Giraldi, Giovanni Battista

(redirected from Cinzio)

Giraldi, Giovanni Battista

Giraldi, Giovanni Battista (jōvänˈnē bät-tēsˈtä jērälˈdē), 1504–73, Italian author, known also as Cinthio, Cintio, Cinzio, or Cyntius. He wrote tragedies, lyric verse, and tales. Some of the stories in his Ecatommiti [one hundred tales] (1565) were translated by Whetstone and other 16th-century English writers. Shakespeare derived from them the plots of Othello and Measure for Measure.
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rinascimentale di Giraldi Cinzio, il figlio ammonisce il padre che non
In the second chapter, "Fashioning a Genealogy: the Rhetoric of Friendship and Female Virtue in Italian Renaissance Tragedy," Coller points out the role of friendship in Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio's Ecatommiti and examines the theme of friendship between women as a part of the plot development in Giraldi's Selene and Eufimia.
"Blame-by-praise Irony in the Ecatommiti of Giraldi Cinzio." Quaderni d'italianistica 6.2 (1985): 178-92.
Me lance con pasion a leer los libros y articulos de Arsenio Frugoni, Raoul Manselli, Cinzio Violante, Giovanni Miccoli y otros.
(17) In the words of Madeleine Doran, Drayton responded "sympathetically" to the inspirational doctrine set forth in "the Ion, the Phaedrus, and the Laws," and she connects his lines to Marlowe's "poetic vision." (18) Drayton aligns Marlowe with the first poets and attributes to him "that fine madness," or furor poeticus, discussed primarily by the philosopher and translator of Plato, Marsilio Ficino, in his work on the frenzies in late quattrocento Florence, and propagated by Italian cinquecento theorists like Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio, julius Caesar Scaliger, and their followers in England.
"Los Hecatommithi de Giraldi Cinzio en Espana." Asociacion Internacional del Siglo de Oro, Actas III (1993).
The appointment of Angelo Pollina closes the organisational reshuffle in Arkimedica's Contract Division after the leaving of Cinzio Barazzoni.
Zanin goes on to examine how Italian and French playwrights, from Giraldi Cinzio to Pierre Corneille, worked through the moral dilemma presented by the play's subject.