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Boars, Wolves, Lox, and Asksvins can be tamed to make them friendly with the players and help against fighting other hostile creatures. Chickens/Hens are already tamed once they've hatched from an egg. They can also be bred, which enables easy access to their drops. Tamed wolves can be commanded to guard a specific place or to follow into a battle. Tamed lox can be ridden.

Tamed creatures keep their stars and will pass them to their offspring. This makes 2-star creatures very valuable for taming for their increased drops and combat ability.


Both taming and breeding require the creatures to be fed. Creatures check for food every 10 seconds if the following conditions are true:

  • The creature must not be fleeing (boars from fire, nighttime wolves during the day or event creatures after the event).
  • The creature must either not be alerted (red indicator) or it cannot have a target. Being aware does not prevent eating (yellow indicator).
  • The creature must be hungry.
  • The closest valid food item within 10 meters can be reached with pathfinding.

After successfully eating, the creature stays fed for 10 minutes. Food expires faster when players sleep.


  • Creatures can only be alerted without a target after their target dies. Other cases of losing the target also remove the alert status.
  • Event creatures can only eat food when calm and aware of the player (yellow icon). When fully calm, they will attempt to flee instead. The easiest way is to trap them in a hole, wait until the event ends, wait until they calm down and then create some noise by running to make them aware.
  • Nighttime creatures like starred wolves must be initially fed during the night. If it is day time, the player must trap the wolf and wait nearby to prevent it from despawning. It will not eat until night.
  • Failing the pathfinding check prevents eating even if the food is within the eating range.
    • Lox will not eat if there is a roof too close to them. This is because their pathfinding is based on size of Trolls.
    • Automatic breeders require a specific design, as the creatures usually stand on an area that is not valid for pathfinding (wood poles or small floors).
Creature Feeding Habits
Creature Required Food Eating Range
Boar Blueberries, Carrots, Onions, Raspberries, Red Mushrooms or Turnips 1 meter
Wolf Boar meat, Deer meat, Lox meat, Neck tail, Raw fish or Sausages 1.4 meters
Lox Barley, Cloudberries or Flax 4 meters
Hen Carrot seeds, Turnip seeds, Onion seeds, Beech seeds, Birch seeds, Barley, or Dandelion 1 meter
Asksvin Smoke puff, Vineberry cluster, Fiddlehead 1 meter



A boar with the acclimatizing status and taming progress.

Taming progresses every three seconds if the following conditions are true:

  • The creature is not hungry.
  • The creature is not alerted (no red exclamation mark).
  • The area is active (any player within ~64 meters, exact distance depends on the underlying zone system).

Yellow hearts indicate successful taming progress. Progress is also shown on the creature hover text, but this requires getting very close, which often alerts the creature.

Taming always requires 600 successful ticks (30 minutes). When taming is finished, a message is shown on the screen.


  • Creatures only eat one item from stacks, so the food does not have to be thrown one by one. Player base structures can be used to prevent the food from despawning.
  • Creatures become alerted if they become aggressive to another creature. Boars also become alerted when too close to a source of fire.
  • Most creatures are only visible when they are in an active area (except Lox). If you can see the boar or wolf, then you are close enough.
  • First tick of taming will remove "despawn" flags from event and nighttime creatures.
    • This also allows nighttime wolves to eat during the day.
  • If taming is done without interruption, only three food items are needed.
  • Sleeping does not make taming faster but will waste the food.


While not strictly necessary, it is highly recommended to construct a pen for containing creatures intended for taming. This prevents them from wandering off or being damaged by other creatures. Additionally, by keeping the creatures out of line of sight from the player, there is a much lower chance of them becoming frightened and aggressive, which can prolong the taming process. A simple hole dug in the ground with a pickaxe works best, as luring creatures into a pen often leads to them becoming hostile. Hostile creatures will attempt to damage structures if they cannot reach the player. This is especially concerning with creatures like lox, which can inflict significant damage and quickly destroy even stone buildings. Once a pen has been built, a player can either aggro the creature and lead them inside while being chased, or use the Abyssal harpoon to drag them in.


Taming applies following changes to creatures:

  • They can be renamed with LShift + E.
  • They can be interacted with E to show the text "(Creature name) loves you" onscreen as well as a cloud of pink hearts.
  • Boars are no longer afraid of fire.
  • Wolves can be commanded to stay or follow. However, they will not follow through portals.
    • Follow state seems to be sometimes lost and may require "refreshing" it once in a while.
  • Wolves no longer howl (does not apply to pups).
  • Lox allow riding with a Lox saddle.
  • They change their faction to the player faction.
    • Players can only harm them with Butcher knife or after enabling friendly fire.
    • They will not attack any other tamed creatures.
    • They will attack any wild creatures, except their own species.
  • They lose anchoring to their spawn point which allows them to move more freely.
    • Note: Boars from abandoned farms and Runestones will keep their anchor point. They will always try to return home, which makes handling them difficult. It's recommended to breed these on the spot and move the offspring instead.
  • They require feeding for the passive health regeneration.


Breeding is checked every 30 seconds. Creatures gain a love point if the following conditions are true:

  • Random roll of 33% succeeds.
  • The creature is not hungry.
  • The creature is not alerted (no red exclamation mark).
  • Total number of creatures and offspring is less than the limit (including the creature itself).
  • Suitable partner exists nearby (tamed, not hungry, not pregnant).
  • The area is active (any player within ~64 meters, exact distance depends on the underlying zone system).

Successful love point is indicated by pink hearts. After gaining enough love points, the creature becomes pregnant, which is not visualized. After a set time, the creature gives birth, visualized by a red cloud.


  • Offspring inherit stars from the parent that gives birth to it. If a one star and a two star both give birth, there will be a one star and a two star offspring.
  • Offspring are tame at birth and require a Butcher knife or friendly fire to kill.
  • Offspring cannot be interacted with (no renaming or commanding) until they become an adult.
  • Sleeping does not make breeding faster but will waste the food.
  • Pregnancy timer is affected by sleeping or being away, but is short enough to get any real benefit from it.
  • Offspring grow while sleeping or being away.
  • Eggs can be kept warm by a heat source to hatch chickens, requiring an additional breeding step compared to the other tameable animals.
  • Maximum number of hens for consistent egg laying seems to be eight.
  • An unlimited number of eggs can be hatched in an area by keeping them warm. The population limitation only applies to egg laying, where the sum of hens, chickens, and eggs is checked.
  • The population limit for Hens, Chickens, and Eggs is inconsistent and numbers between 10 and 15 are possible.
Creature properties
Creature Required love points Total limit Partner check range Pregnancy duration Birth offset Offspring grow time Offspring drops
Boar 3 5 within 10 meters 3 meters 1 minute 1 meter 50 minutes None
Wolf 3 4 within 10 meters 3 meters 1 minute 1 meter 50 minutes None
Lox 4 4 within 20 meters 8 meters 2 minutes 2 meters 100 minutes 1 Lox meat
Hen 3 14 within 12 meters 4 meters 60 - 90 seconds 30 minutes for warm Egg to hatch to Chicken

50 minutes for Chicken to grow to Hen

1 Feathers
Askvin 3 10 within 10 meters 90 seconds 30 minutes for warm egg to hatch to Asksvin Hatchling

50 minutes for Asksvin Hatchling to grow to Asksvin
