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How to share your FM24 tactic on

Step by step instructions on how to successfully submit your Football Manager 2024 tactic and have it published fast.

By Updated on Oct 23, 2023   716254 views   11 comments
Site Assistant - How to share your FM24 tactic on
If you have a winning tactic that you have created yourself, you should consider sharing it with the Football Manager community. A lot of people are not very comfortable with creating good tactics of their own, so they're always looking to try ready-made tactics.

But not everyone is familiar with using our site. With this article I'm hoping to guide you through the whole process of uploading your tactic here, adding screenshots to your submission and finally give you some quick tips on good practices for your presentation.

When someone is looking to download a tactic, presentation is of crucial importance. You need to convince our visitors that your tactic is worth trying.

Remember that you need a free member account here in order to submit a file. All you need to sign up is your email address, a username and a password.

Step 1 - Uploading your tactic file

First you need to upload your tactic file to an online location. The best place is your personal file space (members only) here on fmscout. Once you're there, click the "Upload Files" blue button on the left sidebar. Then choose your file and click Upload.

Alternatively, you can upload your tactic to a free file hosting site such as hostr. If you do that, make sure to copy/paste the link inside your submission form (see the next step).

Step 2 - Go to the FM24 Tactics submission form

You can find the link to the submission form on the FM24 Tactics area. It's located at the top of the left sidebar as a red button saying "Submit File" (members only).

Step 3 - Taking screenshots and uploading them

You should show some screenshots that showcase the details and the results of your tactic, especially the results.

You can take a screenshot by pressing Alt + F9 on your keyboard. Doing that should save a picture inside your screenshots folder which is located at Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\screenshots
Then you can upload these screenshots to FM Shots.

Alternatively, you can use a free screen capture tool such as gyazo or lightshot.

There's also a third option. Press Alt + PrtScn (Print Screen key) and then go to snipboard to paste your image (Ctrl + V).

Once you have uploaded all screenshots, copy/paste their links inside your submission form.

Step 4 - How to fill out the tactic submission form

Choosing a good title
The most important factor for a popular tactic is to have a catchy title. If you can't come up with a catchy title, at least make sure it's as accurate as possible. Using titles such as "The Best Tactic Ever" won't pass here.

A catchy title means using popular terms, such as "wonder", "tiki-taka", "possession", "goal machine", "domination" or similar. But if you do that, make sure it's justified, otherwise you won't receive many nice comments.

Presentation is everything
You should take a little time to write some text for your tactic. Explain a few things about how it works, what kind of players is best suited for and give some advice about training and team-talks if you can. Every bit of extra information can be valuable to those who are trying to decide whether to try your tactic or not.

Advanced settings
You can simply ignore these as I'm personally taking care of that.

Step 5 - Publish and wait

Once you're ready, click the red "Publish" button at the bottom of the submission form. An admin will see your article in the validation queue and will either publish it or ask you for some needed details before doing so. But if you follow the instructions above, 99% you tactic will get published fast.

That's it. I'm looking forward to seeing your submitted FM24 tactics on fmscout!

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I started FM Scout for fun in the distant 2004. I'm proud of how this place has grown into a vibrant community and I try my best to improve it every year. Husband and father of two.

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Discussion: How to share your FM24 tactic on

11 comments have been posted so far.

  • matias8822's avatar
    Hello, I want to present my tactics with which I managed to win the championship of Serie A with Udinese. Keep in mind that each footballer's attributes should fit more or less to the designated role, as I succeed I will leave download links here. Remember to train the player individually to the role assigned to him. After friendly matches, double the intensity of training, by the way, I will leave you a screen shot of how it should look like. Take care to get the team together as soon as possible and for morale too, and yes, some results hurt me, but you have to get along with such a game engine. And I leave you with some screenshots of the game. Matches were simulated with the instant button results button. Lets me know how the tactic works for you,

  • Aenema123's avatar
    hey adm can u take a look at my post? ty
  • n_pires's avatar
    how long it takes to accept the submitted tactic?
  • RupertBear40's avatar
    Hi i was hoping you can help? i've never uploaded a tactic, before and so i followed your instructions. As best as possible, I thought that i had published my tactic, how ever it dose not appear to have uploaded. On your tactic page. And the screen shot files that i uploaded, with my tactic. Are just in my files in my account, so i feel like i have done something wrong. could you please advise me as to what i can do
  • giody's avatar
    How is it possible to edit an uploaded tactic?
  • Lohse123's avatar
    Is there any way to know when/if my tactic that I submitted will be uploaded?
  • MoAadhil11's avatar
    Hey...I submitted a tactic 2 days ago and it's still not posted yet...please do check on it as I spent a lot of time writing the article for it and figuring out the tactic because I trusted you guys will post my tactic...I even followed all your tactic sharing instructions...please do look into it atleast
  • Pablito15's avatar
    Hi, is it possible to edit a tactic you've uploaded? I've tweaked the setup...
  • Shubham_pawar's avatar
    Hey admin, I've uploaded my tactic 1 day ago and it isn't approved yet. Can you please check
  • n_pires's avatar
    i tried to upload my tactic a few days ago but it seems it wasnt aproved... i want to know why please
  • Data Analyst's avatar
    Hello folks!! I play FM since 1996 :). It was CM2 that i got hooked, obviously for a life time. Played all issues and versions, did all the wonders you can imagine ( World Cup Final with Uzbekistan ;) ) along with this fantastic new FM17 really easy and succesfull. Took Metz FC, and after 2 seasons i have 4 silverware already and play CL regulary :)...but, but, but......I live in Serbia! And legal softers in Serbia are like unicorns. Excist only in stories, for the vast majority of us who work for 200 euros per month. So, i have cracked version which i bought from rich kid for 5 euros and cannot play it online and use the Steam as the game is connected to his Steam account. But, no force in the universe could stop me playing new version of FM, even under this hummiliating conditions. And it is such a shame as i can garantie to you that i can replicate any real life tactics in FM..and i do it, but no way for me to share it. So, i can show you only screen shots to convice you about my knowledge, because, even if i decide to leave my kids hungry for one month, still i have no place where nor the way how to purchase the legal software! No need to mention that my bank account is under embargo and how cheerfull is life in Serbia, transitioned in capitalism. I hope that you will find my work interesting, even only seen thru pics.
    From what i've seen on the web i'm sure that my interpretation of Conte's 343 is by far most similiar to actual Chelsea's look on the pitch. Not to mention,how killer narrow attacking based systems can be in FM17. Allegri's 4312 from the Milan period, with real, full Engache role is amazing, for example.......Hope i'll find many same minded FM fanatics here, as a have a ton of topics to discuss.
    Greetings from Serbia :P
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