minor in (something)

(redirected from minors in)

minor in (something)

To complete a college or university degree with a particular subject as an official secondary focus. Originally I thought I would major in English literature, but I ended up minoring in it. Samantha majored in economics and minored in history.
See also: minor
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

minor in something

to study a secondary subject in college. (Compare this with major in something.) I minored in math in college. I decided to minor in history.
See also: minor
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

minor in

To complete a long-term course of study in some subject that is one's secondary focus: My main course of study is biology, and I'm minoring in philosophy.
See also: minor
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
(8) Overall asylum applications for unaccompanied minors in twenty-six European countries rose from 12,102 in 1998 to 16,112 in 2000.
Some countries automatically detain unaccompanied minors in jail-like facilities.
The United States addresses the influx of unaccompanied minors in a piecemeal fashion.
(31) Most unaccompanied minors in the United States are non-English speaking Latin American and Chinese youths.
The second challenge for unaccompanied minors is that if their claims are appealed to Article III courts, Article III courts do not uniformly apply or adhere to the guidelines implemented for the purpose of assisting unaccompanied minors in asylum proceedings.
(160) Unaccompanied minors in a foster family unit complain of being given little food or eating only once a day while the other members of the new social unit eat twice.
Unaccompanied minors in refugee camps generally become separated from their parents and displaced as a direct result of civil conflict.
Unaccompanied minors in refugee camps share characteristics and experience similar persecution to that of street children.
See Registration and Statistics Unit UNHCR (Geneva) UNACCOMPANIED MINORS IN EUROPE: A STATISTICAL SUMMARY (2000).
See also Spain and Morocco Abuse Child Migrants, Beatings, Summary Expulsions of Unaccompanied Children Commonplace, in HUMAN RIGHTS, WATCH WORLD REPORT 2002 (detailing expulsion of Moroccan minors in violation of Spanish law).
The ACA Web site provides access to online courses related to law and ethics at http://www.counseling.org/resources/online.htm including: "Legal and Ethical Issues for Working With Minors in Schools," "Legal Aspects of Counseling," and "Ethical Decision-Making in Counseling Relationships." This site also provides links to a multitude of state branch and division Web sites that provide both ethical and legal information that may be more regional and specific in nature.
Sponsored by the South Florida Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center aims to meet the legal needs of detained, unaccompanied minors in Florida and address conditions of confinement.
CV-85-4544-RJK (Px) (1997), governing the treatment of minors in INS custody.
Although the Flores agreement says that a minor "should be placed in an INS or INS-contract facility that has separate accommodations for minors, or in a State or county juvenile detention facility that separates minors in INS custody from delinquent offenders," (20) the observed reality is quite to the contrary.
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