mushroom poisoning

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Noun1.mushroom poisoning - toxic condition caused by eating certain species of mushrooms (especially Amanita species)
food poisoning, gastrointestinal disorder - illness caused by poisonous or contaminated food
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References in periodicals archive ?
Outbreak of mushroom poisoning caused by Amanita bisporigera, the eastern American destroying angel--Minnesota, 2006.
The third edition adds information on mushroom poisoning, Zika virus infection, water supply contamination in Flint, colony collapse disorder among honey bees, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Poison mushrooms: At least 12 people have so far died this spring of mushroom poisoning across Iran.
In perhaps the most well known case of mushroom poisoning in Oregon, five people who accidentally ate "death cap" mushrooms in a stir fry at a Portland dinner party in 1988 ended up suffering various degrees of liver failure; four of them had to have liver transplants.
In addition to profiles on individual species, "Mushrooms of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada" also includes a general discussion and definition of fungi; information on where to find mushrooms and guidelines on collecting them; an overview of fungus ecology; and a discussion on mushroom poisoning and how to avoid it.
There were two mortalities (1.7%), both patients were for mushroom poisoning. While this finding may reflect selective consulting by healthcare professionals seeking expert opinion for severe cases, severe and fatal cases continue to constitute a considerable amount of poisonings despite the decrease in total number of patients consulted.
Mushroom poisoning cases are frequently reported from Upper Assam during the monsoon season.
(172) Poisonous mushrooms are scattered in Iran, especially in Guilan, where mushroom poisoning has a relatively high prevalence due to the specific climate appropriate for fungal growth and local markets and villagers who collect and sell wild mushrooms.
For some reason, mushroom poisoning is also briefly mentioned in this chapter.