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Abbreviation for:
charitable incorporated organisation
Chief Information Officer (Medspeak-UK)
Confederation of Indian Organisations (!) (Medspeak-UK)
corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Chief information officer. See Information systems.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
That's not to say there's no room for a technologist in the role of CIO. Andrew Burchett, CIO at UHIN, came up through the ranks in a path more typical of a CTO, including time spent in network engineering and systems architecture.
"CIOs are moving from experimentation to scaling their digital business initiatives." In this context, the challenge for CIOs is to grow these initiatives to deliver economies of scale and scope.
"Jiohn Skjervcem"-we assume they meant CIO of the Oregon State Treasury John Skjervem-also received exactly one write-in mention.
Previously, the company won a CIO 20 Award from CIO Middle East in 2010; and a CIO 50 Award from CIO Middle East in 2011.
The recipients of this year's CIO 100 award were selected through a three-step process.
Forrester and The Harvard Business Review will produce content for the site that will appear along with articles from CIO and Network World.
"The CIO 50 Forum and Awards will look to identify the IT leaders within organisations who have taken bold steps over the last year to fulfil organisational requirements.
Saleh Janeeh, Chairman of DQG, said: "The CIO Arabia Subgroup will provide a platform for senior IT decision makers to network, share knowledge and expertise with the aim of improving the utilisation of information technology in the region."
Maryfran Johnson, Editor-in-Chief of CIO Magazine & Events, said, 'This year's CIO 100 awards draws well-deserved attention to companies that are not only innovating with IT but creating genuine business value as well.
CIO Summit Russia & CIS 2011 is an exclusive C-level event reserved for 100 participants that includes expert workshops, facilitated roundtables, peer-to-peer networks and co-ordinated meetings.
Public Technology Institute (PTI) has published "CIO Leadership for Cities & Counties: Emerging Trends & Practices," a new book to help local elected leaders, city and county managers and local government chief information officers (CIOs) navigate the major technology, management and policy issues they face in a constantly changing environment.