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(mī'nŏr), This form of the adjective is used with masculine nouns (musculus teres minor, plural musculi teretes minores) and feminine nouns (ala minor, plural alae minores). With neuter nouns the form minus is used (cornu minus, plural cornua minora).
Smaller; lesser; denoting the smaller of two similar structures.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


A person under the age of majority (often 18 years, but differs based on jurisdiction).
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


A person under 18 yrs of age. See Emancipated minor.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(mīnŏr )
1. Smaller; lesser; denoting the smaller of two similar structures.
2. A person who has not reached the age of majority (which varies by action and jurisdiction).
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Tranquilizer (minor)

A drug that has a calming effect and is used to treat anxiety and emotional tension.
Mentioned in: Muscle Relaxants
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


(mīnŏr )
Smaller; lesser; denoting the smaller of two similar structures.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about minor

Q. How to treat minor burns? I got burned the other day while cooking. How do I treat minor burns in the best way?

A. Here is a video with instructions on how to treat first degree burns:

Q. How can you cure minor liver problem caused by alcoholism? A doctor after going through my medical test result told me that I have a 'minor' liver problem.

A. First, you must stop drinking. Your doctor may suggest changes in your diet and certain vitamin supplements to help your liver recover from the alcohol-related damage. Medications may be needed to manage the complications caused by your liver damage. In advanced cases of alcoholic cirrhosis, the only treatment option may be a liver transplant.

Q. how can you naturally relieve a minor asthma attack in a baby don't have albutoral on our trip what can we do

A. P.S---there are NO natural meds for and asthma attack after it has started,one of the things that i find is that natural meds work to pre-vent disease,IF you take it right,for long period of time.--the active ingredients in natural meds are in very small amounts,therefore you have to take alot of fruit,veg,ect---coffee can stop an asthma attack--but you cant drink coffee in that large amount,and then you will be hyperactive--and your heart rate will go up--headach can acure.mrfoot56

More discussions about minor
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References in periodicals archive ?
"The Spanish outlet reports that the procedure comes as a result of the frequent departures of minors outside the national territory."The diversity of situations these minors may suffer due to their status as minors, such as illegal human trafficking or parental kidnappings make it necessary to implement and unify a common system of control, both to comply with national regulations and to safeguard the International Agreements and Treaties Spain is part of," says El Faro de Ceuta.
Neglect of minors has been prevalent because the people got used to lack of government attention)," he said.
The FDA asked the public to be vigilant and report retailers selling alcoholic drinks to minors.
Interestingly, at some of the betting centers The Chronicle has visited, notices were posted cautioning customers and potential customers that teenagers below 18 years of age are prohibited from betting, yet, operators of these centers still receive and allow minors to bet.
Application by petitioner/father for the custody of minor son under section 25 of Guardian and Wards Act, 1890 was accepted by the trial court; but on appeal, same was dismissed by the appellate court.
OdobaA!ic also noted that there are two basic aspects of the protection of minors, namely when children are subject to media content, reporting on minors when minors participate in programs and the protection of minors from inappropriate content.
In 2016, 215 unaccompanied minors had applied for asylum in Cyprus.
These guidelines, however, provide only a singular, passing mention of the minor.
In New Jersey 6 along with the other 49 states 6 it's legal for juveniles to be tried as adults on charges of drug trafficking, robbery and homicide. In 2008, 2,283 minors were serving sentences in adult state prisons, according to an (http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/pim08st.pdf) analysis by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Medical Care for Minors' Children 5.
Masalha said Israeli prison authorities placed a number of Israeli criminal prisoners with Palestinian minor political prisoners in Sharon prison, a matter which enraged the minors, because they were subjected to assault by the Israeli prisoners, including verbal and physical.
'The UAE Initiative for Connection with Orphans and Minors' will involve a range of authorities along with individuals and families interested in taking part.State news agency WAM reported this includes families taking orphaned children into their homes for half a day and allowing them to take part in activities, such as swimming and biking.

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