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Command performance is musical Kirkwood fundraiser.

HUDDERSFIELD Concert Secretaries Federation raised pounds 620 for Kirkwood Hospice at their annual Harry Sykes Command Show at Golcar Royal British Legion in October. The show, named in honour of retired federation secretary Harry Sykes, featured performances from five of the federation's favourite acts this year. The cheque was handed over at a federation audition at Outlane Bowling Club on November 4. The federation chooses musical acts for paid work in clubs in the region.

* PICTURE: Janet Cawtheray, a Kirkwood Hospice trustee, is seen receiving the cheque from George Burn, president of Huddersfield Concert Secretaries' Federation.

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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)
Date:Nov 14, 2009
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