On FM Scout you can chat about Football Manager in real time since 2011. Here are 10 reasons to join!

FM Scout Team Vacancies

Do you want to join our team? Check out the available positions and email us to apply!

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We believe the most valuable task you may undertake here is being a content creator. Fresh quality content is makes a real impact and drives our community forward. And you don't necessarily have to be a staff member to do that.

However, there are many more ways to contribute to FMSCOUT as part of our staff team. We have dozens of different tasks you could help with, should you be interested to join our team.

Content Coordinator
The next best thing after content creators. Your task is to validate article submissions (mainly downloadables, but also guides), to brainstorm on which new articles need to be made, and to ensure our content creators deliver their assigned articles on time.

Graphics Creator
So you're good with graphics and working on Photoshop feels as natural as drinking water. To be honest, you don't really have to be that good. We're mostly looking for kit makers, but also for people who are willing to create some simple story graphics based on user requests.

Forum Moderator
This is pretty self explanatory. Your task is to scour our forums once a day and make sure topics are posted in the most appropriate areas and take out spam on sight. As a bonus, you could edit topic titles for clarity, when they're too vague or misguided.

Social Media Manager
We currently need a few managers for our Facebook profiles. It's definitely not an easy task. You need to be terribly calm, somewhat talkative, reasonably engaging, and quite versatile. Yeah, I know this is too much. But hey, you have to represent FMSCOUT out there. Several targeted posts are required every single week (let's say 1 every 2 days as minimum).

Content Scout
This is more of a helper role. We need more eyes on what's being published around the scene, especially on SI forums and on foreign communities.

FM Mobile Expert
This actually applies to all above roles, except it has to be about Football Manager Mobile instead.

Newsletter Curator
Supposedly we should be sending out a weekly newsletter. Sadly, we've been unable to consistently deliver this every single week; in fact, it was more like monthly or worse. We need at least one dedicated individual who will pick which content will be featured there once a week. And if, by any magical chance, you could also write a mini newsletter exclusive article (300-500 words), we'd be blown away and immediately take this role off our vacancies page.

Live Chat Support
You'll get a fancy checkmark next to your username on our live chat; you just need to ensure our chat remains calm at all times and step in to stop any possible drama that comes up. Also known as peace keeper.

Interview Specialist
If you're studying to be a sports journalist, this could be ideal for you. You'll be conducting interviews with game developers and real footballers about their connection to Football Manager.

Steam Group Manager
We never had anyone to actively manage our group on Steam. Your task would involve talking to our group members as often as possible regarding things going on around the site and helping to run online cups.

If any of the above staff roles interests you, please send us an email.
FMS Chat

hey, just wanted to let you know that we have a fb style chat for our members. login or sign up to start chatting.