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n. Linguistics
The use of an unrelated form to complete a paradigm, as the past tense went of the verb go, goes, going, gone.

[From Latin supplētus, past participle of supplēre, to supply; see supply.]

sup·ple′tive adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In Estonian, this word is combined in one suppletive paradigm with the verb lahe- < Proto-Finnic *lakte- < Proto-Uralic *lakti- 'to go out, to go away' (cf.
dju debe (hjj) 'our children (not our own)' our child:PL (PL) The suppletive noun daba, pl.
The imperative takes no ending for the singular: b[epsilon]-rus 'sell!' bi-rij 'flee!' ba-paj 'cook!' bu-su 'go!' b[epsilon]u ([left arrow] b[epsilon]-gu) 'say!' hay ([left arrow] ha-gir) 'seize!'; note the irregular form bum 'come!' (with suppletive stems a- : ame-).
imperative and suppletive rules are rooted in ancient Roman law.
On pourrait donc en deduire une regle suppletive lui reconnaissant une duree perpetuelle >>).
The study carried out by Garcia Mayo and Villarreal Olaizola (2010) on the acquisition of inflectional morphology by secondary school learners of L3 English in a CLIL and a NON-CLIL context reported no significant differences between the groups in the development of suppletive and affixal tense and agreement morphemes (third person singular -r, past tense -ed and auxiliary and copula be).
He listed a few nouns that take a suppletive plural but argued that some plurals may look suppletive due to "obfuscating sound changes" (pp.79) but are not so from a historical point of view.
The duty of the present interest holder not to commit waste is suppletive in that law imposes the duty, even when not included in the original contract creating the estate, as mere default.