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CINVESTAVCentro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados
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Dangl (E) 307 [Rif.sup.-], nd 4 Cinvestav UI (F) 308 [Rif.sup.-], nd 5 Cinvestav UI (G) CFBP1637 [Rif.sup.-], nd 6 CFBP (H)438* [Rif.sup.-], [Cor.sup.+] 3 Cinvestav UI nd.
what wave lengths (colours) have increased light absorption) at the Cinvestav. We also determined how much the laser penetrates them whether it only touched the surface or if it penetrated the seeds," the physicist stated.
Mathematicians celebrate 50 years of mathematics at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Mexico City (Cinvestav) by focusing on the work of Lefschetz (1884-1972), who lectured there for half the year for many years.
Canada) and Valeri Kontorovich (CINVESTAV, Mexico) describe multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems as the most potent technique for increasing the capacity of wireless channels.