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Musi (mo͞oˈsē), river, c.325 mi (520 km) long, rising in the Pegunungan Barisan, S Sumatra, Indonesia. It flows SE to Palembang (head of oceangoing navigation), then northeast through the swampy coastal plain to the Bangka Strait. The Rawas River is its chief tributary. Rubber and a variety of tropical crops are raised in the valley.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a river on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. It measures about 500 km long and drains an area of about 57,000 sq km. It rises in the Barisan Mountains. In its middle and lower reaches, the Musi intersects a marshy low-lying plain. As it empties into the Bangka Strait, the Musi forms a delta. Its source is rainwater; water is abundant throughout the year. The Musi is generally navigable to 360 km from its mouth; sea vessels, however, are too large to sail more than 85 km upstream, and thus cannot go beyond Palembang. The plain drained by the Musi River is one of Sumatra’s important agricultural regions.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The name Musicool is taken from the name of the Musi River, the place of production of this cooling product.
Summary: Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Aug 20 (ANI): An unidentified individual was found dead in Hyderabad's Musi River on Monday.
They had helped him dispose off the body in Musi River.
In 2013, for example, in an eerily similar tragedy to Germanwings, a plane crash in Mozambique that killed 33 people on board was deemed intentional, except in this case it was the co-pilot who was locked out of the cockpit, and the pilot who crashed the plane, apparently because in the weeks preceding the tragedy, he had been "depressed" and having "marital problems." Similarly, in 1977, SilkAir Flight 185, a scheduled flight from Jakarta to Singapore, crashed into the Musi River in southern Sumatra with 97 passengers on board.
December 1997: All 104 people onboard are killed when a plane operated by Singaporebased SilkAir crashes into the Musi River in southern Sumatra en route from Jakarta to Singapore.
Meghashyam, an anaesthesiologist, lost his grip on his child and she fell into the fast-moving Musi river near Hyderabad.
He lost his grip on Manvi, who was standing on a parapet, and she fell into the fast-moving Musi river near Hyderabad.
"My husband took the children to Musi River to show the difference between a full river and a city-based river."
The term Venesia dari Timur is an apt title for a book on the history of Palembang, which lies on the banks of the Musi River. Historically, small streams and rivers deriving from the Musi also divided the city into deltas of land so that it was not only known as Venice of the East but also as the City of Twenty Islands.
The city of Hydrabad, some 600km southeast of Mumbai on the banks of the Musi River is today India's fifth largest city with a population of 8 million.
An alternative to Chennai is Hyderabad, a city rich with tradition and history, located in Southern India on the banks of the Musi River and on the Deccan Plateau.
So, it petitioned the government that the flyover be named after Mahatma Gandhi, since it passes over the Gandhi Memorial, where there is a Samadhi of Gandhiji's ashes on the banks of Musi river.