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CIO may refer to:


  • Central Imagery Office, a predecessor of the American National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • Central Intelligence Office, the national intelligence agency of the former Republic of Vietnam
  • Central Intelligence Organisation, the national intelligence agency of Zimbabwe
  • Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, a Mexican research center in optics
  • Charitable incorporated organisation, a form of legal entity for non-profits in the United Kingdom
  • Congress of Industrial Organizations, a former American trade union federation (also known as the Committee of Industrial Organization)
  • Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials, a government agency of South Korea
  • Credit and Investments Ombudsman, an Australian dispute resolution service
  • International Olympic Committee (French: Comité International Olympique)


  • Chairman-in-Office, is an official of a member state holding the presidency of an international organization
  • Chief information officer, the head of information technology
  • Chief innovation officer, the head of innovation, responsible for innovation management
  • Chief investment officer, the head of investments
  • Commonwealth Chairperson-in-Office, the Chairperson-in-Office of the Commonwealth of Nations

Other uses

  • Charitable Incorporated Organisation, a legal form of business in the United Kingdom
  • CIO magazine, both print and online
  • Concurrent input/output, a feature in the JFS file system
  • Conventional International Origin, a conventionally defined reference axis of the pole's average location
  • "Cry it out", an aspect of the Ferber method for solving childhood sleep problems
  • City One station, Hong Kong, MTR station code

See also

  • All pages with titles beginning with CIO
  • All pages with titles containing CIO
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