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Sintra or Cintra (both: sēnˈtrə), town (1991 pop. 20,750), Lisboa dist., W Portugal, in Estremadura. The region has orange groves and vineyards as well as marble quarries, but Cintra is known primarily for its beautiful mountain location. The view is superb, and Cintra has been rapturously described not only by Portuguese writers but also by Byron and other foreigners. It flourished as a Moorish city, and there are still ruins of a Moorish castle. With Lisbon it was permanently retaken from the Moors by Alfonso I in 1147 and thereafter was a favorite residence of the Portuguese monarchs. Cintra has a royal palace (15th–16th cent.) and an old convent surrounded by a lovely park. Near the town, in the Peninsular War, the Convention of Cintra was agreed upon (1808) by the French, British, and Portuguese.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(also Cintra), a city in Portugal, in the district of Lisbon, in the region of Estremadura. Population, 25,800 (1970). Sintra was a royal residence in former times. The city is a popular tourist center. Marble is quarried in the vicinity. [23–1294–]

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


a town in central Portugal, near Lisbon, in the Sintra mountains: noted for its castles and palaces and the beauty of its setting: tourism
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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According toReading Borough Council, the group first arrived in the park in Cintra Avenue on Monday, August 5.
On another occasion, Cintra took the pupil on a night out when the teen drank again - then let him sleep in the teachers' accommodation.
Mr Cintra was sacked by the school in the north of Scotland after the incidents came to light.
Cintra won the In-Country Payroll Provider of the Year, seeing off international competition from seven other shortlisted companies.
With an annual turnover currently in excess of GBP 3.5m, Cintra Translation operates a round-the-clock, 365 day-a-year service, supplying qualified interpreters and translators skilled in over 100 languages for public sector and commercial clients.
Their endeavours have gone from strength to strength, as does their commitment to supporting charity Last Christmas, Cintra donated a tree to St Oswald's which several members of staff came in and decorated.
Eduardo Cintra Torres, A Multidao e a Televisao: representacoes contemporaneas da efervescencia colectiva, Lisboa, Universidade Catolica Editora, 2013.
Payne was close to tears after she came in 14th in one hour 58 minutes 25.8 seconds - Brazilian pair Poliana Okimoto Cintra and Ana Marcela Cunha took the top two plaS ces.