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Related to supplemental: Supplemental Security Income


sup′ple·men·tar′i·ty (-târ′ĭ-tē) n.
sup′ple·men′ta·ry (-mĕn′tə-rē, -trē), sup′ple·men′tal (-mĕn′tl) adj.
sup′ple·men·ta′tion (-mĕn-tā′shən) n.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Agent or procedure added to complete, extend, or reinforce something.
[L. supplementum, fr. suppleo, to fill, + -mentum, noun suffix]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Including the regular monthly and supplemental cash dividends declared to date, Main Street will have paid USD 25.67 per share in cumulative cash dividends since its October 2007 initial public offering at USD 15.00 per share.
In August 2018, Incyte submitted a supplemental NDA for ruxolitinib intended to treat patients with acute GVHD.
Sana naman hiling lang po namin na bilisan na nila ang pag-approve ng supplemental budget (We keep on asking the Senate.
Concurrently, the terms and conditions for the variable purchase price have been adjusted so that the period during which the earnings-based threshold values for the supplemental purchase price are to be achieved also includes the first half of 2020.
He pointed out a supplemental budget has to have an 'overwhelming justification-the justification and source of financing have to be clear.'
Joseph Victor Ejercito aired his disappointment over the failure by the Senate to approve or at least take up the supplemental budget, which he said could ease the suffering being endured by the families of the individuals administered the anti-dengue vaccine.
The executive branch has not yet submitted the supplemental budget as, according to Dayanghirang, the committee is looking at the financial standing of the city.
The supplemental security update is available for Mac devices that are running OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan with Security Update 2016-003 installed.
In total, nearly 30 percent of the studied K-Series eligible first-mortgage population has either defeased or taken on supplemental debt, KBRA reported.
In a press conference in Khartoum on Tuesday, the deputy chairman of NUP Mariam al-Mahdi said the Sudan Call awaits a formal response from the AUHIP chief Thabo Mbeki, expressing hope that the mediation appreciates the demands of the opposition that has been included in the supplemental agreement.
Key words: buteo, electrocution, perch deterrent, raptor, rehabilitation, supplemental perch
Staffing industry veterans and Vistria operating partners, Greg Palmer and Ron Malone, will serve on Supplemental Health Care's board of directors as chairperson and vice-chairperson, respectively.

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