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an association of organizations formed to represent and advance their joint interests. In INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS there are both TRADE UNION federations, for example the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, and federations of EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATIONS, for example ENGINEERING EMPLOYERS' FEDERATION.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson
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Alone of all the once-mighty federation the Sarians and the Amozites with a few other tribes continued to maintain their defiance of the Mahars; but these tribes were still divided among themselves, nor had it seemed at all probable to Perry when he had last been among them that any attempt at re-amalgamation would be made.
It is being knit together into a stupendous Bell System--a federation of self-governing companies, united by a central company that is the busiest of them all.
- The Tunisian Federation of Motorcycling and Associated Disciplines,
The representatives of the Football Federation of Kyrgyz Republic participated in a seminar on technical development and professionalism of the Football Federations of Central Asia, which was held on March 12-14 in Tashkent.According to the Football Federation of Kyrgyz Republic, the seminar was attended by representatives of FIFA and the experts of football federations from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.During the visit, the participants discussed several issues concerning the technical development, networking and professionalism of the football federations of Central Asia.Kyrgyzstan was represented by Secretary General of Football Federation of Kyrgyz Republic Nurtazin Jetybaev and technical director.
HUDDERSFIELD Concert Secretaries Federation raised pounds 620 for Kirkwood Hospice at their annual Harry Sykes Command Show at Golcar Royal British Legion in October.
Fewer people know that, 375,000 coffee growers have established a governance structure--the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia (Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia)--that enables their advertising, marketing, and quality management programs.
Baghdad, May 15, (VOI) a" Iraq's Central Football Federation will temporarily move to another location now that its headquarters has been occupied by displaced families from Sadr City, a source from the federation said on Thursday.
The Federation of New York Housing Cooperatives and Condominiums will present its annual one-day educational conference on Saturday, April 29, 2006 from 9 a.m.
The CACP's advisory committee for this initiative includes the Canadian Association of Police Boards, Canadian Council on Social Development, Canadian Professional Police Association, Canadian Public Health Association, Canadian Teachers' Federation, Family Service Canada, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and the National Children's Alliance.
The Lesaffre Group--a leading company involved in the development, manufacturing and sale of yeast for the baking, brewing and distilling industries has joined the Federation of Bakers as its 12th Associate Member.
Anglican Essentials Canada (formerly called the Essentials movement) launched the Essentials Federation and the Anglican Network in Canada before 750 delegates, most of them Canadian Anglicans, during a gathering dubbed the "Open Door Conference." There were also visitors from the U.S.
The Federation of Gay Games left Montreal at the altar in November 2003 because of irreconcilable differences over finances and ran off with Chicago.

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