

(Textiles) trademark a type of synthetic fabric which is breathable, stretchable, and fast-drying, used esp for sportswear
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References in classic literature ?
For the speech breathes throughout a spirit of defiance, (ut non supplex aut reus sed magister aut dominus videretur esse judicum' (Cic.
The purchase includes a robust portfolio of highly respected consumer and trade brands: Lycra, Lycra HyFit, Lycra T400, L by Lycra, Coolmax, Thermolite, Elaspan, Supplex, Tactel, and Terathane.
(32) El titulo completo de hecho es Supplex exhortatio, ad invictiss.
The Shield were clearly the double header's main draw and before Reigns' showdown with Triple H, their popularity was palpable in an audience dominated by feverish wrestling fans largely made up of children that bought into every supplex, hip toss and pantomime villain.
During the period of Austro-Hungarian dualism, the leaders of the Transylvanian Romanians' national emancipation movement related to the demographic factor broadly along the lines of the strategy used in the famous memorandum of 1791 Supplex Libellus Valachorum, but there were also new nuances and references to the manner of collecting data about the population, etc.
ZAAZEE describe one of the key features of their activewear as supreme stretch - thanks to the SUPPLEX and elastane fabric - for an optimum fit and comfort.
ZaaZEsE describe one of the key features of their activewear as supreme stretch - thanks to the SUPPLEX and elastane fabric - for an optimum fit and comfort.
Bach's opening of Wq 215 apparently served as a model for the "Oro supplex" section (mm.