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a. either of a pair of angles whose sum is 180°
b. an arc of a circle that when added to another arc forms a semicircle
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in classic literature ?
"That's right," her brother supplemented. "An' I know for a fact that he keeps a keg in the house all the time as well."
"Oh, I forgot to say; he will work," she supplemented eagerly.
The Reader will probably understand from these two instances how -- after a very long training supplemented by constant experience -- it is possible for the well-educated classes among us to discriminate with fair accuracy between the middle and lowest orders, by the sense of sight.
I accordingly engaged a room in the house of a lady of pure French extraction and education, who supplements the shortcomings of an income insufficient to the ever-growing demands of the Parisian system of sense-gratification, by providing food and lodging for a limited number of distinguished strangers.
He gave money for the erection of temples and supplemented as far as he could the collection of alms, in regard to which the majority of members were stingy and irregular.
"We're trying to find his owner," supplemented the third.
"There is," Passmore continued, "in the foreign district of London a man named Emil Sachs, who keeps a curious sort of a wine-shop, and supplements his earnings by disposing at a high figure of certain rare and deadly poisons.
It was a fair size, but it looked quite large, since there was hardly any furniture in it; there was no carpet on the floor; there were no pictures on the walls; and most rooms had something, photographs or supplements in cheap frames from the Christmas numbers of the illustrated papers.
The correspondents wrote it up, and once more Burning Daylight, King of the Klondike, was sensationally featured in the Sunday supplements of the United States.
Con- trasting vividly with this ruin was the neat dresser, stained in the fashion, pale green, and with a number of copper and tin vessels below it, the wallpaper imitating blue and white tiles, and a couple of coloured supplements fluttering from the walls above the kitchen range.
"I saw his head after you'd turned it over to the Commissioner at Tulagi," Van Horn supplemented.
The issue of when to take a calcium supplement was covered and other dietary considerations that may impair calcium absorption were discussed.