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Words related to entelechy

(Aristotle) the state of something that is fully realized

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Instead, he proposed that development was a process governed by the activity of an organizational principle that he called entelechy (Ostachuk, 2016).
EM: I cannot disagree with your thoughts about Plato and Confucianism, but entelechy is another matter.
(4) As a forerunner of James Joyce, Rabelais tapped into all kinds of learned lexicon but it is unlikely that Moreas was so familiar with the latter's work (in which an allegorical Entelechy also figures) that he could pluck out the two comparable terms.
The argument of this article is that Aristotle posits two primary intrinsically interrelated senses of being in the Metaphysics: the first is substance, the real unity of which is disclosed as an individual act and intrinsic activities of existence (energeia); the second is telos and entelechy (fulfilment, perfection, and essence), which are together the primary principles of the intelligibility of that individual act and associated activities (energeia).
Begin ning as a single-celled organism, the entelechy of the human being ever unfolds as from a hidden center--from not only the biological nucleus of the cell, but also from the psychological nucleus of the entire person as body, soul, and spirit.
It has to do with the entelechy or the basic orientation and drive of the Spirit.
As such, these people, though eccentric, appear to be gifted and according to clinical psychologist Dr Deidre Lovecky they possess entelechy which gives them a particular motivation and need to achieve.
Associating final cause with the Indian notion of "it is neither" allows us to develop a becoming-or emergence-oriented understanding of final cause or entelechy. As such, the meaning of X's trip to D.C.
We must not forego forays into the notions of "entelechy"; "vertical charismatic bonding" (93); "catallaxy" (117); "inner polarity" (121); "reconnaissance sans connaissance" (145); "masculine protest" (182); "topophilia"; "threshold"; "porosity" (192); "transcendental subjectivity" (193); "global ecumenical consciousness" (176); et cetera.
The nature of the origin in question is deliberately vague, referenced as "a more primordial instinct" (117) or "some primal relation that had been suppressed in modern society" (145) or "darkness in the Congo" (197) as and when the need arises, since fleshing it out would imply the closure of the interminable cycles, an entelechy, when the repetition itself is now a virtue, if virtue were anything more than a meaningless cipher.
"The Knifer by Yannis Economides, for example, was a hit in Greece, and has won many prizes." Stavros' latest work, Entelechy, will also be featured in the line-up of local hits, and is a must see for anyone fascinated by the mythical past of the island.
ySTANBUL (CyHAN)- Freedom, from our perspective, is ensuring that the human soul is freed from carnal desires and achieves spiritual entelechy, moral maturity and intellectual proficiency.