Supplemental bill

Also found in: Legal.
(Equity) a bill filed in aid of an original bill to supply some deffect in the latter, or to set forth new facts which can not be done by amendment.

See also: Supplemental

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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"House Republicans should not vote for the BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill which hurts our States, Farmers & Border Security," Trump tweeted.
Senate seat occupied by Dayton's ex-lieutenant governor, Tina Smithwants to it resurrected.<br />"I am not going to stop just because session ended and the governor vetoed the supplemental bill with elder care in it," Housely said.
Most sessions, the Texas Legislature does not fully fund the cost of state programs, so lawmakers must typically pass a supplemental bill to cover the rest.
The lower chamber approved the supplemental bill with 183 votes, 12 against and zero abstentions.
For these reasons, the supplemental bill is credit positive.
An additional $37 billion supplemental bill to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was expected to pass Congress in the spring of 2010, but has been delayed by the House of Representatives after passing the Senate.
At "our normal procurement of one system per year, I think you can see how long that would take," the office's director, Michael Kostelnik, told the House Homeland Security Committee's subcommittee on border, maritime and global counterterrorism, prior to the supplemental bill passing.
The Senate version of the supplemental bill did not request additional FY2010 funds for DOE's Loan Guarantee Program (LGP) but the May HAC majority and the June House leadership proposals both would appropriate $180 million to support innovative energy technology projects in the LGP.
The US Senate has passed another bill that envisages $ 349 million economic and social support for Pakistan as part of a $ 60 billion war supplemental bill for Afghan operations.
The PCCF funding became a fight during the debate over the last supplemental bill, when senior Senators tried to move it from DOD to State but were forced to delay that move by one year because State did not have the capacity yet to deal with the funds.
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