
Also found in: Medical.
Related to Ental: entail, Intal, Entel


a.1.(Anat.) Pertaining to, or situated near, central or deep parts; inner; - opposed to ectal.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The policy's In cid ental Liability Coverages include: "Motorized Vehicle Coverage.
"This makes it amazing for gbut how ental n with Raisin help focus getting rid of stress - you aren't just using physical force, you're learning to deal with mental challenges, train others in the class as a team, and even evaluate and overcome opponents," "It's suitable for anyone, from any background or skill level - we start classes from age five," he continues.
All the samples were sealed and tr an spor ted to the LC W U Environm ental S c ience Laboratory for further analysis.
g but how ental n with "This makes it amazing for getting rid of stress - you aren't just using physical force, you're learning to deal with mental challenges, train others in the class as a team, and even evaluate and overcome opponents," "It's suitable for anyone, from any background or skill level - we start classes from age five," he continues.
Similarly, if these children are out of school, the matter lies with the education department, and when it comes to their physical and ental health, the department responsible for overseeing these kids is the health department.
Our locacommunity is now bereft of Stevie Marta scream but ental health.
uk), k you ental The one pictured is available from family-run Topstak (www.topstak.co.from both its Monmouth and Vale of Glamorgan showrooms.
ental The 46-yearold was the early bookies' favourite for the job when Koeman was sacked in October, but Dyche has said there was no contact.
Em Rego & Isidro-Filho (2013), identificam-se as competencias profissionais necessarias para o desempenho exemplar de advogados de um escritorio de advocacia do Distrito Federal, resultando em 4 (quatro) areas: operacao do Direito, aprendizagem, clientes e comportam ental.