minor key

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minor key

[′mīn·ər ‚kē]
(computer science)
A secondary key for identifying a record.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

minor key

A secondary key used to identify a record. For example, if transactions are sorted by account number and date, account number is the major key and date is the minor key.
Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.
References in periodicals archive ?
Upbeat music in major keys was consistently paired with happy-looking faces while subdued music in minor keys was paired with sad-looking faces.
9, the band played the title track to the new album, "Queen of the Minor Key." The song was inspired when a fellow songwriter introduced her that way at a show.
She wrote the songs on Queen of the Minor Key while holed up in an Idaho cabin without electricity or running water.
Highlights included an acoustic minor key I'm A Believer, before a swinging 60s rock and roll take on the same song.
Such debate, in a minor key for now, could become tenser in the course of discussions.
They see pieces in the major key as happy, excerpts in the minor key as fearful, and passages lacking an obvious key as sad.
Dawn Bailiff; NOTES FROM A MINOR KEY: A MEMOIR OF MUSIC LOVE AND HEALING; Hampton Roads (Autobiography/Memoir) $22.95 ISBN: 9781571745545
"The Orange Taste": It's a constant summer/where Armencia vulgaris/plays its sonata in the minor key,/its tunes derived from the fertile crescent/of geological geography/or holistic history.//This taps the ancient worth/of the standard apricot/as emigrant to California,/fruit that hasn't lacked in accepting earth's many berths/with sweetness in its sweep.
Featuring lively vocals that range from up-tempo rock 'n' roll, to a minor key samba, to an a capella performance rhythmically backed up by kids, "Moo Juice" has a total running time of 36:30 and is especially recommended and appropriate for family and community library CD music collections for young children.
The mood, though, is decidedly downbeat, with the minor key taking precedence on several tracks, and many of the songs, such as the incredibly moving Ni Sydd Ar 61 (Only We Are Left), look inwards, dwelling on the nature of loss.
TIGER WOODS signed off in the minor key he had been in all week, with a 70 for two-underpar 282 for a share of 12th place, respectability and nothing more in his bid for an Open hat-trick.
But when I think about my favourite Christmas carols I experience a combination of beautiful music, usually in the minor key, with beautiful words.

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