minor loop

minor loop

[′mīn·ər ¦lüp]
(control systems)
A portion of a feedback control system that consists of a continuous network containing both forward elements and feedback elements.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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(9.) "Major Leaguers 'Cut Up' at Minor Loop 9 Luncheon," The Sporting News, December 15, 1948, 6.
So why was priority given to a minor loop road, between the Trunk Road and Church Lane known as C112, when Flatts Lane is used constantly night and day?
In order to transmit the signal with enough power and in order to receive the expected information, the multi-turn minor loop devices were proposed by our previous work [7].
These partial transformations are referred to as minor loop hysteresis cycles (figure 2) and complete or full transformations are referred to as major loop hysteresis cycles (Figure 3).
The excitation level defines the type of the loop; a higher level determines a major loop, being the favourable situation, while a low level determines a minor loop, where the behaviour of the SMA element is close to them of a linear spring.
The minor loops span a magnetic field strength of around 30 to 50 A/m but contain almost no flux change.
Note, however, that the definition only applies to minor loops (i.e.
21a and 21b were minor loops from 0 T to 0.2 T and 0 T to 1 T, respectively.