
(redirected from Federes)
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in France:

(1) During the French Revolution, members of volunteer associations (fédérations) formed to protect the revolution from internal counterrevolution and foreign intervention. The fédérés came to Paris from the provinces. Among the most famous are those from Marseille, who took part in the popular uprising of Aug. 10, 1792, and who brought their revolutionary hymn, “La Marseillaise,” to Paris.

(2) During the Hundred Days of 1815, members of volunteer detachments that were formed to repulse foreign intervention and prevent another restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.

(3) National guardsmen who united on the eve of Mar. 18, 1871, to form the Republican Federation of the National Guard, which defended the Paris Commune of 1871.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Bowd's careful and extensively documented work reconstructs both the actual life and the public image of this involuntary hero, up until the return of his body to Paris, amongst much fanfare, and its interment at the Pere Lachaise cemetery, near the famous Mur des Federes. This is a thought-provoking and well-constructed book which will appeal to all students of ideology and of the French history of the time.
[beaucoup plus grand que] A Berlin, des centaines de personnes, des Americains pour la plupart, se sont rassemblees, samedi, devant la porte de Brandebourg, l'un des Etats federes composant l'Allemagne, et devant l'ambassade des Etats-Unis.
Communards were supporters of the Commune, most of whom were skilled workers, as judged by the records of those who joined the municipal National Guard (federes) or were later arrested.
Le partage vertical des competences en tant que garant de l'autonomie des Etats federes en droit Suisse et en droit americain, Zurich: Schulthess.
"The republic," the statesman Adolphe Thiers once said, "is the regime that divides us the least"--ironically, since Thiers, the scourge of the Paris Commune and the man responsible for the deaths of thousands of Communards who were summarily executed at the Mur des Federes in 1871, was one of the most divisive figures in French history, and "republic" was once synonymous with "revolution." By the late 1870s, however, the French ship of state, launched on the hazardous seas of revolutionary political upheaval in 1789, finally "came into port"--to borrow an image from historian Francois Furet.
En tout cas, cela differe d'un Land (Etat) a l'autre des neufs Etats federes qui composent l'Autriche.
Musa a revele qu'il ya des efforts intensifs que deploie l'ARD en coordination avec certains cotes pour lier les etats federes de Darfour par le chemin du fer en plus des efforts du Ministere de l'Electricite a prolonger son reseau du courant jusqu'au Darfour.
Les signataires du communique, tout en soulignant les efforts de l'Union Africaine pour l'integration, la stabilite, la paix et la bonne gouvernance en Afrique, considerent que seuls les grands ensembles federes ont la chance de proposer des alternatives credibles de changement et d'adaptation et se disent "convaincus qu'une union africaine forte et credible ne peut pas se passer d'un pays aussi important que le Royaume du Maroc".