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(Biography) Minoru. 1912–86, US architect. His buildings include St Louis Airport, Missouri (1953–55) and the World Trade Center, New York (1970–77)
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I would look up at the Woolworth Building, at Trinity Church or at the two tallest buildings of all, Minoru Yamasaki's unloved behemoths of aluminum and steel.
NSCI was designed by famed architect Minoru Yamasaki, best known for his design of the original World Trade Center.
The hotel's crescent shape, designed by Minoru Yamasaki, will be kept and restored as it was in 1966 when CP first opened.
Synopsis: Although his best-known project was the World Trade Center in New York City, Japanese American architect Minoru Yamasaki (1912-1986) worked to create moments of surprise, serenity, and delight in distinctive buildings around the world.
Built in 1962, the 29-story landmark office tower was the first skyscraper designed by architect Minoru Yamasaki, best known as the architect of the World Trade Center.
Monumentality is downplayed even in a 1976 photograph of Minoru Yamasaki's World Trade Center--a building usually shown in extreme long shot, but here truncated by Korab at the base.
Now known as Colonnade Plaza, the eight-story building designed by Twin Towers architect Minoru Yamasaki features 9-foot-tall floor-to-ceiling windows.
The airport was designed by an American engineer named Minoru Yamasaki. The most beautiful part of the airport was the arches, which made the airport as an architectural marvel and in later years a portrait of the airport terminal was used on one side of a Saudi older banknote (the Saudi riyal).
Indeed, Seattle- orn architect Minoru Yamasaki designed both.
Altogether changed are the 80-foot-tall tridents that formed the base of the twin buildings and gave architect Minoru Yamasaki's towers their gothic-inspired grace.

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