On FM Scout you can chat about Football Manager in real time since 2011. Here are 10 reasons to join!

Advertising on FM Scout

Reach thousands of football fans daily

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FM Scout helps thousands of people worldwide have a great time playing Football Manager.

Our exclusive apps for scouting and editing, our in-depth lists of the best players in-game, our insightful guides and the manager stories attract a huge community of passionate and highly engaged people in areas such as football, video games, sporting goods and more.

FM Scout is a world's leading fan site community for the Football Manager gaming series.

Why Advertise on FM Scout?

Are you seeking to reach a large audience of football fans who are tech-savvy, familiar with digital software, and keen to play, bet or buy online? Do you need a targeted and cost-effective way to build brand awareness, engage and inform your target audience, and attract more people to your site?

FM Scout can help you achieve your marketing objectives.

FM Scout offers a range of advertising and sponsorship options for relevant brands, including display advertising, sponsored articles, social media advertising, and other alternatives.

Ad Inventory on BuySellAds

We currently have a handful of ad units on offer there that you can pre-pay on BSA and get your ad shown here right away.
Most of them are CPM based and you can start a campaign for as low as $50.
Link: FM Scout on the BSA marketplace

Sponsored Posts on our Social profiles

We have the largest following on facebook and twitter in the Football Manager niche. Our main facebook page counts over 205,000 fans and over 70,000 followers on twitter. That is a great advertising opportunity for you.
Boosting your sponsored post to reach a much wider audience can be arranged on facebook.

Contact us

Our advertising representative would be happy to discuss your needs, provide you with our statistics, and propose how we can help you. Send us your message at ads [AT] fmscout [DOT] com and we'll be in touch soon.
FMS Chat

hey, just wanted to let you know that we have a fb style chat for our members. login or sign up to start chatting.