, Carolyn; Giang, Vo Ngan; Huong, Luu Quynh; Kalprividh, Wantanee; Padungtod, Pa "Antibiotics"
Coyne, Lucy; Patrick, Ian; Arief, Riana; Benigno, Carolyn; Kalpravidh, Wantanee; McGrane, James; Sch "Antibiotics"
Coyne, M.S.; Gilfillen, R.A.; Rhodes, R.W.; Blevins, R.L. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Coyne, M.S.; Gilfillen, R.A.; Villalba, A.; Zhang, Z.; Rhodes, R.; Dunn, L.; Blevins, R.L. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Coyne, Mary Louise; Smith, Jane F.H.; Hieser, Mary Jean; Hoover, Lindy "MedSurg Nursing"
Coyne, Michael "IFR"
Coyne, Michael D.; McCoach, D. Betsy; Kapp, Sharon "Learning Disability Quarterly"
Coyne, Michael D.; Simmons, Deborah C.; Hagan-Burke, Shanna; Simmons, Leslie E.; Kwok, Oi-Man; Kim, "Exceptional Children"
Coyne, P.E.; Teemul, T.; Dent, B.; Henderson, D.; Crabbe, R.; Garud, T. "Journal of Surgical Case Reports"
Coyne, Paige; Woodruff, Sarah J. "Behavioral Sciences"
Coyne, Robert M.; Green, Robert "Corrections Today"
Coyne, Roger "Thrasher"
Coyne, Sarah "Cyprus Mail (Cyprus)"
Coyne, Sue "NATE Classroom"
Coyne, Terry "Nutrition & Dietetics: The Journal of the Dietitians Association of Australia"
Coyne, Tom "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Coyne, Tom "Directors & Boards"
Coyne, Tom; Tarm, Michael "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Coyne, William E. "Research-Technology Management"
Coyne, William J. "Government Finance Review"
Coyne-Foresi, Melissa "Professional School Counseling"
Coyner, Barbara "American Forests"
Coyner, Brandi S.; Braun, Janet K.; Mares, Michael A. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Coyner, Brandi S.; Lee, Thomas E., Jr.; Rogers, Duke S.; Van Den Bussche, Ronald A. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Coyner, Kelley "Americas (English Edition)"
Coyner, Paula Hughes "NEA Today"
Coyner, Russell "Wood & Wood Products"
Coyner, Sandra C. "ATEA Journal"
Coyner, Sandra C. "ERIC: Reports"
Coyner, Sandra C.; Razek, Nasser "ATEA Journal"
Coz, Deborah; Mathevet, Raphaël "Sustainability"
Coz, Joseph; Alsheimer, F.; Lindner, B.L. "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Cozac, Dan Alexandru; Lakatos, Eva Katalin; Demjen, Zoltan; Ceamburu, Alexandru; Fi?ca, Paul Ciprian "Diagnostics"
Cozacov, Ronen; Minerbi, Amir; Haddad, May; Vulfsons, Simon "Bioengineering"
Cozad, Andrew "American Gunsmith"
Cozad, David B. "The Presbyterian Outlook"
Cozad, Heather "Citizen Airman"
Cozad, Lauren A.; Diaz, Rodrigo; Mudge, Christopher R. "Florida Entomologist"
Cozad, Mary L. "Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America"
Cozad, Mary Lee "Renaissance Quarterly"
Cozad, Matthew A. "Strategic Finance"
Cozad, Melanie J.; Lindley, Lisa C.; Mixer, Sandra J. "Nursing Economics"
Cozar, Luz; Reyes, Angela; Nunez, Cristina; Lopez-Martinez, Alicia E.; Serrano-Ibanez, Elena R.; Est "Behavioral Psychology/Psicologia Conductual"
Cózar-Bernal, Fernando; Góngora-Rodríguez, Jorge; Ayala-Martínez, Carmen; Martín-Vega, Francisco Jav "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Cozarinsky, Edgardo "Alea: Estudos Neolatinos"
Cozart, Sheryl Conrad; Generett, Gretchen Givens; Price, Paula Groves "Vitae Scholasticae"
Cozart, William E. "Association Management"
Cozea, Andreea; Manea, Gheorghe-Cosmin "Romanian Economic and Business Review"
Cozens, Fran; White, Mary Anne "Canadian Chemical News"
Cozens, Glen "Sky & Telescope"
Cozens, Glen; White, Graeme L. "Sky & Telescope"
Cozens, Maureen "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cozens, Paul; Hillier, David "Town and Country Planning"
Cozens, Paul; Hillier, David; Graham, Max "Town and Country Planning"
Cozens, Peter "New Zealand International Review"
Cozer Montenegro, Livia; Menezes Brito, Maria Jose "Investigacion y Educacion en Enfermeria"
Cozewith, Mindy Tyson "The Tax Adviser"
Cozewith, Sarah "Units"
Cozgarea, Andreea; Cozma, Drago?; Teodoru, Minodora; Lazar-Höcher, Alexandra-Iulia; Cirin, Liviu; Fa "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Cozier, Christopher; Tancons, Claire "Fillip"
Cozier, Craig "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cozier, John Gerard "Social and Economic Studies"
Cozine, Susan "Legal Nurse Consulting Ezine"
Cozma Ighian, Diana Sabina "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cozma, Alexandru; Firculescu, Adrian-Cosmin; Tudose, Dan; Ruse, Laura "Sensors"
Cozma, Andreea Paula; Rimbu, Cristina Mihaela; Zendri, Flavia; Maciuca, Iuliana Elena; Timofte, Dori "Antibiotics"
Cozma, Elena Codru?a; Avram, Ionela; Voiculescu, Vlad Mihai; Mihai, Mara Madalina; Gaman, Amelia Mar "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Cozma, Elena Codruta; Celarel, Ana Maria; Stoenica, Ioana-Valentina; Lupu, Mihai; Banciu, Laura Mada "Diagnostics"
Cozma, Gabriel Veniamin; Apostu, Alexandru; Macasoi, Ioana; Dehelean, Cristina Adriana; Cretu, Octav "Medicina"
Cozma, Gabriel Veniamin; Muntean, Calin; Faur, Alaviana Monique; Gaborean, Vasile; Petrache, Ioan Ad "Medicina"
Cozma, Matei-Alexandru; Dobrica, Elena-Codruta; Shah, Purva; Shellah, Duha; Gaman, Mihnea-Alexandru; "Healthcare"
Cozma, Mihaela "European English Messenger"
Cozma, S.; Dima-Cozma, L.C.; Ghiciuc, C.M.; Pasquali, V.; Saponaro, A.; Patacchioli, F.R. "Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research"
Cozmescu, Helen "Practically Primary"
Cozminca, Irina; Cozminca, Mircea; Ungureanu, Catalin; Mihailide, Mircea "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cozminca, Irina; Luca, Gabriel Petru; Ungureanu, Catalin "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cozorici, Andrei; Porumb, Vlad; Lunca, Sorinel; Grigoras, Ioana; Ristescu, Irina; Jitaru, Iulia; Pat "Acta Clinica Croatica"
Cozort, Daniel "Journal of Buddhist Ethics"
Cozort, Larry A. "Journal of Accountancy"
Cozy, David "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Cozy, David "Harper's Magazine"
Cozy, David "Free Inquiry"
Cozza, Andrea; Di Pasquale Fiasca, Valerio Maria; Martini, Alessandro "Children"
Cozza, Barbara "Childhood Education"
Cozza, Barbara "Teaching Children Mathematics"
Cozza, Barbara; Foley, Mary; Laboranti, Carol "ERIC: Reports"
Cozza, Martin "Colorado Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature"
COZZA, STEVEN "New York Times Upfront"
Cozza, Vanessa "Composition Studies"
Cozzani, Emanuele; Drosera, Massimo; Gasparini, Giulia; Parodi, Aurora "Autoimmune Diseases"
Cozzani, Maria Rosa "Espacio y Desarrollo"
Cozzarelli, Julia M. "Renaissance Quarterly"
Cozzarelli, Julia M. "Italica"
Cozzarelli, Julia M. "Romance Notes"
Cozzarini, Luca; De Lorenzi, Lorenzo; Barago, Nicolò; Sbaizero, Orfeo; Bevilacqua, Paolo "Materials"
Cozzarini, Luca; Marsich, Lucia; Ferluga, Alessio "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Cozzarini, Luca; Marsich, Lucia; Ferluga, Alessio "Polymers"
Cozzens, Donald "U.S. Catholic"
Cozzens, Donald "National Catholic Reporter"
Cozzens, Donald "Theological Studies"
Cozzens, Donald B. "U.S. Catholic"
Cozzens, Donald; May, Frank; Pancero, Claire "U.S. Catholic"
Cozzens, Jeffrey B. "Joint Force Quarterly"
Cozzens, Susan E. "Issues in Science and Technology"
Cozzi, Andrea; Cè, Maurizio; De Padova, Giuseppe; Libri, Dario; Caldarelli, Nazarena; Zucconi, Fabio "Tomography"
Cozzi, Anna Teresa; Ottavi, Alice; Lozza, Paolo; Maccari, Alberto; Borloni, Roberto; Nitro, Letizia; "Journal of Personalized Medicine"
Cozzi, Cecilia "Helios"
Cozzi, Diletta; Moroni, Chiara; Addeo, Gloria; Danti, Ginevra; Lanzetta, Monica Marina; Cavigli, Edo "Gastroenterology Research and Practice"
Cozzi, F.; Raffeiner, B.; Ciprian, L.; Botsios, C.; Perissinotto, E.; Rizzo, M.; Zanatta, E.; Pigatt "Anales de Hidrologia Medica"
Cozzi, Loredana; Vicenza, Teresa; Battistini, Roberta; Masotti, Chiara; Suffredini, Elisabetta; Di P "Viruses"
Cozzi, Mario; Prete, Carmelina; Viccaro, Mauro; Sijtsma, Frans; Veneri, Paolo; Romano, Severino "Sustainability"
Cozzi, Phillip J. "Southwest Review"
Cozzi, Salvatore; Alì, Emanuele; Bardoscia, Lilia; Najafi, Masoumeh; Botti, Andrea; Blandino, Gladys "Cancers"
Cozzi, Stefano; Ibáñez, Carles; Lazar, Luminita; Raimbault, Patrick; Giani, Michele "Water"
Cozzini, Pietro; Agosta, Federica; Dolcetti, Greta; Dal Palù, Alessandro "Molecules (Basel)"
Cozzio, Margherita; Melis, Alessandro; La Fauci, Giusy; Guaraldi, Pietro; Caputo, Rosaria; Lioi, Fla "Healthcare"
Cozzolino, Alessia; Adamo, Paola; Bonanomi, Giuliano; Motti, Riccardo "Plants"
Cozzolino, Anna; Cappai, Giovanna; Cara, Stefano; Milia, Stefano; Ardu, Riccardo; Tamburini, Elena; "Minerals (Basel)"
Cozzolino, Antonietta; Monaco, Guglielmo; Rizzo, Paola; Guerra, Gaetano "Polymers"
Cozzolino, Daniel "Foods"
Cozzolino, Daniel; Bureš, Daniel; Hoffman, Louwrens C. "Foods"
Cozzolino, Daniel; Sanal, Pooja; Schreuder, Jana; Williams, Paul James; Assadi Soumeh, Elham; Dekker "Foods"
Cozzolino, Domenico; Romano, Ciro; Sardu, Celestino; Nevola, Riccardo; Umano, Giuseppina Rosaria; Ri "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Cozzolino, Eugenio; Di Mola, Ida; Ottaiano, Lucia; Bilotto, Maurizio; Petriccione, Milena; Ferrara, "Plants"
Cozzolino, Eugenio; Giordano, Maria; Fiorentino, Nunzio; El-Nakhel, Christophe; Pannico, Antonio; Mo "Agronomy"
Cozzolino, Eugenio; Salluzzo, Antonio; Piano, Luisa del; Tallarita, Alessio Vincenzo; Cenvinzo, Vinc "Applied Sciences"
Cozzolino, Federico; Marra, Fabrizio; Fortunato, Marco; Bellagamba, Irene; Pesce, Nicola; Tamburrano "Sensors"
Cozzolino, Immacolata; Ronchi, Andrea; Messina, Gaetana; Montella, Marco; Morgillo, Floriana; Vicido "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Cozzolino, M.F.; Chopard, R.P.; Tampelini, F.S. "International Journal of Morphology"
Cozzolino, Mariella; Oliviero, Caterina; D'Andrea, Barbara; Guglielmi, Giuseppe; Califano, Giorgia; "Case Reports in Medicine"
Cozzolino, Marilena; Mauriello, Paolo; Patella, Domenico "Geosciences"
Cozzolino, Rosaria; Amato, Giuseppe; Siano, Francesco; Picariello, Gianluca; Stocchero, Matteo; Morr "Agronomy"
Cozzolino, Rosaria; Câmara, José S.; Malorni, Livia; Amato, Giuseppe; Cannavacciuolo, Ciro; Masullo, "Molecules (Basel)"
Cozzupoli, Grazia Maria; Savastano, Maria Cristina; Falsini, Benedetto; Savastano, Alfonso; Rizzo, S "Journal of Ophthalmology"
Cpa-Pac, Calcpa "California CPA"
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