
(redirected from entendre)
Also found in: Idioms.


v. i.1.To attend to; to apply one's self to.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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This was greeted with an irreverent laugh, and the youth blushed deeply, and tried to look as if he had meant to insinuate what knowing people called a "double entendre."
They make a vast parade of measures; but, not unfrequently, these are so ill adapted to the objects proposed, as to put us in mind of Monsieur Jourdain's calling for his robe-de-chambre - pour mieux entendre la musique.
De meme, les [beaucoup moins que]services[beaucoup plus grand que] et le [beaucoup moins que]confort[beaucoup plus grand que] restent des termes qui signifient a bord des trains le contraire de ce qu'ils signifiaient d'ordinaire ou laissaient entendre par les panneaux publicitaires de l'entreprise.
One tweet read: "There we have it - the queen of the double entendre."
Il a laisse entendre qu'il est toujours favorable a une gestion collegiale du parti.
As I stood there looking at the sign and laughing at the priceless double entendre, I realized that while double messages are often not the best form of communication, this might be one case where both the content and the sentiment have combined to produce a pretty much perfect result.
And now, back with their first show in about two years, it's possible to hear such songs as the bombastic "Bellavoda (AK-47)'' to the single entendre of "Party in My Pants.'' And really, you only have to listen to a song such as the fast-paced "Sucky Laundromat'' to get a sense of the sense of outrageousness and fun that make this band have such staying power.