Minoru Yamasaki

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Minoru Yamasaki
BirthplaceSeattle, Washington, United States

Yamasaki, Minoru

Yamasaki, Minoru (mĭnōˈro͞o yämäsäˈkē), 1912–86, American architect, b. Seattle. Yamasaki worked for prominent architectural firms in New York City from 1937 until 1949, when he formed his own company. In 1951 he designed the Lambert–St. Louis Municipal Air Terminal, an impressive concrete groin-vault construction. In his design (1954) for the U.S. consulate general in Kobe, Japan, Yamasaki adapted elements of the Japanese aesthetic. His interest in ornament and sculptural form is revealed in buildings for the American Concrete Institute, the Reynolds Metal Company, and the McGregor Memorial Community Conference Center, Wayne Univ., all in Detroit. Yamasaki's design for the U.S. science pavilion at the Seattle Exposition, 1962, is famed for its soaring arches and Gothic tracery. His other major works include the Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles (1966), and the Eastern Airlines Unit Terminal, Boston (1968). He was a chief designer of the vast World Trade Center complex, New York City, which was destroyed by a terrorist attack in Sept., 2001.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

Yamasaki, Minoru

An American architect of Japanese descent; he and his partner George Hellmuth made their mark with the TWA Terminal at Lambert Airport, St. Louis. The Pruitt-Igoe public housing project, also in St. Louis (1954), won several awards, but was detested by its inhabitants and later demolished. He used aluminum grille screens and other intricate detailing in high-rise structures, such as the Michigan Gas Company Building in Detroit (1963). His twin towers for the World Trade Center in NYC (1972) were his landmark structures.
An area of uncultivated ground adjacent to a dwelling. In urban sites, yards are often paved with brick, stone, or tile.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Yamasaki, Minoru


Born Dec. 1, 1912, in Seattle, Wash. American architect.

Yamasaki graduated from the University of Washington in 1934. He was influenced by Mies van der Rohe and by medieval Japanese and Indian architecture. Yamasaki’s designs, notably the Reynolds Metals Company Building in Detroit (1959) and the World Trade Center in New York (with other architects), embody the characteristic trends of modern American neoclassicism.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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20, 1962, New York and New Jersey port authorities announced the selection of Minoru Yamasaki as the lead architect and Emery Roth an associate architect.
Restoration projects include the late Minoru Yamasaki Airport in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and the Murad Guest House for the Ministry of Culture, Bahrain (a Unesco world heritage nominated project).
He describes architect Minoru Yamasaki as a "tragic hero" whose fatal flaw--fatal, that is, for the inhabitants of the World Trade Center--was his willingness to grant his client's wish to increase the height of the twin towers from 80 to 110 stories.
* Minoru Yamasaki, who designed the World Trade Center, got his start in Detroit designing such buildings as One Woodward Avenue.
Thru July 9--New Yorkers and visitors to lower Manhattan have a last chance to see the original World Trade Center model created in 1968-1971 for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey by the towers' architect Minoru Yamasaki. The monumental model, built at a scale of 1:200, with twin towers that are nearly 9 feet tall, remains on display at The Skyscraper Museum through July 9th, when it will return to storage.
Frank Gehry * Emile Galle * Antonio Gaudi * Minoru Yamasaki * Joseph
Six kilometers in area, it's some of the most expensive real estate in Spain (up to almost US$8,000 per square meter), and has some of Madrid's most emblematic buildings, including the Torre de Europa, near the Santiago Bernabeu, the stadium of Spanish soccer team Real Madrid; or the Torre Picasso, the city's biggest skyscraper at 157 meters, designed by Japanese architect Minoru Yamasaki, who's best know for New York's World Trade Center Twin Towers.
The late Minoru Yamasaki, a second-generation Japanese born in America, is known for designing New York's World Trade Center, which he saw as a symbol of man's limitless potential.
When the scale model of the twin towers first arrived in architect Minoru Yamasaki's office, it was too tall for the ceiling.
Architect Minoru Yamasaki worked with engineers John Skilling and Les Robertson to overcome the difficulties of constructing the innovative buildings.
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