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(MultiUser Shared Hallucination) See MUD.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Then I can have Omega-3, chips and mushy peas any time I like.
5 For the tartare sauce, mix ingredients, adjust seasoning to taste and serve with the fish, chips and mushy peas.
Like many menu staples, the presentation has moved on from inky newspaper to slate boards, chips in mini buckets, smudges of mushy peas and lemons wrapped in muslin.
Known as Mushy, he was unable to talk before English teacher Matthew Burton helped him regain his voice and make an emotional end of term speech.
At the parlour, which has been going since 1931, you'll also find an ice cream flavoured with mushy peas, and another with Marmite.
DAVID Ottewell's article "The Death of the Third Way" ( The Gazette 27.12.17) raises some very important points about voting patterns in 2015 and 2017, and what they might indicate in terms of supposed "third way politics" and the "mushy middle" of the centre ground .
Cod and chips twice with two pots of mushy peas is PS11.50 and not only good value but you get plenty for four people to share, too.
Batchelors Mushy Peas, official partner of the 2016 First Utility Super League and the UK's favourite canned peas brand, is offering Chronicle readers the chance to attend Dacia Magic Weekend in style!
Mushy peas, lemon wedges and 4 level tbsp tartare sauce, to serve 1 Preheat the oven to 200degC/Fan 180degC/Gas 6.