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Category filter:
ESPEspaña (Spain)
ESPExtrasensory Perception
ESPElectronic Stability Program
ESPSpain (ISO Country code)
ESPEnglish for Specific Purposes
ESPEncapsulating Security Payload
ESPElectric Sound Products (guitar manufacturer)
ESPEnvironmental Science and Policy (various schools)
ESPEducation Support Personnel
ESPEmployment Support Program (Massachusetts)
ESPExtended Service Plan
ESPEnhanced Services Platform
ESPÉcole de Santé Publique (French: School of Public Health; France and Belgium)
ESPElektroniczna Skrzynka Podawcza (Polish: Electronic Inbox)
ESPEntertainment Software Publishing (Japan)
ESPEstimation and Signal Processing (University of Connecticut)
ESPElectric Soft Parade (band)
ESPElectronic Stabilisation Programme (cars)
ESPSpanish Peseta (old currency code; replaced EUR)
ESPElectrostatic Precipitator
ESPEnvironmental Studies Program
ESPEvent Stream Processing
ESPEarly Site Permit
ESPEquipment Spare Parts (est. 1967; various locations)
ESPErector Spinae Block (anaesthetic)
ESPEnergy Saving Potential (cost savings)
ESPEat, Sleep and Poop (parenting guide)
ESPEnhanced Super-parallel Processing
ESPEastern State Penitentiary (Philadelphia, PA)
ESPEnvironmental Stewardship Program (various locations)
ESPElectronic Systems Protection (various companies)
ESPEmergency Standby Power (various companies)
ESPEffective Service Provision (UK)
ESPEducation Scholars Program (various locations)
ESPEnvironmental Services Project (various organizations)
ESPExtended Services Platform
ESPEnterprise Server Platform
ESPEnterprise Sales Professional
ESPElectronic Service Provider
ESPEnvironment Service Provider
ESPElectric Shift Program
ESPElectronic Skip Protection
ESPElectronic Shock Protection
ESPExperiment Sensing Platform
ESPEclipse Screensaver Project
ESPExtension Sort Packer
ESPEnumeration and Sensing Process
ESPEntropy Based Speculative
ESPEnhanced Service Provider
ESPEncryption Security Payload
ESPEncapsulating Security Protocol
ESPEasy Setup Program
ESPExtended Services Processor
ESPEstimated Selling Price
ESPEquestrian Sport Productions (Wellington, FL)
ESPEasy Software Products (Morgan Hill, CA)
ESPElectronic Security Products (various locations)
ESPElectrical Submersible Pump
ESPExchangeable Sodium Percentage
ESPElectric Submersible Pump
ESPEstimated Street Price
ESPElectro Selective Pattern (Olympus cameras)
ESPEnergy Service Provider
ESPÉcole Supérieure de Publicité de Communication et de Marketing (French: Graduate School of Communication, Advertising and Marketing)
ESPEverlasting Sacred Path (gaming)
ESPElectronic Statement Presentment
ESPE-Mail Service Provider
ESPEspresso Service Proximité (French: Espresso Proximity Service)
ESPEasy Setup Program (software)
ESPEnergy Saving Products
ESPEly State Prison (Nevada)
ESPEngineering Software Package
ESPEnsemble Streamflow Prediction
ESPEssential Study Partner
ESPElectronic Skip Protection (portable CD players)
ESPEducational Software Package (various organizations)
ESPEffective Sales Presentation
ESPEnd Software Patents
ESPEnterprise Security Program (various organizations)
ESPEnterococcal Surface Protein (gene)
ESPExit Strategy Planning (UK)
ESPElectric Service Provider
ESPExternal Static Pressure
ESPEngine Service Platform (US NASA)
ESPEmbedded Systems Programming
ESPEnterprise Service Provider
ESPEuropean Society for Photobiology
ESPExternal Service Provider
ESPExtended Stack Pointer
ESPEnergy Saving Programmability (Philips)
ESPEmergency Shutdown Procedure (various locations)
ESPEncapsulation Security Protocol (IPSec)
ESPExecutive Search Partners (Milwaukee, WI)
ESPElder Signs Press (publisher; Lake Orion, MI)
ESPEudora Sharing Protocol
ESPEcologically Sustainable Production (forest resources)
ESPÉnergie et Système de Propulsion (French: Energy and Propulsion System)
ESPElectronic Speed Control
ESPÉcole Supérieure de Plasturgie (French: Graduate School of Plastic Processing)
ESPEnterprise Security Practice (451 Research)
ESPEmployee Selection Process (various organizations)
ESPEnvironmental Screening Process (Ministry of the Environment; Canada)
ESPExtended Service Program
ESPEvropska Sosedska Politika (Slovenian: European Neighborhood Policy)
ESPEnhanced Serial Port
ESPEnterprise Server Product
ESPErythropoiesis-Stimulating Protein
ESPExtended Study Program (various locations)
ESPEducational Surrogate Parent (various locations)
ESPEnterprise Security Platform (internet security systems)
ESPExternal Storage Platform (US NASA)
ESPEmployer Support Payment (Australia; military reserve)
ESPEmpirical Studies of Programmers (Conference)
ESPEntrepreneurial Signature Program (Ohio)
ESPEntelligence Security Provider (desktop security)
ESPExtra Special People
ESPEmail Standards Project
ESPEmbedded Support Partner
ESPElectronic Security Perimeter (computer security)
ESPEmulation Sensing Processor
ESPEmergency Services Program
ESPEarly Support Program
ESPEqual Shared Parenting (family law)
ESPError Some Place (attributed to Sam Walton)
ESPExplosives Site Plan (US Army)
ESPEconomic Security Project
ESPE-commerce Service Provider
ESPE-Services Philippines (trade show)
ESPEnvironmental Service Professionals, Inc. (Palm Springs, CA)
ESPÉquipement sous Pression (French: Equipment Under Pressure)
ESPElectronic Shift Program
ESPEmotional Selling Point (business/marketing)
ESPEnvironmental Systems Products Holdings, Inc
ESPExtranet for Security Professionals (US OPM/DARPA)
ESPEarthquake Survival Program
ESPEncapsulated Post Script
ESPElectronic Submission Procedure (Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association)
ESPExtended Services Processor (Cisco)
ESPExtended Self-Containing Prolog
ESPEnhanced Survey Program
ESPEngineering Support Personnel, Inc. (Orlando, FL)
ESPElectroshock Protection
ESPEconomic Strategy Panel (California)
ESPEUV SpectroPhotometer
ESPEcological Society of the Philippines
ESPExternal Services Provider(s)
ESPEnseignes Services Plus (French sign company)
ESPElliot Sound Products
ESPEntente Sportive du Plateau de Saclay (French sports club)
ESPExternal Studies Program (various schools)
ESPElectrochemical Simulations Package (software)
ESPEthernet Serial Port
ESPEconometric Software Package
ESPExtremely Small Penis
ESPEarly Silicon Performance
ESPEncoding Specificity Principle (cognitive psychology)
ESPElectromagnetic Surface Patch
ESPEpididymal Secretory Protein
ESPExtreme Support Through Personalization
ESPExtra Special Powers :-)
ESPEnvironnement Sécurité Pyrotechnie (French: Environment Safety Pyrotechnics)
ESPEqually-Spaced Polynomial
ESPExtra Simple Pascal
ESPEvolutionary Spiral Process
ESPEssential Service Protection
ESPElectronic Skid Prevention (automobiles)
ESPEuropean School of Physiotherapy (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
ESPEmergency Sickness Plan
ESPElectronic Sales Partner
ESPElectric Service Priority
ESPEmbedded Service Processor (Cisco)
ESPEnterprise Simulation Platform (Microsoft)
ESPExposure Smart Protector (hearing aid)
ESPEnriched Support Program
ESPEMV Script Processor
ESPErrored Second - Path
ESPEnhanced Services Providers
ESPExtension Specific Processing
ESPEmily's Strange Posse
ESPEmulex SCSI Processor (Emulex)
ESPEnhanced SAR (Segmentation and Reassembly) Processor
ESPEngineer Starters Program
ESPEdge Services Provider
ESPEngineering Support Program
ESPEnvelopes and Stubby Pencil
ESPExtended Service Package
ESPExtended Service Processor
ESPEnergy Savings Payback
ESPExternal Sensory Perception
ESPEnterprise Security Protector (Visionael)
ESPExternal Simulation Protocol
ESPErstsemesterinnen Projekt (German: first semester project)
ESPEnhanced Support Program
ESPEnterprise Systems Platform (Cybermation Inc.)
ESPEnergy System Planning
ESPEncrypting Security Payload (IPSec)
ESPEmergency & Special Program
ESPElectronic Systems Personnel
ESPElectronic Support Planner (USAP)
ESPElectronic Sort Processor
ESPElectro-Sensitive Programming
ESPElectronic Sales Promotion
ESPEnterprise Strategic Plan
ESPEditable Stand-Alone Presentation
ESPEssential Spare Pivoting
ESPEngineer Supply Point
ESPEngineering Service Project
ESPExpeditionary Site Plan (Air Force Instruction 10-404)
ESPEquipment Survey Program
ESPEnhanced Storage Platform
ESPExecutive Screening Program (various organizations)
ESPExtended Sick Pay (AmSEC)
ESPEvent Script Programming
ESPEngine System Prognosis (US DARPA)
ESPEmergency Service Pack
ESPEducación Sexual Pública (Spanish)
ESPEnhanced Server Pages (Grey Matter Intelligent and Interactive Inc.; web scripting language and file extension)
ESPEmployee Stock Program
ESPEducational Series for Parents
ESPEnd of Segment Punctuation (Wordfast software)
ESPExclusive Services Payment (theatre director rehearsal pay)
ESPEnhanced Service Package (Sprint, MCI)
ESPElectronic Strike Package
ESPEmergency Sprinkler Pump
ESPExpanded Shortest Path (routing algorithm)
ESPEmployer Sponsored Passes
ESPElement Skateboard Products
ESPEnroute Spacing Program
ESPExpert Speech Processor
ESPElectronic Security and Patrol
ESPEzilenlerin Sosyalist Partisi
ESPEcumenical Service for Peace (Cameroon)
ESPEastenders Strong Pils
ESPExploitation of Signals Parameters
ESPElectronic Systems Package
ESPEureka Springs Paranormal (Arkansas)
ESPExtra Sex Please
ESPEarth Sciences Partnership
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