minor order

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Related to minor order: Major orders

minor order

n. Ecclesiastical
often minor orders In some Christian churches, one of the lower grades of the ministry, such as lector or acolyte in Roman Catholicism or reader or subdeacon in Eastern Orthodoxy.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

mi′nor or′der

any of the lower orders of clerical office in the Roman Catholic Church. Compare major order.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Frost says that the ceremony appeared to be a "blending" of the ordination of deacons and the blessing of those entering the subdiaconate, the highest minor order in the Orthodox Church, possibly to deflect pressure from parts of the church that are resistant to the idea of conferring major orders on women.
Eiffage has already placed its first minor order with Bioservo.
Another possibility is the minor order, for which the allowable operations are taking subgraphs and contracting edges.
Despite a couple of minor misstatements (recognition of the Corpus iuris canonici goes back to the Council of Basel, well before 1586 as Witte has it at page 75, and his treatment of the status of marriages of clerics in minor order at page 117 is not quite correct), Witte's book provides a short but comprehensive account of the history of illegitimacy.
First, the absence of ordained women by this time, due to the disappearance of the ordained female diaconate, may have led the founders and the capital's clergy to entertain not even the possibility of considering the graptai to be ordained, even to a minor order. Note, by contrast, that the certified orphans/lamplighters were listed as part of the clergy.
* Finally, and most urgently, was the ordination of women deacons an ordination to a major order, that of the diaconate, or was it merely a blessing establishing women in a minor order or role?
Male chanters were ordained to the minor order of reader; the only order of female chanters (apart from nuns) for which we have information are in fact deaconesses.
The office of exorcist continued as a "minor order," a step on the road to priesthood, until 1972 when Paul VI suppressed these orders.
Basing themselves on medieval Western sources they assumed, however, that a woman's diaconate was just a minor order, a mere "blessing" such as was given to readers, acolytes or doorkeepers.
The cursus honorum comprised the minor orders of porter, lector, exorcist, and acolyte, and the major orders of subdeacon, deacon, presbyter, and bishop.