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Words related to entelechy

(Aristotle) the state of something that is fully realized

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References in periodicals archive ?
the certainties arising only from sluggishness, Mallarme's bulging, a specific milieu in tissue where once existed entelechies sheathing lapsed soggy.
With this form of vitalism she contrasts Driesch's and her own: 'unlike that evangelical vitalism, the "critical," "modern," or "scientific" vitalism of Driesch pairs an affirmation of non-material agencies (entelechies) at work in nature with an agnosticism about the existence of any supernatural agency' (p84).
entelechies could be distributed among amounts of matter whose qualities
entelechies inform amounts of matter having different qualities, the
(121) Force indeed spans the obscure divide between the phenomena of bodies, or spatio-temporal process, and the metaphysical realm of simples or first entelechies, which are prior to space and time.
(144) Leibniz, accordingly, rules out any use of forms, primitive forces, or entelechies "in the details of physics ...
Its achievements have to do with pointing the way not to perfect summation (Samuel Beckett's "vain entelechies" but to that which must still be transcended.