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Cro, Melinda A. "Romance Notes"
Croal, Bernard L.; Glen, Alastair C.A.; Kelly, Christopher J.G.; Logan, Robert W. "Clinical Chemistry"
Croal, Bernard L.; Mitchell, Ian; Dickie, Arthur; Duff, Patrica A.; Cohen, Nicholas P.; Ross, Iain S "Clinical Chemistry"
Croall, Cody A.; Dixon, Curt B.; Haile, Luke; Andreacci, Joseph L. "Journal of Exercise Physiology Online"
Croall, Hazel "British Journal of Criminology"
Croall, Iain D.; Hoggard, Nigel; Hadjivassiliou, Marios "Nutrients"
Croan, Suki C. "Forest Products Journal"
Croan, Tara; Hatcher, Juliet; Jager, Justin; Long, Melissa; O'Hare, William; Wertheimer, Richard "ERIC: Reports"
Croarkin, Ken; Sullivan, Kevin "Best's Review"
Croarkin, M. Carroll "Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology"
Croasdaile, Susanne "ERIC: Reports"
Croasdale, Richard "The Bookwatch"
Croat, Thomas B.; de Avila Blomberg, Alejandro "Acta Botanica Mexicana"
Croatia 3 Simon og 20, Orsic 85, Pasalic 90+2 SPAIN 5(AET) Sarabia 38, Azpilicueta 57, Torres 76, Mo "The Mirror (London, England)"
Croatia v Spain Nations League Final, today, 7.45pm BY TOM HOPKINSON "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Croatia v Spain Nations League Final, Today, Kick-off 7.45pm by Tom Hopkinson "The People (London, England)"
CROATIA....3 SCOTLAND....1 KEITH JACKSON AT HAMPDEN "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
CROATIA...1 CZECH REP...1 FRASER WILSON AT HAMPDEN "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Croatto, Pete "Life Extension"
Croatto, Pete "ForeWord"
Croatto, Peter "ForeWord"
Crober, Paul "Esprit de Corps"
Crobu, Maria Grazia; Ravanini, Paolo; Impaloni, Clotilde; Martello, Claudia; Bargiacchi, Olivia; Di "Viruses"
Crocce Carlotto, Pedro Augusto; Moraes Cruz, Roberto; Guilland, Romilda "Revista Interamericana de Psicologia Ocupacional"
Crocco, L.; Donato, L. Di; Iero, D.A.M.; Isernia, T. "Progress In Electromagnetics Research"
Crocco, Laura; Meyer, David "Journal of Singing"
Crocco, Lorenzo; Di Donato, Loreto; Catapano, Ilaria; Isernia, Tommaso "Progress In Electromagnetics Research"
Crocco, Marco; Calvi, Angela; Canzoneri, Francesca; Malerba, Federica; Zampatti, Noemi; Chiaro, Andr "Nutrients"
Crocco, Marco; Calvi, Angela; Gandullia, Paolo; Malerba, Federica; Mariani, Anthea; Di Profio, Sonia "Nutrients"
Crocco, Marco; Verrico, Antonio; Milanaccio, Claudia; Piccolo, Gianluca; De Marco, Patrizia; Gaggero "Cancers"
Crocco, Margaret S.; Faithfull, Bayard; Schwartz, Sherry "Journal of Teacher Education"
Crocco, Margaret Smith "ERIC: Reports"
Crocco, Margaret Smith "Social Education"
Crocco, Margaret Smith, Ed.; Davis, O. L., Jr., Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Crocco, Margaret Smith; Cramer, Judith "Social Education"
Crocco, Margaret Smith; Merryfield, Merry M. "Social Education"
Crocco, Margaret; Halvorsen, Anne-Lise; Jacobsen, Rebecca; Segall, Avner "Phi Delta Kappan"
Crocco, Margaret; Segall, Avner; Halvorsen, Anne-Lise; Jacobsen, Rebecca "Democracy & Education"
Crocco, Paolina; Dato, Serena; Montesanto, Alberto; Bonfigli, Anna Rita; Testa, Roberto; Olivieri, F "Nutrients"
Crocco, Paolina; De Rango, Francesco; Dato, Serena; La Grotta, Rossella; Maletta, Raffaele; Bruni, A "Biology (Basel)"
Crocco, Peter "The Tax Adviser"
Croccolo, Dario; Ćiric-Kostic, Snežana; De Agostinis, Massimiliano; Fini, Stefano; Olmi, Giorgi "Machines"
Croccolo, Dario; De Agostinis, Massimiliano; Fini, Stefano; Khan, Muhammad Yasir; Mele, Mattia; Olmi "Metals"
Croccolo, Dario; De Agostinis, Massimiliano; Fini, Stefano; Mele, Mattia; Olmi, Giorgio; Canella, Gi "Machines"
Croccolo, Dario; De Agostinis, Massimiliano; Fini, Stefano; Mele, Mattia; Olmi, Giorgio; Scapecchi, "Machines"
Croccolo, Dario; De Agostinis, Massimiliano; Fini, Stefano; Olmi, Giorgio; Robusto, Francesco; Vince "Actuators"
Croce, Alessandro; Gatti, Giorgio; Calisi, Antonio; Cagna, Laura; Bellis, Donata; Bertolotti, Marine "Geosciences"
Croce, Anna C.; Ferrigno, Andrea; Palladini, Giuseppina; Mannucci, Barbara; Vairetti, Mariapia; Di P "Molecules (Basel)"
Croce, Anna Cleta; Garbelli, Anna; Moyano, Andrea; Soldano, Sara; Tejeda-Guzmán, Carlos; Missirlis, "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Croce, Arne "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Croce, Giulio; Suzzi, Nicola "Energies"
Croce, Giulio; Suzzi, Nicola "Fluids"
Croce, Giuseppe; Ghignoni, Emanuela "Comparative Economic Studies"
Croce, Keri-Anne; Cruzado-Guerrero, Judith "Quarterly Review of Distance Education"
Croce, Laura; Chytiris, Spyridon; Coperchini, Francesca; Ferraro, Giovanni; Minelli, Linda; Navarra, "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Croce, M.M.; Karantounias, A.G.; Raymond, S.; Schmid, L. "Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Working Paper Series"
Croce, Maria "The Mirror (London, England)"
Croce, Maria "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Croce, Maria; Dingwall, John "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Croce, Maria; Paterson, Roz "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Croce, Maria; Smith, Steve "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Croce, Marie "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Croce, Michela; Rigo, Valentina; Ferrini, Silvano "Journal of Immunology Research"
Croce, N.; Macdonald, Duncan; Toner, Phillip; Turner, Cathy "ERIC: Reports"
Croce, Nicholas "International Social Science Review"
Croce, Nicoletta; Pitaro, Michele; Gallo, Valentina; Antonini, Giovanni "Journal of Toxicology"
Croce, Paul Jerome "The Review of Politics"
Croce, Stefania; Cobianchi, Lorenzo; Zoro, Tamara; Dal Mas, Francesca; Icaro Cornaglia, Antonia; Len "Biomedicines"
Croce, Valeria; Billi, Dario; Caroti, Gabriella; Piemonte, Andrea; De Luca, Livio; Véron, Philippe "Remote Sensing"
Croce, Valeria; Caroti, Gabriella; Piemonte, Andrea; De Luca, Livio; Véron, Philippe "Sensors"
CROCE, VINCENT "Real Estate Weekly"
Crocetta, Tania Brusque; Viana, Ricardo Luis; Silva, Douglas Eric; Andrade, Alexandro "Revista Brasileira de Prescricao e Fisiologia do Exercicio"
Crocetti, Gregory; Barr, Briony "Literacy Learning: The Middle Years"
Crocetti, Jacqueline "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Crocetti, Letizia; Floresta, Giuseppe; Zagni, Chiara; Merugu, Divya; Mazzacuva, Francesca; de Olivei "Pharmaceuticals"
Crocetti, Letizia; Guerrini, Gabriella; Melani, Fabrizio; Vergelli, Claudia; Giovannoni, Maria Paola "Molecules (Basel)"
Crocetti, Letizia; Khlebnikov, Andrei I.; Guerrini, Gabriella; Schepetkin, Igor A.; Melani, Fabrizio "Molecules (Basel)"
Crocetti, Luca; Nannipieri, Pietro; Di Matteo, Stefano; Fanucci, Luca; Saponara, Sergio "Electronics (Basel)"
Crocetti, Luca; Nannipieri, Pietro; Di Matteo, Stefano; Saponara, Sergio "Electronics (Basel)"
Crocetti, Luca; Pagani, Emanuele; Bertolucci, Matteo; Fanucci, Luca "Electronics (Basel)"
Crocetto, Felice; Balsamo, Raffaele; Amicuzi, Ugo; De Luca, Luigi; Falcone, Alfonso; Mirto, Benito F "Nutrients"
Crocetto, Felice; Barone, Biagio; D’Aguanno, Giulio; Falcone, Alfonso; de Vivo, Rosamaria; Rienzo, M "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Crocetto, Felice; Falcone, Alfonso; Mirto, Benito Fabio; Sicignano, Enrico; Pagano, Giovanni; Dinacc "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Crochemore, Louise; Ramos, Maria-Helena; Pappenberger, Florian; van Andel, Schalk Jan; Wood, Andrew "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Crochemore, Maxime; Iliopoulos, Costas S.; Rahman, M. Sohel "DMTCS Proceedings"
Crochemore, Tomaz; Savioli, Felicio Aragao "Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine"
Crochet, Pascale; Cadierno, Victorio "Catalysts"
Croci Angelini, Elisabetta; Farina, Francesco; Sorana, Silvia "Economies"
Croci, Ettore; Giudice, Alfonso del; Jankensgard, Hakan "Financial Management"
Croci, Michele; Impollonia, Giorgio; Marcone, Andrea; Antonucci, Giulia; Letterio, Tommaso; Colauzzi "Agronomy"
Croci, Osvaldo "Newfoundland and Labrador Studies"
Croci, Osvaldo "Forum Italicum"
Croci, Sonia; D’Apolito, Lina Ilaras; Gasperi, Valeria; Catani, Maria Valeria; Savini, Isabella "Nutrients"
Crocioni, Pietro "Antitrust Bulletin"
Crocitti, John J. "International Social Science Review"
Crock, Elizabeth "Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing"
Crock, Gordon "Afro-Americans in New York Life and History"
Crock, Jeff "American Handgunner"
Crock, John G. "New West Indian Guide"
Crock, Mary "Melbourne University Law Review"
Crock, Mary E. "Australian International Law Journal"
Crock, Mary E.; Martin, Hannah M. "University of Queensland Law Journal"
Crockard, Martin "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Crocker's, Betty "Medical Update"
Crocker, Alia; Cross, Rob; Gray, Peter "People & Strategy"
Crocker, Alison D.; Orr, R. Robert "Exceptional Children"
Crocker, Allen C. "Journal of School Health"
Crocker, Allen C.; Lavin, Alison T.; Palfrey, Judith S.; Porter, Stephanie M.; Shaw, Deirdre M.; Wei "Journal of School Health"
Crocker, Andrew "Harvard Journal of Law & Technology"
Crocker, Christopher "Prairie History"
Crocker, Dave "Diesel Progress North American Edition"
Crocker, Dave; Brugioni, Michael "Diesel Progress North American Edition"
Crocker, David "Black Enterprise"
Crocker, David "Diesel Progress North American Edition"
Crocker, David A. "Ethics & International Affairs"
Crocker, Diane "The Conversation (Canada Edition)"
Crocker, Dorothy "Anglican Journal"
Crocker, Elizabeth "Rural Telecommunications"
Crocker, Elvira "NEA Today"
Crocker, Harold "Coach and Athletic Director"
Crocker, Holly A. "Renaissance Quarterly"
Crocker, Holly A. "Shakespeare Studies"
Crocker, Jarle "National Civic Review"
Crocker, Jimmy "Arkansas Business"
Crocker, John "Journal of Property Management"
Crocker, Joseph "Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science"
Crocker, Judith; Sherman, Renee; Dlott, Michael; Tibbetts, John "ERIC: Reports"
Crocker, Judith; Tibbetts, John; Sherman, Renee; Dlott, Michael "ERIC: Reports"
Crocker, Justin "Duke Medicine Health News"
Crocker, Karla "Corrections Today"
Crocker, Katherine Mims "Notre Dame Law Review"
Crocker, Katherine Mims "Michigan Law Review"
Crocker, Katherine Mims "Duke Law Journal"
Crocker, Katherine Minis "Notre Dame Law Review"
Crocker, Kent "Corrections Today"
Crocker, Leslie; Bey, Leon Wright "VAHPERD Journal"
Crocker, Mary Lee "South Asian Post"
Crocker, Matthew "The Historian"
Crocker, Matthew "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Crocker, Matthew H. "The Historian"
Crocker, Michael "Security Management"
Crocker, Mike "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Crocker, Mitchell; Henderson, Cathy "People & Strategy"
Crocker, Philip "Software World"
Crocker, Richard "Notes"
Crocker, Richard "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Crocker, Richard R. "The Presbyterian Outlook"
Crocker, Rowan "New Moon Girls"
Crocker, Royce "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Crocker, Ruth "Journal of Social History"
Crocker, Ruth "Canadian Manager"
Crocker, Ruth "The Women's Review of Books"
Crocker, Ruth "The Historian"
Crocker, Sam "The Journal of Corporation Law"
Crocker, Sam "The Horn Call"
Crocker, Sarah "The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation"
Crocker, Stephen "Newfoundland and Labrador Studies"
Crocker, Susan Vorce "Vermont Nurse Connection"
Crocker, Susan Vorce "New Mexico Nurse"
Crocker, Theresa; Powell-Cope, Gail; Brown, Lisa M.; Besterman-Dahan, Karen "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development"
Crocker, Thomas D. "Southern Economic Journal"
Crocker, Thomas P. "Washington University Law Review"
Crocker, Thomas P. "Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology"
Crocker, Thomas P. "The Review of Metaphysics"
Crocker, Thomas P. "William and Mary Law Review"
Crocker, W.P.; Alp, E. "Canadian Chemical News"
Crocker, Warren R. "Army Sustainment"
Crocker, William P.; Eng, P.; Miyamoto, Henry K. "Canadian Chemical News"
Crocker, William P.; Miyamoto, Henry K. "Canadian Chemical News"
crockett, a. s. "Cheers"
CROCKETT, A.S. "Cheers"
Crockett, Bruce L. "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Crockett, Charmaine; Siscon, Samantha "PN - Paraplegia News"
Crockett, Christopher "Science News"
Crockett, Clayton "Cross Currents"
Crockett, Clayton "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Crockett, Colonel Sean "CML Army Chemical Review"
CROCKETT, DAVID A. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Crockett, David K. "Utah Business"
Crockett, David K.; Frank, Elizabeth L.; Roberts, William L. "Clinical Chemistry"
Crockett, Deantha "Alaska Business Monthly"
Crockett, Dennis M. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Crockett, Eddie "Communication World"
Crockett, Emily Gaines; Marty, James E.; Kettenring, Karin M.; Nadkarni, Nalini "Corrections Today"
Crockett, Gary "Science News"
Crockett, Gilbert "Thrasher"
Crockett, H. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Crockett, Harriet "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Crockett, Harvey "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Crockett, Harvey L. "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Crockett, Harvey; Whiddon, Kelly "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Crockett, I'Nasah "Dance Magazine"
Crockett, Jamie E. "The Advocate (American Mental Health Counselors Association)"
Crockett, Jamie E.; Cashwell, Craig S. "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Crockett, Jamie E.; Gill, Diane L.; Cashwell, Tammy H.; Myers, Jane E. "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Crockett, Jeffrey B. "Florida Bar Journal"
Crockett, Karen "Saturday Evening Post"
Crockett, Katherine "Dance Magazine"
Crockett, Kevin "ERIC: Reports"
Crockett, Kevin; Heffron, Mark; Schneider, Mark "ERIC: Reports"
Crockett, Lee; Robertson, Karin; Altenburger, Susanne "E"
Crockett, Linda "Sojourners"
Crockett, Lori "Community College Week"
Crockett, Lori "PN - Paraplegia News"
Crockett, Lori L. "Techniques"
Crockett, Margaret "Information Management Journal"
Crockett, Mark "Health Management Technology"
Crockett, Matt "Florida Bar Journal"
Crockett, Peter F.; Carnell, Paul E. "The Victorian Naturalist"
Crockett, Robert "World and I"
Crockett, Rosemary F. "The Oral History Review"
Crockett, Roy "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Crockett, Roy "PN - Paraplegia News"
Crockett, Samuel "Internal Medicine News"
Crockett, Samuel "Family Practice News"
Crockett, Scott "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Crockett, Stephanie A.; Byrd, Rebeka; Erford, Bradley T. "Career Development Quarterly"
Crockett, Stephanie A.; Byrd, Rebekah J.; Erford, Bradley T. "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Crockett, Stephanie A.; Byrd, Rebekah; Erford, Bradley T.; Hays, Danica G. "Counselor Education and Supervision"
Crockett, Stephanie A.; Hays, Danica G. "Journal of College Counseling"
Crockett, Timothy "The Review of Metaphysics"
Crockett, Todd "Combat Edge"
Crockett, Walter "Arkansas Business"
Crockett, Zane; Crockett, Harriet "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Crockford, Peter "The Conversation (Canada Edition)"
Crockford, R. H.; Willett, I. R. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Crockford, R.H.; Fleming, P.M. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Crockrell, Eddie "Variety"
Crocombe, Mark "Australian Aboriginal Studies"
Crocombe, Mark; Narndu, Theodora; Ward, Graeme K. "Australian Aboriginal Studies"
Crocombe, Neville "Australian Journal of Adult Learning"
Crocombe, Nigel G. "Suffolk Transnational Law Review"
Crocombe, Ron "Oceania"
Crocombe, Ron "The Futurist"
Crocomo, Leticia Ferrari; Filho, Wolff Camargo Marques; Landim-Alvarenga, Fernanda da Cruz; Bicudo, "Veterinaria e Zootecnia"
Croddy, Marshall "Social Education"
Croen, Emily "Hardware Retailing"
Croen, Kenneth D. "Internal Medicine News"
Croenen, Godfried; Figg, Kristen M.; Taylor, Andrew "The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History"
Croes, Jo-Anne V.; Visser, Melina M. "Journal of Information Systems Education"
Croeser, Sky "Anarchist Studies"
Croeser, Thami "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Croff, Julie M.; Clapp, John D. "Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education"
Croffie, Jojo; Menzel, Timothy O. "Georgia Journal of Science"
Croffie, Maame E.T.; Williams, Paul N.; Fenton, Owen; Fenelon, Anna; Metzger, Konrad; Daly, Karen "Agronomy"
Crofoot, Tom "National Parks"
Croft, Adrian "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Croft, Alison "ERIC: Reports"
Croft, Amanda J.; Kelly, Conagh; Chen, Dongqing; Haw, Tatt Jhong; Sverdlov, Aaron L.; Ngo, Doan T. M "Antioxidants"
Croft, Andreas S.; Ćorluka, Slavko; Fuhrer, Janine; Wöltje, Michael; Silva-Correia, Joana; Oliv "Materials"
Croft, Andrew; Coggshall, Jane G.; Dolan, Megan; Powers, Elizabeth "ERIC: Reports"
Croft, Andy "Soundings"
Croft, Angela "Atlanta Review"
Croft, Barbara "The Women's Review of Books"
Croft, Billy "Firehouse Magazine"
CROFT, BRENDA L. "Arena Magazine"
Croft, Brian "Communication World"
Croft, Catherine "The Architectural Review"
Croft, Chris "Coach and Athletic Director"
Croft, Claire "Dance Magazine"
Croft, Clare "Dance Magazine"
Croft, Clare; Hanlon, Khara; Kostich, Sonja; Macel, Emily; Perron, Wendy; Rasminsky, Abigail; Rubin, "Dance Magazine"
Croft, D. Scott "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Croft, Donita R.; Sotir, Mark J.; Williams, Carl J.; Wegner, Mark V.; Graham, Mary Beth; Foldy, Seth "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Croft, Emily; Barratt, Alexandra; Butow, Phyllis "Journal of Family Practice"
Croft, Fiona "Offshore Yachting"
Croft, Freya; Voyer, Michelle; Adams, Michael; Visser, Candice; Leadbitter, Duncan; Reverly, James; "Australasian Journal of Regional Studies"
Croft, G. "Adoption & Fostering"
Croft, Genevieve K. "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Croft, Gina "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Croft, Gina; Griffin, Pam "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Croft, Gita "Adoption & Fostering"
Croft, Gwen "New Life Journal"
Croft, Harry A. "Nursing Homes"
Croft, Hillary "Curriculum Review"
Croft, J.B.; Greenlund, K.J.; Ayala, C.; Keenan, N.L.; Zheng, Z.J.; Mensah, G.A. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Croft, J.C. "Alaska Law Review"
Croft, Jacob; Grajeda, Brian; Aguirre, Luis A.; Abou-Fadel, Johnathan S.; Ellis, Cameron C.; Estevao "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Croft, James "The Humanist"
Croft, James L.; Button, Chris; Dicks, Mathew "Sportscience"
Croft, Janet "World Literature Today"
Croft, Janet B.; Giles, Wayne H.; Roegner, Russell H.; Anda, Robert F.; Casper, Michelle L.; Livengo "Journal of Family Practice"
Croft, Janet B.; Wheaton, Anne G.; Liu, Yong; Xu, Fang; Lu, Hua; Matthews, Kevin A.; Cunningham, Tim "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Croft, Janet Breannan "Mythlore"
Croft, Janet Brenan "Mythlore"
Croft, Janet Brennan "Mythlore"
Croft, Janet Brennan "World Literature Today"
Croft, Janet Brennan; Crowe, Edith "Mythlore"
Croft, Janet Brennan; Giannini, Erin "Mythlore"
Croft, Jennifer "Chicago Review"
Croft, Jennifer "World Literature Today"
Croft, Jennifer "BookPage"
Croft, Lacy D., III "Air & Space Power Journal"
Croft, Laura; Williams, Ellen "Health Management Technology"
Croft, Lee B. "World Literature Today"
Croft, Lee B.; Comi, Samuel "Word Ways"
Croft, Liddy "The Modern Language Review"
Croft, Michelle C.; Waltman, Kris; Middleton, Kyndra; Stevenson, Erika "ERIC: Reports"
Croft, Nick "Financial Management (UK)"
Croft, Patrick "The Exchange"
Croft, Paul "The Mirror (London, England)"
Croft, Paul J.; Ha, Juyoung "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Croft, Pauline "Journal of Social History"
Croft, Pauline "Shakespeare Studies"
Croft, Pauline "History Today"
Croft, Pauline "Notes and Queries"
Croft, Philip R.; Adegboyega, Patrick A. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Croft, Rachael "The Mirror (London, England)"
Croft, Sheryl J.; Roberts, Mari Ann; Stenhouse, Vera L. "Social Justice"
Croft, Simon L. "Indian Journal of Medical Research"
Croft, Stephanie "Herizons"
CROFT, STEPHANIE "Alternatives Journal"
Croft, Stuart "Renewal"
Croft, Stuart "African Affairs"
Croft, Suzanne D. "Technical Communication"
Croft, Syd "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Croft, T.S. "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Croft, Thomas C. "Rubber World"
Croft, Toby "Australian Journal of Social Issues"
Croft, Tom "NEA Today"
Croft, Wayne E. "Baptist History and Heritage"
Croft-Piggin, Lindy "Australian and International Journal of Rural Education"
Crofton, Melissa "The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History"
Crofton, Patricia M.; Evans, Nancy; Stephen, Rhona "Clinical Chemistry"
Crofton, Patricia M.; Evans, Nancy; Taylor, Mervyn R.H.; Holland, Celia V. "Clinical Chemistry"
Crofton, Patricia M.; Wade, Jean C.; Taylor, Mervyn R.H.; Holland, Celia V. "Clinical Chemistry"
Crofts, Charlotte "Post Script"
Crofts, Daniel W. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Crofts, Daniel W. "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Crofts, Daniel W. "The Historian"
Crofts, Daniel W. "Civil War History"
Crofts, Daniel W. "Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society"
Crofts, Helen "Financial Management (UK)"
Crofts, Jonathan J.; Estrada, Ernesto; Higham, Desmond J.; Taylor, Alan "Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis"
Crofts, Kali F.; Page, Courtney L.; Swedik, Stephanie M.; Holbrook, Beth C.; Meyers, Allison K.; Zhu "Vaccines"
Crofts, Rachael "The Mirror (London, England)"
Crofts, Rachael "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Crofts, Rachael "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Crofts, Rachael; Atherton, Mark "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Crofts, Rachael; Brown, Amanda "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Crofts, Rachael; Hiscott, Graham "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Crofts, Rachael; Meade, Geoff "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Crofts, Rachael; Smith, Jon "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Crofts, Rachel "The Mirror (London, England)"
Crofts, Rachel "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Crofts, Thomas "The Upstart Crow"
Crofts, Valerie "History Today"
Croftson, James "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Crogan, Jim "National Catholic Reporter"
Crogan, Patrick "Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue"
Crogan, Patrick "New Formations"
Crogan, Rick "The Niagara Falls Reporter (Niagara Falls, NY)"
Croge, Camila Pereira; Cuquei, Francine Lorena; Biasi, Luis Antonio; de Bona, Claudine; Pintro, Paul "Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura"
Croge, Camila Pereira; Cuquel, Francine Lorena; Biasi, Luiz Antonio; De Bona, Claudine Maria "Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura"
CROGGON, ALISON "World Literature Today"
Croggon, Rosie; Fallon, Alice; Spiller, Corinne "Environmental Education"
Croghan, Dan; Yee, Gary "American Gunsmith"
Croghan, Ivana T.; Campbell, Heather M.; Patten, Christi A.; Croghan, Gary A.; Schroeder, Darrell R. "Journal of School Health"
Croghan, Stefanie M.; Compton, Niall; Manecksha, Rustom P.; Cullen, Ivor M.; Daly, Padraig J. "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Crogman, Horace T.; Eshun, Kwame O.; Jackson, Maury; TrebeauCrogman, Maryam A.; Joseph, Eugene; Warn "Education Sciences"
Crognale, Marianna; Rinaldi, Cecilia; Potenza, Francesco; Gattulli, Vincenzo; Colarieti, Andrea; Fra "Sensors"
Crognale, Megan "Italica"
Crohan, R. Blake "Loyola Law Review"
Crohn, David M. "Vegetarian Journal"
Crohn, Helen "Inside MS"
Croia, Lorenzo; Boscato Sopetto, Giulia; Zanella, Ilaria; Caproni, Elena; Gagliardi, Assunta; Tambur "Membranes"
Croil, James "Presbyterian Record"
Croisdale, Frank Thomas "The Niagara Falls Reporter (Niagara Falls, NY)"
Croisetiere, Paul; Haines, David; Mallicoat, Duane "Defense AT & L"
Croisier, Emilie; Hughes, Jaimee; Duncombe, Stephanie; Grafenauer, Sara "Nutrients"
Croissant, Ann "Childhood Education"
Croissant, Ann B. "Childhood Education"
Croissant, Aurel "Contemporary Southeast Asia"
Croissant, Charles "Notes"
Croissant, Mike "Air & Space Power History"
Croisy, Sophie "The AnaChronisT"
Croitorescu, Valerian; Jiga, Gabriel "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Croitoriu, Alexandra; Chiriac, Aurica P.; Rusu, Alina G.; Ghilan, Alina; Ciolacu, Diana E.; Stoica, "Gels"
Croitoriu, Alexandra; Nita, Loredana Elena; Rusu, Alina Gabriela; Ghilan, Alina; Bercea, Maria; Chir "Polymers"
Croitoru, Adina-Eliza; Dogaru, Gabriela; Man, Titus Cristian; Malaescu, Simona; Motricaia, Marieta; "Advances in Meteorology"
Croitoru, Alexa-Maria; Ficai, Denisa; Ficai, Anton "Polymers"
Croitoru, Alin "Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences"
Croitoru, Ana-Maria; Avramescu, Valeriu; Craciunoiu, Stefan; Nicolau, Cristian; Orasanu, Catalin "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Croitoru, Anca; Gavrilut, Alina; Iosif, Alina; Sambucini, Anna Rita "Mathematics"
Croitoru, Bogdan Sergiu Mihai; Boca, Maria Loredana; Joldes, Remus; Cabulea, Lucia "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Croitoru, Catalin; Patachia, Silvia; Moise, Georgeta; Porzsolt, Attila; Scarneciu, Camelia "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Croitoru, Catalin; Roata, Ionut Claudiu "Processes"
Croitoru, Corina "Studia Europaea"
Croitoru, Cristian; Mihailide, Mircea; Severincu, Mihai "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Croitoru, Cristina G.; Rosu, Ioana; Turliuc, Serban "Bulletin of Integrative Psychiatry"
Croitoru, Cristina Georgiana; Pavel-Tanasa, Mariana; Cuciureanu, Dan Iulian; Hodorog, Diana Nicoleta "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Croitoru, Cristina-Georgiana; Cuciureanu, Dan Iulian; Prutianu, Iulian; Cianga, Petru "Archive of Clinical Cases"
Croitoru, Dorian; Oh, Suho; Postnikov, Alexander "DMTCS Proceedings"
Croitoru, Elena "World Literature Today"
Croitoru, Elena Lucia "Romanian Economic and Business Review"
Croitoru, Elena Lucia; Ilie, Vasile "Romanian Economic and Business Review"
Croitoru, Elena Lucia; Toader, Stela Aurelia; Silvia, Oprea; Pletescu, Cristina "Romanian Economic and Business Review"
Croitoru, Gabriel; Florea, Nicoleta Valentina; Ionescu, Constantin Aurelian; Robescu, Valentina Ofel "Sustainability"
Croitoru, George-Alexandru; Pîrvulescu, Diana-Cristina; Niculescu, Adelina-Gabriela; Radulescu, Mari "Nanomaterials"
Croitoru, Lucian "Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences"
Croitoru, Sorin Mihai; Minciu, Constantin; Onstantin, George "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Croitoru, Sorin Mihai; Patrascu, Gabriela; Dragomirescu, Cristian George "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Croix, Barbara Bourrier-La "Network (Winnipeg)"
Croix, David de la; Toulemonde, Eric "Oxford Economic Papers"
Croix, Josh "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Croizier, Ralph "Canadian Journal of History"
Croizier, Ralph "Journal of Asian and African Studies"
Croizier, Ralph "World History Bulletin"
Croizier, Ralph C. "Canadian Journal of History"
Croke, Bill "World and I"
Croke, Brian "Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society"
Croke, Bryan "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Croke, Dean "Risk & Insurance"
Croke, Jacky; Thompson, Chris; Larsen, Annegret; Macklin, Mark; Hughes, Kate "Quaternary"
Croke, Katie "ETC.: A Review of General Semantics"
Croke, Matt; Francis, Ron "Military Police"
Croke, Vicki "National Wildlife"
Croker, Abigail Rose; Ford, Adriana E. S.; Kountouris, Yiannis; Mistry, Jayalaxshmi; Muthiuru, Amos "Fire"
Croker, B. M.; Baxter, D. "ERIC: Reports"
Croker, Curtis; Civen, Rachel; Keough, Kathleen; Ngo, Van; Marutani, Amy; Schwartz, Benjamin "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Croker, Curtis; Marutaniu, Amy; Santos, Marita; Hathaway, Susan; Hwang, Bessie "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Croker, Curtis; Phommasith, Jeffrey; Ot, Robert Jerskey; Marutani, Amy; Ochoa, Maria T. "Leprosy Review"
Croker, Curtis; She, Rosemary "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Croker, Curtis; Soriano, Jan; Civen, Rachel; Larsen, Robert A.; Schwartz, Benjamin "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Croker, Felicity "Journal of Sociology"
Croker, Felicity; Reser, Paul "Journal of Sociology"
Croker, Laura "Indiana Business Magazine"
Croker, Richard "Solutions - for People, Processes and Paper"
Croker, Richard J. "Solutions - for People, Processes and Paper"
Crokett, Christopher "Science News"
Crola Da Silva, Claire; Baetz, Delphine; Védère, Marie; Lo-Grasso, Mégane; Wehbi, Mariam; Chouabe, C "Life (Basel)"
Croley, Derek "New Life Journal"
Croley, Stefanie "Agri Marketing"
Croley, Stephanie "Agri Marketing"
Croley, Steven P. "Michigan Law Review"
Crolick, David "Wildfowl"
Crolick, David P. "Wildfowl"
Crolius, Covey "American Theatre"
Croll, Andrew "History Today"
Croll, Andy "History Today"
Croll, Marie "Ethnologies"
Croll, Roger P. "The Biological Bulletin"
Croll, Roger P.; Jackson, Daniel L.; Voronezhskaya, Elena E. "The Biological Bulletin"
Croll, S.G. "JCT Research"
Croll, S.G.; Hinderliter, B.R. "JCT Research"
Croll, Scott M.; Griffith, Scott R. "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Croll, Shelley "The New American"
Croll, Stuart "JCT Research"
Croll, Suzanne L.; Watts, Stephen A. "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Crolla, Kristof; Song, Jingwen; Bunica, Andreea; Sheikh, Abdullah Tahir "Buildings (Basel)"
Crolla, Lawrence J. "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Crolley-Simic, Josie; Vonk, M. Elizabeth "Adoption & Fostering"
Crollla, Lawrence; Jimenez, Cindy; Patel, Pallavi "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Croly, Michael; Cool, Nate; Strimel, Greg J. "Children's Technology and Engineering"
Croly, Michael; Lohr, Suzanne "Technology and Engineering Teacher"
Crom, Deborah B.; Smith, Daniel; Xiong, Zang; Onar, Arzu; Hudson, Melissa M.; Merchant, Thomas E.; M "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Crom, Jay "California CPA"
Croman, John "Hazardous Waste Superfund Alert"
Cromar, Todd "Citizen Airman"
Cromartie, Elisabeth; Parrott, Norma "Saturday Evening Post"
Cromartie, J. Vern "Journal of Pan African Studies"
Cromartie, John; Nelson, Peter "Montana Business Quarterly"
Cromartie, Kathy "Teacher Librarian"
Cromartie, Stella Potter "Monthly Labor Review"
Cromarty, Edward "Communal Societies"
Cromarty, Ross; Archary, Derseree "AIDS Research and Treatment"
CROMARTY, S. I.; MELLO, J.; KASS-SIMON, G. "The Biological Bulletin"
Cromarty, S.I.; Mello, J.; Kass-Simon, G. "The Biological Bulletin"
Crombé, Amandine; Fadli, David; Clinca, Roberta; Reverchon, Giorgio; Cevolani, Luca; Girolami, Marco "Microorganisms"
Crombe, Katie; Nagl, John A. "Parameters"
Cromberg, M.; Cronkleton, P.; Menton, M.; Sears, R.R. "International Forestry Review"
Crombie Angus, Fionn; Angus, Jonathan "Social Sciences"
Crombie, Edward "The Architectural Review"
Crombie, Gail "ERIC: Reports"
Crombie, Gail; Pyke, Sandra W.; Silverthorn, Naida; Jones, Alison; Piccinin, Sergio "Journal of Higher Education"
Crombie, Kathleen "Clinical Psychiatry News"
CROMBIE, ROGER "Risk & Insurance"
Crombie, Winifred; Samujh, Helen "The Journal of Business Communication"
Crombie, Wynne "Grit"
Crombie, Zoe "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Crombois, Jean "Contemporary Review"
Cromby, John "Anarchist Studies"
Cromby, Susan "Kliatt"
Crome, Andrew "English Studies in Canada"
Crome, Peter "Age and Ageing"
Cromell, Cathy "Sunset"
Cromer, Alisa "Editor & Publisher"
Cromer, Bev "Defense AT & L"
Cromer, Brian M.; Coughlin, Edward Bryan; Lesser, Alan J. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Cromer, Christopher L. "Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology"
Cromer, David "American Theatre"
Cromer, James "School Arts"
Cromer, Kayla "Girls' Life"
Cromer, Mark "The Nation"
Cromer, Michael S.; McDonough, William G.; Conway, John A. "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Cromer, Michael; Vasquez, Paula A. "Applied Sciences"
Cromer, Nathan Edward "Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review"
Cromer, Ric "Combat Edge"
Cromhout, Dylan; Duffett, Rodney "Small Business International Review"
Cromie, Christina "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cromie, Stanley "International Small Business Journal"
Cromie, Stanley; Ste[henson, Ben; Monteith, David "International Small Business Journal"
Cromie, William J. "Saturday Evening Post"
Cromley, Dorothea "American Music Teacher"
Cromley, Ellen K.; Albertsen, Peter C. "Health Services Research"
Cromley, J. Timothy "Journal of Accountancy"
Cromley, Jennifer G.; Mislevy, Robert J. "ERIC: Reports"
Cromley, Robert G.; Hanink, Dean M. "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"
Cromley, Robert G.; Ye, Yanlin "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"
Cromlin, H.; Rodriguez-Villalobos, H.; Deplano, A.; Duprez, T.; Hantson, P. "Case Reports in Infectious Diseases"
Crommelin, Alastair "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Crommelin, Michael "Melbourne University Law Review"
Crommett, Alfred F. "The CPA Journal"
Cromptom, John "Conradiana"
Crompton, Helen "Educational Technology & Society"
Crompton, Helen; Grant, Melva R.; Shraim, Khitam Y.H. "Educational Technology & Society"
Crompton, John "Conradiana"
Crompton, Louis "History Today"
Crompton, Louis "The Historian"
Crompton, Marc "Teacher Librarian"
Crompton, Michael "Financial Management (UK)"
Crompton, Michael; Skinner, Laura J.; Satchell, Simon C.; Butler, Matthew J. "Biomolecules"
Crompton, Nathan "Fillip"
Crompton, Rosemary "Labour/Le Travail"
Crompton, Tom "Soundings"
Crompvoets, Joep; de Bree, Floris; van Oort, Pepijn; Bregt, Arnold; Wachowicz, Monica; Rajabifard, A "URISA Journal"
Crompvoets, Samantha "People and Place"
Cromwell's BY PETER O'HEHIR "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cromwell, Arthur "New African"
Cromwell, Cara "Campaigns & Elections"
Cromwell, David M.; Bass, Eric B.; Steinberg, Earl P.; Yasui, Yutaka; Ravich, William J.; Hendrix, T "Health Services Research"
Cromwell, Gertrude E. "Journal of School Health"
Cromwell, Jerry; Adamache, Killard W.; Ammering, Carol; Bartosch, William J.; Boulis, Ann "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; Adamache, Walter; Drozd, Edward M. "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; Butrica, Barbara "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; Dayhoff, Debra A.; Thoumaian, Armen H. "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; Donoghue, Suzanne; Gilman, Boyd H. "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; Drozd, Edward M.; Smith, Kevin; Trisolini, Michael "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; Maier, Jan; Gage, Barbara; Drozd, Edward; Osber, Deborah; Richter, Erin; Greenwald, "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; McCall, Nancy; Burton, Joe "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; Pope, Gregory C. "Health Care Financing Review"
Cromwell, Jerry; Snyder, Karen "Nursing Economics"
Cromwell, K. Michel "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cromwell, Peter M. "Guns Magazine"
Cromwell, Ronald R.; Curran, Joanne M. "ERIC: Reports"
Cromwell, Susan "ERIC: Reports"
Cromwell, William C.; Triffon, Douglas W. "Journal of Family Practice"
Cron, Julia; Chen, Katherine T.; Ratan, Rini B.; Winkel, Abigail Ford; Duncan, Karen; Banks, Erika "OBG Management"
Cron, Steve; Szyszkiewicz, Thomas A.; Porch, R.D. "National Catholic Reporter"
Cron, William R.; Hayes, Randall B. "The National Public Accountant"
Cron, William R.; Hayes, Randall B. "The CPA Journal"
Crona, Lisa; Mossberg, Alexander; Bradvik, Louise "Depression Research and Treatment"
CRONAN SCANLON "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cronan, Bryan; Waligora, Cassia; Kollar, Mark "State Magazine"
Cronan, Daniel; Trammell, E. Jamie; Kliskey, Andrew "Land"
Cronan, Dennis "Philological Quarterly"
Cronan, Greg; Fitzgerald, Janna Anneke; Radford, Katrina; Di Perna, Gabriela "Social Sciences"
Cronan, Sarah G.; Cross, J. Brittany "Defense Counsel Journal"
Cronan, Sean "Thrasher"
Cronan, Terry; Van Liew, Charles; McKinley, Lauren; Marr, Nicole "Journal of Research in Gender Studies"
Cronan, Timothy Paul; Douglas, David E.; Luster, Peggy L. "Communications of the ACM"
Cronan, Timothy Paul; Douglas, David E.; Luster, Peggy L.; Peterson, W. Wesley; Ein-Dor, Phillip; Gi "Communications of the ACM"
Cronan, Todd "The Brooklyn Rail"
Cronauer, Jodi "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cronauer, Jodi "Grit"
Cronauer, Katja "Controversia"
Cronbach, Lee J. "ERIC: Reports"
Cronberg, Tarja "Iran Times International (Washington, DC)"
Cronce, Jessica M.; Bittinger, Joyce N.; Liu, Junny; Kilmer, Jason R. "Alcohol Research: Current Reviews"
Cronce, Jessica M.; Larimer, Mary E. "Alcohol Research & Health"
Cronce, Jessica M.; Toomey, Traci L.; Lenk, Kathleen; Nelson, Toben F.; Kilmer, Jason R.; Larimer, M "Alcohol Research: Current Reviews"
Crone, Cindy "Arkansas Business"
Crone, Cornelia Geisler; Wulff, Signe Marie; Helweg-Larsen, Jannik; Bredahl, Pia; Arendrup, Maiken C "Microorganisms"
Crone, Cornelia Geisler; Wulff, Signe Marie; Ledergerber, Bruno; Helweg-Larsen, Jannik; Bredahl, Pia "Journal of Fungi"
Crone, Deanne A.; Stoolmiller, Michael; Baker, Scott K.; Fien, Hank "ERIC: Reports"
CRONE, DONALD K. "Journal of Asian and African Studies"
Crone, Eileen "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Crone, Elizabeth E.; Taylor, Douglas R. "Ecology"
Crone, George "Infantry Magazine"
Crone, Heidi Miller "The Sport Journal"
Crone, J.C. "Mother Earth News"
Crone, James A. "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Crone, Kenneth "Business Credit"
Crone, Kimberly G.; Muraski, Michele B.; Skeel, Joy D.; Love-Gregory, Latisha; Ladenson, Jack H.; Gr "Clinical Chemistry"
Crone, Mark "Supply Chain Management Review"
Crone, Marlene; Trinkies, Laura L.; Dittmeyer, Roland; Türk, Michael "Molecules (Basel)"
Crone, Marlene; Türk, Michael "Fluids"
Crone, Moira "World Literature Today"
Crone, Patrick A. "Variety"
Crone, Regina M.; Mehta, Smita Shukla "Education & Treatment of Children"
Crone, Rosalind "History Today"
Crone, Thomas "The Progressive"
Crone, Thomas "St. Louis Journalism Review"
Crone, Travis S. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Crone-Todd, Darlene E. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Crone-Todd, Darlene E.; Eyre, Heidi L.; Hutchens, Scott A.; Jones, J. Reid; Pear, Joseph J. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Crone-Todd, Darlene E.; Pear, Joseph J. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Crone-Todd, Darlene; Johnson, Douglas; Johnson, Kent "The Psychological Record"
Cronemberger, E.; Lage, D.; Guigon, G.; Sobreira, H.G. "Periferia"
Cronen, Vincent "The CPA Journal"
Cronenberg, Allen "The Historian"
Cronholm, Peter F.; Barr, Wendy "Journal of Family Practice"
Cronick, Scott "Community College Week"
cronies BY BEN GLAZE "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cronin, Abby "Apollo"
Cronin, Amy E.; Sterley, Gregory "Army Logistician"
Cronin, Ann M.; Railey, Shanica; Fortune, Diana; Wegener, Donna Hope; Davis, Justin B. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Cronin, Anthony; Carroll, Paula "e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship Teaching"
Cronin, Audrey Kurth "Joint Force Quarterly"
Cronin, Audrey Kurth "Naval War College Review"
Cronin, Audrey Kurth "Parameters"
Cronin, Audrey Kurth "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Cronin, Audrey Kurth "CTC Sentinel"
Cronin, Audrey Kurth; Aden, Huda; Frost, Adam; Jones, Benjamin "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Cronin, Audrey Kurth; Yalcinkaya, Haldun "Uluslararasi Iliskiler / International Relations"
Cronin, Brian "Public Roads"
Cronin, Brian "The Review of Metaphysics"
Cronin, Brian E.; Hiller, Nathan J.; Smith, R. Stephen "Corrections Today"
Cronin, Brian E.; Kiessig, Ralph; Sprenkle, William D. "Corrections Today"
Cronin, Brian; Mortensen, Steve; Sheehan, Robert; Thompson, Dale "Public Roads"
Cronin, Bruce "Global Governance"
Cronin, Caitlin Jane "Phi Delta Kappan"
Cronin, Caoimhe; Muñoz Archidona, Cristina; Fernández Prudencio, Beatriz; Gallagher, Aoife; Velasco "Antibodies"
Cronin, Caoimhe; Ramesh, Yukta; De Pieri, Carlo; Velasco, Roberto; Trujillo, Juan "Nutrients"
Cronin, Charles "New Criterion"
Cronin, Charles B. "Journal of Electronic Defense"
Cronin, Chris "Risk Management"
Cronin, Chris "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Cronin, Claire "Southwest Review"
Cronin, Cory E. "Journal of Health and Human Services Administration"
Cronin, Cory E.; Franz, Berkeley; Skinner, Daniel; Haile, Zelalem T. "Health Services Research"
Cronin, Cory; Kelley, Jessica "Journal of Health and Human Services Administration"
Cronin, Dan "New Hampshire Business Review"
Cronin, David "The Cato Journal"
Cronin, David M. "The Tax Adviser"
Cronin, Della B.; Busch, Audrey "Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly"
Cronin, Doreen "Humpty Dumpty's Magazine"
Cronin, Douglas "The Tax Adviser"
Cronin, Emma "Environmental Education"
Cronin, Francis J.; Colleran, Elisabeth; Gold, Mark "Contemporary Economic Policy"
Cronin, Greg "Camping Magazine"
Cronin, Greg; Hay, Mark E. "Ecology"
Cronin, Greg; Sadler, Joanna "Camping Magazine"
Cronin, J. Keri "Alternatives Journal"
Cronin, James "Renewal"
Cronin, James E. "Journal of Social History"
Cronin, Jan "JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature"
Cronin, Jeff "Multinational Monitor"
Cronin, Jeremy "Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics"
Cronin, Jeremy "Monthly Review"
Cronin, John "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cronin, John "ERIC: Reports"
Cronin, John "Educational Leadership"
Cronin, John "The Baseball Research Journal"
Cronin, John C. "Educational Leadership"
Cronin, John J. "The Tax Adviser"
Cronin, John J.; Pearl, Michael A. "Tax Executive"
Cronin, John; Bowe, Branin "ERIC: Reports"
Cronin, John; Dahlin, Michael; Adkins, Deborah; Kingsbury, G. Gage "ERIC: Reports"
Cronin, John; Dahlin, Michael; Xiang, Yun; McCahon, Donna "ERIC: Reports"
Cronin, John; Griesse, Teresa; Molyneaux, Paul; McQuade, Catherine; Johnson, Kathie; Dishbrew, E.J.; "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cronin, John; Jensen, Nate "Phi Delta Kappan"
Cronin, John; Jensen, Nate; Wise, Steve "Phi Delta Kappan"
Cronin, John; Kingsbury, G. Gage; McCall, Martha S.; Bowe, Branin "ERIC: Reports"
Cronin, John; McCall, Martha "ERIC: Reports"
Cronin, Jospeh M. "Phi Delta Kappan"
CRONIN, JR., J. JOSEPH; BRADY, MICHAEL K.; HULT, G. TOMAS M. "Journal of Retailing"
Cronin, Justin "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Cronin, K. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Cronin, Kathleen A.; Richardson, Lisa C.; Henley, S. Jane; Miller, Jacqueline W.; Thomas, Cheryll C. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Cronin, Kelly Brozzetti; Crowder, Ashley; Yacobozzi, Margaret; Howard, Cliff; Lee, Megan "Applied Radiology"
Cronin, Keri "Alternatives Journal"
Cronin, Kerry "U.S. Catholic"
Cronin, Kerry "National Catholic Reporter"
Cronin, Kevin "Food Manufacturing"
Cronin, Kevin; Bui, Marilyn; Caracciolo, Jamie T. "Applied Radiology"
Cronin, Kevin; Gutiérrez Ortiz, Francisco Javier "Processes"
Cronin, Laura "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Cronin, Lyn "Practically Primary"
Cronin, Lynette "Practically Primary"
Cronin, Lynette Patricia; Kervin, Lisa; Mantei, Jessica "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Cronin, M.T.C. "Hecate"
Cronin, Mark T.D.; Jaworska, Joanna S.; Walker, John D.; Comber, Michael H.I.; Watts, Christopher D. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Cronin, Mark T.D.; Walker, John D.; Jaworska, Joanna S.; Comber, Michael H.I.; Watts, Christopher D. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Cronin, Mary; Ogunrinola, Kola; Dubin, Kara; Harris, Jordan; Monterrubio, Annette "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Cronin, Matthew A.; Patton, John C.; Courtois, Rehaume; Crete, Michel "Alces"
Cronin, Matthew V.; Hughes, Tudor H. "Applied Radiology"
Cronin, Maura "Irish Literary Supplement"
Cronin, Maura "Irish Economic and Social History"
Cronin, Maureen; Ghosh, Krishna; Sistare, Frank; Quackenbush, John; Vilker, Vincent; O'Connell, Cath "Clinical Chemistry"
Cronin, Maureen; Sangli, Chithra; Liu, Mei-lan; Pho, Mylan; Dutta, Debjani; Nguyen, Anhthu; Jeong, J "Clinical Chemistry"
Cronin, Michael "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Cronin, Michael "Irish Literary Supplement"
Cronin, Michael G. "Irish Literary Supplement"
Cronin, Michael John "Pediatrics for Parents"
Cronin, Michael W. "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Cronin, Michael; Crowley, Aileen; Davey, Matthew G.; Ryan, Peter; Abdelshafy, Mahmoud; Elkoumy, Ahme "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Cronin, Michael; Lowery, Aoife; Kerin, Michael; Wijns, William; Soliman, Osama "Cancers"
Cronin, Michael; Olive, Butch "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cronin, Michael; Seher, Mehreen; Arsang-Jang, Shahram; Lowery, Aoife; Kerin, Michael; Wijns, William "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Cronin, Mike; Holt, Richard "History Today"
Cronin, Nessa "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Cronin, Nessa "Irish Literary Supplement"
Cronin, Oliver; Bourke, Michael J. "Cancers"
Cronin, Patrick M. "Joint Force Quarterly"
Cronin, Patrick M. "Strategic Forum"
Cronin, Patrick M.; Metzgar, Emily T. "Strategic Forum"
Cronin, Patrick M.; Vogel, Ezra F. "Strategic Forum"
Cronin, Patrick; Herald, Portsmouth "New Hampshire Business Review"
Cronin, Patrick; Ott, Marvin "Strategic Forum"
Cronin, Paul; Jensen, Lance "Journal of Property Management"
Cronin, Peter; Joyce, Susan A.; O’Toole, Paul W.; O’Connor, Eibhlís M. "Nutrients"
Cronin, Richard "Notes and Queries"
Cronin, Richard "Philological Quarterly"
Cronin, Richard "The Modern Language Review"
Cronin, Richard "Contemporary Southeast Asia"
Cronin, Richard P. "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Cronin, Richard P.; Kronstadt, K. Alan; Squassoni, Sharon "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Cronin, Roberta; Gragg, Frances; Schultz, Dana; Eisen, Karla "ERIC: Reports"
Cronin, Robin; Maude, Robyn "New Zealand College of Midwives Journal"
Cronin, Royce "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Cronin, Stephanie "Iran Times International (Washington, DC)"
Cronin, Stephanie D.; Gottschlich, Michele M.; Gose, Lacy M.; Kagan, Richard J. "Pediatric Nursing"
Cronin, Susan C. "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Cronin, Thomas E. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
CRONIN, THOMAS E.; GENOVESE, MICHAEL A. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
CRONIN, THOMAS W.; MARSHALL, JUSTIN "The Biological Bulletin"
Cronin, Valerie "CANNT Journal"
Cronin-Harris, Cathy "The CPA Journal"
Cronin-Jones, Linda; Penwell, Rebecca; Hakverdi, Meral; Cline, Shannon; Johnson, Courtney; Scales, I "ERIC: Reports"
Cronise, Justin "Journal of Library Innovation"
Cronise, Ray "Pool & Spa News"
Cronje, H.S. "South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology"
Cronje, H.S.; de Beer, J.A.A. "South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology"
Cronje, Johannes C. "Educational Technology & Society"
Cronje, L.; Paterson, A.C.; Becker, P.J. "South African Medical Journal"
Cronk, C. Bradley "Real Estate Weekly"
Cronk, C. Bradley; Grube, Glenn A. "Healthcare Design"
Cronk, Heather "Conscience"
Cronk, Janelle "The Humanist"
Cronk, K. "EarthTalk: Questions & Answers About Our Environment. A Weekly Column"
Cronk, Michael "APB Magazine"
Cronk, Mike "APB Magazine"
Cronk, Nikole J.; Russell, Cynthia L.; Knowles, Norma; Matteson, Michelle; Peace, Leanne; Ponferrada "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Cronk, Robert J.; Zurko, Joanna; Shah, Nirav N. "Cancers"
Cronk, Samantha "Community College Week"
Cronk, Terri Moon "Defense Transportation Journal"
Cronk, Terri Moon "Citizen Airman"
Cronk, Terri Moon "CHIPS"
Cronkhite, Amanda B.; Zhang, Wenshuo; Caughell, Leslie "Parameters"
Cronkhite, Clyde L. "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Cronkite, David Alex; Strutt, Tara M. "Journal of Immunology Research"
Cronkite, Kate "Mother Earth News"
Cronkite, Walter "Earth Island Journal"
Cronley, Courtney; Patterson, David A. "Social Work Research"
Cronley, Tim "National Catholic Reporter"
Cronley, Tim; Darcy, Patrick T.; Grilliot, Marvin "National Catholic Reporter"
Cronn-Mills, Daniel; Croucher, Stephen M. "ERIC: Reports"
Cronning, Clint "South African Medical Journal"
Cronogue, Graham "Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law"
Cronovich, Ron "Atlantic Economic Journal"
Cronquest, Evanie "Mother Jones"
Cronquist, A.; Beach, M.J.; Johnston, S.P.; da Silva, A. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Cronquist, A.; Wedel, S.; Albanese, B.; Sewell, C.M.; Hoang-Johnson, D.; Ihry, T.; Lynch, M.; Locket "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Cronquist, Bjorn; Fridberg, Marie; Redfors, Andreas "Teaching Science"
Cronquist, John "Great Thinkers of the Western World"
Cronrath, Pam; Lynch, Timothy W.; Gilson, Linda J.; Nishida, Carol; Sembar, M. Colleen; Spencer, Pat "Nursing Economics"
Cronrod, Robbie "Units"
Cronsberry, Peter "Jack & Jill"
Cronshaw, Jonathan "Art and Christianity"
Cronshaw, Mark; Parker, Steven; Grootveld, Martin; Lynch, Edward "Biomedicines"
Cronskaer, Marie; Raennar, Lars Erik; Koptioug, Andrei; Baeckstroem, Mikael "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cronstein, Bruce N. "Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases"
Cronstein, Bruce N.; Angle, Siddhesh R. "Biomolecules"
Cronwall, Brian "The Carolina Quarterly"
Cronwall, Brian "Bamboo Ridge, Journal of Hawai'i Literature and Arts"
Crooch, G. Michael "Financial Executive"
Croock, Muayad Sadik; Khudhur, Saja Dheyaa "International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems"
Croog, Alexander S.; Rettig, Michael E. "Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases"
Crook, Amanda "The Mirror (London, England)"
Crook, Brian "Public Works"
Crook, Brian; Senior, Helena "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Crook, Candace "Faulkner Law Review"
Crook, Connie Brummel "The Loyalist Gazette"
Crook, Connie W.; Booth, Rosemary "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
Crook, Darm "Prairie Garden"
Crook, David "Microwave Journal"
Crook, Edgar "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
Crook, Edgar "National Library of Australia Gateways"
Crook, Garry "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Crook, Ian "Nutraceuticals World"
Crook, Jason A. "Albany Law Review"
Crook, Jennifer M.; Yoon, Saun-Joo L.; Grundmann, Oliver; Horgas, Ann; Johnson-Mallard, Versie "Nutrients"
Crook, Joanne F. "LawNow"
Crook, John R. "Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law"
Crook, Juanita; Black, Peter C.; Spiess, Philippe E.; Pettaway, Curtis "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Crook, Judy; Murphy, Megan; O'Shaughnessy, Karen "Arizona Nurse"
Crook, Larry "New West Indian Guide"
Crook, Lorraine "Journal of the British Astronomical Association"
Crook, Malcolm "History Today"
Crook, Malcolm "The Historian"
Crook, Martin; Preston, Keith; Lancaster, Ian "Clinical Chemistry"
Crook, Nathan "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Crook, Noel "War, Literature & The Arts"
Crook, Noel "Atlanta Review"
Crook, Nora "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Crook, Paul; Smith-Palmer, Alison; Maguire, Helen; McCarthy, Noel; Kirkbride, Hilary; Court, Bruce; "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Crook, Richard C. "African Affairs"
Crook, Russell Allan; Allen, Andrew "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Crook, Russell; Esper, Terry "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Crook, Stephen "Journal of Sociology"
Crook, T. Russell; Bratton, Virginia Kim; Street, Vera L.; Ketchen, Jr., David J. "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Crook, T. Russell; Esper, Terry L. "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Crook, T. Russell; Giunipero, Larry; Reus, Taco H.; Handfield, Robert; Williams, Susan K. "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Crook, Thomas "Mech"
Crook, Thomas; Esslinger, James "Mech"
Crook, Tony "Oceania"
Crook, Tonya "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Crook, William G. "Saturday Evening Post"
Crook, Zeba A. "Literary Review of Canada"
Crook-Lyon, Rachel E.; Presnell, Jennifer; Silva, Lynda; Suyama, Mich; Stickney, Janine "Journal of College Counseling"
Crooke, Alexander "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Crooke, Alexander Hew Dale; Almeida, Cristina Moreno "Australian Journal of Music Education"
Crooker, Barbara "Sojourners"
Crooker, Gary "Mother Earth News"
Crookes, Ellie "Parergon"
Crookham, James "Appraisal Journal"
Crooks Jennifer "Offshore Yachting"
Crooks, Anthony "Rural Cooperatives"
Crooks, Anthony C. "Rural Cooperatives"
Crooks, Anthony; Dunn, John "Rural Cooperatives"
Crooks, Christina "Financial Executive"
Crooks, Christina; Graham, Chris; Roberts, Tyler "Financial Executive"
Crooks, Christina; Lapsevic, Karen; Roberts, Tyler "Financial Executive"
Crooks, Christina; Roberts, Tyler "Financial Executive"
Crooks, Daniel A. "The Tax Adviser"
Crooks, Hayley R. "Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures"
Crooks, James Lewis; Cascio, Wayne E.; Percy, Madelyn S.; Reyes, Jeanette; Neas, Lucas M.; Hilborn, "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Crooks, James; Gargaro, Marco; Vacca, Carmine; Volpi, Claudia; Pirro, Matteo; Scalisi, Giulia; Turco "Mediators of Inflammation"
Crooks, Jeannine "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Crooks, Jeffrey A. "Bulletin (Southern California Academy of Sciences)"
Crooks, Jennifer "Offshore Yachting"
Crooks, Jennifer; Campbell, Peter "Offshore Yachting"
Crooks, Jennifer; Kirkjian, Justine; Wilson, Debbie "Offshore Yachting"
Crooks, Jennifer; Pearson, Di "Offshore Yachting"
Crooks, John M.; Hewlin, Rodward L.; Williams, Wesley B. "Energies"
Crooks, Kathy "Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care"
Crooks, Kevin R.; Grigione, Melissa; Scoville, Alison; Scoville, Gerald "Southwestern Naturalist"
Crooks, Luda "Thrasher"
Crooks, Neil; Rees, Wayne; Black, Alan; Hide, David; Britton, John R; Henshaw, Alan "Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal"
Crooks, Steven "Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia"
Crooks, Valorie A.; Haack, Elizabeth A. "Resources for Feminist Research"
Crooks-Johnson, Beverly S. "Distance Learning"
Crookshanks, Ben "Guns & Ammo"
Crookston, Emily M. "Reason Papers"
Croom, Adam M. "Analysis and Metaphysics"
Croom, Adam M. "Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations"
Croom, Barry; Flowers, James L. "ERIC: Reports"
Croom, Charles E. "Defense AT & L"
Croom, Daniel; Barlow, Thomas; Landers, Thomas "Journal of Family Practice"
Croom, Jr., Charles E. "Joint Force Quarterly"
Croom, Katie "Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand"
Croom, Simon R. "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Croom-Raley, Staci "Arkansas Business"
Crooms, Lisa A. "Michigan Law Review"
Crooms, Lisa; Gardiner, Judith Kegan "Feminist Studies"
Crooms, Lisa; Raitt, Suzanne "Feminist Studies"
Croonen, Evelien P.M.; Brand, Maryse J. "Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice"
Croonen, Julien; Deraes, Adrien Leopold J; Beckers, Jarl; Devesse, Wim; Hegazy, Omar; Verrelst, Björ "Machines"
Croonquist, Mary Jo; Brooks, Robert P. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Crooshank, Anne "Apollo"
Croot, Charles "JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature"
Crootof, Rebecca "Yale Law Journal"
Crootof, Rebecca "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Crootof, Rebecca; Ard, B.J. "Harvard Journal of Law & Technology"
Crop, Justin A.; Bunt, Christopher W. "Journal of Family Practice"
Cropek, Craig; Nguyen, Vivian; Chhetri, Santosh Karki; Hu, Jin; Guo, Shengping; Wang, Jian "Crystals"
Cropf, Robert A.; Swanstrom, Todd "National Civic Review"
Cropley, Adrian; Clemons, John "Communication World"
Cropley, Adrian; Zhu, Juliana; Raskin, Phillip; Anh, Phan Dinh Phuong; Kominik, Anna "Communication World"
Cropley, Arthur "The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving"
Cropley, Arthur J. "The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving"
Cropley, Carrie J. "American Journal of Health Studies"
Cropley, David H. "The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving"
Cropley, Lorelei; Mitchell, F.; Anderson, Peter B. "American Journal of Health Studies"
Cropley, Stacey "Oklahoma Nurse"
Cropley, Stacey "Texas Board of Nursing Bulletin"
Cropp, Fritz "Communication World"
Cropp, Glynnis M. "Parergon"
Cropper, Corry "Romance Notes"
CROPPER, CORRY "Nineteenth-Century French Studies"
Cropper, Corry "French Forum"
Cropper, Corry L. "Nineteenth-Century French Studies"
Cropper, David "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cropper, Elizabeth "Renaissance Quarterly"
Cropper, J. "Guns Magazine"
Cropper, Jim "Guns & Ammo"
Cropper, Laura "The Elementary STEM Journal"
Cropper, Maureen; Griffiths, Charles; Mani, Muthukumara "Land Economics"
Cropper, Simon J. "Arena Magazine"
Cropps, Tome A.; Esters, Levon T. "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Cropsey, Seth "Naval War College Review"
Cropsey, Seth "inFOCUS"
Croquer, Aldo; Villamizar, Estrella; Noriega, Nicida "Revista de Biologia Tropical"
Croquet, Melanie; Colot, Olivier; Cultrera, Loredana; Fandja, Yoyo "International Advances in Economic Research"
Crornwell, Richard "Nuclear Waste News"
Crory, Neil "Opera Canada"
Crory, Neil; Dillon, Patrick "Opera Canada"
Crory, Neil; Shengold, David "Opera Canada"
Crory, Neil; Shengold, David; Dillon, Patrick "Opera Canada"

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