supplementary facilities

supplementary facilities

Facilities required at a particular location to provide a specified minimum of support for reinforcing forces, which exceed the facilities required to support in-place forces.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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With its campuses equipped with standard academic and supplementary facilities, SES ensures an immersive learning environment for the students.
Alavi, who is a member of NPC's board of directors, said a certain portion of the output will be consumed as feedstock by supplementary facilities and 40 to 50% of the output will be sold on the domestic and international market as end products.
Many natural gas pipelines spun off supplementary facilities such as gathering systems, treating and processing plants, storage centers and marketing operations.
As pictured, different work had to be done in the spheres of the processing plant and supplementary facilities as well as in the development of the technological conditions.
The Federal Minister for Postal Services, Mir Israr Ullah Zehri aid that supplementary facilities will be provided to Pakistan Posts officials and their problems would be solved on priority basis.
'At the same time, each incumbent is better placed than any of its local competitors to offer all the supplementary facilities and applications that will be accessed.'
In a series of projects, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is designing and reconstructing roads and supplementary facilities for Grand Teton National Park.
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