double entendre

(redirected from entendre)
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double entendre

A word or phrase that can have two interpretations, one of which is usually humorous, insulting, or sexual in nature. The old man kept working double entendres into conversation, hoping to make the young ladies laugh, but instead he just made them uncomfortable. A: "Wow, that sandwich you posted on InstaBlam looked delicious. It was huge though!" B: "That's what she said!" A: "OK, guess I walked right into that double entendre." Would you quit it with the double entendres? This is a professional setting!
See also: double
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Ainsi, l'entreprise est dans l'air du temps sur un axe, tout en laissant entendre qu'elle n'est pas dans son temps sur un autre axe.
She wrote: "No double entendre intended in the slightest.
Maybe there is simply no way to avoid this double entendre. Instead, perhaps it reflects some kind of divine intervention--God knows, even if we don't, that the church is not and never will be a nut-free zone.
But double entendre street names like Hoare Road are to be banned by a Welsh council which insists they are "aesthetically unsuitable" and a pain for residents.
Selon de sources citees par le quotidien Achourouk, le doyen des juges d'instruction au tribunal de premiere instance de Tunis 2, entendre plusieurs personnalites, dans le cadre de l'affaire Kamel Ltaief, et ce au cours de la periode entre le 6 et 20 janvier prochain.
Did you hear about the woman who asked the barman for a Double Entendre? He gave her one.
Woman walks into a bar and asks for a double entendre, so the barman gives her one.
Gok Wan insists he has two toothbrushes - one for the top teeth and "one for the bottom" (yes, that double entendre is jumped upon).
A same-sex one-night stand given unexpected meaning and a show about Tourette's that reinvents the double entendre are just some of the things you can expect.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin (UMP), interroge hier dimanche sur le dossier judiciaire Tapie/Credit lyonnais, a denonce "une campagne orchestree" contre Nicolas Sarkozy, laissant entendre que la justice etait instrumentalisee par le camp socialiste.
La voix du Maroc se fait entendre de plus en plus, a-t-il soutenu, relevant qu'un grand nombre d'Etats plaident pour le retour du Royaume au sein de l'organisation continentale.
AKSHAY Kumar is all set to produce a film on the life of Dada Kondke, the Marathi comedianfilm- maker who shot to fame in the 1970s and 1980s thanks to his slapstick blockbusters laced with heavy double entendre and scenes of innuendo.