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Related to MUSIC: gospel music


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Multicenter Ultrasound Stenting In Coronary Artery Disease
Musclo Skeletal Intervention Center
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References in classic literature ?
When he spoke the music changed and the words seemed to accompany the notes.
"It is classical music, and is considered the best and most puzzling ever manufactured.
But Frieda, listening to Classical Music, could not respond.
I was at a concert in Munich one night, the people were streaming in, the clock-hand pointed to seven, the music struck up, and instantly all movement in the body of the house ceased--nobody was standing, or walking up the aisles, or fumbling with a seat, the stream of incomers had suddenly dried up at its source.
And still the noble Sonata went pealing through the room: but it was Arthur's masterly touch that roused the echoes, and thrilled my very soul with the tender music of the immortal 'Sonata Pathetique': and it was not till the last note had died away that the tired but happy traveler could bring himself to utter the words "good-night!" and to seek his much-needed pillow.
Browning has renounced the selfish serenities of wild-wood and dream-palace; he has fared up and down among men, listening to the music of humanity, [51] observing the acts of men, and he has sung what he has heard, and he has painted what he has seen.
The low passion of the music rippled from the stage, through the senses and into the hearts of many of the listeners.
So, Delia said she must give music lessons to keep the chafing dish bubbling.
"You really have enjoyed the music to-night, haven't you Maggie?"
At the piano, he swayed in time to the music, and when he was not playing, his body kept up this motion, like an empty mill grinding on.
Here one might gaze up the green rocky defile through which the Sly made pebbly music, and through which wound romantic walks and natural galleries, where far inland you might wander
He now seated himself by her, and talked so agreeably of Kent and Hertfordshire, of travelling and staying at home, of new books and music, that Elizabeth had never been half so well entertained in that room before; and they conversed with so much spirit and flow, as to draw the attention of Lady Catherine herself, as well as of Mr.