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CONSOLS, Eng. law. This is an abbreviation for consolidated annuities. Formerly when a loan was made, authorized by government, a particular part of the revenue was appropriated for the payment of the interest and of the principal. This was called the fund, and every loan had its fund. In this manner the Aggregate fund originated in 1715; the South Sea fund, in 1717; the General fund, 1617 and the Sinking fund, into which the surplus of these three funds flowed, which, although destined for the diminution of the national debt, was applied to the necessities of the government. These four funds were consolidated into one in the year 1787, under the name of consolidated fund.
     2. The income arises from the receipts on account of excise, customs, stamps, and other, perpetual taxes. The charges on it are the interest on and the redemption of the public debt; the civil list; the salaries of the judges and officers of state, and the like.
     3. The annual grants on account of the army and navy, and every part of the revenue which is considered temporary, are excluded from this fund.
     4. Those persons who lent the money to the government, or their assigns, are entitled to an annuity of three per cent on the amount lent, which, however, is not to be returned, except at the option of the government so that the holders of consols are simply annuitants.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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In 1751, Sampson Gideon, a brilliant Jewish-British financier, persuaded Prime Minister Henry Pelham to convert most of the outstanding British government debt into 3 percent Consolidated Annuities (the famous Consols).
The Consols were therefore an attractive investment.
There was then strong demand for new issues of Consols throughout the major wars over the course of the following 50-plus years--the Seven Years War, the American Wars, and the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815, with short remissions).
The Consols enabled Britain to finance heavy military expenditures when its rival France, which had no such mechanism, was unable to do so without financially crippling itself.
These drawings(4) by Joseph Michael Gandy are intended to show the construction and the (as yet unexecuted) finished state of the Consols Transfer Office at the Bank of England.
It a not a semi-conventional record of construction like the drawings of the Consols Office.