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Murphy, R.J. "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
Murphy, Rachael "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murphy, Rachael; Weathers, Helen "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Rachel "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Murphy, Rachel "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Rachel "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murphy, Rachel "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Rachel "Irish Literary Supplement"
Murphy, Rachel A.; Guo, Yu Jacqueline; Cordeiro, Heloise Sierra Melo Pinto; Stroshein, Sumara; Hamil "Nutrients"
Murphy, Rachel A.; Kuczynski, Gabriela; Bhatti, Parveen; Dummer, Trevor J. B. "Nutrients"
Murphy, Rachel; Arnold, Harry "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Rachel; Malik, Dina "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Rachel; Marshall, Keri; Zagorin, Sandra; Devarshi, Prasad P.; Hazels Mitmesser, Susan "Nutrients"
Murphy, Rachel; Murphy, Carol; Kelly, Michelle; Roche, Bryan "The Psychological Record"
Murphy, Rachel; Rogers, Ken "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Rachel; Ward, Amanda "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Rachelle; Park, Karen; Billock, Christy; Becerra-Culqui, Tracy; Perkins, Natalie A.; Bains, "Open Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Murphy, Rae "Inroads: A Journal of Opinion"
Murphy, Raquel "Handball"
Murphy, Ray (American journalist) "Prairie Schooner"
Murphy, Raymond "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Murphy, Raymond; Murphy, Maya "Canadian Review of Sociology"
Murphy, Rebecca "Wines & Vines"
Murphy, Rene J.L. "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Murphy, Ricardo Lopez; Artana, Daniel; Navajas, Fernando "The Cato Journal"
Murphy, Rich "Financial Executive"
Murphy, Rich "War, Literature & The Arts"
Murphy, Rich "James Dickey Review"
Murphy, Richard "Camping Magazine"
MURPHY, RICHARD "The Architectural Review"
Murphy, Richard "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Murphy, Richard "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Murphy, Richard "Philosophy in Review"
Murphy, Richard "Soundings"
Murphy, Richard C. "Science News"
Murphy, Richard J. "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Murphy, Richard W. "Iran Times International (Washington, DC)"
Murphy, Richard W. "Constitutional Commentary"
Murphy, Richard W. "Loyola Law Review"
Murphy, Richard W.; Gause, F. Gregory, III "Middle East Policy"
Murphy, Rick "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Murphy, Rinki; Carroll, Richard W.; Krebs, Jeremy D. "Mediators of Inflammation"
Murphy, Rob "ABA Bank Marketing"
Murphy, Robert "Mortgage Banking"
Murphy, Robert "Saturday Evening Post"
Murphy, Robert "HFN The Weekly Newspaper for the Home Furnishing Network"
Murphy, Robert D.; Blackmon, Timothy J.; Booz, Michael; Wolf, Nathan; Harris, Bradley P. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Murphy, Robert F. "The Humanist"
Murphy, Robert F. "Sojourners Magazine"
Murphy, Robert G. "Business Economics"
Murphy, Robert G. "International Advances in Economic Research"
Murphy, Robert H. "Loyola Maritime Law Journal"
Murphy, Robert J.; Mautz, Lynn A. "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Murphy, Robert M. "Parameters"
Murphy, Robert P. "The American Conservative"
Murphy, Robert P. "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Murphy, Robert P. "Independent Review"
Murphy, Robert P. "The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics"
Murphy, Robert; Hoffman, Frank B. "Saturday Evening Post"
Murphy, Roberta "Feminist Studies"
Murphy, Robin R. "AI Magazine"
Murphy, Robinson V. "Church & State"
Murphy, Roderick P. "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, Roger "Franchising World"
Murphy, Roger Hannah Brendan; McIlwraith, Gordon "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murphy, Roland E. "Theological Studies"
Murphy, Roland E. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Murphy, Ronan "IFR"
Murphy, Rose "California History"
Murphy, Rose Mary "Herizons"
Murphy, Rose; Richards, John "Inroads: A Journal of Opinion"
Murphy, Rosemary "Financial Executive"
Murphy, Roy J. "Security Management"
Murphy, Russell "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Murphy, Russell Elliott "Yeats Eliot Review"
Murphy, Russell G. "Suffolk Transnational Law Review"
Murphy, Russell G. "Albany Law Review"
Murphy, Russell G. "Suffolk University Law Review"
Murphy, Russell G.; Carlson, Eric J. "Denver Journal of International Law and Policy"
Murphy, Ruth "The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies"
Murphy, Ryan "Regulation"
Murphy, Ryan "Saturday Evening Post"
Murphy, Ryan "Libertarian Papers"
Murphy, Ryan "Variety"
Murphy, Ryan H. "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Murphy, Ryan H. "Regulation"
Murphy, Ryan H. "Independent Review"
Murphy, Ryan H. "The Cato Journal"
Murphy, Ryan H. "The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics"
Murphy, Ryan H.; Lawson, Robert A. "The Cato Journal"
Murphy, Ryan H.; O'Reilly, Colin "The Cato Journal"
Murphy, Ryan H.; Tuszynski, Meg; Jackson, Jeremy "American Journal of Entrepreneurship"
Murphy, Ryan P. "Saturday Evening Post"
Murphy, Ryan; Morales, Sophia "Regulation"
Murphy, S "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Murphy, S. Mike "Alaska Law Review"
Murphy, S.; Bruckmann, E.; Doedens, L.G.; Khan, A.B.; Salloo, A.; Omar, S. "Southern African Journal of Critical Care"
Murphy, Sally "Reading Time"
Murphy, Sally "Practically Primary"
Murphy, Sally; Kaffenberger, Carol "Professional School Counseling"
Murphy, Sam "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Samantha "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Sara C.; Severance, Jennifer J.; Camp, Kathlene; Knebl, Janice A.; Fairchild, Thomas J.; Sot "Geriatrics"
Murphy, Sara; Morrell, Jesse Stabile "Nutrients"
Murphy, Sarah "Women's Health Activist"
Murphy, Sarah "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Sarah "Legacy Magazine"
Murphy, Sarah "Resources for Feminist Research"
Murphy, Sarah D. "Ave Maria Law Review"
Murphy, Sarah J. "People & Strategy"
Murphy, Sarah; Mathey, Sean "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Murphy, Sarah; Mooney, Ann "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Scott "Indiana Business Magazine"
Murphy, Scott P. "The Tax Adviser"
Murphy, Sean "Catholic Insight"
Murphy, Sean "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, Sean "Sarasota Magazine"
Murphy, Sean "Community College Week"
Murphy, Sean "Scottish Literary Review"
Murphy, Sean "Modern Materials Handling"
Murphy, Sean "Supply Chain Management Review"
Murphy, Sean "Strategic Studies Quarterly"
Murphy, Sean A. "Supply Chain Management Review"
Murphy, Sean C.; Agger, Sean; Rainey, Petrie M. "Clinical Chemistry"
Murphy, Sean D. "Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law"
Murphy, Sean K. "University Business"
Murphy, Sean M.; Morgan, Jake R.; Jeng, Philip J.; Schackman, Bruce R. "Health Services Research"
Murphy, Sean P. "Style"
Murphy, Sean; Crawford, Teresa "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, Sean; Frick, Natalie Mims "Energies"
Murphy, Sean; Juozapavicius, Justin "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, Sean; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Prentice, Ann; Compston, Juliet E. "Age and Ageing"
Murphy, Sean; McCombs, Brady "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, Sean; West, Keith P., Jr.; Greenbough, William B., III; Cherot, Elizabeth; Katz, Joanne; Cle "Age and Ageing"
Murphy, Sen "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, Serena; Davis, Virginia Mitchell Jessa Thurman Charli N.; Moran, Mattew D.; Bonumwezi, Jessi "The American Midland Naturalist"
Murphy, Shane "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Murphy, Shannon "Management Quarterly"
Murphy, Shannon M.E.; McGready, John; Griswold, Michael E.; Sylvia, Martha L. "Health Services Research"
Murphy, Sharee "The Lamp"
Murphy, Sharon "Journal of Research in Childhood Education"
Murphy, Sharon "Irish Literary Supplement"
Murphy, Sharon Ann "The Historian"
Murphy, Sharon B.; Ouimet, Lilianne V. "Health and Social Work"
Murphy, Sharon M. "The Quill"
Murphy, Sharon R. "The Review of Politics"
Murphy, Sharon, Ed.; Dudley-Marling, Curt, Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Murphy, Shawn "The Exceptional Parent"
Murphy, Shawn "Mortgage Banking"
Murphy, Shawn "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Murphy, Sheigla; Sales, Paloma "Social Justice"
Murphy, Sheila "U.S. Catholic"
Murphy, Sheila "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Murphy, Sheila "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Murphy, Sheila E.; Dowling, Jane "The Public Manager"
Murphy, Shelly "The Exceptional Parent"
Murphy, Shelly "OBG Management"
Murphy, Simon "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Murphy, Sophia "Foreign Policy in Focus"
Murphy, Sophia "Handball"
Murphy, Stephanie "Oceanus"
Murphy, Stephanie P.; Fuller, Andrea; Bentley, Alison J.; Avidon, Ingrid "South African Journal of Sports Medicine"
Murphy, Stephanie; Madin, Kate "Oceanus"
Murphy, Stephen "Defense AT & L"
Murphy, Stephen "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Murphy, Stephen "Renaissance Quarterly"
Murphy, Stephen "Sea&Shore"
Murphy, Stephen "All Hands"
Murphy, Stephen "The Lamp"
Murphy, Stephen "Seventeenth-Century News"
MURPHY, STEPHEN "Alternatives Journal"
Murphy, Stephen A. "SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia"
Murphy, Stephen D. "Alternatives Journal"
Murphy, Stephen D. "The Canadian Geographer"
Murphy, Stephen D.; Martin, Larry R.G. "Environments"
Murphy, Stephen J. "Tooling & Production"
Murphy, Stephen J. "Guns Magazine"
Murphy, Stephen J. "American Handgunner"
Murphy, Stephen M.; Smeltzer, Katrina L. "Insurance Journal"
Murphy, Stephen T. "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Murphy, Stephen; Trott, John "Journal of Property Management"
Murphy, Steppen; Voulgaris, George "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Murphy, Steve "Database and Network Journal"
Murphy, Steve "Franchising World"
Murphy, Steven A.; Hajnal, Catherine A. "International Journal of Education Research (IJER)"
Murphy, Stuart "Mother Earth News"
Murphy, Susan "Franchising World"
Murphy, Susan "National Catholic Reporter"
Murphy, Susan A.; Boden, Catherine "Journal of the Medical Library Association"
Murphy, Susan E. "University Business"
Murphy, Susan M.; Hegarty, Deirdre M.; Feighery, Conleth S.; Walsh, J. Bernard; Williams, Yvonne; Co "Age and Ageing"
Murphy, Susan Wolff "Writing Center Journal"
Murphy, Susan; Amerud, Dale; Corcoran, Chloe "Collaborative Librarianship"
Murphy, Susan; Baker, Sue "Citizen Airman"
Murphy, Suzanne Zahrt "Whispering Wind"
Murphy, T.; Zumwalt, R.; Fallico, F.; Sanchez, C.; Belson, M.; Rubin, C.; Azziz-Baumgartner, E. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Murphy, Terence "National Catholic Reporter"
Murphy, Terence Patrick "Style"
Murphy, Terence Patrick "Narrative"
Murphy, Teresa "ILR Review"
Murphy, Teresa "The Historian"
Murphy, Teresa Burns "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Murphy, Terrence E.; McShane-Vaughn, Mary; Leung-Tsui, Kwok "Georgia Journal of Science"
Murphy, Terrence W. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Murphy, Terry "Language, Learning & Technology"
Murphy, Terry "Canadian Dimension"
Murphy, Terry "Newfoundland and Labrador Studies"
Murphy, Theresa "NEA Today"
Murphy, Thomas B. "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Murphy, Thomas J. "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Murphy, Thomas M. "The CPA Journal"
Murphy, Thomas M.; Chang, Catherine Y.; Dispenza, Franco "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Murphy, Thomas V. "Journal of Electronic Defense"
Murphy, Thomas W. "Community College Week"
Murphy, Tim "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Murphy, Tim "Washington Monthly"
Murphy, Tim "USA Today (Magazine)"
Murphy, Tim "Mother Jones"
Murphy, Tim "OBG Management"
Murphy, Tim "Surface"
Murphy, Tim H.; Lindner, James R. "ERIC: Reports"
Murphy, Tim; Gordon, Ian "Mother Jones"
Murphy, Tim; Mechanic, Michael "Mother Jones"
Murphy, Tim; Oatman, Maddie; Mechanic, Michael "Mother Jones"
Murphy, Tim; Rochman, Sue "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Murphy, Timothy "Chronicles"
Murphy, Timothy B. "Air & Space Power Journal"
Murphy, Timothy F. "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Murphy, Timothy F. "The Hastings Center Report"
Murphy, Timothy F. "The Historian"
Murphy, Timothy F.; White, Gladys B. "The Hastings Center Report"
Murphy, Timothy I.; Douglass, Amanda G.; van Wijngaarden, Peter; Armitage, James A. "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Murphy, Timothy J. "Canadian Public Administration"
Murphy, Timothy R. N.; Masterson, Mary "Societies"
Murphy, Timothy S. "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
Murphy, Timothy S. "World Literature Today"
Murphy, Timothy S. "The Review of Politics"
Murphy, Timothy S. "symploke"
Murphy, Todd "Oregon Business"
Murphy, Tom "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, Tom "Franchising World"
MURPHY, TOM "Guns Magazine"
Murphy, Tom "The People (London, England)"
Murphy, Tom "Handguns"
Murphy, Tom "Insurance Journal"
Murphy, Tom "American Handgunner"
Murphy, Tom "The Futurist"
Murphy, Tom; Felberbaum, Michael "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, Tony "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Tony "Guns & Ammo"
Murphy, Tony "The Family Handyman"
Murphy, Tony P. "ERIC: Reports"
Murphy, Tracy D.; Weidenbach, Kelly N.; Van Houten, Clay; Gerona, Roy R.; Moran, Jeffery H.; Kirschn "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Murphy, Tracy; Butler, Mary; Kidd, Jacquie "New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Murphy, Triona "Love of Knitting"
Murphy, Troy A. "Argumentation and Advocacy"
Murphy, Tytus; Dias, Gisele Pereira; Thuret, Sandrine "Neural Plasticity"
Murphy, Vincent "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murphy, Wayne "Catholic Insight"
Murphy, Wendy J. "Trial"
Murphy, Will "Florida Bar News"
Murphy, Will "Florida Bar Journal"
Murphy, Will "Irish Literary Supplement"
Murphy, Willa "Irish Literary Supplement"
Murphy, William "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murphy, William "Irish Literary Supplement"
Murphy, William "Crop Science"
Murphy, William "Irish Economic and Social History"
Murphy, William F., Jr. "Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture"
Murphy, William F., Jr. "Theological Studies"
Murphy, William G.; Brubaker, Robert G. "Journal of School Health"
Murphy, William H.; Sohi, Ravipreet S. "European Journal of Marketing"
Murphy, William J.; Eichwald, John; Meinke, Deanna K.; Chadha, Shelly; Iskander, John "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Murphy, William M. "Michigan History Magazine"
Murphy, William T. "Film & History"
Murphy, William; Liu, Sha; Hon, Karen; Finnie, John; Bouras, George Spyro; Feizi, Sholeh; Houtak, Gh "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Murphy, Winnie Anderson "Fun For Kidz"
Murphy, Winnie Anderson; Pruitt, Ginny "Fun For Kidz"
Murphy-Bridge, B.J. "Esprit de Corps"
Murphy-Cullen, Cassie L. "Families, Systems & Health"
Murphy-Després, Adrien; Chartrand, Dominic J.; Lemieux, Isabelle; Tremblay, Angelo; Bergeron, Jean; "Nutrients"
Murphy-Erby, Yvette; Jordan, Shikkiah; Shobe, Marcia; Christy-McMullin, Kameri "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Murphy-Gibson, Sarafina "Sarasota Magazine"
Murphy-Gill, Meghan "U.S. Catholic"
Murphy-Gutekunst, Lisa "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Murphy-Hoye, Mary; Lee, Hau L.; Rice, Jr., James B. "Supply Chain Management Review"
Murphy-Judy, Kathryn A. "Film & History"
Murphy-Judy, Kathryn; Cornuejols, Chantal F. "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Murphy-Larronde, Suzanne "Americas (English Edition)"
Murphy-Mariscal, Michelle L.; Barrows, Cameron W.; Allen, Michael F. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Murphy-Melas, Elizabeth "Children's Playmate"
Murphy-Morgan, Claire "The Journal of Parapsychology"
Murphy-Petros, Melissa A.; Tranen, Daniel E. "Illinois Bar Journal"
Murphy-Shigematsu, Stephen "Families, Systems & Health"
Murphy-Sweet, Cheryl "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Murphysboro Times "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Murphysboro times and Capitol News Illinois "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Murphysboro Times staff report "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Murr, Alissar El- "Kadin/Woman 2000"
Murr, Brenda "Pool & Spa News"
Murr, Christian; Bergant, Anton; Widschwendter, Martin; Heim, Kurt; Schrocksnadel, Hans; Fuchs, Diet "Clinical Chemistry"
Murr, Christian; Grammer, Tanja B.; Meinitzer, Andreas; Kleber, Marcus E.; Marz, Winfried; Fuchs, Di "Journal of Amino Acids"
Murr, Christopher "Approach"
Murr, Larissa; Huber, Ingrid; Pavlovic, Melanie; Guertler, Patrick; Messelhaeusser, Ute; Weiss, Manu "Microorganisms"
Murr, Michel M. "Internal Medicine News"
Murr, Sonia "Literacy Learning: The Middle Years"
Murra, Daniele; Bollanti, Sarah; Di Lazzaro, Paolo; Flora, Francesco; Mezi, Luca "Sensors"
Murra, Fabio "APB Magazine"
Murrah, Marilynne "Mortgage Banking"
Murrah-Hanson, Laurie "Techniques"
Murramarang Country; Davis, Jessica; Simmons, Jack; Snelson, Shane; Channell, Victor; Haynes, Kathar "Fire"
Murrary, Nick "Advances in Breast Cancer"
Murrawat Hussain - Chiniot "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Murrawat Hussain-Chiniot "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Murray Cook "Stirling Observer (Stirling, Scotland)"
Murray D. Rice "Canadian Journal of Regional Science"
MURRAY DAVIS, ROBERT "World Literature Today"
Murray expects BY MICHAEL SCULLY "The Mirror (London, England)"
MURRAY FOOTE "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray Foote "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray Foote / Former Daily Record editor "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray Foote' Former Daily Record editor and supporter of Scottish independence "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray Grigor "The Scotsman Online"
Murray Jack "The Scotsman Online"
Murray Leith "The Conversation (Global Perspective)"
Murray Macleod "The Scotsman Online"
Murray MacLeod "Stornoway Gazette Online"
Murray MacLeòid "The Scotsman Online"
Murray McCall "The Scotsman Online"
Murray Nicolson "Catholic Insight"
MURRAY SCOUGALL "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Murray Scougall & Sally McDonald "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Murray Scougall [email protected] "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Murray Scougall [email protected] "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Murray Scougall [email protected] "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Murray Scougalll [email protected] "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Murray tells MARION MCMULLEN THE PUB "Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)"
Murray Thomson "Ploughshares Monitor"
Murray W. Nicholson "Catholic Insight"
Murray, Abby E. "Confrontation"
Murray, Abby E. "War, Literature & The Arts"
Murray, Abby E. "Prairie Schooner"
Murray, Adam "Distance Learning"
Murray, Aife; Smith, Jordan; Sadoff, Ira "The American Poetry Review"
Murray, Aja Louise "The Journal of Parapsychology"
Murray, Al "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Alan "Washington Monthly"
Murray, Alan "The International Economy"
Murray, Alan "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Murray, Alan D. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Murray, Alan P. "Business Economics"
Murray, Alan S. "Washington Monthly"
Murray, Alan V. "Notes and Queries"
Murray, Albert "Corrections Today"
Murray, Albert R. "Corrections Today"
Murray, Alex "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Murray, Alex "Victorian Poetry"
Murray, Alexander "International Productivity Monitor"
Murray, Alexander G.; Busby, Corina D.; Bruno, David W. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Alice H. "Florida Bar Journal"
Murray, Alison "Canadian Chemical News"
Murray, Alison M. "Arctic"
Murray, Andrea "New Hampshire Business Review"
Murray, Andrew "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Murray, Andrew "Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society"
Murray, Andrew "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Andrew "The Review of Metaphysics"
Murray, Andrew; Ojeda, Julio; El Merhebi, Omar; Calvo-Marzal, Percy; Gerasimova, Yulia; Chumbimuni-T "Biosensors"
Murray, Andrew; Rock, Marilyn "Australian Journal of Social Issues"
Murray, Andy "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Andy "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Angela K.; Davis, Donna M.; Ellerbeck, Samantha A. "American Educational History Journal"
Murray, Angela K.; Johnston, Luz Casquejo; Sabater, Ayize; Clark, Kiara "American Educational History Journal"
Murray, Ann M.; Petrone, Ashley B.; Adcock, Amelia K. "Neurology Research International"
Murray, Ann Marie; Smith, Matthew S. "West Virginia Medical Journal"
Murray, Anna "Insurance Advocate"
Murray, Anqesha; Yan, Lufeng; Gibson, James M.; Liu, Jian; Eliezer, David; Lippens, Guy; Zhang, Fumi "Biomolecules"
Murray, Anthony G.; Mills, Bradford F. "Contemporary Economic Policy"
Murray, Audie "Tok Blong Pasifik"
Murray, Averil "Curve"
Murray, B.C. "Mississippi Magazine"
Murray, Barbara "Art Business News"
Murray, Barbara A. "Notes and Queries"
Murray, Barbra "Builder"
Murray, Beatrice; Murray, Jesse; Bamblett, Lawrence "Australian Aboriginal Studies"
Murray, Benjamin J.; Salzmann, Christoph G.; Heymsfield, Andrew J.; Dobbie, Steven; Neely, III, Ryan "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Murray, Bethany "Art Business News"
Murray, Bill "Arkansas Business"
Murray, Bill "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Murray, Bill "History Today"
Murray, Bill; Corey, Mark "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Murray, Billie "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Murray, Billie "Argumentation and Advocacy"
Murray, Blake "Tax Executive"
Murray, Bob "AMAA Journal"
MURRAY, BOBBI "The Nation"
Murray, Brad R.; Rice, Barbara L.; Keith, David A.; Myerscough, Peter J.; Howell, Jocelyn; Floyd, Al "Ecology"
Murray, Brant Thomas "TD&T (Theatre Design & Technology)"
Murray, Brant Thomas; Murray, Keili Camille "TD&T (Theatre Design & Technology)"
Murray, Brian "Real Estate Weekly"
Murray, Brian "ILR Review"
Murray, Brian C. "Land Economics"
Murray, Brian C.; Wear, David N. "Land Economics"
Murray, Brian J. "Real Estate Weekly"
Murray, Brian M. "Notre Dame Law Review"
Murray, Brian M. "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Murray, Brittany "CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture"
Murray, Brooker "Canadian Chemical News"
Murray, Bruce "The Quill"
Murray, Bruce A.; Brabham, Edna G.; Villaume, Susan K.; Veal, Margo "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Bruce K. "The Historian"
Murray, Bruce; Murray, Geralyn "Reading Improvement"
Murray, Bryan K.; Frey, Jason "American Handgunner"
Murray, By Brendan "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Murray, By; Gordon, Brian Gordon Murray A.; Associates; -Clmn-, Ltd. "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Murray, C.L. "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Murray, Caitlin "The Brooklyn Rail"
Murray, Caleb "U.S. Catholic"
Murray, Cameron; Larson, Albert; Goodwill, Joseph; Wang, Yeqiao; Cardace, Dawn; Akanda, Ali S. "Environments"
Murray, Canon Stewart W. "Anglican Journal"
Murray, Carol E. "Alternatives Journal"
Murray, Carolyn E.; Varga, Csaba; Ouckama, Rachel; Guerin, Michele T. "Pathogens"
Murray, Carolyn; Miller, Mark D. "Pediatrics for Parents"
Murray, Catherine "Labour/Le Travail"
Murray, Catherine S. "USA Today (Magazine)"
Murray, Cathy; Hallett, Christine; McMillan, Neil; Watson, June "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Catriona "Hecate"
Murray, Caun "The People (London, England)"
Murray, Cecil "Guns & Ammo"
Murray, Cecilia "Catholic Education"
Murray, Charles "Washington Monthly"
Murray, Charles "Reason"
Murray, Charles "Education Next"
Murray, Charles "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Murray, Charles "Claremont Review of Books"
Murray, Charles "AEI Paper & Studies"
Murray, Charles "Journal of Character Education"
Murray, Chris "Esprit de Corps"
Murray, Chris "New York State Conservationist"
Murray, Chris "Gothic Studies"
Murray, Christine "The Architectural Review"
Murray, Christine "Strategic Finance"
Murray, Christine E. "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Murray, Christine E.; Grant, Gerald; Swaminathan, Raji "Phi Delta Kappan"
Murray, Christine E.; Kardatzke, Kerrie N. "Journal of College Counseling"
Murray, Christine E.; Kelley-Soderholm, Erin L.; Murray, Thomas L., Jr. "Families, Systems & Health"
Murray, Christine E.; Lampinen, Autumn; Kelley-Soderholm, Erin L. "Counselor Education and Supervision"
Murray, Christine E.; Wester, Kelly L.; Paladino, Derrick A. "Journal of College Counseling"
Murray, Christopher "Childhood Education"
Murray, Christopher "American Diplomacy"
Murray, Christopher "Irish Literary Supplement"
Murray, Christopher "New York State Conservationist"
Murray, Christopher "Original Internist"
Murray, Christopher Brent "Notes"
Murray, Christopher J. "California CPA"
Murray, Christopher R. "Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy"
Murray, Christopher R. "Alaska Law Review"
Murray, Christopher; Doren, Bonnie; Gau, Jeff M.; Zvoch, Keith; Seeley, John R. "Exceptional Children"
Murray, Christopher; Lombardi, Allison; Wren, Carol T.; Keys, Christopher "Learning Disability Quarterly"
Murray, Christopher; Muharemagic, Edin "Communications News"
Murray, Christopher; Wren, Carol T.; Keys, Christopher "Learning Disability Quarterly"
Murray, Christy S.; Coleman, Meghan A.; Vaughn, Sharon; Wanzek, Jeanne; Roberts, Greg "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Christy S.; Wexler, Jade; Vaughn, Sharon; Roberts, Greg; Tackett, Kathryn Klingler; Boardman "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Ciara "School Librarian"
Murray, Ciara; D'Arcy, Clare; Gullo, Giuseppe; Flanagan, Louise; Quinn, Cecily M. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Murray, Claire "Journal of the New York State Nurses Association"
Murray, Clay; Cabic, Michael "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Murray, Clinton K.; Gross, Kirby; Russell, Robert J.; Haslett, Ruth A. "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Murray, Clinton K.; Hitter, Scott R.; Jones, Stephen L. "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Murray, Clinton K.; Jones, Stephen L. "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Murray, Colin "The People (London, England)"
Murray, Colin "African Affairs"
Murray, Colin "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Murray, Colleen I. "Childhood Education"
Murray, Colleen M.; Mao, Min; Park, Jungjin; Howard, John; Wereley, Norman M. "Polymers"
Murray, Conor "Irish Literary Supplement"
Murray, Corey "Church & State"
Murray, Cori M. "Black Issues Book Review"
Murray, Cori M.; Ellis, Kelly "Black Issues Book Review"
Murray, Coun "The People (London, England)"
Murray, Craig D.; Fox, Jezz "British Journal of Psychology"
Murray, Craig D.; Howard, Toby; Wilde, David J.; Fox, Jezz; Simmonds-moore, Christine "The Journal of Parapsychology"
Murray, Cynthia L.; Walsh, Gordon W.; Gorber, Sarah Connor "Canadian Journal of Public Health"
Murray, D.F. "The Journal of Theological Studies"
Murray, D.P.; Brown, L.E.; Zinder, S.M.; Noffal, G.; Bera, S.; Garrett, N.; Weir, J.P. "Clinical Kinesiology: Journal of the American Kinesiotherapy Association"
Murray, D.R.; Sikich, S.A.; Finnila, A. "Bulletin (Southern California Academy of Sciences)"
Murray, Dale "Reason Papers"
Murray, Damien "Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society"
Murray, Dan "Thrasher"
Murray, Dan "Communications News"
Murray, Dan "Nutraceuticals World"
Murray, Dan "Environments"
Murray, Dana "Anglican Journal"
Murray, Dana M. "Corrections Today"
Murray, Daniel S. "CML Army Chemical Review"
Murray, Danielle "USA Today (Magazine)"
Murray, Daran P. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Murray, Darrel B.; White, Joseph D.; Yao, Jian "The American Midland Naturalist"
Murray, Dave "Financial Executive"
Murray, Dave "National Catholic Reporter"
Murray, Dave "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Murray, Dave "Nieman Reports"
Murray, Dave; McQuone, Joann; Cook, Sarah "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Murray, David "Washington Monthly"
Murray, David "Franchising World"
Murray, David "Financial Management (UK)"
Murray, David "National Catholic Reporter"
Murray, David "The Historian"
Murray, David "World and I"
Murray, David A.B. "Refuge"
Murray, David C. "Security Management"
Murray, David F. "Arctic"
Murray, David R. "Business History Review"
Murray, David W. "Education Next"
Murray, David W. "Policy Review"
Murray, Dennis L.; Keith, Lloyd B.; Cary, John R. "Ecology"
Murray, Derek D. "Microwave Journal"
Murray, Desiree "Air Force Comptroller"
Murray, Desiree W.; Murr, Natalie; Rabiner, David L. "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Desiree W.; Rabiner, David L.; Carrig, Madeline M. "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Dian "New West Indian Guide"
Murray, Diane "Info Nursing"
Murray, Don "Harper's Magazine"
Murray, Donald "California CPA"
Murray, Donald C. "Anglican Journal"
Murray, Donald; Hoell, Andrew; Hoerling, Martin; Perlwitz, Judith; Quan, Xiao-Wei; Allured, Dave; Zh "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Murray, Doug "LawNow"
Murray, Douglas "New Criterion"
Murray, Douglas "Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal"
Murray, Drew "State Legislatures"
Murray, Dru J. "Gourmet Retailer"
Murray, Dufferin A. "Ethnologies"
Murray, Dugald "Habitat Australia"
Murray, Ed; Lennett, Bill "Contract Management"
Murray, Eddy "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Murray, Edward; Kane, Martin "Defense AT & L"
Murray, Elizabeth "New York Times Upfront"
Murray, Elizabeth "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Murray, Elizabeth "Sunset"
Murray, Elizabeth; Rusignuolo, Robyn "Franchising World"
Murray, Elizabeth; Vess, Joy; Edlund, Barbara J. "Pediatric Nursing"
Murray, Ellen R. "Corrections Today"
Murray, Emma "Washington University Journal of Law & Policy"
Murray, Erica; Brandmeir, Zachary "The Tax Adviser"
Murray, Erica; Brandmeir, Zachary; Guertin, Scott "The Tax Adviser"
Murray, Esra "Teacher Librarian"
Murray, F. Jay; Arnstein, Caren; Haas, Jenifer "Risk Management"
Murray, F.T. "National Catholic Reporter"
Murray, Finán; Houghton, Sharon; Murphy, Fay; Clancy, Emma; Fortune, Dónal; McNicholas, Fiona "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Murray, Fiona, Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Fran "Literacy Learning: The Middle Years"
Murray, Frank "Issues in Teacher Education"
Murray, Frank "Journal of International Affairs"
Murray, Frank B. "Issues in Teacher Education"
Murray, Frank B. "Journal of Teacher Education"
Murray, Fred "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Murray, G.C., II "Florida Bar Journal"
Murray, Gail "The Historian"
Murray, Gary "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murray, Gary V. "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murray, Gary V. "Worcester Telegram & Gazette"
Murray, Gary V.; Boynton, Donna "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murray, Gary V.; Knothe, Alli "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murray, Gary V.; Kotsopoulos, Nick "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murray, Gary V.; Lee, Brian "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murray, Gary V.; Ring, Kim "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murray, Gary V.; Semon, Craig S. "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Murray, Gemma "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murray, Gemma "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Murray, Gemma "Victorian Journal of Music Education"
Murray, Geoff "Nieman Reports"
Murray, George "Literary Review of Canada"
Murray, George "The American Prospect"
Murray, Georgina "Singapore Management Review"
Murray, Georgina "Journal of Sociology"
Murray, Georgina; Chesters, Jenny "Labour History: A Journal of Labour and Social History"
Murray, Georgina; Peetz, David "Journal of Australian Political Economy"
Murray, Gerald "New West Indian Guide"
Murray, Gerald L.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.; Bissessor, Melanie; Danielewski, Jennifer; Garland, Suzann "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Gerald R. "Air Force Speeches"
Murray, Gerald R. "Air & Space Power Journal"
Murray, Gerard J.; Murphy, Thomas J. "Financial Executive"
Murray, Gillian "Critical Studies in Television"
Murray, Gisela; Jimenez, Lincoln; Baez, Frankie; Colon-Castillo, Lilliam E.; Brau, Ricardo H. "Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal"
Murray, Glen "Alternatives Journal"
Murray, Glenn P. "Real Estate Weekly"
Murray, Gloria G. "Moment"
Murray, Golf: Andy "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Gordon "The Architectural Review"
Murray, Gordon "Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice"
Murray, Gordon "International Small Business Journal"
Murray, Gordon C. "The Architectural Review"
Murray, Gordon L., III "Risk Management"
Murray, Grant; Neis, Barbara; Johnsen, Jahn Petter "Human Ecology"
Murray, Gregg "The Carolina Quarterly"
Murray, Gregor "Labour/Le Travail"
Murray, Gretchen "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Murray, H. Edward; Thayer, Kristina A. "Journal of Environmental Health"
Murray, Hanlie "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Hanlie; Olivier, Alwyn; Human, Piet "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Hannah Lauren "Nathaniel Hawthorne Review"
Murray, Hannah Lauren "Humanities (Basel)"
Murray, Harry M.; Gallardi, Daria; Mills, Terry "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Murray, Harry M.; Hanlon, Jacqueline M.; Marshall, Kimberly; Morris, Corey "Journal of Parasitology Research"
Murray, Harry M.; Hobbs, Kimberley D. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Murray, Haydn H. "Acta Geodynamica et Geromaterialia"
Murray, Heather "Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada"
Murray, Heather "English Studies in Canada"
Murray, Heather "JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature"
Murray, Heather, Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Helen; Stipkovits, Fabio; Wühl, Jasmin; Halbwirth, Heidrun; Gössinger, Manfred "Beverages"
Murray, Henry "American Theatre"
Murray, Hugh "Journal of Social History"
Murray, Hugh; Tay, Ee Laine; Dinh, Sarah; Matthews, Helen; Street, Alan; Denholm, Justin T. "Tuberculosis Research and Treatment"
Murray, Iain "The American Conservative"
Murray, Iain "Harper's Magazine"
Murray, Ian "Optometry Today"
Murray, Ian "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
MURRAY, IAN "World and I"
Murray, Isobel "Scottish Studies Review"
Murray, J. "Catholic Insight"
Murray, J. "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Murray, J. "Akroterion"
Murray, J. Franklin "Evelyn Waugh Studies"
Murray, J. Robert "Business Credit"
Murray, J. Sam; Passfield, Emillie M. F.; Rhodes, Lesley L.; Puddick, Jonathan; Finch, Sarah C.; Smi "Marine Drugs"
Murray, Jack "Sky & Telescope"
Murray, Jackelyn; Martin, David E.; Hosking, Sarah; Orr-Burks, Nichole; Hogan, Robert J.; Tripp, Ral "Viruses"
Murray, Jackelyn; Martin, David E.; Sancilio, Fred D.; Tripp, Ralph A. "Viruses"
Murray, Jackie "The New American"
Murray, Jacob; Hagan, Donald; Hiesl, Patrick; Baldwin, Robert "Forests"
Murray, Jacqueline "Literary Review of Canada"
Murray, Jacqueline "Canadian Journal of History"
Murray, Jacqueline "The Historian"
Murray, Jake "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Murray, James "Financial Management (UK)"
Murray, James "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, James "Habitat Australia"
Murray, James "The People (London, England)"
Murray, James "The Lamp"
Murray, James "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Murray, James A.; Haynes, Mallie P. "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Murray, James E.; Brown, Kathleen Sullivan "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, James F. "Naval War College Review"
Murray, James R. "Tax Executive"
Murray, James; Adam, Barry D. "The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality"
Murray, Jane L.; Everson, Kaia "Journal of Family Practice"
Murray, Jane S. "Molecules (Basel)"
Murray, Jane; Jordan, Peter; Bowden, Bradley "International Journal of Employment Studies"
Murray, Janet "Journal of Environmental Health"
Murray, Janet "Communications of the ACM"
Murray, Janet H. "The Women's Review of Books"
Murray, Janet Y.; Wildt, Albert R.; Kotabe, Masaaki "Management International Review"
Murray, Janet; Lashley, Mark C.; Creech, Brian "International journal of communication (Online)"
Murray, Janet; Yerichuk, Deanna; Murray-Smith, Nick "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, Jeannette "The Exceptional Parent"
Murray, Jeff "Tooling & Production"
Murray, Jeff "Food Processing"
Murray, Jeffrey "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Murray, Jeffrey W. "Women and Language"
Murray, Jeffrey W. "Contract Management"
Murray, Jen "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Murray, Jennifer M. "The Historian"
Murray, Jennifer M. "Civil War History"
Murray, Jenny "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Murray, Jerry "Circuits Assembly"
Murray, Jerry "Printed Circuit Design & Manufacture"
Murray, Jessica "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Murray, Jessica A. "Suffolk Transnational Law Review"
Murray, Jillian; Agocs, Mary; Serhan, Fatima; Singh, Simarjit; Deloria-Knoll, Maria; OBrien, Katheri "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Murray, Jillian; Soenarto, S. Yati; Mulyani, Nenny S.; Wijesinghe, Pushpa S.; Mpabalwani, Evans M.; "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Jim "Security Management"
Murray, Jim "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murray, Jim "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Jim "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Jim "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Murray, Jim "Handguns"
Murray, Joan "The American Poetry Review"
Murray, Joan "The Nation"
Murray, Joan "Prairie Schooner"
Murray, Joan "Southwest Review"
Murray, Joan "River Styx"
Murray, Joan (American poet) "Prairie Schooner"
Murray, Joan; Thomson, Tom "Queen's Quarterly"
Murray, Jocelyn "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Murray, Jocelyne "Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada"
Murray, Jocelyne "Labour/Le Travail"
Murray, Jock "The Historian"
Murray, Joe "National Catholic Reporter"
Murray, Joe "Nieman Reports"
Murray, Joe "The CPA Journal"
Murray, Joe; DiBacco-Miller, Aggie "National Catholic Reporter"
Murray, John "Australian Bulletin of Labour"
Murray, John "Journal of Philosophy: A Cross Disciplinary Inquiry"
Murray, John "Esprit de Corps"
Murray, John "ERIC: Reports"
Murray, John A.; O'Driscoll, Aidan "European Journal of Marketing"
Murray, John C. "The AnaChronisT"
Murray, John D. "Pool & Spa News"
Murray, John E., Jr. "St. Thomas Law Review"
Murray, John M. "Case Western Reserve Law Review"
Murray, John M. "ForeWord"
Murray, John M. "Clarion Reviews"
Murray, John Michael; Hagner, Richard E. "Joint Force Quarterly"
Murray, John S. "U.S. Catholic"
Murray, John S. "MedSurg Nursing"
Murray, John S. "Pediatric Nursing"
Murray, John S.; McGrath, Jody; Smith, Mary Fallon "Pediatric Nursing"
Murray, John S.; Williams, Lee Ann; Pignataro, Shelly; Volpe, Diana "Pediatric Nursing"
Murray, John; Bennett, Larry; Casey, Kathleen; O'Connor, Donna "Catholic Insight"
Murray, Jon "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murray, Joseph "Nutrition Action Healthletter"
Murray, Joseph C. "Journal of Property Management"
Murray, Joseph L. "Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly"
Murray, Joyce "Inroads: A Journal of Opinion"
Murray, Joyce "Theological Studies"
Murray, Joyce "Esprit de Corps"
Murray, Joyce P. "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Murray, Jr., Russell E. "Notes"
Murray, Jr., Thomas L. "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Murray, Judy "School Arts"
Murray, Judy "Colorado Nurse"
Murray, Julia K. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Murray, Julie "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Murray, Julie; Ryan-Krause, Patricia "Pediatric Nursing"
Murray, Julio E. "International Review of Mission"
Murray, Justin "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Murray, Justin "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Murray, Justin; Labonte, Marc "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Murray, K. Sarah-Jane "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Murray, K. Sarah-Jane "Philological Quarterly"
Murray, K.D. "Hecate"
Murray, Kaitlyn "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Murray, Kaitlyn A.; Trexler, Cary J.; Cannon, Clare E.B. "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Murray, Kali; Vinarov, Dmitriy "Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review"
Murray, Karen Bridget "Canadian Journal of Urban Research"
Murray, Karen Bridget "Canadian Journal of History"
Murray, Karen Bridget "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Murray, Karen Bridget; Low, Jacqueline; Waite, Angela "Canadian Public Administration"
Murray, Kate; Rossi, Andrea; Carraro, Diego; Visentin, Andrea "Forecasting"
Murray, Kathleen "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Murray, Kathleen "American Music Teacher"
Murray, Kathleen (Irish writer) "Prairie Schooner"
Murray, Kathleen M. "American Music Teacher"
Murray, Kathryn; Flowers, Jim; Croom, Barry; Wilson, Beth "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Murray, Kelly M.; Ciarrocchi, Joseph W.; Murray-Swank, Nichole A. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Murray, Kelvin J.; Azari, Michael F. "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Murray, Ken "Saturday Evening Post"
Murray, Kenneth T. "Phi Delta Kappan"
Murray, Kenya; Reddy, Vasudha; Kornblum, John S.; Waechter, HaeNa; Chicaiza, Ludwin F.; Rubinstein, "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Kerrel "Stanford Law Review"
Murray, Kevil "Gerson Healing Newsletter"
Murray, Kevin "Ceramics Art & Perception"
Murray, Kevin "Ceramics Technical"
MURRAY, KEVIN "National Catholic Reporter"
Murray, Kevin D. "Security Management"
Murray, Kevin J. "Public Works"
Murray, Kevin O.; Paris, Hunter L.; Fly, Alyce D.; Chapman, Robert F.; Mickleborough, Timothy D. "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Murray, Kevin R. "Utah Business"
Murray, Kieran "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Murray, Kimberly T. "Fishery Bulletin"
Murray, Kirsteen "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Murray, Kristen E. "Case Western Reserve Law Review"
Murray, Kristy O.; Castillo-Carandang, Nina T.; Mandalakas, Anna M.; Cruz, Andrea T.; Leining, Laure "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Kristy O.; Evert, Nicole; Mayes, Bonny; Fonken, Eric; Erickson, Timothy; Garcia, Melissa N.; "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Kristy O.; Gorchakov, Rodion; Carlson, Anna R.; Berry, Rebecca; Lai, Lilin; Natrajan, Muktha "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Kristy O.; Ruktanonchai, Duke; Hesalroad, Dawn; Fonken, Eric; Nolan, Melissa S. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Kurt; Robertson, Gill "American Fitness"
Murray, Kyle D. "Army Lawyer"
Murray, L.G.; Newell, C.R.; Seed, R. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Murray, L.G.; Seed, R.; Jones, T. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Murray, Larry E. "Bowhunter"
Murray, Laura "New Moon Girls"
Murray, Laura "Revista Artemis"
Murray, Laura J. "The American Indian Quarterly"
Murray, Lauren A. "Monthly Labor Review"
Murray, Lauren A. "Health Care Financing Review"
Murray, Lauren A.; Eppig, Franklin J. "Health Care Financing Review"
Murray, Lauren A.; Poisal, John A. "Health Care Financing Review"
Murray, Lauren A.; Shatto, Andrew E. "Health Care Financing Review"
Murray, Leah A. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Murray, Lee "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Murray, Leigh W.; Ray, Ian M.; Dong, Haiying; Segovia-Lerma, Armando "Crop Science"
Murray, Leo "Contemporary Review"
Murray, Les "Harper's Magazine"
Murray, Lewis "TESL Canada Journal"
Murray, Li "New Moon Girls"
Murray, Lilly; Alexander, Charles; Bennett, Clair; Kuvaldina, Mara; Khalsa, Gurucharan; Fallon, Bria "Healthcare"
Murray, Linda A. "British Journal of Psychology"
Murray, Linda Rae "The Nation's Health"
Murray, Linda; DeVos, Dianne "Radiologic Technology"
Murray, Lisa "School Arts"
Murray, Lisa "Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society"
Murray, Lisa; Arias, Antonio; Li, Jibin; Bhoopathy, Sid; Hidalgo, Ismael J. "Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica"
Murray, Lowell "Literary Review of Canada"
Murray, Lowell "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Murray, Lydia "Dance Magazine"
Murray, Lyn; Tarren-Sweeney, Michael; France, Karyn "Adoption & Fostering"
Murray, Lynlee "Curve"
Murray, Lynn "Children's Digest"
Murray, Lynn "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Murray, Lynn "PN - Paraplegia News"
Murray, Lynn "Fun For Kidz"
Murray, Lynn; Harden, Pamela "Fun For Kidz"
Murray, Lynn; Kennedy, Dana "Jack & Jill"
Murray, Lynn; Kennedy, Dana "U.S. Kids"
Murray, Lynne; Bozicevic, Laura; Ferrari, Pier Francesco; Vaillancourt, Kyla; Dalton, Louise; Goodac "Neural Plasticity"
Murray, Lynne; Cooper, Peter; Fearon, Pasco "Community Practitioner"
Murray, M A. "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murray, M. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Murray, M.; Barr, G.D.I. "SAMJ South African Medical Journal"
Murray, Macee "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Murray, Malcolm "The Aviation Consumer"
Murray, Malcolm "Aviation Safety"
Murray, Marcee "Special Delivery"
Murray, Margalit "State Magazine"
Murray, Margaret "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murray, Margaret; Sankarasubbaiyan, Suresh "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Murray, Maribeth "Arctic"
Murray, Maribeth S. "Arctic"
Murray, Maribeth; Wells, Patricia "Arctic"
Murray, Marie "Executive (Middle East)"
Murray, Mariel J. "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Murray, Mariel J.; Comay, Laura B.; Marshak, Anthony R. "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Murray, Mariel J.; Horn, Diane P.; Webster, Elizabeth M. "Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs"
Murray, Marilyn "Reading Time"
Murray, Marjorie "Alaska Business Monthly"
Murray, Mark "Washington Monthly"
Murray, Mark "University Business"
Murray, Mark F. "Journal of Accountancy"
Murray, Mark F. "The Tax Adviser"
Murray, Mark; Flesher, Tonya K.; Flesher, Dale L. "Journal of Accountancy"
Murray, Marshall D. "American Forests"
Murray, Martin "New Hampshire Business Review"
Murray, Martin "The Mirror (London, England)"
Murray, Martin "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Martin "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Murray, Martin G. "Walt Whitman Quarterly Review"
MURRAY, MARTIN J. "Journal of Asian and African Studies"
Murray, Marty "Nursing Homes"
Murray, Marty Lenzini "Techniques"
Murray, Mary "Science News"
Murray, Mary "Writing Lab Newsletter"
Murray, Mary "Grit"
Murray, Mary Ann "Journal of Accountancy"
Murray, Mary Ann; Thomas, Alison; Wald, Ron; Marticorena, Rosa; Donnelly, Sandra; Jeffs, Lianne "CANNT Journal"
Murray, Mary Charles "The Journal of Theological Studies"
Murray, Mary Ellen "Nursing Economics"
Murray, Mary Ellen; Brennan, Patricia Flatley; Moore, Shirley M. "Nursing Economics"
Murray, Mary Ellen; Wells, Thelma J.; Callen, Bonnie L. "Nursing Economics"
Murray, Matthew N. "Southern Economic Journal"
Murray, Maureen "Investigate HIS"
Murray, Maureen; Pizzirani, Stefano; Tseng, Florina "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Murray, Max "PN - Paraplegia News"
Murray, Meg; Perez, Jorge; Guimaraes, Mario "Journal of Information Systems Education"
Murray, Megan "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Murray, Megan W.; Lieb, Stephanie C. "Florida Bar Journal"
Murray, Meghan T.; Riggs, Margaret A.; Engelthaler, David M.; Johnson, Caroline; Watkins, Sharon; Lo "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Murray, Melissa "Franchising World"
Murray, Melissa "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Murray, Melissa "Washington University Law Review"
Murray, Melissa "Mother Jones"
Murray, Melissa "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Murray, Melissa "Michigan Law Review"
Murray, Melissa "William and Mary Law Review"
Murray, Melissa "Duke Law Journal"
Murray, Melissa A. "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Murray, Mervyn "Optometry Today"
Murray, Michael "New Hampshire Business Review"
Murray, Michael "Mortgage Banking"
Murray, Michael "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Murray, Michael "Yale Law Journal"
Murray, Michael "Gateway Journalism Review"
Murray, Michael "Business Credit"
Murray, Michael D. "St. Louis Journalism Review"
Murray, Michael D. "Gateway Journalism Review"
Murray, Michael D. "Loyola Law Review"
Murray, Michael D. "Law and Psychology Review"
Murray, Michael D. "Journal of Law, Technology and the Internet"
Murray, Michael F. "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Murray, Michael F. "Internal Medicine News"
Murray, Michael F. "Family Practice News"
Murray, Michael J. "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Murray, Michael J. "The Philosophical Review"
Murray, Michael J.; Crandall, Richard E. "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
Murray, Michael J.; Dudrick, David F. "American Philosophical Quarterly"
Murray, Michael P. "Economic Inquiry"
Murray, Michael R. "Business Economics"
Murray, Michael; Murray, Deborah; Belli, Brita; Cooper, Amillio; Yaeger, R. "E"
Murray, Michele "Shofar"
Murray, Michelle "CMA Management"
Murray, Michelle "Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing"
Murray, Mike "St. Louis Journalism Review"
Murray, Mina "Thrasher"
Murray, Monica D. "ERIC: Reports"

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