minor light

minor light

[′mīn·ər ¦līt]
An automatic unwatched light on a fixed structure usually showing low to moderate candlepower.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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There is also minor light bleed, but it does not hinder your viewing experience, unless you are watching something in complete darkness.
(The light keeper's home, a modest cottage that stood nearby, survived almost intact and was used for the next 50 years as a minor light attendant station.)
Russell Harvey is also the author of Morris Minor Light Commercials.
But the majority of buyers will only have eyes for the 50 or so immaculate cars for sale which range from a 1954 Morris Minor Light Van to a Lotus Esprit V8 GTO which competed in eight rounds of last season's British GT championship.
SEAN DAVIS is just a minor light among Fulham's neon luminaries but he picked the perfect moment to shine.
There is minor light bleed around the corners, but we don't think it would be a deal breaker.
A Chechen security official said that Mr Maskhadov sustained a minor light leg injury but a driver and a bodyguard were killed in the attack.
Our test unit also had some minor light bleeding issues, along with one dead pixel.