

a.1.(Bot.) Having a cylindrical body with a convex head of larger diameter; having a head like that of a mushroom.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The modular includes a selection of square and round indicators, pushbuttons, rotary switches, emergency stops, and mushroom-headed pushbuttons.
(It should be noted that in most ethnographically documented cultures, mushrooms and other hallucinogenic substances were considered the catalyst, not the source, of the shaman's visions; instead, it was believed that they merely made the visions possible by opening communication with the Other World.) To have a mushroom-headed figure emerging from a drum which is actually a rattle is an indication of the relationship between music, the shaman's visions, and the need to see beyond superficial appearances.
The PITestop range of mushroom-headed emergency and area stop pushbutton switches is available with a wide range of options.
Beneath the pitch, which is supported by a forest of mushroom-headed concrete columns, lies a private subterranean realm of parking and players' facilities.