On FM Scout you can chat about Football Manager in real time since 2011. Here are 10 reasons to join!

FM Scout Team

Meet our staff members. We're always on the lookout for new recruits; if you're good enough, we'll find you and invite you.

Written by   Updated on Published on   116200 views has been online since November 2004. The FM Scout Team members have changed throughout the years, but essentially this place is run by one person. Stam is the only one who remains the same since the very beginning; the founder and mastermind behind almost everything you see here.

The Founder

First Name: Stam
Age: 36
Team Role: "one man orchestra"
First FM/CM: CM 03-04
FM Specialty: Players Scout, Graphics, LLM

Tool Authors


First Name: Eugene
Age: 35
Team Role: Genie Scout author
First FM/CM: CM 01-02
FM Specialty: Coding, Players Scout, LLM
First Name: Thanos
Age: 37
Team Role: FMSE & MacAssistant author
First FM/CM: CM 01/02
FM Specialty: Coding
FMS Chat

hey, just wanted to let you know that we have a fb style chat for our members. login or sign up to start chatting.